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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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*tear* I dont know why but that chapter really got to me. It was so emotional.

I am really worried about Aden :( I need to give him a hug.

Hopefully the talk tomorrow will end up happy not worse.

Damn you Drew for pushing Aden over the edge!!!

Update soon. and please make it all better.


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^ It wouldn't be greedy, but I can say I highly doubt it. I've had such a busy day [Thursday's always are] and I just managed to get that chapter complete before I started on my work. Sorry. But am glad you enjoyed it :D


It's OK, I was only kidding anyway. :lol: Well, I wouldn't be upset if you could update obviously. :P But I appreciate how busy you are so don't worry about it. :)

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Awwwww! That was so sweet! Cuddled up in bed together at the end :D

The picture was great too, I love how you described their matching eyes, that was really beautiful!!

The Nicole/Belle interaction was great too, Nic looking out of Aden and calling Belle was so sweet!

Can't wait for more :D

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