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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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Hi I have been reading your great fanfics for a week now ,but just got the courage to register.

I just wanted to say that I think you have a real tallent for this, you got me sucked in and I feel like I am watching a really good series, only the pictures are in my head..lol

I have to say Aden when it comes to choosing sides. Huge Adelle fan by the way. Looking forward to more.

Have a nice day.

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The strangest thing happened to me this morning...I woke up at 5am in the morning <_< anyway I awoke thinking of your fic and thinking that when Belle slapped Drew one of charms fell off and she was upset about losing a charm....makes me seem a bit strange....it also shows my obession with this fic....just thought I would share....

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So much to catch up on.

I am definetely adding another two favourite chapters to my list. Chapter 28 and 29 were simply brilliant.

In chapter 28 I didn't think he'd break up with her but I was sure he'd be ignoring her for a long while before he gave in and listened. I liked this better. It was good see them talk this out. I'm glad that things are okay between them for now, even if he is still not 100% over what she did.

There was nothing I didn't love about chapter 29. That fight was so intense. After their (Drew/Belle) last break up on the show I can clearly imagine them standing there screaming at each other like that. I loved how she wanted to make him understand Aden more so much but still kept from revealing Aden's secret. This chapter more than anything truly showed how strong Belle's feelings for Aden are. If only Aden could have somehow heard all this.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Missing the fluff but loving all the angst at the same time.

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Damn you and your good writing <_< making me want to be on Drew's side.

“He is my life!” Belle informed him, cutting him off from his explanation. The statement put them both back into silence before she went on. “I haven’t changed wholly. And anything that I have… it’s for the better. He makes me happy, and you can’t take that from me. You‘ll just have to find a way to deal with it, Drew.”

but a point to Belle for that. :wub:

i'm thinking i'd love a little fluff, but you write the angst so well... :huh:

I hope you don't make us wait to long for another update Taniya. Lily loves updates :D

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Gosh, guys. You are all too sweet! I love hearing your thoughts about my fic, even if it's a word or two :)

The strangest thing happened to me this morning...I woke up at 5am in the morning <_< anyway I awoke thinking of your fic and thinking that when Belle slapped Drew one of charms fell off and she was upset about losing a charm....makes me seem a bit strange....it also shows my obession with this fic....just thought I would share....

Aw! I dunno if I should happy or freaked out by the fact you think abuot my fic at 5am in the morning! I'm gonna choose happy :D Ya know, that would be a good bit to put into my fic, but with all the money that Aden has, I don't think that the charms he buys her are cheap :lol:

And, Lily, I should be updating soon. I'm just contemplating whether to post what I have now, or add more to the chapter...


Edited by Taniya_K
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