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So a character over 40 is not worth being on the show unless they act like the stereotype of a 40 year old, whatever that is.

Even if a character is over the age of 40 ie Morag, Alf and Colleen I still like them, except I really dislike Tony. To me he's boring and he doesn't really add anything to the show. Some have said he has been a father figure well yes that may be true but thats all in the past now, I think he's time is up.

Note: I'm not dissing Jon's ability as an actor, It's just I can't relate or see Tony as an interesting character.


I don't think his time is up at all and taking him into this new phase of his life with Rachel and the baby gives them a lot of scope to develop his character. Also, the introduction of his extended family in Gina, Hugo, Brendan and Xavier can only aid that.

His first few years on the show were fairly poor as his life revolved around Jack, Lucas and Beth. They gave him virtually nothing of his own, apart from a few reminiscences of his wife (to Beth after the spider incident and to Dan after Peter 'died) and the thing with Lucas and his rebellion. And the worst thing they ever did to Tony was get rid of him from the school.... they took away a whole other outlet for storylines. I still hope that someday they give him his job back.

Even though I loved Tony's relationship with Beth, Jack and Lucas, I think Beth dying, Lucas leaving and Jack dying has in a way released him from that phase of his life and opened up a whole host of possibilities for future storylines. In reality they can go anywhere they want with him now and I'm looking forward to that very prospect.


I don't think his time is up at all and taking him into this new phase of his life with Rachel and the baby gives them a lot of scope to develop his character. Also, the introduction of his extended family in Gina, Hugo, Brendan and Xavier can only aid that.

His first few years on the show were fairly poor as his life revolved around Jack, Lucas and Beth. They gave him virtually nothing of his own, apart from a few reminiscences of his wife (to Beth after the spider incident and to Dan after Peter 'died) and the thing with Lucas and his rebellion. And the worst thing they ever did to Tony was get rid of him from the school.... they took away a whole other outlet for storylines. I still hope that someday they give him his job back.

Even though I loved Tony's relationship with Beth, Jack and Lucas, I think Beth dying, Lucas leaving and Jack dying has in a way released him from that phase of his life and opened up a whole host of possibilities for future storylines. In reality they can go anywhere they want with him now and I'm looking forward to that very prospect.

I totally agree - I really miss Tony at the school!


I agree Karen. It's only actually since the beginning of last year that I believe Tony's become more of a relevant character and had storylines which focus around just him rather than him supporting someone else, such as Jack's death (which have given him storylines all throughout the year so far) and his relationship with Rachel. I never really noticed his character when he was with Beth because I always saw him as just her support and it seemed he was only ever brought onto a scene when she needed someone to talk to other than her children. Now I believe he's a character in his own right and as I said in aus discussion, there's so much more they can do with him. He's a husband, he's about to be a father again (which can create so many new storylines for him) and I'm hoping we'll see more of his teacher role like Karen mentioned with Aden joining his football team and I to would like to see him teaching back at the school. (It's all Brad's fault!) It would get rid of Tachel's constant gym scenes at least :lol: They've also extended his family and highlighted his seemingly close relationship with his sister Gina and there's a lot from his past which we don't know about, meaning there's a lot they can bring up and do with Tony.

I only think a character's "time is up" as you put it, happens when they've had constant focus for a long time with loads of different storylines and it gets to the point where they can't actually do anything more with the character, without contradicting what's already been told. This is definetely not the case with Tony, there's so much more they can explore and he can still be a father figure, in the literal sense and symbolically, with character's like Aden, Geoff and Annie.


I think a character's 'time is up' when his or her purpose is completed. But Tony's purpose is clearly not completed. Like the other said, Tony hasn't got much focus and storylines, so if he leaved, it would be weird. Tony has things to do in Summer Bay and I'm sure some big things. He's not finished. He needs his time alone and focus to himself not only supportive parts. :) We need Tony :wub:


We need Tony :wub:

you're damn right we do :P

but serlioulsy, i dont find Tony boring, and i certainly dont think he's a waste of space as someone put it. in 2005-2006 he was maby a bit boring, but in 2007 it got better, and also in 2008 with the Tachel relationship. but 2009 has really been the year of tony, and i clearly have enjoyed it. Jon has done it PERFECT and i really dont get why they hardly ever gave him storylines before.

i really love Tony as a character and if i could deside he would never leave :D


So many people can relate to Tony, it's good. And he's so strong, I have rarely seen him crying. Okay, he gets angry sometimes, but who doesn't? That makes him even greater character. Maybe I'm just so in love with him that I can't see, why some people find him boring. :wub:


Im 16 and I'm in love with a 43 year old aussie tv character, am I mad? :P

Mm, no you're not or the other chance is that we're both mad. :D I'm only 15 and I'm in love with him too :wub:

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