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That was awesome!!

Mattie said she was going to miss Belle...does this mean they are going on like a holiday or something??

lol at Belle wanting to 'start the morning in style' :lol: Too cute!

Update soon!! :D


  Taniya_K said:
So here it is; the penultimate chapter! And like always, it's fluffy fluff fluff stuff!

“Of course not.” He replied strictly, face straight, before smiling again. “You wanna see something?”

“What?” Belle glanced over at him quickly as he pressed a button. There was a slight whirring sound as the roof started to retracted backwards. “Convertible.”

“Impressive, huh?” Aden raised an eyebrow at her as they came to a stop by a red light. “You’ve gotta love it.”

“Yeah, I do.” She sighed, almost disappointed that she had given in so quickly. Turning her head to look at him, she saw that he had a look of pure happiness on his face, and she smiled. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.” Aden replied, tilting his head back to rest against the headrest while looking at her. “Belle?”

“Yeah?” She said, not tearing her eyes away from him.

“Green means go.”


That was an awesome way to end it! Really loved it!!!!!

Aw, you've made them like the best couple ever in your fic. I like them more in this than in the actual show (damn Angelo...)

And i agree, VW Beetles are the ultimate girl's car. (But sooo cool!)

that was awesome! When can we expect the finale?


^ Aw, thanks! Yeah, I love the VW Beetle too [t'was my first car], but my fav car ever has to be a speedy Lamborghini :P

When can we expect the finale?

Tomorrow [i hope, giving that there's no major disasters in my life] :D



  Taniya_K said:
  meant2live said:
Awesome but still... what was the reciept for?!?!!!?!

Next chapter will reveal [almost] all. :P

Thanks for the comments!


Damn you!!! But I'm sure you'll make up for it anyway!!


Aw!!! That was awesome!!!!! I loved that he got her a car! Just brilliant!!!! And the last line was just perfect... and funny!!!!!

This has been such a fantastic story, thank you so much for writing it!!!!! It seems like everybody is coming to the ends of their fics... glad there are sequels coming up though, lol!

Thank you for providing me with happy Adelle in times of sadness in the real (or the other fictional) world of Adelle!

:D :D :D


Awwww that was AWESOME!!!!!!! I really don't want the fic to end!!!!

  adelle said:
Mattie said she was going to miss Belle...does this mean they are going on like a holiday or something??

Update soon!! :D

I was thinking that too....Maybe Aden has organied them to go travelling!!

Can't wait for the LAST chapter!!!

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