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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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Did she visit Larry?? didn't aden have a black mark on his wrist?? :unsure: or is it not ink, like a bruise?? i hope aden didn't do it if it was :(

i hope someone can talk some sence into aden and make him see his dad, maybe something his dad says will stop Aden having nightmares?

whats that saying again... *racks brain*

ahhh thats it. an update a day keep the doctor away, :D

*smiles sweetly* you can't resist my charm now, can you? :P

Edited by zzazzb
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I loved the whole part between Aden and Roman when they were talking about his dad. I like that Roman can now see where Aden is coming from. You can really see why Aden would think Larry doesn't care.

Belle and Drew. Loved the teasing in the beginning about Drew's exams.

About the mark, I wonder if Drew is now going to think that Aden is doing that to her on purpose. I could see how he'd come that conclusion.

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whats that saying again... *racks brain*

ahhh thats it. an update a day keep the doctor away, :D

*smiles sweetly* you can't resist my charm now, can you? :P

Well, seeing as I've already updated today, that's ok then, right?! :P

Lol, no I can't resist sweet smiles, but I can't see you so it doesn't work! :D

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I am thinking Belle visited Larry in prison..that would explain the black mark and why Peter would have them all the time!!!!!!

I feel Aden is not going to happy if I am right about Belle seing Larry!!!!!!!

Damn, I was going to suggest that and you beat me to it. :P

Can't believe I forgot to comment on the chapter yesterday. We need a slapped wrists smiley. :D Anyway, it's so sad for Aden having those nightmares but so nice the way Belle doesn't let on he's hurting her. Really good chappie again. As for today's, also a beauty but please don't burst the nice fluffy Adelle bubble. :(:lol:

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