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I agree Zetti. I think she maybe went about it the wrong way, outing her in public but she never intended to do it that way the pressure just got too much. She tried telling Alf privately and he threw her out of the Surf Club. She allowed herself to get emotionally blackmailed by Bridget and anyway, Alf would have found out when the cops arrived AND she never told everyone, she made Bridget. Plus she went to see Alf because she was worried about him and to apologise for not telling him sooner, she didn't go there expecting to be thanked. The only reason she kept it from Alf was because he was grieving over Jack and she didn't want to hurt him even more so she actually tried inadvertantly helping Bridget in an effort to save Alf's feelings.

I can't comment on the Tony situation yet as I haven't seen the episode but I shall later :)


I actually agree with you on that one. She shouldn't have outed Bridget in front of everyone like that. It was cruel for Alf. But, she did try and tell him in private a week or so before and he just told her to leave the bar. So maybe she just couldn't take it any more. She has a lot going on in her life right now.

She's not perfect and doesn't always do the right thing. As soon as she does something deemed as 'bad' or 'insensitive' she always gets jumped on. But when she actually helps someone or whatever, its like it is expected and everyone brushes over it.


^^ Rachel to me has changed over the last year or so since she got with Tony, she has grown up and developed feelings. She might not always go about things in the right way as people always seem to mention but she does try her utmost best to be impartial and I feel that maybe some members needs to remember she is human and whatever happens she is trying her best, dealing with a baby and Jack's death isnt as I would imagine easy but then how would Tony feel if she had just not consulted him about the scan and completely isolated from the baby, I think she needs reassurance as well as Tony does.

Posted (edited)

Let's not fight about Adelle..they have their own thread :rolleyes:

At least Rachel gets people talking :lol: She's like marmite, you love her or hate her.

also i want to know why belle never copped anything when she was working for the paper when she was still with drew...what she was doing then was way worse than anything rachel has done.

*nods* Rachel has never done anything awful imo. Love how everyone forgets she was the one who helped Aden in end. That Martha said she didn't know what she'd do without her, and Belle turned to her when she needed help. Rachel's no saint but she doesn't deserve all this petty hatred.

I don't think she did anything particulary awful tonight. She just wants Tony to open up to her and there's nothing wrong about that. She loves him. Simple.

Edited by KirstyEkua

Rachel makes mistakes but she struggles when she knows what she is going to do or initiate is going to hurt someone so that for me shows character.


See, that's why I haven't bothered coming in here. It's not whether she dersevers it or not, it's whether I want to post and say that she deserves it. I give my reasons, and if they're not good enough then they're not good enough.

The difference between what Belle was doing and what Rachel is doing is that Belle was always shown to be doing the wrong thing. Rachel rarely gets that spin, she's always shown to be the saint no matter what she does, which is why I react so strongly to it because I see her as an extremely selfish and manipulative person. If she was being purposefully written that way, with the other characters saying, "Gee Rachel, you're being very selfish and manipulative today!" it would be a completely different thing. If she owned it, like Jazz did, I'd probably even like her for it. But she doesn't. She just does whatever she wants and expects to get away with it. It's like she's been giving Melody lessons on it in her spare time, except that Melody hasn't learned to be subtle about it.


I have to agree with some of what you said emmasi, Rachel is shown to be doing the right thing but in comparison to Belle, Rachel is older and should have more empathy towards people but in times of grief & pain, empathy doesnt always get taken into consideration.


  Traceve said:
I hate Belle and I hate Rachel. I hate Adelle and I hate Tachel. I'm just full of hate :lol: but I do happen to live a few pairings and most characters.

Rachel used to be a psychologist, she should understand what Tony is going through and be a little more understanding instead of "Why weren't you at the ultra sound". Tony will open up to her when he's ready, whenever that'll be. She just has to try and be a little more patient and understanding. However, I did like it when Rachel finally forced Bridget to tell Alf what she's been doing, even when it wasn't her place.

Well, her baby is also Tony's baby. You can hardly blame her for asking him where he was when he wasn't at his own child's ultrasound. And she didn't hold it against him, actually, she held him close and told him that she understands, etc. As my mum said "she's a good partner".

Wasn't her place? If you know the truth about a situation you bet damn well it's your place to do something. It would've been an incredibly difficult situation to deal with. I admire her for having the stamina to keep up the act. I know I couldn't stop myself telling Alf the truth but she held back for the sake of a family in turmoil. She did the best she could with the knowledge she had at the time. Honestly, I don't know why people are complaining about her being so kind hearted.

Hate Adelle? Hate's a strong word. Belle has been through a lot.


Maybe that's because what's she's done hasn't been that awful. :rolleyes: Sure she can be selfish at times, but aren't we all. She just wants Tony to open up to her and there's nothing wrong with that. She's trying her best to support him.

Of course her background as a psychiatrist should make her deal with the situation better, but Tony is not just a random patient of her's, he's connected to her on an emotional level which clearly makes it harder for her to deal with it.

Posted (edited)

dont forget she did say before he didnt have to go and he insisted....then he doesnt turn up

its her first born - shes should be happy about it she should be able to enjoy it

no one should blame either Tony or Rachel for feeling/acting like they do right now - if you do then you are coldhearted

there seems to be one rule for Adelle and another for everyone else - partically Rachel!!!!!!

also its easy to say 'oh shes psychiatrist she should handle it better' its not that easy when you dealing with the person you love and the fact that her and Jack were close too (she was to be his step mom after all)

Edited by sportzgal82

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