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Guest Adelle2008

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Chapter 2

Warning: Reference to sexual assult and Drug references.

The next day Belle couldn't stop thinking about Aden. She wished Roman hadn't walked in and interrupted their special moment together. Even though the whole town had this perception of the bad boy, Belle knew deep down he was "good". Belle refused to believe otherwise, despite her previous feelings towards Aden. She began to have love/hate feelings for him. She wasn't sure how Aden felt but wasn't prepared to ask him. Belle was afraid of getting hurt.


"Oh Roman can you tell Leah that we don't need anymore balloons blown up" Irene was in a very happy mood; Leah, Irene and Roman were organizing for the Den's official opening. Leah was expecting the Den to be filled with hormonal teenagers around seven. Aden and Belle were assigned to help out on the night shift. However, little did Aden or Belle know not to mention Leah that Nicole was planning on hosting a party of her own. Nicole had recently moved to Summer Bay and was constantly flirting with the boys like Aden and wanting to get into their pants. Her father Roman laid down the law with his daughter this caused Nicole to react not only childishly but she wanted to prove that she wasn't about to be told what to do so she invited every teenager in the bay to attend her party.

Aden arrived at 6:30pm eager to help out, it was after all better than spending the night at home with his dad. Belle was still at home rushing around the house getting ready. She put on a navy blue strapless dress, before she left Belle made sure her make up was nicely done. Normally Belle didn't care what she looked like but tonight it was different, she wanted to impress Aden.

"Oh so you're finally here, you look good" Aden eyes wonder up and down her body.

"Shut up Aden, I was trying to find my keys" Belle lied, looking for her keys were the first idea that popped into her head. Did Aden just say to Belle that she looked good? How sweet she thought to herself.

"That's the fifth person that's left" Leah was panicking, she noticed the fact that a lot of teenagers glanced at their phone then packed up and left in a hurry.

"Oh darl, It will be alright" Irene comforted a distressed Leah.

"Alright Roman said that we need to make extra sandwiches" Belle dashed into the kitchen avoiding his eye contact.

"Okay" Aden tried to get a glimpse of her eyes.

By seven-thirty Aden and Belle had finished making twenty or so sandwiches, although it seemed that there was hardly anyone left to feed.

"Where are you going" Belle stood infront of Aden stopping his from existing.

"I'm going home" Aden held his backpack in his hands, stuffing his jacket inside.

"Well I think Leah could really use your help" Belle looked around the room.

"So what are you saying?" Aden asked as if he didn't know what she was saying.

"Can you stay for a couple more hours, please?" Belle was afraid Aden would mock her so she asked in a lovable voice.

"Oh I see how it is, anything for you gorgeous" Aden said with a smirk on his face.

"So is that a yes" Belle ignored his comment.

"Yes babe I'll be back as quick as a flash" Aden winked at her.

On the way home Aden walked passed Roman's house and heard loud music. There were several cars parked outside Nicole's place. Aden had a bad feeling that Nicole was having a party. Concern he walked up the driveway, standing at the front door he peeked through the window he saw numerous of teenagers dancing holding beer bottles.

"Nicole" Aden barged inside.

"Aden you made it" Nicole threw her arms around him, like he was her boyfriend.

"You're throwing a party" Aden looked around the room only to see the room swamped with drunken teenagers.

"Wow your eye sight is pretty good for a guy" Nicole hit him on the shoulder playfully.

"Nicole Leah's opening was tonight and you go and throw a party!" Aden raised his voice with anger.

Belle remained at the Den waiting for Aden to returned; tired of waiting she decided to walk home. Leah insisted that she'd be better off going home anyway. There were hardly any customers left in the Den. For some reason Belle took a different route home, as she walked closer to Romans place, she could heard music. She instantly knew it must have been Nicole. Belle walked quickly up the pathway and reached the front door, she was worried that Aden would be inside. Belle entered the room; she couldn't see sign of Aden which was a relief. Belle then spotted Nicole.

"Nicole what do you think you're doing" Belle yelled at her.

"What does it look like?" Nicole said arrogantly.

"How dare you throw a party on the same night as Leah's opening" Belle pointed her finger at her crossly. Then to add to her horror Aden appeared in the distance.

"What are you doing here? I can't believe you're a part of this" Belles eyes widened with anger.

"What no, I'm trying to get people to leave" Aden said in a desperate voice, the last thing he wanted was to be seen as a loser by Belle.

"Yeah right Aden, you lied to me" tears were forming.

"I didn't lie" Aden said trying to restore confidence.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid" Belle screamed at him. She couldn't believe her eyes; she really thought he had changed.

"Belle" Aden tried to grab her hand.

"Just leave me alone Aden" she ran up the stairs, the doorway was being blocked off by a group of guys. One of them was Axel. Who was Aden's closest friend from Summer Bay High. He saw Belle running up the stairs crying and decided to follow her.

Belle was sobbing in Nicole's bedroom, wiping away her tears with several tissues. She heard the door creaked open.

"Hello?" she called out, she couldn't see who it was as it was dark. The light was left off.

"Hey beautiful" Axel slurred getting closer to the side of the bed where Belle was sitting.

"Go away loser" Belle shrieked. She didn't want to deal with another drunken idiot.

"Oh come on don't be like that" Axel got closer and placed one hand on her arm.

"Get off me" Belle flinched. Her heart was racing; she was scared that he might take advantage of her.

"Shhh its okay, It wont hurt" Axel pushed Belle on the bed, lying on top of her, Belle tried to screamed, but she just froze wanting to fight him off she couldn't. She had never been so scared in her life.

"Please, please stop –"Belle cried under her breath.

Axel started to feel up her dress. He then began kissing her on her neck. He was rubbing up against her, Belle just felt numb, trying desperately to block out all of her emotions. Aden was still downstairs attempting to get everyone out of the house. He had no idea what was taking place upstairs.

"See that wasn't so bad" Axel rolled off the bed onto the floor.

Belles dress had been stripped off her. Her make-up was ruined and her body was shaking. She slowly got herself together and fixed her dress.

"Belle, don't tell anyone otherwise you'll pay" Axel threaten.

She was panting as she left the room, all Belle wanted to do was get out of there. Walking slowly down the stairs Aden on the other hand was on his way up the stairs.

"Belle" he saw her emotionally distressed. His first instinct was to comfort her.

"Don't" Belle tried to walk pass him, but all she could do was fall into his arms. Aden held her tightly.

"It's okay" Aden whispered in her ear.

"I'm so scared" tears ran down her cheeks.

"It's alright, I'm here" Aden stroked her hair soothingly.

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"So is that a yes" Belle ignored his comment.

"Yes babe I'll be back as quick as a flash" Aden winked at her.

Hahahah. I can just imagine Aden. hmmm :wub: What's Belle doing!? He could 'babe' me any day :lol:

Oh no!! :( Belle! Hopefully she'll tell Aden and then he'll tell her about his abuse and then they'll be BFF... and then they'll realise how much they love each other :lol:

I love this fic. Just read it :) Update soon pleaseee.

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:o I've only just noticed that you have started this fic! I love it, I like how you made it Belle that got attacked by Axel not melody. Very good twist there! lol

Poor Belle I hope she lets Aden help her!

oh and I cant believe that in the first chapter Roman ruined their moment :o :o

Update soon! am loving this fic!


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