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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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that was written perfectly, but i seriously did think Aden was going to break up with Belle.. he was wasn't he? then Belle said all that stuff, and stopped him :wub: ( thats how i interpreted it anyways)

and who's sides are we chosing from?? i vote Aden, unless it's Aden v. Belle, then i'll just be mad :P

great update :D

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Another great chapter!!!

I was also worried for bit there that Adelle were going to break up but thank godness it all turned around in the end

Can't wait for more!!!

Also if I had to pick a side it would be Aden all the way.......Drew ahhhh..I can understand that he is trying to protect Belle and all but why does he have to be so mean to Aden, and create unhappiness between Adelle!!!!

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Wow, that was a really good update!!

Aden or Drew .........

I feel sorry for Drew cos he's just looking out for Belle, (plus i really liked him when he was on the show!) But he just wont listen to Belle and trust that she knows what she's doing, he just gets really irritating :angry:

I cant pick sides - i love Aden but i really like drew aswell lol

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Liked it? No. Loved it? Yes!!

That was great, to see Belle defending Aden like that, she really loves him on a whole other level! She's do anything for him and I honestly believe she would.

I guess Drew is only looking out for her, which is nice in a brotherly sorty of way, but he seriously needs to learn when to back off and stop interfering!

Can't wait for more :D

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Great update!!

Drew has got really irratating, I can see he is trying to do whats he thinks is best for Belle and it is sweet of him loving and protecting her like a sister, but he needs to give Belle a break and accept that Aden has changed for the better and Belle is happy with him. SO saying that I am on Aden's side....Bring back the Drew from Unlucky, he was entertaining and not so annoying!!!!!

Can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!

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Alright, time to choose a side. Aden or Drew? I'm gonna choose Drew cos I don't think anyone else will... poor guy!

Hope you liked it.


Dead right. I'm definitely on Aden's side. :D I thought for a horrible second you were going to make Belle tell Drew about Aden's past. I was sitting here reading it and thinking "don't you DARE!" :lol: And, if I was Belle, it wouldn't have just been a slap, I'd have smashed him. :blink:

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