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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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YAY I loved the fluff.

I dont know why but I see trouble ahead!?

please let Belle get Aden in the auction ( I know you will make it so she doesn't but just thought I would ask. )

Thanks for updating


Where would be there fun in that?!

And you got it right, I won't let it be her. I know exactly who get's Aden... and I know who Belle gets too...

I bet she gets Drew

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wow what i wouldnt do to 'celebrate' with Aden for an hour lol

that was a great chapter yeah we knew he was gonna give in aw bless him!

Bet Belle gets Drew which aint gonna go down well but Im not sure who gets Aden maybe Irene or Colleen that would be very funny lmao

Ok if there is some drama please let it be ok quickly after please please please!!!!

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Yay i'm going to bed too but secretly taking my laptop :lol: *prays that dad doesn't turn the internet off* :D

I hope you dont have problems updating like others seem to be having!!!

:lol: me too!

i hope Belle doesn't get Drew, cause wouldn't she have to willingly bid on him? like she wanted to get him??

i'm loving the filler chapters, cause they are full of fluff :wub:

update soon!

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I think I am the only who would like to see Belle get stuck with Drew. As I love Drew from Unlucky. Let's hope that now that he is going to being here soon he hasn't suddenly had a personality transplant and has become some truly mean person. Belle getting stuck with him would definetely provide some funny moments. I miss his teasing of her. Especially him calling her sis. As long as it doesn't cause problems for Aden and Belle I am all for Drew and Belle spending some time together. And now I am getting carried away, I don't even know if it's him she going to get.

I am definetely more interested in who Aden is going to end up with though.

Can't wait for the auction.

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