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Everyone is entitled to their opinion :)

I think any other doctor would have done the same in her position, and it says a lot about her that she put Belle's needs before her own to help her. It comes with the job. I love how they're exposing her vunrable side a a bit more now, as opposed to always being so strong and sure of herself. It's something she only really shows to the people closest to her, Tony, Leah and recently Martha.

Her reaction to seeing Tony at the hospital said it all really. She was looking pretty upset and dejected sitting there. I'm just happy she got her dream wedding and all the drama happened at the very end. She finally seems to have found herself.


i dont really understand why people thought that was wrong of her, but then again , im a rachel-fan , so mabye i'm not the right person to ask :)

i thought she was really great yesterday, and she handled the whole situation really well. Belle almost killed herself, so its obvious that she belongs in rehab. Rachel only did what was best for her.

i never thought i would like Rachel again after the whole Kit/Kim/Rachel/Hugh storyline ( i was a Kim-fan :P) , and i didnt before she got with Tony, now i absolutely love her. even if she's a little annoying at times. but let face it , is there anybody in this show who isnt ? :P


I think that she handled the Belle situation very well and I cant believe that people could find anything wrong with what she did.

I also dont blame her in the Kim/Kit/Rachel/Hugh situation either, as Kim neglected her time after time. Not only did he cheat on her in the bush (and Im actually mad at Rachel for 'understanding the position he was in' as it was a really pathetic excuse) but he also chose Kit and Archie over her time and time again. One example, When Rachel & Kit were dangling off a cliff, he blamed Rachel for getting a migrane even after she risked her life to save Kit & the baby. There were so much more situations that I just wanted to scream at him! Then he kissed Kit AGAIN.

I know its probably very biased of me as I'm a Rachel fan, but I was actually a bigger fan of Kim at the time, and that just totally put me off him.

And I dont always agree with Rachel I will admit. I hated when she was with Lewis. Ugh. And when she had a go at Sal after she left Brad at the alter. :(


Well in all fairness Brad is her brother, so it's to be expected she'd be mad, and probably embarrased for him. And her and Sally made friends again so it all worked out good :D

I think she's in a much better place now that she was in her last marriage. She seems to have growp up a bit and found herself a bit more. I'm so excited to see her handle being a mum. I think she'll find it difficult not being able to be in complete control all the time, and i imagine she'll find it strange to go from being a doctor to a full time mum.

I do hope we get to actually see her baby, and it's involved in storylines and not pushed to the background.


Dont get me wrong, I'm happy that she did say something, I was so mad that Sally stood Brad up like that, I just thought that calling Flynn ''a ghost'' was very cruel. But I'm glad they made friends again, I guess they were both in the wrong. I loved their friendship too, in a way I wish that things with Brad & Sally had worked out, even though I am glad they didn't get married as it was way too soon after Emily & Flynn. Perhaps if they had kept Brad in it a little longer and they had both left to travel the world or something. Oh well!

I agree, she has grown up alot and this marriage does suit her character way better than it did with Kim. I can not wait to see how she copes being a mum. :D

I hope that we get to see the baby too, although Im not too sure we will see it often, as babies are very hard to handle on set. :(

Posted (edited)

I'm kinda sad they didn't bring Brad back for her wedding. They were pretty close before he left. They could have at least mentioned a reason why he couldnt make it - they did the first time. Poor Rachel having no family at her wedding.

Although in away that makes them walking down the aisle together really meaningful, as Tony is her family now. :)

I also hoped she'd mention her mum, maybe when the baby comes that'll happen. I hope Leah and Martha get involved and help out with the baby too. I love how Rachel has really close girlfriends and always love her scenes with Leah. It's really nice they have each other.

Edited by KirstyEkua

Just want to say, I was a massive fan of Sally and yet I had absolutely no problem whatsoever with what Rachel said to her.Sally handled the situation appallingly and humiliated Brad, not even bothering to tell him her decision in person.I was glad Rachel stuck up for her brother and every word she said was true.


I actually enjoyed Rachel's scenes today with Aden. She gave him great advice and he actually seemed to listen and respect what she had to say. Loved the little scene were he had to help her up. I guess they're making little acknowledgements to her pegnancy :lol:

I love how everyone always goes to her when they need someone to talk too, although sometimes i think they take her a bit for granted! But she showed just how much she cares about Belle today. Not many people would take as much time out of their lives as she has to help someone, especially on their wedding day and then as soon as they're back from honeymoon. She has such empathy for others and today that really showed.


  KirstyEkua said:
I actually enjoyed Rachel's scenes today with Aden. She gave him great advice and he actually seemed to listen and respect what she had to say. Loved the little scene were he had to help her up. I guess they're making little acknowledgements to her pregnancy :lol:

I love how everyone always goes to her when they need someone to talk too, although sometimes i think they take her a bit for granted! But she showed just how much she cares about Belle today. Not many people would take as much time out of their lives as she has to help someone, especially on their wedding day and then as soon as they're back from honeymoon. She has such empathy for others and today that really showed.

I have to agree with everything Kirsty has said here, however it is particularly great to see the writers finally acknowledge Rachel's pregnancy (through Aden helping her up, and Pippa and Leah mentioning that she's glowing).Being able to continually see Rachel's empathy towards Belle's situation is great too, I'd love to see it be opened up more and perhaps it could have been done with the Austin family after Leah and Roman's accident.

Posted (edited)

I have to give Rachel some credit for her advice to Aden about staying away from Belle until he can figure out want he really wants and how he feels. I'm glad someone pointed that out to him. When it comes to giving advice it's always hit and miss with her. Sometimes she can be helpful and make sense and sometimes she is completely off the mark. This was definitely one of her better moments.

I also was relieved when she sent Belle to rehab. It may not have been her place, and it's no secret that Rachel at times doesn't seem to realise when to back off, but in this case I was willing to over look it because someone needed to take a stand and do something. And since the people closest to Belle where either not around and unaware of her problems, to busy struggling with their own feelings that they just couldn't deal with it, or where just letting her go on believing that she could overcome a drug addiction on her own and without professional help, it was about time someone stepped in. So I think that was a good move from Rachel.

Edited by Jody

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