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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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LOL Oh Nicole is so funny!! Loved the last 2 chapters (you update so fast!!)

Poor Aden, having to deal with his fathers mess, at least he has Belle, she always makes him feel better when he's down

Drew, lol looks like he had a fun day with Nicole!! Thats so cute that she was helping Aden out by giving Drew a hard time, that's what sisters are for!!

Can't wait to see how Roman punishes Nicole for her tramp stamp ahahah!

Update soon :D

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“Hey,” Belle said gently from behind him. He hadn’t heard her move from her place. In all honestly, he wouldn’t have blamed her if she kept her distance right then. But then again, Belle had told him many times that she wasn‘t scared of him, knowing that he would never do anything to hurt her. “C’mon.” She gripped the back of his t-shirt at the bottom, pulling him away from the counter.

It was amazing what effect this girl had on him.

Chapter 19 is now my new favourite chapter. Loved these above two parts.

Everything about that chapter was great. From Aden's sarcastic replies to Angelo's questions to his reaction to his dad trying to kill himself to the fact that in the middle of all that he still felt bad for being harsh with Belle if he didn't mean it for her.

Why is Larry in prison? Did the hostage situation and everything happen before unlucky ( I didn't think it did) or is it part of your own storyline?

Love that you ended that chapter with some humor.

Chapter 20 was good as well.

Poor Drew. Nicole comments were hilarious. I didn't expect the twist of her doing it on Aden's behalf but it was nice. Now that Roman knows about the tatoo I guess Nicole is not going to be too happy with Drew.

The Adelle scene in the beginning. It goes without saying it was really good.

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Aw thanks!

Why is Larry in prison? Did the hostage situation and everything happen before unlucky ( I didn't think it did) or is it part of your own storyline?

I'll explain everything that happened during the next few chapters. Thehostage situation did happen, but not in the intense way like it did on TV. And it did happen before Unlucky [i guess I just didn't refer to it much, except for Larry being in jail and Aden having to go see him when he needed to get the papaeres signed to sell the house].

Am glad you're enjoying it.


Edited by Taniya_K
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that was god, i bet Romans not very pleased, i just have to ask from the chapter from before...

“Hmm… it is.” She replied just as they heard someone rattling the front door. The was a sudden thump, and Belle guessed that whoever it was hadn’t expected it to be locked.

did Nicole walk into the wall?!!? :lol: i hope so...

but yeah, loving the updates, reading that makes me miss Ric on the show :(

and Poor Larry *tear*

update soon :D

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