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'Oh i could take both of you but that's not the point.'

^I think that's one of my favourite Rachel lines ever. :lol:

Also love the relationship she's building with Gina. It's great to see them get along and not let their men put them in the middle (so far). I've always liked the fact Rachel has strong female friendships and i'm hoping this one continues to develop.


Rachel has been great in the last 2 episode and that line was really good :P I've liked her interaction with Tony and the lighthearted banter between them. That has been sorely missing of late.

I loved in Friday's episode how Rachel wasn't speaking to Tony but she wasn't really serious... Tony should have stuck around and bugged her until she spoke to him... It would have been funny to watch :P

I agree Kirsty, Rachel's friendship with Gina has been a quite interesting to watch. It's like they've know each other a lot longer than they have. Though, I wish Rachel and Leah had been in more scenes discussing Leah's new relationship... that would have been good :P

Posted (edited)

  -Karen- said:
I loved in Friday's episode how Rachel wasn't speaking to Tony but she wasn't really serious... Tony should have stuck around and bugged her until she spoke to him... It would have been funny to watch :P

I loved that to, it was nice that even though she thought it was a stupid idea and told him he'd look like a grown man who should know better, she still did it in a lighthearted way and joked about it - until she realised he wasn't backing down and so instead decided to stop talking to him :lol: I loved Harry's timely giggle after she told him to tell his father she wasn't talking to him! I want to see Tony break through her barrier and get her talking to him to Karen. More comedy scenes between them please :)

It was just a really nice change to see so much light hearted banter between them both with Rachel teasing Tony about the image of him and John fighting. She's had so many dramatic, full on storylines this past year that it's nice to see this other side of her. And that "I could take you both on" line was classic! Tony trying to steal the carrot on Thursday was funny to, she wasn't having any of it haha!

Edited by charmed60
  • 3 months later...

To celebrate and also commiserate Rachel’s departure from the show after five years on the show, let’s look back on her time in the Bay and the storylines that she has been involved in.

Due to the fact that I am a Rachel fan and I couldn’t let this final opportunity go, I have compiled below a questionnaire for those who wish to fill in the blanks and express their likes and/or dislikes to various aspects of how Rachel was portrayed.

When did you first become a fan of Rachel? (Which episode/storyline/year)

What qualities do you like/dislike about Rachel?

What outfits did/didn’t you like seeing Rachel wear? (Feel free to add screen caps to your description)

What was/were your favourite Rachel storyline(s) and could you relate to them in any way?

Tell us a few of your favourite quotes from Rachel.

Who do you think was Rachel’s ultimate soul mate and why – Kim, Hugh, Lewis, Henk, Roman or Tony?

Who would you have liked to have seen Rachel paired up with from all the male regulars and guests from the show?

What type of storyline did you enjoy Rachel in – a work related storyline, a personal related storyline or a storyline with another Summer Bay character (apart from a relationship one)?

Do you feel that we should have had more/less focus storyline wise on Rachel during the years and do you feel that she was/wasn’t a background character towards the end of her time on the show?

What was/were your favourite storyline/s that featured Rachel that stood out in your mind?

What type of storylines would you have liked to have seen Rachel tackle – both professionally and personally?

What song (by title and artist) best describes or best depicts Rachel?

What storylines do you think Amy Mathews did a tremendous job in portraying her character’s strengths?

Which direction would you like to see Amy venture into next – stage (theatre), television (tv dramas/soaps or a mini-series) or film (short films or movies)?

What message would you like to convey to the writers of the show in regards to the character of Dr Rachel Armstrong?

What message would you like to send to Amy in regards to her on-screen character and for her future in the world of acting?

Posted (edited)

When did you first become a fan of Rachel? (Which episode/storyline/year)

I liked her from the moment she first appeared in the Bay. She was bubbly, feisty, passionate and just a really lovely kind, caring person.

What qualities do you like/dislike about Rachel?

I loved that she was a feisty, independent woman. She always stood up for what she believed in and was not afraid to voice her opinion. I admired her passion and dedication to her career and her genuine empathy for others. I liked her vulnerability which she only really let those close to her see. She was bossy at times and did things without really thinking about the consequences but i don't see them as being 'bad' traits. We all have flaws and Rachel's made her the realistic character she was. She could be a little too forgiving at times and was fiercely protective of her loved ones but i think those qualities are more positive and again, made Rachel who she was. She had a good heart and genuinly cared for those around her. Her kindness and compassion were a few of her best traits.

What outfits did/didn’t you like seeing Rachel wear? (Feel free to add screen caps to your description)

For the most part i think she dressed pretty well. She was always professionally dressed for work and i think her style was pretty classic and contemporary. I like how her style gradually changed throughout the years as she got older. I liked her little dresses and she had a nice collection of brightly coloured tops!! One thing i hated was the long shirts she wore after having Harry. Fine for the house but not for outside!! :lol: Some of her pregnancy outfits were a bit of a disaster, especially when just used her normal clothes - it just looked silly. I don't think she had a particular style but usually she looked pretty good. One dress i did love was the one she wore to Lucas's leaving night and also to Jack and Martha's engagement party. It was so pretty and showed off her figure. Also the little pale greeny/blue dress she wore a lot over the year was cute. She also had a pretty impressive shoe collection :lol:

What was/were your favourite Rachel storyline(s) and could you relate to them in any way?

I thought the Henk storyline was amazing simply because Amy's acting was faultless and you really felt her anguish and pain. The scene where she tells Leah he raped her is one of my favourite ever. I thought she did an incredible job during the death of Rachel's mum and the aftermath of the helicopter crash. She completely shut everyone out and pretended everything was normal but you could tell she was breaking up inside. Recently i thought Amy was outstanding during the post-natal depression storyline and thought the whole thing was done with sensitivity and realism. Every though her behaviour was often seen as unreasonable Amy did it in such a way you felt incredibly sorry for Rachel, she was screaming for help inside but just couldn't bring herself to admit how she felt. I did like the light hearted stuff during the early days of her relationship with Tony. Her fun side didn't get a chance to shine much but when it did it was great; Amy has good comic timing which is difficult for any actor to do. I loved how supportive she was of Tony after Jack died. It must have been horrific for her to see the man she loved in so much pain and knowing she was pretty much helpless in the situation - but she stood by him no matter how much he tried to push her away. She's always stood her ground.

As a whole, i think Rachel was an easy character to relate too. She's been through traumas that affect a lot of women every day (rape, losing a parent, struggling to keep her marriage together, struggling with a new baby, juggling her job and personal life etc). In today’s society there is so much pressure for women to 'have it all,' and i feel that's exactly what Rachel was trying to do, albeit unsuccessfully at times. She had the seemingly perfect job, happy marriage and a baby - yet still had problems. I think that's something thousands of women can relate too.

Tell us a few of your favourite quotes from Rachel.

To Tony: 'I'm still hot right?'

To Tony: 'So if i catch the two of you (Tony and Jazz) in bed together you're just comforting her right?'

To Tony: 'I could take both of you but that's not the point!"'

To Leah: 'You'll never loose me.'

At Miles house: 'I think it's time to take my little boy home and i think Harry would like to go too.'

To Xavier: 'You almost pashed your Aunty!'

To Harry: 'Harry, look at the big fish mummy bought and the little fish daddy caught.'

Her wedding speech: ''Tony, from our first date, when you gave me that shy little kiss on the cheek, you swept me away and i never looked back. I love you Tony Holden. I love this baby we made together and i love the life we'll share together.'

To Tony: 'Im not going to risk what we have for a job and i'm not taking you away from your son.'

Who do you think was Rachel’s ultimate soul mate and why – Kim, Hugh, Lewis, Henk, Roman or Tony?

Tony. I have no doubt she loved Kim and was heart-broken when their marriage ended but i feel Rachel was so much more suited to Tony. He was exactly what she needed and i think they had a much deeper love that what she had with Kim. I think her relationship with Kim was based on lust and although that grew into love it wasn't strong enough to keep them going. But with Tony they had a strong friendship that developed and grew into a strong love; i think the best relationships come out of friendships. After Harry was born i think they became even closer and their love and respect for each other grew.

Who would you have liked to have seen Rachel paired up with from all the male regulars and guests from the show?

No one really.

What type of storyline did you enjoy Rachel in – a work related storyline, a personal related storyline or a storyline with another Summer Bay character (apart from a relationship one)?

I always enjoyed her work based storylines. One part of her character i loved was her dedication and passion for her career and Amy did a great job with that. Being a doctor is pretty much a way of life and that was portrayed perfectly. I loved her strength when dealing with emotional situations (such as when Jane lost her baby) and her inability to keep it together afterwards (her scene crying to Tony in the gym stands out). But i also loved her personal storylines - in many ways Rachel was so different when dealing with matters that affected people close to her. Her strength diminished somehow and she exposed her vunerable side. I also loved any story she had with Leah. Their friendship was so realistic and kept going throughout the years. They were always there for each other and i enjoyed their references to the past; it's always nice to get some history. I liked seeing her with Julie and Dr Young from work, she had good relationships with her colleagues and i liked that she could be professional at work but also friendly and approachable.

Do you feel that we should have had more/less focus storyline wise on Rachel during the years and do you feel that she was/wasn’t a background character towards the end of her time on the show?

I think we really noticed a dip this year purely because her first few years on the show were so action packed. Rachel went from one big trauma to the next! I do like that towards the end she had to deal with a lot of realistic issues (financial worries, coping as a new mum etc). I do think her last 6 months were a waste though and I’m so disappointed nothing really happened to her until a few weeks before the leaving storyline.

What was/were your favourite storyline/s that featured Rachel that stood out in your mind?

I pretty much mentioned them all above but the Rev Hall storyline and the whole post natal depression i think definitely brought out Amy's best. Also during the time Aden kidnapped her i love how her only real concern was for Tony and that was what hurt her the post. Again Amy's acting was just brilliant.

What type of storylines would you have liked to have seen Rachel tackle – both professionally and personally?

I'm disappointed her dad never came back or that no mention of him was ever made after he left. It would have been interesting to see how they followed up on that - i find it hard to believe Rachel wouldn’t have ever thought of him again. And some more work drama would have been nice, maybe the accidental death of a patient which led to her questioning her ability. I would have liked to have seen her support Tony through an illness or have him in a real life/death situation. I would have liked some more fun storylines involving the 3 of them (Tony, Rach and Harry).

Amy is such a good actress i don't think anything would have been too much for her.

What storylines do you think Amy Mathews did a tremendous job in portraying her character’s strengths?

Supporting Tony through his pain at losing Jack. No matter how badly he treated her she supported him unconditionally and didn't let her true feelings show. When Jane lost her baby she didn't break down until after she'd left the hospital even though you could tell how difficult Rachel was finding it.

Which direction would you like to see Amy venture into next – stage (theatre), television (tv dramas/soaps or a mini-series) or film (short films or movies)?

Anything which makes her happy i guess! Sadly living in the UK probably means i won't see much of her. She's very good at emotional, angst type stuff so something like that would be good.

What message would you like to convey to the writers of the show in regards to the character of Dr Rachel Armstrong?

Umm what he hell happened this past 6 months? Seriously though, i think for the most part they've done a great job with her. She was a realistic character who was easy to relate too and wasn't always perfect or right, her flaws made her who she was. I loved they had a feisty woman on the show who could be seen as a positive role model. I like that Rachel grew and developed over the years; she didn't stay exactly the same but her morals, kindness and empathy for others never wavered no matter what she'd been put through. She always strived for more and i think that's so realistic of most people today.

What message would you like to send to Amy in regards to her on-screen character and for her future in the world of acting?

Thanks for a great 4 years in which you did an amazing job at playing Rachel and good luck! You captured her emotions perfectly every time and always managed to express how she was supposed to be feeling without it looking forced.

Edited by KirstyEkua

When did you first become a fan of Rachel? (Which episode/storyline/year)

I can't really remember to be honest. I have a feeling it was around the time of the helicopter crash; when I saw Kim getting it on with Kit and Rachel at home having a breakdown I was just so horrified that he could do that to her she became an instant favourite.

What qualities do you like/dislike about Rachel?

I like that she's one of the most realistic characters on the show in that she has her flaws and she admits to them. Leah for example, I do like, but it drives me mad how she's always portrayed as this character who does no wrong and is nice to everyone whereas with Rachel she's got this heart of gold but if anyone hurts someone else she loves she makes it her personal mission to bring them down! I like that she's so driven in her career; I think she's a really positive role model and deals with the more realistic issues on the show; wanting a family, balancing it with career.

I guess if I had to say something I didn't like it would be her stubborness; sometimes she drives me mad and it would have been nice to see her step away from her 'doctor role' a bit more but I guess it's an integral part of a doctor's personality so it's realistic.

What outfits did/didn’t you like seeing Rachel wear? (Feel free to add screen caps to your description)

My favourite outfits were the maxi dresses they had Rachel wear in 2010 - particularly that green one she left in, it was beautiful. I also liked a lot of her work clothes; the dresses and the long skirts and heels.

The outfits I detested were the ones she wore after having Harry - namely that white shirt. It was dreadful and ruined a lot of nice tops! Also the fact that they only bought a couple of maternity tops when she was pregnant yet the majority of the time had her wearing her normal tops stretched over the bump. It looked ridiculous and made the bump look so fake. I did love her maternity clothes though; the pink and black top she wore on the pier when Tony showed her the boat and the greeny/bluey one with the black bow she wore when Tony stroked her bump and told her their little bubba doesn't need a bitter old man.

What was/were your favourite Rachel storyline(s) and could you relate to them in any way?

There are so many it's hard to choose! Ones that stick out in my mind are the helicopter crash and Rachel's subsequent breakdown. I can't really say that I can relate to it but the acting was phenomenal and you got so tangled up in the storyline with all it's complexities.

There's also the Dr Helpman storyline which was really difficult to watch and also the revelation about her past with her Dad - I think it was the first time we'd seen that more vulnerable side to her character and realised how much she'd coped with as a younger person.

Rachel's Mum dying was also heartbreakingly sad; especially that she never got to see her Mum regain her memory again like Kim did. I think I can relate to Rachel in that storyline in the way that she shut Kim out and tried to engross herself in work to distract herself from the pain. I'm very much like that; I hate people fussing over me when something bad happens; I usually shut it all out then have a dramatic cry later.

Rachel's part in the quadrangle was also something I loved watching; I felt so so sorry for her and wanted to thump Kim for what he was doing to her; I think that was some of her best acting to and the way she eventually lowered herself as well in that she slept with Hugh (I don't condone affairs but I have to say I was cheering her on when she did this - Hugh :wub:) Also that final scene on the beach when she broke down tearing up the letter to Hugh and just cried while the waves washed over her was so powerful.

The Reverand Hall storyline was also brilliant; Rachel was all alone and having all these frightening messages sent to her, it was sad to see her coping with it by herself. A lot of her good character came out to in the way that she forgave him instantly and tried to help him - one of the scenes that will always stand out in my mind is when she went to forgive him and started crying when she pointed to her wrists and said you hurt me. So sad. Plus it was when we first saw Tony looking out for her, that scene in the diner where he offers to walk her to her car and Sally says chivalry isn't dead!

The Aden/Larry taking Rachel hostage storyline was amazing! I won't speak about the aftermath or the way the Tony/Rachel storyline was handled but in terms of just Rachel it showed a different side to her character in that it was the first time she'd been in this situation when someone she loved was hurt. The way she just snapped when she found out Tony had gone thinking she didn't want to marry him was heartbreaking and the scenes afterwards of her hitting the booze was a good reflection of her character.

The Henk storyline - just the way it came out so unexpectedly and watching Rachel completely tense up whenever he came into the room was difficult. I loved that she never fully forgave him either.

Finally the whole postnatal depression storyline was done really really well. Although it brought out an uglier side to Rachel's character and it was frustrating to watch her be so distant from Tony, snapping at him, unreasonable; it was also one of the most realistic portrayals of the illness that I've seen; the way it gradually increased in intensity and became worse; that it was subtle and not completely obvious she had it. That all the other factors such as Harry's kidnapping and Rachel being a first time Mum could all have been blamed for it. And the acting was incredible right from Harry's birth till the end of the storyline. That one scene when she's screaming at Tony that she's Harry's mother and she did this to him was haunting.

Tell us a few of your favourite quotes from Rachel.

"Oh I could take both of you but that's not the point...." Right in the middle of a disagreement.

"I think it's time to take my little boy home - Harry's probably ready to go to" - a classic Rachel quote!

"My husband the tough guy"

"I wish I could take his pain away" (Talking about Tony's grief for Jack)

"Harry look at the big fish Mummy bought and the little fish that Daddy caught"

"Are you a wiggly worm hey? A wiggly worm?" (With Harry - it was so cute!)

"Tony you never let me down. Everything I'm throwing at you and you just keep coming back for more."

"You nearly pashed your Auntie"

"I'm still hot aren't I?"

Who do you think was Rachel’s ultimate soul mate and why – Kim, Hugh, Lewis, Henk, Roman or Tony?

Definetely not Henk! I'm surprised he's even in the list!

I'm going to have to say Tony - I just thought he was perfect for her; they both had the same aims in life, a similar position within the community in that people always went to them for advice and they were always looking out for the other members of the Bay. Plus just the whole way in which the relationship was developed; for the first time two characters weren't brought into the show just to be paired up together; they were friends for years before anything happened and there were also hints of it long before anything happened such as their movie nights (I so wish we'd seen them) and Julie suspecting Tony liked Rachel. It was a lot more of a mature relationship; not dependent on O.T.T drama or sensational storylines to gain them a fanbase but the more realistic issues that all people in life struggle with. They were both just so loving with each other and romantic and even their arguments were passionate :P Although despite this; I will always have a soft spot for Hugh.

Who would you have liked to have seen Rachel paired up with from all the male regulars and guests from the show?

It sounds a bit weird considering Rachel ended up with Tony but I did at one point wonder if Rachel & Jack could have had a relationship. They were always so close, lived together for ages, looked out for each other. They were kind of sweet but I think Rachel had enough romance in her time in the show!

What type of storyline did you enjoy Rachel in – a work related storyline, a personal related storyline or a storyline with another Summer Bay character (apart from a relationship one)?

I liked watched the storylines that were more personal related; we got to see a lot more of her true character and her battles to cope with things without anyone else seeing she was struggling. At work she was this confident, professional but at home she found things more difficult, if she was suffering she would only ever let someone like Tony see her vulnerable side and her battle to keep things in and cope with them on her own. They were always more interesting I think.

The other storylines I loved watched were Rachel & Leah. They had the best friendship I think the show has ever portrayed and all the little hints to their past as childhood friends and the way they would always lean on other in difficult times was really sweet to watch. Plus they were so fun together; always giggling and just being girlie.

Do you feel that we should have had more/less focus storyline wise on Rachel during the years and do you feel that she was/wasn’t a background character towards the end of her time on the show?

I think Rachel definetely had her fair share of storyline when she first came to the show; perhaps too much at once which meant that later on the writers struggled to think of original ideas for her. However I do think there was a lot further her character could have been developed and the latter half of 2009 and all of 2010 was just shocking in the way they utilised Rachel. She didn't have one storyline of her own; instead just disagreeing with all of Tony's life choices and it was such a shame and a real waste to watch.

What was/were your favourite storyline/s that featured Rachel that stood out in your mind?

Her involvement in Martha's cancer storyline was one that stands out in my mind; how she was always there when she needed help despite what was going on with her personally.

The way she defended Brad when he was stood up at the altar by Sally also stands out because she acted defensive as any sister would and I loved that she stood up for him and shouted at Sally - despite her being the 'golden girl' of H&A.

What type of storylines would you have liked to have seen Rachel tackle – both professionally and personally?

I think one which I always wanted to see was where Rachel lost her confidence in her abilities as a doctor. Perhaps she made a mistake at work causing a patient to be seriously affected by it and we see how she copes with knowing she caused that; perhaps she's forced to take leave and then hasn't got the confidence in herself to go back. That mixes professional with personal and they're always my favourite ones.

I would also have liked to see a storyline where Rachel is hurt/kidnapped (again) and Tony actually cares this time :rolleyes:

I'd also have liked to see her story with her Dad be brought to full circle and have that resolved; perhaps more focus on the fact that her Mum wasn't around when she was pregnant and had Harry, a mention would have been nice.

What song (by title and artist) best describes or best depicts Rachel?

Erm I dunno; I've never really thought about a song, "Miss Independent" by Kelly Clarkson :lol: Someone did a video on youtube once about Rachel's position during the Kim/Kit drama to Unfaithful by Rihanna and it always reminds me of how Kim treated her.

What storylines do you think Amy Mathews did a tremendous job in portraying her character’s strengths?

It would be quicker to say when she didn't! I think even through the times when her storylines were written dreadfully or Rachel acted out of character for the sake of a storyline her acting never faltered; she was without a doubt one of the best actresses the show ever had. I guess the Reverend Hall one is a time when Rachel's strengths were really evident in that she tried to help him instantly despite what he'd done to her. Also the way she forgave him and wasn't judgmental at all despite how much it frightened her and she tried to keep everything in and not show how much it had effected her.

Also during the Tara storyline; despite all that she'd done to Kim and how much it nearly affected their relationship; she still reached out to help her.

Finally like Kirsty said; during Jack's death storyline, particularly in the second episode of the year when despite her own pain at losing Jack (he'd been her close friend and flat mate for years) she held it all in in an attempt to support Tony through it. And all throughout no matter how cruel he was to her, no matter how much he pushed her away she was still always there for him and never made it about her own pain.

Which direction would you like to see Amy venture into next – stage (theatre), television (tv dramas/soaps or a mini-series) or film (short films or movies)?

I guess more television or film because I'd never get to see her performance if she did it on stage :P

What message would you like to convey to the writers of the show in regards to the character of Dr Rachel Armstrong?

What on earth happened in 2010? Would be my first question to! She was completely wasted and there were so many opportunities for her. But overall they've done a really good job with her; she was a realistic character and a really positive role model for younger girls and older really. I loved that she was so confident in her role as a doctor, compassionate with everyone and went out of her way to help people but it was in her personal life that she struggled and showed her weaker side. It's a shame they had to end her character the way they did but she's definetely a unique character to H&A and will definetely be missed! Ultimately they used Amy's talents as a brilliant emotional actress to incorporate it into Rachel's character and give her the really gritty emotional characterisation.

What message would you like to send to Amy in regards to her on-screen character and for her future in the world of acting?

Thanks I guess! You've played Rachel brilliantly and never faltered in your performance; standing out in the scenes a lot of the time even when Rachel wasn't the focus. You deserve to do really well in the future so I hope you're finally recognised for your talents.


When did you first become a fan of Rachel? (Which episode/storyline/year)

The moment she arrived. I loved the storyline with Kim, it was great, expect the way it ended...

What qualities do you like/dislike about Rachel?

I love that she is herself no matter what. She doesn't chance herself. She only does what she thinks is right and she only wants to help everyone. Rachel makes mistakes, but that's what made herself who she is. She has learnt from them. She apologizes and admits her problems and mistakes. She loves kids and I love that fact! Oh, boy. And I love how she protects the ones she love. Like when Harry was kidnapped. She was furious! I'd like to be more like her myself :) She's a great rolemodel!

What outfits did/didn’t you like seeing Rachel wear? (Feel free to add screen caps to your description)

Wedding dress was amazing! She was perfect! I loved most of her outfits. I can't really remember anything I hated. I loved that she wore many skirts and dresses. and not only clothes- her hair too! But shortly after Harry was born there were some clothes that were too big for her. I know that they were trying to make it realistic, but there could have been other ways I think.

What was/were your favourite Rachel storyline(s) and could you relate to them in any way?

Favourites were her mum's death, getting together with Kim, Harry's kidnapping and many others. I could really relate to them yes, because Rachel always likes and wants to help everyone and sometimes she messed things up, but that's how life is. And the Joe storyline. She loves kids like I do and I really understood her.

Tell us a few of your favourite quotes from Rachel.

I haven't really got one. I think it's because in Estonia there's a male voice that reads lines in Estonian, so we can't really hear, what the characters are saying. Pity.

Who do you think was Rachel’s ultimate soul mate and why – Kim, Hugh, Lewis, Henk, Roman or Tony?

TONY! No doubt for me. I would've chosen Tony out of them as well, any day! Kim was too young and sometimes childish for her, although they were a good couple. Hugh was great, but he wasn't as honest as he should've been, I think his job was more important. Lewis didn't take her seriously enough and wasn't good enough for her. Henk- omg! He raped her! There's nothing to say. Roman, yes he was funny and good guy and Rach had fun with him, but I think it wasn't ment to work between them. I don't know why. They were too different maybe. But then there's Tony. Perfect guy. Loves his family like she does. He is mature and understanding. He knows how to treat a woman, he has experiences and is caring. They fought but who doesn't? I think he was the best for her and she was the best for him. They were just so good, they completed each other.

Who would you have liked to have seen Rachel paired up with from all the male regulars and guests from the show?

I could not imagine anyone else but Tony. I don't know. I'm so in love with him, he's just perfect. I think it wasn't ment to work with anyone else.

What type of storyline did you enjoy Rachel in – a work related storyline, a personal related storyline or a storyline with another Summer Bay character (apart from a relationship one)?

Definitely a personal related storyline. Then Rachel was herself and could focus on her a bit and didn't have to worry about anyone else. At work she always helped and everyone trusted her, told her everything. But I have to say, I loved her relationship with Leah. They were best friends and I loved how easy it was to them to talk to eachother. They trusted eachother completely. It was great to see a true friendship.

Do you feel that we should have had more/less focus storyline wise on Rachel during the years and do you feel that she was/wasn’t a background character towards the end of her time on the show?

Yes, I feel like there should have been more focus on her and she was really background at the end. Really, can't understand why. She was always the one to help and fix everything, but she had so few storylines for herself. It's a pity, beacause Amy would've played everything well! It's sad that they focus on young ones so much and don't have time for older characters. Rachel didn't have enough attention on her.

What was/were your favourite storyline/s that featured Rachel that stood out in your mind?

The storyline when Rachel's mum died. How she cried, was drunk after that and even slapped Leah. I can't forget how she tried to bring her mum back to life. And when Joe died. She was devastated. Of course when Harry was kidnapped, she was great too. Funny, all the storylines, what stood out in my mind, are sad..

What type of storylines would you have liked to have seen Rachel tackle – both professionally and personally?

I would've liked to see her celebrating her birthday or Mum's death anniversary. Also I would've liked to see her asking for help. She was so indepentent and helped the others. Her crasching down and crying, wanting to be alone. Okay her Mum's death was something like that and Harry's birth, but not enough for me.

More happy familyt time would have been great too! Let's be honest, there were not enough storylines envolved the 3 of them and being happy.

Can't think of anything else right now.

What song (by title and artist) best describes or best depicts Rachel?

Omg. I really can't think of anything. But charmed60 said Kelly Clarkson- Miss Independent, good choice! :P

What storylines do you think Amy Mathews did a tremendous job in portraying her character’s strengths?

Really though one! She always did great job! And again I have to say the storyline, when her Mum died and drinking problems after that. It was just so good! Then with Jack's death, she was there for Tony no matter what, even when he tried to kill him, she forgave him. I think she also acted really great with all the depression after Harry was born and kidnapping after that. Oh, and of course when Rachel and Kim separated. Brilliant work with Chris Sadrinna! And I have to mention Emily having cancer. She was so supportive to her and Brad and so strong, especially at their wedding. Amazing!

Which direction would you like to see Amy venture into next – stage (theatre), television (tv dramas/soaps or a mini-series) or film (short films or movies)?

Films would be great! They're easy to watch in every corner of the world, but it would be hard to start watching new TV-series just beacause she is playing there. But I would watch it in the Internet if I had to, Amy is just so good! But yea, what ever she is comfortable with :)

What message would you like to convey to the writers of the show in regards to the character of Dr Rachel Armstrong?

It's pity you didn't use her as much as you should have! Especially the last year. So lame! But I have to say, she is one of the best characters of all the time in Home and Away! She was realistic and so many people can relate to her (so do I). If she falls, she gets back up and tries to move on. She is role model, yes! Now that you've lost her, you've lost a big part of Summer Bay. No one can replace her. If there's any chance, bring her back!

What message would you like to send to Amy in regards to her on-screen character and for her future in the world of acting?

You're AMAZING! Thanks for the good work and nice moments we had with Rachel Armsrtong. Your character will be missed terribly. You've done brilliant job and we love you. So thank you. Good luck, all the best, be strong and know that we support you no matter what! :)


Yayyyyyyyyyyy... so I finally plucked up the courage to do this.... ^_^

When did you first become a fan of Rachel? (Which episode/storyline/year)

I think it would honestly have to be the Kim storyline I became a fan of her, she struggled to do the professional thing and tried to sacrifice her love for Kim but finally gave into him even though it meant she would have gotten into big trouble.

What qualities do you like/dislike about Rachel?

I like the fact that she's willing to give people a go, and is quite a forgiving, friendly and passionate person. She also stands up for what she believes in and her friends. I dont like the fact that she can also be quite judge mental and snobby at times also, that was one of her dowsides!

What outfits did/didn’t you like seeing Rachel wear? (Feel free to add screen caps to your description)

When she first came into the show, there was a horrid green/red shirts she used to wear to work, they were just horrible looking on her and didn't suit her at all. I loved her long hugging skirts she always wore, they seemed to suit her personality and gave her a beautiful figure!

What was/were your favourite Rachel storyline(s) and could you relate to them in any way?

I think when she lost her mother was my favourite storyline, at first she didn't let it show that she was deeply hurting, and then when she did let her guard down, she just spiraled out of control. But I cant relate to that at all! lol

Tell us a few of your favourite quotes from Rachel.

I'ts time to take my little boy home, Harry's probably ready to go to! - that was jsut the most hilarious line ever!

Yes I agree Dex, boxing is barbarick - just the way she said it, made me cackle!

Who do you think was Rachel’s ultimate soul mate and why – Kim, Hugh, Lewis, Henk, Roman or Tony?

Definitely Tony, in a way I think he brings out the best in her but he also challenges her and isn't afraid to stand his own ground. He also helped her to discover who she was and the person she wanted to be not only about herself, but for Tony and her son as well.

Who would you have liked to have seen Rachel paired up with from all the male regulars and guests from the show?

I would have liked to see Rachel and Roman give it a go, even though he was just there for Rachel to notice Tony, I think they would have worked well together!

What type of storyline did you enjoy Rachel in – a work related storyline, a personal related storyline or a storyline with another Summer Bay character (apart from a relationship one)?

Definitely the work storylines, especially when it came to her mothers death, Jack and Martha's wedding day explosion, Mattie's Bulimia and Belle's drug overdose. She always kept it professional but you could see that it also hurt Rachel seeing the ones she loved suffer, and having her suffer herself.

Do you feel that we should have had more/less focus storyline wise on Rachel during the years and do you feel that she was/wasn’t a background character towards the end of her time on the show?

She definitely became a background character by the end of the show! no doubt about it, it was like they couldn't find new storylines for her so they just chucked her in the background to be a part of someone elses storlyine. I honestly think the Post natal depression storyline should have went longer then it did, but it was portrayed right.

What was/were your favourite storyline/s that featured Rachel that stood out in your mind?

Again going back to her mothers death, the grieving, taking to the bottle and pills to make it all numb, slapping Leah and shutting everyone out and finally collapsing. I've never seen someone act so brilliantly and have all that shoved in her face at once!

What type of storylines would you have liked to have seen Rachel tackle – both professionally and personally?

I think maybe become the victim of something similar to cyber stalking would have been nice to see Rachel tackle, its such a big thing out in the world and on the internet these days that it would have been a great storyline for her.

Personally... I cant think of anything...

What song (by title and artist) best describes or best depicts Rachel?

I have no idea with this one... possibly the song Shattered by Trading Yesterday 'Coz i've lost who I am and I cant understand why my heart is so broken' because when she gets hurt, she does stupid things sometimes

What storylines do you think Amy Mathews did a tremendous job in portraying her character’s strengths?

Rachel's understanding and her passion with everything she did.

Which direction would you like to see Amy venture into next – stage (theatre), television (tv dramas/soaps or a mini-series) or film (short films or movies)?

I'd like her to make it to the big screen one day, she definitely has the potential that is for sure!

What message would you like to convey to the writers of the show in regards to the character of Dr Rachel Armstrong?

What message would you like to send to Amy in regards to her on-screen character and for her future in the world of acting?

Goodluck Amy, you're going to be missed but I hope that whatever you do next challenges you in the same way or even more then your Character Rachel did


Even though I wasn't a big fan or a big hater of Rachel, I do have some opinions on her.

I liked her with Hugh, and I think she should have got together with.... Miles! They both wanted children desperately and could have had loads, all lived at Summer Bay house happily ever after. Both are caring types, both have wavy messy hair LOL!

She was okay with Tony, but he didn't really want more children and I didn't like the way she more or less forced him to have a reverse vasectomy :huh:

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