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Posted (edited)

  Jamey-Maria said:
I just realised how much Martha needs a friggen friend!

Since the middle of last year I've always wanted them to try and slowly build a nice friendship between Martha, Kirsty, and Belle. For some reason I could buy them as friends. I feel the three of them are really young but as had some really difficult stuff thrown at them at a very young age. And the whole three has a way of making the worse decisions. They could probably understand each other more. I find it weird that I want them as friends since I despise Kirsty, used to hate Martha(just started warming to her recently), and love Belle. But I feel a friendship could work between them.

Edited by Jody
Posted (edited)

I hope the little matter of Roman being in love with Martha doesnt ruin their friendship

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if/when she finds out

, but it probably will :(

Im all for Charlie being her bff. It makes sense, they're the closest in age and the one episode where they were behaving like best friends was nice.

And Jodi was amazing this week, just thought I should say that in here. I cant wait to see where Martha goes now. Its weird that shes not one half of JM anymore.

Edited by caitrules

Martha and Kirsty maybe but I dont think Belle is the right person to be be friends with Martha, I think maybe the development site may hit too close to home with Martha if Belle became her best friend. I know that

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is to come in and I hope that he will be friends with her.

Jodi's acting suprises even me, she is so brave and yet so brilliantly acting out her scenes.


  caitrules said:
I hope the little matter of Roman being in love with Martha doesnt ruin their friendship

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if/when she finds out

, but it probably will :(

It will. It will. I just know it. :(

Damn the writers for ruining a good friendship for this 'i'm still in love with you' crap. :rolleyes: It would have been good seeing Martha being comforted by Roman (as friends alone) after Jack's death, if none of this unresolved feelings stuff wasn't invented prior to him dying. Now if he comes anywhere near her, it's like he's just there to pounce on her or something. I hate, hate, HATE what they've done. <_< How do they go back on it from here.

I think Hugo & Martha will strike up a friendship (if they don't go down the stupid love route between them), imitate the male/female bonding that Roman/Martha had initially. That would be good. I agree, Charlie & Martha could have worked, but since they didn't go in that direction from the off (like Krystal's already said), it probably would feel forced now.

On the whole they need more friendship on h&a, not love dramas alone.


^^ I dont want Hugo and Martha to date, I really want Martha to be friends with him and develop a friendship that most people would be proud of being a part of.

Roman confessing his love for Martha to Miles is cute but he has to tread carefully as Jack is still with Martha and even if/when he is out of the picture it doesnt really change anything because she will still be mourning/missing Jack so Roman's love for her has to take a backburner for a little while and concentrate on being friends with her.


I can see Martha and Belle as friends. They used to share a friend in Cassie (and to a lesser extent Matilda) Belle used to live with Martha's best friend (Tasha) and she used to date her cousin and her brother in law. Plus they've had speaking scenes, maybe not many but enough to make it believable that they could become friends.

The idea

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of them trying to pair her off with someone from Jack's family to me is hideous. I'd go Roman before I went Hugo and seeing as I hate that idea as well that's saying something!

I like the idea of Xavier and Hugo moving in with her seeing as her house has all the room now (and unlike Tony and Rach's place she doesn't need a nursery) If the writers should do anything it should be allowing her to become like family with Jack's new family. Not only would it be realistic but it's needed. That plus developing her friendships more. The character seems to have moved past stupid love dramas, please don't take her backwards.

On the whole they need more friendship on h&a, not love dramas alone.

For the 1000th time I agree completely. They have enough currently already and it's not as if she hasn't already had her fair share!

Posted (edited)

  Jamey-Maria said:
The idea

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of them trying to pair her off with someone from Jack's family to me is hideous. I'd go Roman before I went Hugo and seeing as I hate that idea as well that's saying something!

I despise both options. But Hugo/Martha almost seems like trying to recreate JM in a way. Sort of. Oh look Jack's just died, lets get her together with his cousin now. :rolleyes: Anyway I think this year is finally the time for Martha singular.

  Jamey-Maria said:
I like the idea of Xavier and Hugo moving in with her seeing as her house has all the room now (and unlike Tony and Rach's place she doesn't need a nursery) If the writers should do anything it should be allowing her to become like family with Jack's new family.

Yep. That's exactly what I want too. It would be great to see Martha having a big sister type relationship with Xavier. Being there for him in that way. And seeing as Hugo is older, their relationship would work great on a more friendship level. I'd really like them to do that.

As for Martha & Belle, it could have worked after Belle left school (and with Cassie leaving), when she moved on to more mature storylines. They should have had more scenes between them straightaway & this development site/cancer stuff would have been a great chance for that. But seeing as they didn't go down that route, if they started to now, it would feel too forced & not very real at all. It's a shame they didn't take the opportunity when they had it.

Edited by Anaya
Posted (edited)

I was watching last nights episode and I realised that it would be really sweet if Martha wore Jacks favourite jacket (the leather one),to remind her of him.This happened in Charmed after Prue died.

I know Jack is dead but im secretly wishing he was in witness protection or something.Martha doesnt deserve this.

She has been through so much:Sam,cancer and losing the baby.Give Martha a break already.

Edited by lavish
Posted (edited)

I was watching last nights episode and I realised that it would be really sweet if Martha wore Jacks favourite jacket (the leather one),to remind her of him.This happened in Charmed after Prue died.

Well she was wearing Jack's PJs tonight, that was sweet :P

And yes, Hugo and Martha must NEVER happen. Its Roman or no one, and not for a while.

Edit* Maybe Michael, he was one of the good ones... I'll stop picking Martha's next relationship before Jack's even burried now :P Martha and no one for now.

Edited by caitrules

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