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It's while back itself now but Rachel did mention Brad near the end of last year.When she first found out she was pregnant, she was telling Leah about it in the kitchen when Colleen walked in and to explain why they were all happy they spun her an unconvincing story about how Brad was ill but he was better now.


  Lily-G said:
Yeah I'm confused too! :lol: But my point is if Rachel hasn't been trainned in the area of human behaviour and it's reasoning behind it, then when she gives out advice to people it doesn't make her right. :)

Psychiatry would still involve studying human behaviour, she'd need to know how the mind works in order to diagnose her patients with the right medication. No she's not always right but all doctors on the show are treated as the personal agony aunts/uncles for the other residents and therefore probably come across as being "all-knowing"

Ah yes you're right RR1 they did, I forgot about that! It's a shame they never gave an excuse as to why none of her family were at the wedding.

I'm definetely with you Kirsty, wanting her Dad back! Poor little Tachel baby wont have any grandparents!


I liked her scenes today with Belle and Irene. Her friendship with Belle seems to be growing and that's really lovely for them both i think. Her concern over Irene was nice to see and it was a nice touch having her go visit.

Back to Rachel's family, it's strange she wouldn't think of them now and again, especially being pregnant. That tends to make you think of family even more.


Yeah Rachel is developing a "nice" friendship with Belle. I would like Belle to be friends with Charlie :P

I'm definetely with you Kirsty, wanting her Dad back! Poor little Tachel baby wont have any grandparents!

To me, having no grandparents isnt the end of the world. Rachel has Tony she'll be fine, but then again Tony hasn't showed much interest in the baby. Yes he's upset with Jack and the whol Angelo thing but come on he could at least touch her belly. But no he doesn't. He's to caught up in his own world. Rachel and Tony are at different life stages and I think because Tony has already had two sons of his own he's not that excited about having another child.


To me, having no grandparents isnt the end of the world. Rachel has Tony she'll be fine, but then again Tony hasn't showed much interest in the baby. Yes he's upset with Jack and the whol Angelo thing but come on he could at least touch her belly. But no he doesn't. He's to caught up in his own world. Rachel and Tony are at different life stages and I think because Tony has already had two sons of his own he's not that excited about having another child.

No it's not the end of the world but it's sad when a child doesn't have that. I only had a Grandad until I was 5 years old and he passed away and I missed not having him around. He has touched her belly on numerous occassions, when he felt the baby kick and at the wedding he couldn't keep his hands off it! He's just going through a difficult time and actually, I don't think Rachel hardly ever touches it anymore :lol: I don't think they're at different life stages at all, they both have their careers, they're building a family and you could see how excited Tony was when he found out she was pregnant and when he saw the baby on screen at the ultrasound. He's just lost his son so it's understandable he'd be a bit distracted. If he didn't want children he wouldn't have had the vasectomy reversed.


No it's not the end of the world but it's sad when a child doesn't have that.

I don't have any grandparents, I never knew them I don't think its sad.

When I mean life stages I mean for example a 20 year old and a thirty year old they may have jobs, starting a family but mentall, spirtially, physically they are at different stages. That' what I meant :lol:

I'm glad Rachel doesn't touch it as often it was getting annoying. I work with children, mothers, fathers. and I find it annoying when a mother has her hand stuck on her belly. A touch here and there is fine, I have no problem with that but doing it non stop annoys me :P

Maybe Rachel kept pushing the issue of having a baby Tony just wanted to give her what she wanted.


  Lily-G said:
No it's not the end of the world but it's sad when a child doesn't have that.

When I mean life stages I mean for example a 20 year old and a thirty year old they may have jobs, starting a family but mentall, spirtially, physically they are at different stages. That' what I meant :lol:

Maybe Rachel kept pushing the issue of having a baby Tony just wanted to give her what she wanted.

Just out of curiosity, how do you think they're at different stages of their lives. In what way?? Maybe the difference between a 20 and a 30 year old might cause issues because the 30 year old might want to start a family and the 20 year old isn't ready yet (a lot like Kim and Rachel) but I personally don't think there's an issue with life stages between a 30 and a 43(?) year old, I'm just interested as to why you think that.

Unfortunately we never saw the subject of children when it was first discussed with Tachel, we just saw Rachel mention that because they'd agreed they both wanted children, she'd like to start trying soon. I've just seen Tony too excited over the baby to believe he doesn't want it. Both his children don't live with him anymore, it's like Rachel's given him a new start in life.

Back to Rachel, I like how close her and Belle are, I think it's nice that Belle's had a friend to support her and make sure she's looking after herself when no-one else seems to be bothering with her. I think Rachel should take some of her own advice though!!


Until last night I was thinking that Rachel's character had run her course but I think after showing how caring and helpful she was towards Irene and Belle, we need her.

Posted (edited)

I think it's pretty obvious they're at the same stage in their lives otherwise it just wouldn't work for them. Kim and Rachel are a classic example. They loved each other but were at different stages hence why they had so many problems.

There's been no issues with them regarding their age difference and they both seem pretty much on the same page about things.

And Tony made it perfectly clear he wanted this baby just as much as Rachel did. The few times the writers have focused on her pregnancy Tony has shown how thrilled he is. But this has been discussed to death so i don't know why we're going there again :rolleyes: And this is Rachel's thread :wink:

I agree Laura, it would be nice if she started thinking of herself for a change. But she usually ends up blaming herself for a lot of things that aren't her fault. Like with Belle, and probably with Tony too.

I miss Rachel and Leah :lol: Hopefully we'll get some stuff with them soon. I really love their friendship. They're always there for each other which is lovely.

Edited by KirstyEkua

  Lily-G said:
Yeah Rachel is developing a "nice" friendship with Belle. I would like Belle to be friends with Charlie :P

I'm definetely with you Kirsty, wanting her Dad back! Poor little Tachel baby wont have any grandparents!

Yes he's upset with Jack and the whol Angelo thing but come on he could at least touch her belly.

I think you spoke too soon :blink::blink: Tony in todays touching the bump? soooo cute :wub:

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