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^^I don't think she's been mentioned since she married Kim. But now she's pregnant and getting married again i just think it would be nice. Especially as she's going to be a mum herself soon. It must bring up a lot of feelings. Although so far we've not seen any affects of it at all! No cravings, mood swings, morning sickness, tierdness, etc etc. Maybe that'll all happen later on :lol:

Hey Tigerpip, welcome! :D


The fact that she has had NO pregnancy symptoms whatsoever (apart from mentioning pregnancy hormones) worries me a bit :lol: Surely they're not gonna have a drama free pregnancy in H&A, something has to go wrong at some point!

Weve already seen Rachel showing vunerability since she became pregnant so I think it would make sense for her to maybe start to doubt herself or something and need to talk to someone who has been through what she is going through. Leah would be a good option seeing as she's her best friend but I'd actually like her to communicate with Gina more when she comes back into the show for a bit. Last time we didn't see them have a conversation on their own at all and she's meant to be her sister in law.

Posted (edited)

I think the last time she was mentioned was in relation to the wedding rings? I remember Brad telling Kim that the wedding rings were identical to their mum's and then Beth telling Rachel that by having the rings is a way to include her in the wedding day in a different scene.

Are people really irritated by Rachel having her hand on her stomach? :D I mean...how can you be irritated by that??

Edited by IrishGirl06

I loved the Leah/Rachel interaction today. Im amazed the writers have allowed them to have this really close friendship for so long without any major drama (well apart from when Rach went a bit crazy :lol: )

But their scene in the gym was just so fun and light hearted. And their little talk in Leah's house. They have a very sweet friendship and i hope it continues. :D

And, loved her new top! (thanks Laura, hehe)

Posted (edited)

  IrishGirl06 said:
I think the last time she was mentioned was in relation to the wedding rings? I remember Brad telling Kim that the wedding rings were identical to their mum's and then Beth telling Rachel that by having the rings is a way to include her in the wedding day in a different scene.

Are people really irritated by Rachel having her hand on her stomach? :D I mean...how can you be irritated by that??

haha i noticed that too, she never has her hand anywhere else now. im 5months pregnant so about as far along as she's supposed to be and i dont do that lol. it's well annoying watchin her do it all the bloody time lol


Edited by kerrieukxoxox
Posted (edited)

I can understand why people would be irritated by it as it can be quite distracting. However I think it's very in character for Rachel to be stroking the bump so much seeing as she's wanted this baby for so long and has gone through a lot to be a Mum. She's lost a husband and suffered a miscarriage so I'm sure she's feeling quite protective of the baby and is just enjoying being pregnant. Some Mum's can't keep their hands off of their bump, trust me, I'm a midwife ;)

Back to what you were saying Kirsty, I absolutely adore Rachel's friendship with Leah. It's one of the things that have been pretty consistent for the whole 3 years weve seen them on screen. Lately it's been a bit Martha/Rachel which has been good but the scenes between Leah and Rachel on Friday were a lot like the scenes they used to have when Rachel first arrived. It's really realistic and was just so lovely to see them both being happy and giggling rather than having to support each other through some tragedy like they've been doing for a while! I'll be really disappointed if

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Leah isn't at the wedding

as Rachel has absolutely no family who are going to be there, it's quite sad :(

Edited by charmed60

No not at all! Every Mum to be is different!

I meant to add in my last post that that new top was gorgeous :) She's had some pretty nice maternity clothes. When are we expecting the baby to be born?


Oh my god, Rachel was again holding onto her stomach again. It drives me crazy! :blink: She is scarily obessive about children in general. And I don't think it's just the baby she gets obessed over and think little things in general. Ah well... I can't wait until the wedding is over and the baby is born. I pray that Rachel won't decide to move the wedding again. Please just get it over and done with :lol:

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