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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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“Wow, must have been something bad.” Nicole stated. “You didn’t get into a fight with Drew, did you?”

“No. Why?”

“Cos I would like to see that.” She informed him earnestly, making him laugh wryly

:wub: me too!

“Me too.” He informed her, resting his forehead against hers. “You’re my everything.”

*squeal* awwwww, thats too cute!

that was an awesome chap! i loved it, and believe me, everyone loves a litle adelle fluff :wub:

update soon :D

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The last few chapters have been amazing.

I love the way you are handling Drew's character. You make his reasons for acting the way he is so justified that I can't hate him even for causing problems for Adelle. Drew, on the show, was always very stubborn and refused to see reason. I love the way at times Drew noticed the changes in Aden but he still refuses to accept that Aden has changed. It's very in character. Also nice, is that while Belle was mad as hell at him she doesn't hate him. And lastly all this Drew stuff as led to some lovely Adelle scenes. So how can I not like Drew.

Aden and Belle's relationship just keeps getting better. You truly show how much they love each other. Their scenes are so intense. I love that they got everything out in the open. The last chapter was brilliant.

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