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I am really enjoying how we are now seeing the more complex and darker side to Angelo's character. He always seemed rather too cheerful and now we are seeing an impassioned and uncontrolled side to him. When he told Aden he was not a good loser it was echoes of how Aden might have acted a year ago. How things have changed.

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I'm really liking the mad, bad Angelo. (wow, him and Aden have really switched personalities! - maybe I'll have to switch allegiances :ph34r: )

Anyway, does anyone think this is going to lead to some dark revelation from Angelo's past? It would be good to get some background story on him, because we really know zilch about him up to this point. But I don't want him turned into a psycho either.

Or will he just get over it & go back to being all sweetness and light within a week or two?

I really don't know, but look forward to seeing how the character is gonna play out.


I think I started suspecting he was trouble when Colleen called him Constable Risotto. Someone as supposedly laid back and chilled out as him should have laughed it off but he always looked as if he was about to burst a blood vessel. He must have a history that we are going to slowly discover now which would be nice. All that cheeriness was a bit wearing and Belle must have felt like she was in the grip of some over grown mutant care bear at times. Its nice to see a bit of the dark side now, bring it on I say, bring it on. :ph34r: :ph34r:


I think I started suspecting he was trouble when Colleen called him Constable Risotto. Someone as supposedly laid back and chilled out as him should have laughed it off but he always looked as if he was about to burst a blood vessel. He must have a history that we are going to slowly discover now which would be nice. All that cheeriness was a bit wearing and Belle must have felt like she was in the grip of some over grown mutant care bear at times.

:lol::lol::lol: I love Angelo, partly because he reminds me so much of Vinnie (not that he's any sort of replacement for the V-Man ) but that really me laugh!


I agree, Bareenfan, I really hope there is some sort of revelation about Angelo's past because he just seems to have had a total personality transplant overnight. I know he's mad about Belle and Aden but he was off his rocker on Monday!

With what's coming up in spoilers it sounds like he's only going to get worse (has anyone seen this weeks tv week?!).

Although I'm finding the new Angelo quite creepy, I am interested in finding out more about what's coming up for him.


I like Angelo. He in UK is just a normal casual guy, from what I have read, it seems that will change but the one thing that annoys me about him is that we hardly ever see him outside from his cop life. It would be nice to have some insight into him, we do with Charlie and Jack but not him and that has to be something of a disadvantage does anyone agree?


Thats true, I mean does anyone actually know where Angelo is living in the Bay? So far that hasn't been mentioned UK pace, but he must have somewhere to live, unless he is sleeping on the beach?! :o:lol:

I too would like to know some of the history of Angelo. It seems quite bizarre to go from being quite affable, annoying but affable, lol to the type of behaviour he is now displaying Aus pace. Hopefully there will be some sort of explanation in his past, as to why he is acting this way.

Up until recently I have not either hated or loved the character. In fact I found him quite boring until recently! I am loving that they are giving Luke some better storylines to act out. Don't agree with how Angelo is acting but Luke's acting is brilliant.

I love that "over grown mutant carebear comment Taz :lol:


He did mention his place sometime in the diner to Charlie I think. I would like to see more of him actually and for his character to develop.


^I agree, adelle. He was amazing and I was barracking for him the entire way. :P He seemed totally stoked in the end too. He really is very talented. I really liked his waltz and freestyle. He deserved that perfect score :)! Yay for Luke!

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