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She should but people need to be able to admit they need help before talking to someone, and so far Tony has just totally shut down. It's sad to watch :( But i do feel sorry for Rachel too. It's easy to say she should be doing this and that, but Tony is her finace, not just a patient or friend. She's very emotionally involved and maybe a part of her doesn't want to accept he's in so much pain, because it hurts too much.


oh i just watched ep 4792 - i was fillin up in the tachel scene. i feel so sorry for both of them - tony just cant deal with this doesn't know what to do and i dont thinkhe can see a wayout either and rachel is tryin her best to support him - i think she feels pretty helpless right now.

Posted (edited)

Yer I agree with you Kirsty. I don't think anyone can use the whole "Rachel is a psychiatrist, she should be perfect and know what to do" because medical degrees go out of the window when you have to watch your fiancee slowly fade into himself in front of your eyes and know there is nothing you can do about it. I'm not saying Rachel's handling things perfectly; maybe forcing him to focus on positive things and keeping busy isn't the right thing because it's not working but it IS something that a lot of people grieving are encouraged to do. Plus it is her instinct as a fiancee and a doctor to help him.

She's in a really difficult position at the moment and I feel sad for her. She's stuck playing bereavement counsellor to her fiancee and her best friend, trying to be strong and positive (to the extent that she's overcompensating...this chirpy happy Rachel has to be a cover up) for Leah and even for Martha's surgery. And to top that all off, Tony is pushing her away (I'm not blaming him, its totally understandable but would still hurt Rachel) and saying some hurtful things about her and the baby. I think she needs somebody to talk to because at the minute she's handling everything on her own, Martha's not even offering Tony any support.

I also thought the "Welcome to 30 love" comment was hilarious but since when did Rachel say love? I think Tony's sayings are rubbing off on her! Also don't think I didn't notice you de-aging Rachel by a year writers! I know she was meant to be in the same class as Leah at school but she was 28 when she arrived in 2006....hmm.

I absolutely loved the scenes between her and Leah yesterday and today, they have such a brilliant friendship and the things Rachel said to Leah were lovely. It's nice to see that despite her going through an awful time at the minute she's still there for her best friend.

Edited by charmed60

I have to say I never realised how much people dislike Rachel these days! Everyone loved her at first but it seems after Kim left people got sick of her. :(

Also, Im not liking her hair these days. Totally random, lol. When she first came it was way more curly.


i prefer her hair now, i think it makes her alot more polished - i love soft curls and the fact that not many people have curly hair too - i didnt like it straighter the other day, it was nice for a change but hope they dont do it to often its much better curly


She's not that hated at all Irishgirl I just think the Rachel dislikers tend to be more vocal :lol:

I do like her hair now (I thought it looked lovely in the gym) but I agree that it's a shame they got rid of the curls like when she was with Kim, it gave her individuality!


Yeah they really do! Im suprised...Even my friends dislike her now, and I'm like...''But its Rachel!!''...

The only time I ever really gave out about Rachel was when she called Flynn a ghost! :o I forgave her in time though. :P

Yeah the soft curls are nice, and I usually prefer that to really REALLY curly hair, but like you said, it gave her individuality and it was the one time I really really liked curly hair on someone! The straightened look was defiantely a no-no though.

Posted (edited)

I feel really sorry for Rachel at the moment :( She is really trying hard to help Tony maybe she needs to back off a little bit though but it must be really hard! I dont hate Rachel IrishGirl06 :):lol:

Edited by steff99

  steff99 said:
I feel really sorry for Rachel at the moment :( She is really trying hard to help Tony maybe she needs to back off a little bit though but it must be really hard! I dont hate Rachel IrishGirl06 :):lol:

Ha yay!! We need to gain some more fans, I love her even though she isint as bubbly as when she first came. :)

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just a totally random observation here but this is the first time in aaaaages that weve seen a vunerable side to Rachel. I think being pregnant, watching someone you love go through a difficult time and not want your help AND show signs that he might be having an affair has all gotten on top of her. Usually she's so strong and doesn't let people see this side to her but it's nice for us to finally see it and hopefully soon Tony will realise what his lies are doing!

One example of this is that Rachel didn't want to confront Tony about where he'd been that night because she was too afraid that he might be having an affair and she'd up being alone as a single Mum. The Rachel we know is always a talker but I love that the writers are showing how grief can affect others inadvertantly.

Edited by charmed60

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