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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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Isn't Belle lucky, having two guys stick up for her!

I really really loved this chapter, the TV scene was so cute, I could see that happening! And Irene :lol:

I'm glad Drew/Belle came to an understanding, as much as a pain Drew is, he's good comedic value :D

Hmmm, I love it when Aden get's all feisty and threatening Drew not the hurt Belle, not that I'm condoning violence, but it's seriously hot!

Loving the fluff, can't wait for more!!

Update soon :D

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I went out last night and got really drunk so couldn't read the update, but then i woke up at 4.00am and couldn't get back to sleep so i came on here. I'm glad you left me this little present cos it meant waking up in the middle of the night was worth it! lol

Great chapter! I really loved the Aden/Belle scene at the beginning, it was so cute, and i'm really glad you kept Irene in it.

The Drew/Belle scene was good and i think you kept Drew's opinions about Aden in the right way, i'm glad he still doesn't like Aden as it might make good future plot lines...???

Aden/Drew scene was good, i liked that there was no physical fighting but you could tell there was tension, and i liked Drew's thoughts at the end.

Overall excellent update as always!!!

Update soon! :D

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few! I don't know why but for some reason I thought Mattie and Belle were going to have a car crash.

I wonder what the receipt was for. Maybe he brought her a ring *hint hint* :')

I loved the fluff at the beginning... :wub: certainly helped with my AWS apart from now I don't know what to do hehe.

Loved the whole chapter!

Update soon


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