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You sound very bitter about them so I don't think you'll ever actually want to change your opinion on them not matter what happens but a lot of things happen in the last four weeks. Maybe you should watch it before commenting, cause some comments are funny especially the Angelo one's to people who have already seen the last 4 weeks.

Well I’m not bitter and if you refer to my previous posts I did say I don’t mind them as individual characters, just not keen on them together at the moment. Can’t really speak for Red Ranger but if you think that’s bad you should try reading the UK discussion thread :lol: :lol: – Too funny. I’d like to think I’m reasonably open minded so I could change my mind but I think it would take a lot longer than a month - up to about a couple of months ago, I really didn’t like Martha and now since the cancer storyline I’ve really warmed to her. If someone had said to me about a year ago by the fall of 2008 that I would end up really liking Martha I would have said not a snowball’s chance in hell.

Anyway, I think the show’s coming off air today for a couple of weeks so it will actually be six weeks until we’re where you are referring to. You can’t really expect us to wait six weeks before posting here. You must have been at the point where we are at the moment and I can’t believe there weren’t any other negative comments about this couple during that time. Furthermore when they opened these new threads it said that discussion was at UK pace anything not had to be labelled with a spoiler. So some threads will undoubtedly have comments up to UK pace…

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I remember the episode where Aden and Nicole decided to skip school and he was driving her car and they were bonding on the beach.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. About Belle not being good for his recovery, well how was this? It might have been funny, cute, and fluffy to watch but it certainly wasn't good for his recovery. It basically showed that he comes back to school after doing something really bad and instead of standing up and facing everyone he just ditches school and to go have fun. As his friend she should have told him that he needs to face everyone instead of running away because he didn't want to deal with it. And thats why I like Belle, they may not have had many fluffy scenes lately but atleast she makes him deal with the hard stuff. And whether he likes it or not thats what he needs to be doing. Taking someone out to cheer them up is good but not when you are doing it to help them ignore things because they are too hard to deal with.

As for Nicole standing by him without asking questions. It's easy to be there for someone after everythings done but where was she before hand. Right she was making things hard for him with her jealously during that crush on him. And then she started following him telling him how much she missed him when he moved out but that was because she needed a friend. She wanted someone to talk to. And then she was so wrapped up with Elliot I'm not sure she mentioned him again throughout that time. And after the island yes shes been a friend to him but most of their conversations are about Nicole and her relationship with Geoff. As for the visit she never seemed all that concerned, she was willing to put it of to talk to Geoff about their relationship and even afterwards seemed more shaken up about her boyfriends ex being there then the fact that her 'brother' was there. There friendship just seems to be something the writers created because they needed someone for Nicole to talk about Geoff with. Lets not forget the way she was with him before the OC. Like calling him disgusting for trying to kiss her(his fathers in the hospital tell him properly for god sakes), called him pathetic because he dared go visit Belle after she called him digusting and there where other examples. She would have never been able to handle his issues then and she isn't the one doing it now. Shes just sitting around talking about Geoff and asking him about Belle, joking with him and helping him avoid dealing with what he needs to be dealing with. It may be fun to watch but, not for second, did this play any major part in helping with his recovery.

Roman and Morags once great relationship with him became completely non - existant after a while after he moved in with them. Roman had too much on plate with Nic rebelling and Martha being pregnant. And Morag with Ross. Now they both had good reason but it still proves that weren't involved in his life much. They only started showing up when things got out of hand(the kidnapping).

Red Ranger 1 mentioned Belle walking away from him in the station. This line made me believe that people who hate this relationship are always going to find a way to take anything they do and find the bad in it. Any reason to make the characters out to be bad will do even if you don't believe it. For someone who hates Aden and doesn't like how everyone justifies everything he does and stands by him even then I am surprised you would even want or expect Belle to stand by him after what he did. She trusted him and he betrayed that trust. She said it herself he held her there like she mean't nothing. No matter how much you love someone, a person cannot be expect to stand by them after they've done something like. And even if she couldn't be with him she still went to the clinic and offerred to be there as a friend. [Just something I wanted to point out, no attacking]

Morag, Roman, and Nicole may have good relationship with him but they weren't the ones who went through all the messing everyday stuff with him. They are not the ones who got him to feel comfortable enough to be open up about his feelings. I'm not saying they didn't do anything to help his recovery(okay well I am saying that about Nicole because she didn't) but the other two did but theres no way one can say that they helped him the most. That was Belle. Giving someone a home isn't enough( look at Melody) to say he did the most. And seeing good in someone but forgetting him shortly after he comes to live with you isn't that either(Morag).

Edited by Jody
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I'm a little surprised at the intensity of this discussion. These are two fictional characters in a drama. <_<

That said their relationship is one of the most compelling parts of the show for me at the moment. What I like most is that the personal aspects of the relationship are being played out against the wider context of the toxic waste storyline. This means that the characters are not entirely self absorbed but are having to deal with issues in the wider world and involving other people while their own relationship developes. I suspect that if the relationship survives ( and I see no inevitability in that ) it will have extraordinary strength and depth. I'm hoping for that.

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I am a huge fan of Aden and Belle together. Yes, they both made mistakes when it comes to them getting back together but they're only human, like all of us, and neither of them meant to hurt Angelo. Things were handled badly and yes, you can't help how you feel but you can help how you behave but they both (especially Belle) wish they'd done things differently so let's turn the page now.

Belle has in my view contributed so much to changing Aden. She brought love into his life, something he did not have much of, and she supported him and stood by him in his most difficult times. Aden is now proving to be so loyal, caring and unconditionally committed (sorry, watching at Aus pace but I don't think I'm giving anything away by stating this) and that can only be a sign of true love - and a strong type of love. I would not mind having someone like that by my side. I am really looking forward to seeing what 2009 brings for this great (in my view) couple.

Having said that, it's true, they are only fictional characters and we should not forget H&A is just a show where real-life situations get sometimes stretched.

On a different note, I'm off to Italy for my Christmas holidays tomorrow so I wish all Adelle fans and non-Adelle forum members a very happy Christmas. Looking forward to reading your posts in the new Year.

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Lets not forget the way she was with him before the OC. Like calling him disgusting for trying to kiss her(his fathers in the hospital tell him properly for god sakes), called him pathetic because he dared go visit Belle after she called him digusting and there where other examples. She would have never been able to handle his issues then and she isn't the one doing it now. Shes just sitting around talking about Geoff and asking him about Belle, joking with him and helping him avoid dealing with what he needs to be dealing with. It may be fun to watch but, not for second, did this play any major part in helping with his recovery.

Roman and Morags once great relationship with him became completely non - existant after a while after he moved in with them. Roman had too much on plate with Nic rebelling and Martha being pregnant. And Morag with Ross. Now they both had good reason but it still proves that weren't involved in his life much. They only started showing up when things got out of hand(the kidnapping).

Red Ranger 1 mentioned Belle walking away from him in the station. This line made me believe that people who hate this relationship are always going to find a way to take anything they do and find the bad in it. Any reason to make the characters out to be bad will do even if you don't believe it. For someone who hates Aden and doesn't like how everyone justifies everything he does and stands by him even then I am surprised you would even want or expect Belle to stand by him after what he did. She trusted him and he betrayed that trust. She said it herself he held her there like she mean't nothing. No matter how much you love someone, a person cannot be expect to stand by them after they've done something like. And even if she couldn't be with him she still went to the clinic and offerred to be there as a friend. [Just something I wanted to point out, no attacking]

I was actually impressed with the way Nicole handled things with Aden.She liked him but she wasn't prepared to just be a drunken fling, she had more self-respect than that.Okay, calling him disgusting wasn't very nice but she was still willing to be there for him and instead he turned on her and called her a tease.Compare that with Belle:Some guy she hardly knows comes staggering into her room drunk and crawls into bed with her and she doesn't seem to mind that much.Hardly what I'd call self-respect.Maybe she did it in a jokey way but Nicole did seem to be trying to get him and Belle back together.And yes, I agree helping him skip school was a bad idea and I'm disappointed that that was one of many occasions when the consequences of Aden's actions were just ignored.

Maybe Morag and Roman weren't helping Aden much prior to the kidnapping but then he'd pretty much removed himself from them and spent all his time hanging out in Belle's room.Like I said before, there was a lot more going on than we saw.Roman and Morag kept saying they were going to visit Aden at the clinic but did we see those scenes?No, because it wasn't about him and Belle.For that matter, he and Nicole went away together after the trial and her finding out about his abuse but do we get to see what they discussed?Of course not.

Maybe I overstepped the mark by accusing Belle of walking away from Aden but one of the things I really hated about that storyline was that the whole thing was never resolved.Belle had every reason not to stand by Aden, I agree, but then she went and did exactly that without anything happening to make her change her mind.There was no scene of them discussing what had happened and the effect it had on her.The closest we got was a bland scene of him apologising to her.Her attitude pretty much seemed to be "I still fancy you so let's forget about the whole kidnapping me and trying to kill your father and just get down to it."It reached ridiculous heights when she was sitting there in the court saying Aden would never hurt her.She tried that at the time and look how far it got her.And then she tells him she always knew this was the person he was deep down which was obviously a lie-six months previous she hated him just as much as everyone else.

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Red Ranger 1 and Slade: you both make good points but as Jody said Belle is the one Aden opens up to about everything as you will see in todays five episode Belle goes to Aden when she needs him. The only thing that I hate about the relationship is the triangle with Angelo.

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The triangle with Angelo isn't cool at all, but it does deal (in a manner of speaking anyway) with a situation that many people get into. Whilst the circumstances, background and reasons may vary widely, a lot of people cheat on partners (especially young people but it can happen at any age). This is an example of H&A dealing with a real issue, I think it's a good thing

That the fall out isn't pretty or pleasant for anyone involved only makes matters more realistic!

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This is exactly what I'm talking about. About Belle not being good for his recovery, well how was this? It might have been funny, cute, and fluffy to watch but it certainly wasn't good for his recovery. It basically showed that he comes back to school after doing something really bad and instead of standing up and facing everyone he just ditches school and to go have fun. As his friend she should have told him that he needs to face everyone instead of running away because he didn't want to deal with it. And thats why I like Belle, they may not have had many fluffy scenes lately but atleast she makes him deal with the hard stuff. And whether he likes it or not thats what he needs to be doing. Taking someone out to cheer them up is good but not when you are doing it to help them ignore things because they are too hard to deal with.

Really so being in a relationship with one person and sleeping with someone on the side is encouraging him deal with the hard stuff. I guess she’s encouraging him to be very responsible then. At least he appeared to be the one that wanted to do the right thing and come clean about it. She apparently wanted to maintain this setup for her own convenience. Furthermore she was quite prepared for him to lose his job and break the law by stealing the plans from the building site (not to mention the fact that she got Rachel to risk her job and break the law as well). What if there was nothing dubious within the plans? Did she think of the implications of what would happen if he was caught? He’s on a community service order remember. And when I say Belle isn’t good for Aden’s recovery I mean relationship-wise as I said previously. I think she should just try and be a friend to him as he still has to overcome the stuff with his grandfather (why didn’t the judge make it a requirement to continue the counselling as part of his sentence?).

In regards to Nicole yes granted she was quite immature before but since the stuff with Elliott she’s changed (look at how her attitude has changed towards Melody for instance) although admittedly she was pretty stupid driving without a license. And I agree that skipping school was a bad idea but Roman gave both of them a telling off for that and he did explain to Aden that he needed to be more responsible up until the court case and he was. The time he spent with Nicole was still good because I felt as it allowed them to bond and enabled him to focus on something other than Belle and know that he doesn’t just need to rely on one person for support. So at least has the comfort of knowing he can turn to other people if he needs to. So I don’t think Nicole alone is responsible for helping him recover but I feel cumulatively the combined support of having a stable home, with the support from Roman, Nicole and even friendships with people such as Melody will help him to become a better person.

I can see that this debate is now going round in circles and as someone said previously it’s getting pretty intense. I personally don’t think Belle’s good for Aden in terms of a relationship but I’ve got no problem with them being friends. You do think they are good together. That’s fine. Anyway somebody already said there’s stuff that is happening over the next few weeks that might change my mind. In regards to this debate I guess it’s as case of agreeing to disagree and leaving it at that.

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I was actually impressed with the way Nicole handled things with Aden.She liked him but she wasn't prepared to just be a drunken fling, she had more self-respect than that.Okay, calling him disgusting wasn't very nice but she was still willing to be there for him and instead he turned on her and called her a tease.

When was this exactly. Straight after she screamed at him he left. And then the next morning she calls him pathetic and that was because he left her and went to Belle. His father is in the hospital I'm sure thats what he needs to hear right now. Lets not forget in the hospital itself she was more focused on telling Belle to leave then walking straight to him. Afterwards the only time she was ever around was when she needed a friend during that jealousy bit. Please tell me where you got self respect from all this. In the beginning before and just after Aden got with Belle, Nic as always been a spoilt brat and called him names everytime she didn't get want she wanted where he was concerned. Or maybe the self respect you're talking is the one where, in public, she would scream at Roman for daring to have a girlfriend and not paying attention to her every second of the day.

Compare that with Belle:Some guy she hardly knows comes staggering into her room drunk and crawls into bed with her and she doesn't seem to mind that much.Hardly what I'd call self-respect.Maybe she did it in a jokey way but Nicole did seem to be trying to get him and Belle back together.And yes, I agree helping him skip school was a bad idea and I'm disappointed that that was one of many occasions when the consequences of Aden's actions were just ignored.

Okay now I'm not even sure if we watch the same show. Belle clearly had a problem with him being there. She, in the end, gave in but made sure he slept on the floor. He even came onto the bed in the middle of the night and she kicked him out yet again. How he ended back in the bed in the morning we didn't see but the way she looked at him when talking to Annie clearly stated she didn't know he did. As for even letting him stay on the floor in the first place, she was in the hospital the whole time she clearly saw how he was coping. And also listening to him talk about his past. After seeing what kind of day hes had would kicking him out have made her a better person? And it's also not like hes a stranger. They work together and up until then she was starting to see a different side to and starting to like him. But I guess she should have been like Nicole and made him feel even worse than he already was then she would have self respect too.

Maybe Morag and Roman weren't helping Aden much prior to the kidnapping but then he'd pretty much removed himself from them and spent all his time hanging out in Belle's room.Like I said before, there was a lot more going on than we saw.Roman and Morag kept saying they were going to visit Aden at the clinic but did we see those scenes?No, because it wasn't about him and Belle.For that matter, he and Nicole went away together after the trial and her finding out about his abuse but do we get to see what they discussed?Of course not.

Right so the fact that the two adults weren't more involved in his life was his fault too. Not because Roman had the baby and Charlie on his mind that he was barely making any time for his own daughter, it was because Aden was in Belles room all the time. And not because Morag was worried about Martha and then Ross came along, then all the stuff with Charlie but it's because Aden was hanging around in Belles room. And as for Nic and Adens camping trip, did we see Mattie and Cassies road trip, or Jack and Martha trip when they first got back together, or tonys time away when Rachel went missing, but no it's not because sometimes we only hear about stuff instead of seeing them it's because it isn't about Belle and Aden.

Belle had every reason not to stand by Aden, I agree, but then she went and did exactly that without anything happening to make her change her mind

Heres a change of argument if I ever saw one. Just few posts back you critisized Belle about leaving. I'm all for people disagreeing about Adelle and even sometimes I like seeing why but it's posts like that, that makes me realise that there is no point reading your posts on this topic because you are always just going to find any reason to attack each of them. Whether you believe them or not. Feeling strongly about them is one thing but when you just going to choose any event and try turn it to suite your hatred of them then it makes reading your posts tiresome which is a shame cause I find your post(on others esp Melody) very interesting.

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Okay I've been watching this thread and whilst I think there is some great and very mature discussion in here I just want to post a brief warning to you all to try and not make things personal. I'm not saying anyone is but I just want to post so everyone thinks twice. Clearly there are vastly different opinions in here, people have seen and read scenarios differently and so have different opinions on them. There are times when arguing the same point is not worth it because you're not going to change other people's opinions. Post your thoughts, agree to disagree and move on.

I'm not getting at anyone in particular, just posting a friendly reminder.

Thanks. :)

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