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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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“Good.” Roman sharply replied before walking back into the kitchen.

“He looked mad.“ Ric pointed out as he let out a breath. Drew merely nodded.

“What?” He asked Belle when he noticed that she hadn’t moved. Her dirty look had now transformed into a look of disbelief. She just blinked at him a couple of times before speaking in a tone that suggested what she was saying was common knowledge.

“You’re an idiot.”

Hehee Nicole is in trouble! :P I loved the chapter please update soon x

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That was top quality. :lol:

The fluff. :wub: And Roman doing his nut at Nicole. :lol:

“It’s a feature that will be permanently there on your body forever! Did you think about that?” He asked her.

“Yes. Which is why I got a butterfly and not someone’s name.” Nicole sighed. “I’m not a complete bimbo, you know?”

I could just hear her saying that. :lol:

Keep the updates coming. :)

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One question.

The ink on Adens arm. Do we know about that yet or not? I am a bit confused.

I haven't said it in so many words, because I wanted you to make the connection. It was going to be addressed once again in the story, but if you want to know then it's:

A stamp from when he went to see his Dad in prison. It indicated he was guest at the prison, used instead of badges. I know some prisons in America have those for safety reasons, but I don't know about the UK/Australian jail system. Sorry. I guess I should have thought about that before and made sure.


Edited by Taniya_K
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