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Oops thank you for that Kirsty, I get so carried away sometimes I talk Tachel in Rachel's thread :lol: Just as we were talking about it, Tony kept mentioning the baby today and rubbed the bump to, I love seeing him so excited about it :wub:

I think the writers have been listening to us because we got a Leah/Rachel scene today :) In fact we got a lot of Rachel today! I love seeing both sides of her character, as a doctor and her personal life to..how she told Tony she's so proud of him, she just seems so much more comfortable in this relationship than she ever was with Kim, it's lovely to see.


I loved today's epi. We got so much Rachel :) Rachel/Leah clip was great and Rachel was very good to Martha too. It was nice to see, that she's been through so much and she still helps people :) Btw, her hair are soooo beautiful ! I love them.


I do love her hair now, but I LOVED it when she first came into it, it was just so curly and she looked so young with it, which made it believeable when she was with Kim...(They did look the same age then!)


I thought she looked really pretty today. I love the top she was wearing and her hair was lovely! It was nice to see a little scene with Leah, i've missed them, hehe. And i always like scenes between her and Martha. It's a good thing Rachel has such strong female friendships.

And the bump looked very real today :D And her saying she could only manage a brisk walk now and then was a nice little pregnancy thing!! :lol:

I agree Laura. I love seeing her as a doctor and in her personal life. She's always so sure and storng at work and in her professional life but in her own private life she's often a little more unsure of herself. I like the contrast and they do it really well. She seems to get her heart broken pretty easily on one hand, but on the other she's amazingly strong and independent.

  • 1 month later...

Amy was really amazing today. Her scene with Tony was so well acted and really emotional. I love that she cried real tears and couldn't really get her words out. It showed just affected she was by the baby's death - and although i think it's silly she was still working in the first place - it was something that i guess was inevitable.

Her scene with Belle nearly had me in tears. Rachel truely showed how amazing she is by saying how worried she is about Belle having no one to support her becasue she's about to have a baby and won't be able to help her as much. They were both holding back tears and you could tell Rachel was trying really hard to be strong for her - despite everything that had happened to her that day. She's been wonderful with her and i admire her so much for how she's handing everything, it can't be easy but she's putting Belle first and that is lovey and selfless.


i agree, Amy was briliant today. my favourite scene would have to been one in the gym, with tony beeing suporting. it was really good!

i was a little mad that they to cut the scene were Tony say that he is worried about her working too much. i dont know, i just thought it would have been nice too see that all :)

Posted (edited)

  KirstyEkua said:
Amy was really amazing today. Her scene with Tony was so well acted and really emotional. I love that she cried real tears and couldn't really get her words out. It showed just affected she was by the baby's death - and although i think it's silly she was still working in the first place - it was something that i guess was inevitable.

Totally agree! It was nice to see her have that little storyline of her own, because the last few months all her storylines have revolved around Tony and she excelled, the way she just completely broke down when she saw him was so heartbreaking. She really showed her genuine pain at the loss of that couple's baby and then her own guilt that she's been neglecting her baby so well. Even the scenes before she broke down to Tony, when she spoke to the father of the baby you could tell it had really affected her. I liked how she admitted that Tony was right and she was wrong to :lol: it reminded me of their date at his house when she said "I'm always right"

The only real moan I have is that it's a shame that scene where Tony tells her he's worried she's working too much was cut. I understand scenes have to be cut to fit the time but if we hadn't known this scene existed, when Rachel told Tony "you were right, I've been pushing myself etc" we'd have been thinking...he's right about what? It seems a bit mad to have a follow up scene and then cut the scene which is before the follow up!

The scene with Belle was the one that really got me. I thought there was a subtle moment where Rachel said about it being "one of those days" and then quickly changed the subject because she remembered that Belle's dying and she shouldn't be complaining about her own issues. The way she was holding back the tears again and despite everything that had happened that day was really trying to support Belle and worried about her having support when the baby comes was so lovely, she's got a real big sister vibe with Belle.

I think Tuesday's episode was one that showed all the best sides of Rachel's character.

Edited by charmed60
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Strangely, I think I'm warming to Rachel more now that she's a mother. She used to annoy me no end but ever since Harry came along she's become more bareable. I haven't quite worked out what's changed with her for me to change my opinion of her but maybe it is just the baby.

Edited by Lise
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hehe well he is the most gorgeous baby ever :wub: I hardly notice them changing him although they must have used about 10 different babies, they're all so gorgeous but my fav is that little one that pokes his tongue, his eyes are so big! Ohh but then the one from Friday's episode had beautiful eyelashes! Aww they're all lovely!

Amy did an amazing job with the post natal depression/suffocating Harry storyline and I think it was written really really well. It made sense for Rachel's character, someone whose used to being in control being totally thrown and feeling like a bad mother because she couldn't settle him. She has such high expectations of herself and doesn't like to be seen as anything less than perfect so the minute she struggles she doesn't like to let on. It took a lot for her to admit to Tony that he was right and she couldn't cope I think.

I liked the way it took everyone months to realise what was happening with her and just putting it down to tiredness and new mum stresses because it's so much more realistic that way. It was risky and made a lot of people hate Rachel's character and think what on earth is up with her but it payed off I think because it done the illness a lot of justice. I'm looking forward to seeing how they handle the aftermath, I'd like to think we'll be able to hear her side of the story and hear her talk about what she felt like.

My favourite scenes were her breakdown in Tony's arms at the hospital when she was fighting against this screaming "I did this Tony" when she told Leah that Tony should hate her and she's a terrible mother and when Tony tries to persuade her to talk to someone and she begs him to stop talking because she knows deep down he's right and she's afraid of confronting it. All really heartbreaking scenes and so well acted!

There's a good interview with Amy on Tv Weeks website to which gives an insight into what Rachel was going through, hopefully we'll get to see it on screen but I'm not too optimistic!

Edited by charmed60

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