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Yeah at least Jack and Martha's engagement party was a good excuse for Jazz to slap Christine (yes im a little obsessed with the slapping tonight bare with me) and Tachel did have some good scenes .. well afterwards anyway when they were at Rachels house and she was like touching his shirt at the door when she came back from having her "talk"with Jazz and he was like "I was just about to come rescue you" aww :wub:

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Oooh think I might go and watch that ep now! Wow, i've only been away for two weeks and there are so many spoilers to catch up its crazy, and Tachel chat. I'll let you have my thoughts as soon as I've digested it all and can condense all my thoughts into something slightly shorter than an essay!

Haha I was thinking the same thing. Aww I like Tachel essays, I could write about them all day, feel free to write them! :lol: There are loooooads of spoilers going around at the minute which is exciting but I do still want some surprises, I just can't resist!

Haha Charlene - you are obsessed with slapping! Aww Tony's so cute :wub: Shame we didn't see him rescue her :( Lol. There were some cute little scenes at the engagement party I thought. There was the tiny one where Tony walks through the bar and Rachel follows behind him with Belle and she looks over at him. And when they were hugging while Alf was doing the speech :wub: Oh and I thought it was quite cute when they were talking about Jazz and says "sandwich?" to him. Dunno why I found that cute lol, I think it's because she saw Jazz coming so quickly tried to change the subject. Oh and I liked when Rachel said not to take Jazz home yet until after the speeches then put her hand on his chest :wub: I love Tachel!

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Haha yes she was like sandwich and he said yeah and then never even took one :D forgot to mention the Jazz line to Tony "wheres your apetite"? "aren't you getting enough exercise"? Tony - Im getting plenty Thanks. Tony , Annie doesnt need to hear your getting plenty. Haha :wub:

Edited by CHARL3N3x
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I loved their engagement. It was so romantic and i loved Leah and Irene getting all excited and screaming like that. :wub:

Roman did congratulate Rachel the next day but no one else did. It's like everything else with Tachel it all gets forgotten. Same with the baby. After that one episode with the ultrasound no one was like, oh by the way congratulations. After all the fuss that was made about Martha and poor Rachel get's forgotten about and her pregnancy will be overshadowed by Jack dying and Bridget crapness. And the wedding too. No one said sorry to them or whatever. :angry:

I wish we'd seen more of Jazz/Rachel/Tony. What we did see was funny and they missed so many opportunities with that!! Imo Rachel was pretty amazing not to mind Tony's ex-girlfriend live with him, especially when she made it clear she wanted him back! I wish we'd seen Jazz react after Rachel started sleeping over...like buming into her at breakfast or whatever, and her reaction to their engagement.

"I was just about to come rescue you"

Aww, sometimes Tony says the sweetest things. And i miss them. I'm useless :lol:

And when they were hugging while Alf was doing the speech

When? Gahh see i'm so crap.

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Haha Kirsty how did you miss them hugging? You are Queen Tachel fan! :lol: They're standing behind Martha/Jack it's so cute. He has his arm around her shoulders I believe and her arms around his waist. I think we need to give you a weekly Tachel test to get you updated :lol:

This is true about the difference in celebrations for Rachel's baby than Martha's (kind of like the wedding to) I was still hoping no-one had said anything because they hadn't reached the 12 week mark yet and so were still keeping it quiet and somehow managed to rope Colleen into keeping hush? A long shot I know but I was really hoping someone would say something, particularly Irene who was really close to Tony and was their for their engagement. And Roman (I always liked their short lived friendship, she went to him to tell him about the wedding date and they hugged, it was nice. And they spoke a lot about the Aden stuff)

Yer would have been funny if Jazz had kept walking into the room and interrupting them lol. I'm always amazed when I watch past episodes and see how nice Rachel was about letting Jazz stay. She was PERFECTLY ok for Tony to take Jazz to his reunion and not tell her when she couldn't go (I would have been so upset, especially knowing they stayed in that posh hotel together and Jazz was after Tony) She was sooo trusting, I'm sure no normal person would be that ok with their fiance living with his ex girlfriend who still loves him.

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I know but sometimes i think Rachel is way too nice and understanding :lol: I guess she just knew she could trust him. Tony is a bit of an idiot sometimes. Although i don't think she ever knew they slept in the same bed. I don't think Tony intended that to happen! That was hilarious, when she kissed him and he was all 'ohhhh Rachel' :lol: In some ways i wish we'd seen Rachel and Tony go together. We never get to see them just have fun someplace out of Summer Bay. People seem to die when they're about to go and do something fun.

The stuff with Bridget really took the biscuit, her sitting drinking wine with her in her garden. I really think there could have been a better way for her to have stolen Leah's liscence. Sometimes i worry about the writers...And something else i found a little werid was Rachel's reaction when Tony asked her to move in. She seemed surprised. I always wondered why they didn't just move in together after the engagement instead of having separate houses still.

I know Laura sometimes things just go right over my head!! Which is why it's great i have you girls to tell me the little details i seem to miss. :D

Maybe after the Jack story dies down a little they'll have a baby shower for her. That would be lovely. And i hope they have a wedding reception too.

A little scene i found sweet was when Tony went to check on her after the fight, and she called an ambulance becasue of Viv, and Tony told her she'd saved a life. That was so nice. And he held her hand when she went away.

Also, love Rachel saying the wedding night would be interesting enough :lol: In front of Tony's son too!! And i found it werid Tony discussing his and Rachel's baby making with his son....thats just something you don't do. :lol:

Edited by KirstyEkua
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Yer she trusted him and then he slept with Bridget :lol: (Let's not talk about that) Well I thought Rachel never knew about it but when I was watching the episode after the reunion Rachel said to Jazz "I'm not happy with what you did to get yourself to that reunion. And I'm not happy that you were hitting on Tony" So I figured it was one of "those" off camera moments that we never saw when he told her. She was too understanding you're right. It's nice that she trusted him that much though, he is lucky!

Yer the moving in thing was weird. The writers probably forgot they didn't officially live together so thought they'd slip it in somewhere. They were engaged and Tony was about to have an operation to have a vasectomy reversal so they could start trying for a baby, yet they lived in seperate houses?

Aww a baby shower, that will be cute! :wub:

A little scene i found sweet was when Tony went to check on her after the fight, and she called an ambulance becasue of Viv, and Tony told her she'd saved a life. That was so nice. And he held her hand when she went away.

I was watching that episode tonight funnily enough. It was so cute, she reached out for him and he held her hand :wub: And she was all worried about Noel and he told her she was a hero and was checking up on her :wub:

Yer I don't know many fathers who would discuss babymaking being "fun" with their son. I guess Rachel not being his mum makes it a little less weird but still...

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Yer she trusted him and then he slept with Bridget (Let's not talk about that)

Yes i think we've discussed that enough, hehe. And i think we all pretty much feel the same about that storyline :lol:

Rachel said to Jazz "I'm not happy with what you did to get yourself to that reunion. And I'm not happy that you were hitting on Tony" So I figured it was one of "those" off camera moments that we never saw when he told her. She was too understanding you're right. It's nice that she trusted him that much though, he is lucky!

Omg i missed all that tooo!! I'm gonna have to go and watch it. Thanks Laura :) What would i do without you?

And yes it is nice....but Tony has always been shown as a lovely, caring guy and not the type to hurt someone (let's gloss over Bridget and pretend that didn't happen) and i guess thats one of the reasons Rachel went out with him in the first place, cos at first lets face it she didn't really want too!! Then at the end of the first date you could tell she was already falling for him, and the goergous smile she gave him in the Surf Club a few days later when he was with Lucas.

Yer the infamous off camera moments that we're just supposted to figure out has happened. There's far too many. But when we do get Tachel it's good! Tony has changed so much since being with her, so different to Beth. He's a lot more affectionate with Rachel. I loved it when he patted her bum at the hospital :lol: Do you think the affection they show each other is scripted or do Amy and Jon just play it how they think it should be? Obviously kissing scenes are, but the little things? Like the hand kissing, hair playing, back rubbing etc.

I guess they were pretty much always together though, either in her house or his, then towards the end his house, with Jazz. :lol: So they either has Tony's son and fiancee in one house, or the ex girlfriend in another :lol: It's a wonder they ever got any time alone together.

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It's odd but I can't actually remember these two having a scene together until last year.And then in the opener you had him being her knight in shining armour after the latest time she was kidnapped and I thought "These two have got a really good chemistry.They're going to get together."And it just worked. I remember that first time they kissed and Irene was ringing them up and trying to find Rachel because Leah had just found out Dan was dead and I was just shouting "Don't answer your phone! Don't find them!I want to see Tony and Rachel together!I want them to kiss!"

It's a shame they don't get any screen time but it does make the little moments all the more special.I liked when Tony went to the reunion with Jazz and even though she was doing him a favour(or so it seemed...)and they were getting on well, the minute she started badmouthing Rachel he was like "Don't talk about her like that."And that episode where Jack and Tony were at the hospital with Martha and the writer seemed to have forgotten Tony and Rachel were a couple:When Rachel leaves Jack with Martha, in the background she walks up to Tony in the corridor and puts her arms round him. It was probably completely improvised but it just kept the relationship alive.

It's a shame that a lot of their conversations seem to happen off screen.I remember when they just casually dropped into conversation the fact that Tony had had a vasectomy and they'd been talking about having children and I was wondering when exactly that had all been established.And don't even start me on all that nonsense surrounding the Olympic Cliffhanger.First Rachel disappears and, on the strength of a couple of e-mails she didn't reply to, all her family and friends including Tony decided she'd run off with Hugh.I just didn't understand why they'd think so little of her.Even if Rachel had decided to leave Tony(and it's a big if), she'd have spoken to him about it or left a note, not just vanished.And then when it turned out she'd been kidnapped(for the fifth time...), no-one seemed to have any sort of reaction to it at all.Even Rachel just brushed it aside and started campaigning for Aden to be let out.I could understand her sympathising with him but you'd expect her to make sure he was put somewhere where he couldn't hurt anyone rather than being on his side.And as for Tony, I'm not even sure he had a reaction, bar the occasional half a line.There was no scene of his talking to Rachel about what happened or confronting Aden about the way he treated her.The fact that everyone just welcomed Aden back into the fold and, in a couple of cases, actually started treating him better just made it look as though they didn't care about Rachel.

In a way, I'm actually glad they didn't get married because it does seem as though they've been moving a bit fast, getting engaged after only a few months because that's what older couples do.I hope they get married eventually but I want them to build up to it properly instead of it just being a throwaway obligation.

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And yes it is nice....but Tony has always been shown as a lovely, caring guy and not the type to hurt someone (let's gloss over Bridget and pretend that didn't happen) and i guess thats one of the reasons Rachel went out with him in the first place, cos at first lets face it she didn't really want too!! Then at the end of the first date you could tell she was already falling for him, and the goergous smile she gave him in the Surf Club a few days later when he was with Lucas.

Yer the infamous off camera moments that we're just supposted to figure out has happened. There's far too many. But when we do get Tachel it's good! Tony has changed so much since being with her, so different to Beth. He's a lot more affectionate with Rachel. I loved it when he patted her bum at the hospital :lol: Do you think the affection they show each other is scripted or do Amy and Jon just play it how they think it should be? Obviously kissing scenes are, but the little things? Like the hand kissing, hair playing, back rubbing etc.

I guess they were pretty much always together though, either in her house or his, then towards the end his house, with Jazz. :lol: So they either has Tony's son and fiancee in one house, or the ex girlfriend in another :lol: It's a wonder they ever got any time alone together.

I love the affection that there is between Tony and Rachel, it's something we don't really see a lot of in the other characters. I think that what they are doing is a matter of playing it how it should be, it's just so natural that it's something that can't be acted (or it would look fake).

Kirsty- tell me about the off camera moments, if we had a few of them I'd been really happy because would have been able to better understand the storylines and not just leave it to our own imaginations.

I'd love for


and Leah to organise a suprise baby shower for Rachel, especially so if Rachel does choose to work for as long as possible. I think a nice girly pamper session, with chocolate and sparkling grape juice (bubbles for everyone else) would be really caring and sweet.

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