Miranda Posted August 24, 2010 Report Posted August 24, 2010 (edited) Oh, Kirsty, I had forgotten that comment about Kim. It just struck me as so obvious that the writers had set Roman up as a fitness fanatic and Tony as the caring father to underline who the best choice for Rachel would be. Roman didn't have to be doing pressups and Tony didn't have to be looking after Lucas. It was all a big set piece. Edited August 24, 2010 by Miranda Quote
KirstyEkua Posted August 24, 2010 Report Posted August 24, 2010 Describe a few memorable pre-Tachel scenes that are worthy of mentioning. I mentioned most of them in the Rachel thread. I liked Tony supporting her when Rev. Hall first started stalking her and I remember him walking her to her car and telling her if she needed him he was there for her. Plus their dvd nights. It’s a shame we never saw those as I think that’s when their friendship really started to grow. When do you think that you saw that first Tachel spark when they weren’t a couple yet? Although I think it was always obvious they were close friends and genuinely cared for each other I didn’t notice a spark until he went to comfort her at the hospital after she’d been attacked by Rev. Hall. I love that she tried to stay strong and insist she was okay but ended up crying in his arms. He was the first person she called when she had the chance and I think that says a lot about how close they already were, even before it became romantic. And he was genuinely worried for her during the whole ordeal. What were your favourite and least favourite Tachel storylines? I have a lot of favourites! Firstly I loved their wedding and was so pleased with how it happened. The setting was beautiful and the ceremony was just perfect. The aftermath of Jack’s death was not exactly a happy time for them but I think that storyline proved just how strong their relationship was. No matter how much he pushed her away Rachel didn’t give up on him and was able to shove her own pain aside. They came through it in the end and I think the wedding was a beautiful way to commemorate that. Harry’s birth was pretty much perfect and I thought the post natal depression storyline was done extremely well (for the most part). It was handled with real sensitivity and Amy did a pretty amazing job. I loved how incredibly supportive Tony was during this time. He never once blamed her for anything (even when she nearly killed Harry) and was just desperately worried about her. It was lovely to see them dealing with things together and working through their problems. I also enjoyed them in the beginning of their relationship when it fun and relaxed and they were all giggly and flirty. I loved the natural build up. I enjoyed their more realistic storylines; such as Tony struggling with his job satisfaction and their financial worries. They pulled together and didn’t let the little things have any real negative impact on their marriage. The Joe storyline was good and although it ended tragically I think that’s what made Tony ultimately realise how much he wanted a baby with her. The first few weeks after Rachel found out she was pregnant were lovely to watch. They were both so desirously happy and it was like they were in a little love bubble. He was amazing when they first brought Harry home. He was so concerned about her especially when she learned she was being sued. He was like her rock and i don't think she would have gotten throught things if he hadn't been so amazingly supportive. I didn’t like the aftermath of the Aden kidnapping followed by the Bridget saga. I find it completely unrealistic that Tony would run off and sleep with someone else so quickly, much less move in with her. And it was ridiculous he’d automatically assume she’d left him when so many things didn’t add up. I hated the aftermath of him trying to murder Angelo. It makes sense he’d be angry but it would have made much more sense if he’d just flipped one day other than spend months planning to kill him. That’s scary and he was back to his normal self far too soon. The boxing storyline dragged on for too long and both Tony and Rachel acted like childish idiots. And I hated how much Tony changed during their departure storyline. Mention a few of your favourite Tachel quotes. Rachel: ‘I realised that more than anything I want to be with you.’ Tony: ‘You mean more to me that anything else in this world. I can’t bear to imagine my life without you but I can’t bear to make you miserable either.’ Rachel: ‘You could never let me down.’ Tony: ‘I love you more than I can possibly put into words. You stood by me when others would have walked away. You’re an amazing, beautiful, beautiful women and I hope you still love me enough to marry me.’ Rachel: ‘So if I catch the two of you in bed together you’re just comforting her right?’ Tony: ‘See, I knew you were an intelligent woman!’ Rachel: ‘I’m still hot right?’ Tony: ‘Of course you are, I reckon you’re the hottest chick going round.’ Rachel: ‘You’re supposed to say that.’ Tony: ‘Aww babe maybe I’ve just got really good taste.’ Rachel: ‘Harry, look at the big fish mummy bought and the little fish daddy caught!’ Tony: ‘Harry look at the fish mummy’s not going any of!’ Tony: ‘What makes you so sure?’ Rachel: ‘I’m always right!’ Tony: ‘We made him Rach.’ And I loved their vows; they were simply beautiful and said everything that needed to be said without being too much. Describe your favourite Tachel scenes with and without Harry. I loved all of them with Harry. They made such a beautiful family. I adored the scenes when he was first born and they were debating over who he looked like. They were both just so happy. And when Rachel had him at the beach and Tony asked if he’d seen any waves. The scene of them on the bed together just after they got Harry back from Jane was beautiful. And I loved the little scenes in the garden when Tony was cooking fish on the barbeque. When they were in the hospital waiting to see if Harry was going to be okay after Rachel rolled on top of him. The acting was amazing and Tony’s support of Rachel was just incredible. She was so broken and lost. There’s so many without Harry so I’ll just do my top 5! These are in no particular order: The scenes in the episode where they found out the vasectomy reversal had been a success. They were just both so happy and flirty with each other. I loved that Tony patted her bum and they made plans to have sex while in the hospital!! And in the end when they were kissing and Jimmy spooked her so Tony grabbed a spanner and told her to wait! The wedding. It was just perfect and I honestly don’t think I’d have changed anything. The little scene when Rachel told Tony she was pregnant and then the ultrasound. It was lovely to see them so happy and in love and just celebrating together. The episode after Jack died. All their scenes together were just so heart breaking and moving. I loved how Rachel stood outside the house and tried to force herself to stay calm but just lost it when she saw Tony. The fight during the Belinda saga. It was so passionate and fiery! Which was your favourite Harry? Please mention the name of the actor or a scene/storyline that he was involved in. Matthew. He was gorgeous and had the most amazing eyes. I love the scene where Rachel is feeding him and then he gets amazed at what he can do with his fingers, then he just starts to laugh and stares at Rachel. What will you miss most about the Holden family? Everything. I will miss there being a family on Home and Away. Rachel and Tony were a realistic couple who didn’t let any obstacle stand in their way. They had to work at their relationship and that’s why I think I loved them so much. They didn’t give up at the first hurdle. They supported each other even during times when they were in pain themselves but they were able to put the other first. They were just so sweet and affection with each other and I enjoyed seeing them deal with every day issues and come through them. What song best defines Tachel? I’ll need to come back to that one! If you could re-write any Tachel scene, which would it be and how would it play out? I have a lot but I’ll stick to just one. Definitely the one after he came back from Broken Hill. I loved their hug but after that it just went downhill. He didn’t even ask how she was or acknowledge that she’d just been kidnapped and chained to a wall. I’d keep the big squeezey hug but then I’d have him ask her if she was ok firstly! And I wouldn’t have him being so pathetic. And I’ve had liked Rachel to be a little more emotional; she’d just been through this terrifying ordeal but seemed completely over it, when only the day before she’d been crying to Leah. Are there any storylines which you think could/should have been written for Tachel? I would have loved to have seen her dad come back. It would have been interesting to see them cope with that. And some more fun, family time wouldn’t have gone amiss. A Rachel kidnapping storyline where Tony actually cared would have been nice too! Some more work stuff for Rachel – perhaps her accidently killing a patient and losing her confidence and Tony having to help her through it. And at the beginning it would have been fun to have more stuff with Jazz. She was fun and they could have played a lot on her trying to steal Tony off Rachel. If you were given the chance to let the writers know how you felt about the writing of this couple, what would you say to them? For the most part you did an excellent job but what happened in 2010? I just found it all a bit disrespectful. Any parting words that you would like to express in regards to Tachel? I’ll just really miss them. They were a wonderful little family and a couple easy to relate too. Quote
Red Ranger 1 Posted August 27, 2010 Report Posted August 27, 2010 Describe a few memorable pre-Tachel scenes that are worthy of mentioning. You know, I know fans say that they had a good friendship prior to being hooked up but I genuinely can’t remember a single significant moment between them prior to 2008. Which is slightly worrying. When do you think that you saw that first Tachel spark when they weren’t a couple yet? I’m pretty sure it was after she’d been held hostage by Reverend Hall. I remember their scenes at the hospital where I just thought they were really cute together. What were your favourite and least favourite Tachel storylines? I liked the whole storyline where they first got together from that nervous first date through the first kiss and when they first slept together. I think they got them engaged way too soon, they’d only been together a few weeks, and even though the Olympic Cliffhanger storyline was dire, with Tony deciding Rachel had left him on zero evidence, I’m glad something happened to stop the wedding because it would have been too soon. I think when it actually happened was about right. Mention a few of your favourite Tachel quotes. Rachel on Tony’s feud with John: “There are two idiots in this and I’m married to one of them.” Describe your favourite Tachel scenes with and without Harry. I liked the scene before Tony had his vasectomy reversal when Rachel suddenly panicked that something would go wrong and told him he didn’t have to go through with it, it showed how much they cared about each other. I liked the scene after Harry was born (“We made him, Rach”) and when they were at the Diner and they’d fallen out and were talking to Harry instead of each other. (“Never get married, son…”) Which was your favourite Harry? Please mention the name of the actor or a scene/storyline that he was involved in. Not quite sure I can assess the acting ability of toddlers. But Caden Paul was one of the longest serving so I appreciated him for the continuity. What will you miss most about the Holden family? Largely that they were a family and, with even the makeshift families taking something of a back seat during their time on the show, I think they were crucial to showing that side of life. Guess we’re going to be back to no married couples now… If you could re-write any Tachel scene, which would it be and how would it play out? Oh, that’s a tough one. There are so many scenes and storylines I’d tweak if I had the chance but just the one scene? I think it’d possibly be the one where they were reunited after the Olympic Cliffhanger, I thought they got the forgiveness right but it did seem at the time that they were trying to downplay what Rachel had been through and I’d have liked Tony to be more comforting rather than just brushing it off the way he did. Are there any storylines which you think could/should have been written for Tachel? I would have liked to see them used as foster parents. I know they had a son of their own but it did seem like the potential was there at the end of 2007, with Tony looking after Geoff and Annie and Rachel looking after Tam, only for it to be forgotten about once they got together. I really wanted them to take Xavier in when he fell out with Gina but they had him move in with Martha and Liam instead. If you were given the chance to let the writers know how you felt about the writing of this couple, what would you say to them? Not enough screen time and maybe a few too many arguments but they were a likeable and stable couple and the show needs couples like them. Any parting words that you would like to express in regards to Tachel? Drink ginger pop. Quote
charmed60 Posted August 27, 2010 Report Posted August 27, 2010 (edited) Thank you so much RR, it's great how many people have contributed to this! Describe a few memorable pre-Tachel scenes that are worthy of mentioning. The first time I remember thinking something could happen between them is when Julie got a little crush on Tony. Rachel and Julie were having coffee in the diner and Tony came in and asked to start up their movie nights together (so gutted we never saw those) and Rachel seemed to be excited about it and Julie suspected something going on which Rachel denied and said "were just friends." There was also the scene when Tony was bashed and in hospital and Rachel and him had a talk comparing their respective losses and how they were going through similar things although Rachel said his was far worse and she wasn't coping as well as she was making out. I remember another when Jack was in hospital I think (again) and Rachel came in with Lewis and saw Tony was sad and went over to him and comforted him and reassured him Jack would be okay. I remember screaming at her in my head to leave Lewis and go with Tony! Finally the one which really made me aww was when Tony offered to walk Rachel to her car or take her to work when she was getting the stalker messages and Sally commented on how chivalry wasn't dead and it was just brushed aside. I think the writers did a good job of putting little hints in uring the latter half of 2007, even if it wasn't intentional to set up a relationship; it showed they had a good friendship. Tony comforting Rachel after her attack from Rev Hall - that was definetely the start of the 'spark' and made me seriously think wow - those two could work. When do you think that you saw that first Tachel spark when they weren’t a couple yet? Tony comforting Rachel after her attack from Rev Hall - that was definetely the start of the 'spark' and made me seriously think wow - those two could work. Just the way in that he was the first person she called (and I assume she rang his mobile seeing as she asked if he was home!) and how he stayed ages in the hospital just outside and looked after her by trying to settle her and calm her down. And finally the way she tried to be strong and just broke down in front of him. What were your favourite and least favourite Tachel storylines? Oh my goodness, this is going to take forever. Some of my favourites have to be the monumental episodes; the proposal (both of them, particularly the second as it was thoughtful, meaningful after what they'd been through and so much thought had gone into it. And it was totally unexpected!) Also the wedding, Harry's birth, them trying for a baby and finally getting pregnant (although I thought it was over far too quick.) I actually really enjoyed the Belinda storyline for some reason; I sympathised with both of them and could really feel the hurt and pain Rachel was experiencing. And I think her willingness to let him have an affair if that's what he needed to do to cope with Jack's death despite how much it hurt her made a real statement about how much she loved him and was at a loss of how to help him. Plus I loved that passionate argument - it was fiery! I also like RR, loved the whole build up to them getting together; the nerves (particularly on Tony's part) when he asked her out; the shy smiles at each other and Martha trying to persuade Tony to 'woo her' and also the date; their little take-away smooch on the couch and them finally finding time to be alone. It was just a really light, fun storyline for them both and really made me wonder why it had taken so long for them to be together. Jack's death was handled pretty perfectly I thought and really tested their relationship and I also loved the postnatal depression storyline. As difficult and sometimes frustrating as it was to see things look like they've been resolved then have Rachel not coping again; it's the reality of the illness and the acting was pretty incredible. Tony's selflessness and supportiveness amazed me; he had every right to be angry at Rachel in the shock of the moment but instead he just blamed himself for not noticing it earlier and letting her suffer. Least favourite were most recently the boxing storyline. It was dreadful, they both acted like a pair of teenagers and it was pretty obvious the writers didn't know what to do with them so just had them keep disagreeing on it to give them something to do. The only good thing that came out of it was (1) that scene with Harry staring in amazement at his fingers and having a giggling fit with Rachel and (2) I actually found the times when they weren't talking and so instead communicated through Harry - it was pretty funny. "Harry tell your Daddy that if he's going to act like a 5 year old then so am I" and "Harry mate just....never get married." Also the way the Olympic Cliffhanger was done was pretty dreadful - it actually had potential unlike the boxing storyline but the way that Tony believed she'd ran off despite her laptop still being plugged in, the door being open etc was pretty far fetched. And also apart from as Kirsty calls it the squishy hug which I loved - the way Tony didn't even ask if Rachel was oaky after her ordeal and instead just focused on his own self pity drove me insane! I liked that they had some time apart though - it gave them a real chance to evaulate their relationship. Mention a few of your favourite Tachel quotes. Rachel on Tony’s feud with John: “There are two idiots in this and I’m married to one of them.” - I forgot that one, thank you RR, so funny! Tony: "I just don't wanna let you down again Rach." Rachel: "You never let me down. Everything I throw at you you keep coming back for more." Rachel: "What are you going to do - ask him to step outside and settle it like gentlemen" Tony: "And that's funny why?" It was Tony's expression that made it for me. (And the kiss on the head but hey I'm not that shallow ) Tony whilst Rachel is kissing him: "Ouch" Rachel: "Oh sorry, sorry" Tony: "that doesn't mean I want you to stop. Just be careful." Rachel: "There's Airlie Beach" Tony: "And that ones Airlie Beach" *Rachel nods* Tony: And that one's Airlie Beach oh and look so is that one. Rachel: "Alright, alright so maybe I went a little overboard on the photos." Tony: "To Harry you're just his beautiful mother." Tony: "I have lost too many people in my life and I do not want to lose you" and Rachel: "I'm just so lost" Tony: "Hey it's alright. I'm here for you." I think all the others have been mentioned; I could be here all day. Describe your favourite Tachel scenes with and without Harry. In two years together it's quite difficult to pick them all out so I guess I'll do a top five like Kirsty. Without Harry 1.The booty slap in the hospital after Tony found out he could have kids after all and them trying to plan when they could start the baby making. It was so fun and unexpected for Tony to get that kinky in a hospital corridor! 2.I really liked the scene in the episode after the wedding when Rachel's upset by everything thats happened and obviously blaming herself for Belle's collapse and Tony comes along and she just falls into his arms and he's stroking her back. No words were needed for that scene but their actions just said it all. 3.When Tony bought the baby booties and gave them to Rachel, telling her she was going to make a beautiful mother and assuring her he would be okay after she had doubts about him having the op incase something went wrong. I think she'd been so excited about the idea that she forgot Tony would have to have an operation and when she realised the implications, she panicked. It shows how much she loved him and how he was paramount to her, not necessarily having children the traditional way. 4.Tony first feeling the baby kick - it was the first time we'd seen him smile that much since Jack had died and I thought it was just a beautiful scene; you saw how much it meant to both of them and Rachel's fears were alleviated (for another half an episode.) It was just a lovely, happy bonding scene and stuck out from the mess that was going on around them. 5.When Tony asked Martha if they could get married at the farm and they're both hugging each other and smiling, it's just really happy and exciting. There are of course others like the wedding, proposals etc but I've tried to pick out ones which are less obvious. Oh and I can't forget the one where Rachel tends to Tony's wounds after his fight with John and despite not agreeing with it you can tell she's pretty proud that he claims he won and they had a much awaited for Tachel fluff moment! Can I have 6? With Harry: 1. The 'fish' scene. Everyone knows what one that is; I think it was the first time they both spoke to him, I loved the playful banter and it was a nice family moment that stood out (again) from the mess going on around. It was really cute (if you forget that Jane was peeking through the bushes at the time.) 2.The no dialogue needed scene of them lying on the bed after they get Harry back from his 'take after Mummy' kidnapping. It was so beautiful; Rachel was just really happy and proud, stroking Tony's knee and it was nice that they could forget all their tension and just be together. And to see the bonding between Tony and Harry; both poking their tongues out at each other. So cute. 3. Rachel trying to feed Harry and Tony suggesting the choo choo train. Again just a nice, normal family moment and Harry's little personality all the way through just shone; his eyes widening in amazement when he saw his fingers moving and his giggling fit at the end was adorable. 4.The scene where Tachel aren't talking at the diner and instead communicating through Harry was so funny. Made it hard to be angry about the boxing storyline at that moment in time. 5.The scene on the beach when Tony apologised for keeping their financial troubles from her and kissed Harry's head, asking if there were any good waves. I remember him saying that he just wanted to support Rachel and Harry (something like that) and it was just really nice. Again I want a 6th sorry; the scene where Rachel's struggling to comfort Harry and doubting her own abilities as a Mum and Tony just picks him up, settles him and assures Rachel that things will fall into place once they get themselves back into a routine and being a happy little family again. And then they both gaze at Harry. So sweet! Oh oh and the scene where Rachel tells Tony it's a false economy if he runs himself into the ground at work to save money and Tony asks Harry if he got bigger today and Rachel kisses him. Sorry thats 7...I'll stop now. Which was your favourite Harry? Please mention the name of the actor or a scene/storyline that he was involved in. I think my favourite would have to be Matthew Lewis (which is what I assume his name to be although the wrong babies were being credited all the times so who knows) just because he had the most personality out of all the babies; his little face melted my heart and he was the one with the infamous giggling fit. Plus I loved that he was the last Harry used in their final scene together. I also did love Caden Paul as well though, as RR said I think he was the one that lasted the longest timespan and was used right when he was a tiny baby so I loved the continuity out that and remember his little smile in the surf club at his Daddy And again I loved he was used a lot in their final episode together. What will you miss most about the Holden family? So many things! Mainly that they were a beautiful family who showed all the normal sides of family life; the mundane and the fights and the difficulties that come with it; I think a lot of people could relate to that. But also not just as a family but as individual characters; Tony and Rachel were unique I think it what they brought to the show, the history and the relationships they had, the way they would have their own issues personally but would always be there for others and had built up that trust with all the Bay members. Plus they were both incredible actors and even when the storylines left a lot to be desired; their performances never faltered and they made the best out of what they had. They were unique in that they'd never broken up once during their whole relationship together and I'm not sure many other couples on the show can say that? If you could re-write any Tachel scene, which would it be and how would it play out? Seems like an obvious answer but the one after the Olympic Cliffhanger for sure would be my top one. I just wanted Tony to ask how she was at least and brush aside everything else and I'd also have liked to have seen him have some animosity towards Aden for what he did to his fiancee. Are there any storylines which you think could/should have been written for Tachel? Seeing Tony play the hero and saving Rachel in some format would have been nice I'd liked to have seen them maybe deal with the idea of having another child, if she got pregnant unexpectedly or suffered a miscarriage. They tended to stay away from dramatic storylines the majority of the time but it might have been interesting to see one of them become ill and see how they coped. If you were given the chance to let the writers know how you felt about the writing of this couple, what would you say to them? Firstly thank you so much for putting them together; I never considered it myself and wondered why it hadn't happened before when it did! The writing the majority of the time was great; they were portrayed consistently to be a couple who worked through all their issues no matter what, a mature pairing who dealt with the more realistic issues that affect people in every day life. I do however think that towards the end though the show gave up on them and continuity of character went out of the window in place of just giving them something to do to fill their work quota. It was pretty dreadful. But I'm grateful for the time we had with them so thank you. Any parting words that you would like to express in regards to Tachel? I think my long answers to these questions have said everything I need to say. I absolutely loved this couple and am really sad to see them go; I think the show will really miss what they had to offer in terms of being a proper family unit and the acting skills that Amy and Jon had and the material they produced. but every good thing must come to an end and so all I can do is reflect back on the good times we had with them and be thankful for everything we were given. And be sad that there's nothing left for me in H&A anymore Edited August 27, 2010 by charmed60 Quote
Laura158 Posted August 27, 2010 Report Posted August 27, 2010 I liked the storyline of Tony building the boat for Jack without Rachel or Martha knowing, but didn’t like that it seemed like he was having an affair! It was so sweet that he was trying to continue something Jack and him were going to do and was a lovely way to remember Jack – I wonder what happened to the boat when they left the bay? I also loved all the scenes with baby Harry, he is so cute and adorable has the sweetest expressions at times. He seemed to react perfectly to whatever it was that Rachel and Tony were saying to him I’m going to miss how they always seemed to rely, depend and stick together so much. They supported each other through all the tragic events that happened and would always come out stronger from it. They were one of the bay’s best families. I'm going to miss their calming presence in Summer Bay. Quote
charmed60 Posted September 28, 2010 Report Posted September 28, 2010 Well isn't H&A boring without our Tachel and Harry? Just a note to those who weren't aware; we're going to put together a little something for Tachel's departure so if you'd like to contribute towards it with words, artwork, fanfics or anything else you'd like then PM me Quote
charmed60 Posted February 24, 2011 Report Posted February 24, 2011 Hi all Tachel fans! Thank you all for your contributions towards the Tachel features, there's loads of brilliant stuff that's been sent over. I'm going to start putting this together and getting the wheels into motion now so this is a last message for those who'd like to contribute either with new material or if they've written Tachel fanfics, made Tachel artwork or created Tachel music videos etc in the past then please send me the link so I can collect it into one place. You will of course all be credited! I do miss our Tachel chats, even those who weren't fans! Thank you all for your reasonings as well and top 5 moments etc, it will all be used in the feature Quote
TessyBear Posted February 24, 2011 Report Posted February 24, 2011 (edited) ^^ Wow this sounds really cool!! I miss Family Holden. Tony was and always will be one of favourite characters in H&A ever! I was very relieved when they all left for the States together though! Aw that scene with the fish sounds funny and cute. Can someone please tell me which ep. that was from. I only started watching H&A full time around the time of Belle's funeral. Edited February 24, 2011 by Changelo shipper <3 Quote
charmed60 Posted February 24, 2011 Report Posted February 24, 2011 Thanks for the comment I'll send you the link for it when it's all done, it's going to included a pictorial 'story of Tachel' so will help fill in the gaps for everything you've missed. It's lovely to see new Tony&Rachel fans The fish episode is episode 4914...it's very cute! Enjoy Quote
TessyBear Posted February 24, 2011 Report Posted February 24, 2011 (edited) charmed60 said: Thanks for the comment I'll send you the link for it when it's all done, it's going to included a pictorial 'story of Tachel' so will help fill in the gaps for everything you've missed. It's lovely to see new Tony&Rachel fans Awesome thanks! Yeah I think they were a good couple! I thought it was funny when Tony and Palmer fought on the beach and I loved the scene afterwards when Tony and Rachel were back at home - cutee!! That's my favourite Harry scene when Rachel was giving him his breakfast and he was bouncing around!! I think that's possibly the most active I've ever seen a baby on a TV show like this - adorable!! And when Tony and Rachel were talking to each other through Harry a la: "Harry, never get married mate". I just thought Tony was really really awesome. Even when I vaguely knew him when I was watching casually Tony was probably my favourite character! My nickname for him actually, since I got to know him a litle better was "Dad" - I knew of how he still looked out for Maddie even when she was giving him a hard time after Beth died and I really loved how Tony still loved Martha and looked out for her too after Jack was gone - as opposed to not really having anything to do with her just coz that's the way it worked out. Also how Tony was a kinda father figure to Hugo and Xavier as well! Tony was just a lovely lovely guy and I think that Jack, Lucas and Harry was/are lucky to have him as their Dad. Is that too corny given H&A is just a soap? I have to say though that I did get really frustrated with Tony just before they left. He was being sooooooo childish I thought and I got really mad at him for that. Then it turned out it was because of Jack - who Rachel and Tony had already talked about before. I mean if it was all about Tony not wanting to leave Jack, which I do completely understand btw. then why did the writers not make a bigger deal of it when Rachel and Tony talked about Jack before and then they could've both been looking forward to the move together and researching the area, looking at houses and Tony could've been trying to find a job etc. Tony and Rachel could've maybe even called Lucas and had a chat being all excited with him! But instead we had to suffer through Tony being really stubborn and annoying for an age and I was quite upset and sooooo frustrated about that. That's why I said I was very relieved when they all went to The U.S. together. Anyway thanks for saying you'll PM me with the link - sounds awesome!! I'm excited!! Yeah it's always good to remenisce!! Quote The fish episode is episode 4914...it's very cute! Enjoy Oh I'll be sure to check that out thank you very much!! ETA: So typical, do you know what? I have ep. 4915 but not the one before. Just acquiring eppy now! Found a celebration song on youtube - We Are Family!! Yeah I know I'm kerazy but I don't care!!! Hehe!! Edited February 25, 2011 by Changelo shipper <3 Quote
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