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Untroubled (by Taniya_K) - comments


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You update so fast I can not keep up with my reviews.

Loved the chapter before the last one with Aden watching her at work. His little jealousy at that guy looking at her was cute.

The last chapter was just to cute for words. That was such a normal thing for the two of them to do. I loved the way they were sitting. Are these two capable of being next to each other without atleast one of them having their arms around each other. I would love to see Adelle on the show doing normal stuff and just being carefree and with no drama. The part with them not wanting to get of the couch was the sweetest thing ever.

I'd say please update soon but considering this is you I don't think I even need to ask that. Looking forward to the next one.

Edited by enjoy the ride
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Loved it cannot wait for more!

And my ex tried to teaching me to play a game on the ps3.. it didn't turn out so well... he got very annoyed at me and switched it off because i didn't understand the concept of the game and kept dying after two minutes of playing and it took longer to load the game up hense the reason he got annoyed

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“Yeah, but you can’t get enough sleep.” Belle laughed, accepting his kiss as he dipped his head to meet her lips. They stood like that for a couple of minutes, his hands moving up to her face and hair, caressing her so gently that she almost gave in to him and dragged him inside. It was only as her own hands curled up tightly on his chest that she snapped back to reality, gasping in slight pain as they parted. Thankfully, either Aden didn’t hear her, or he thought there was another reason for her gasp.

Am I looking to much into it or has someone hurt Belle? Please tell me that I'm an idiot and that i'm looking to much into it!!

Loved that chapter, the scene in the diner with Aden and Nicole was soo cute :D

Now I need two questions answered

1. what is the present for Belle?

2. Who is in Belles room!?

Update soon


Edited by xknomex
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Mels had a rough time. Just leave her alone a bit.

But she might try something on. Aden pointed out to her, mentally telling himself off for saying something like that about Melody, who was sort of like a friend to him.


I am happy you included bits about the Aden and Melody friendship even if it wasn't much. I liked that Aden felt bad for thinking anything bad (even if it wasn't) about Melody.

So cute Belle who is this independant and strong girl still feels unsafe when Aden's arms aren't around her. Glad they were back to their old selves by the end and no more ignoring each other.

What was the reason for that pain she felt after he kissed her? Now I don't know if I missed something or if thats new. Too many Adelle fics to keep up with.

Edited by enjoy the ride
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Am I looking to much into it or has someone hurt Belle? Please tell me that I'm an idiot and that i'm looking to much into it!!

1. what is the present for Belle?

2. Who is in Belles room!?

What was the reason for that pain she felt after he kissed her? Now I don't know if I missed something or if thats new.

Nope, you're not reading too much into it and you haven't missed anything. It'll all be explained properly soon. If ya re-read the last chapter, there are a couple of clues as to how. But I won't confirm/deny anything!

And you won't find out about the present for many chapters yet, but you'll find out about who's in Belle's room next chapter!

Thanks for the comments!

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