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Guest Adelle2008

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Hmm...not sure if Belle would fall into Aden's arm's immediately after being raped but other than that I'm finding this very interesting.Keep it up!

I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought that! I don't mean to sound harsh but it just didn't seem realistic that in one scene she was flinching at his touch yet in the next she was kissing him.

Saying that I am still enjoying this.

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Chapter 4

Warning: Drug references and abuse themes. Some swearing.

It was close to eleven that night before Aden decided it was time call it a night. He assumed Belle wanted to be escorted home but instead she said. "Aden, do you think it would be alright it I stayed with you tonight…I just feel a lot safer with you for some reason, I could sleep on the couch" Belle felt like she was coming on too strong.

Aden was surprised to hear the words "stay with you" coming from Belle's mouth and replied, "Yeah, sure….but are you sure" He was still confused, why was Belle asking him if she could stay the night, even if it was just on the couch.

"Yes I'm sure" she laughed quietly to herself.

"Okay if you're sure"

"Aden!" she hit him playfully on the arm.

"Okay" he said in a sexy voice.

They arrived inside Larry was already in bed.

"Okay the couch is free" sometimes his father would crash on the couch leaving several bottles of alcohol on the floor. Aden got out a spare blanket from the cupboard and took a pillow from his room and made a bed for her on the couch.

"There you'll sleep like sleeping beauty" he said straightening the blanket out.

"Thank you" she pecked him on the cheek. Aden stared into her eyes with a small smile.

"Anything for you" he leaned in slowly, making several eye movements focusing on her lips. He wanted to give her a warning before he kissed her. She closed her eyes and this was enough for Aden to make his move. He kissed her bottom lip three times and then gently pushed her towards the couch.

"Good night Mr. Jefferies" she said faking a serious tone.

"Night Miss Taylor" he said sweetly while tucking her in.

It was ten or so minutes and he was almost asleep when he heard the door creek open.

"Sorry" a quiet female voice responded.

"Belle' he was shocked to see her coming in.

"I couldn't sleep"

"Okay - - " But before he had the chance to get a better explanation to why she was now making her way into his bed.

"You don't mind if I sleep here do you?" she said in a childish voice.

"Well - -"

"Because if it's a problem, then you'll have to sleep on the floor and no offence but your floor looks seriously unconformable" she teased him. He placed one arm around her, holding her tightly. He kissed her hair and closed his eyes, with Belle lying next to him he had never felt so safe sleeping in his own bed.

The sunlight seeped through his curtains windows, the sound of cutlery from the kitchen woke him. He lifted his head to see his alarm clock Belle's head was directly infront of the clock blocking Aden from seeing it. But as he returned to the bed from sitting up Belle woke up taking a deep breath in she smiled realizing where she was.

"Morning beautiful" Aden whispered closely to her ear.

"What time is it?" she rubbed her eyes with her left hand.

"I don't know your big head is blocking it" he teased.

"I do not have a big head!" she retaliated.

"But a very cute head"

"Shut up"

"So Belle Taylor, so sleep in my bed…that must mean you want me?"

"Keep dreaming"

"Come on admit it"


"Bella!" he tickled her ribs.

"Aden! Stop it, and don't call me Bella" She nudged him away.

"Why it means beautiful and you are certainly are beautiful"

"Ahha…" Belle said disapproving.

"Come on say it" he continued to tickle her.

"Alright, I like you"

"There that wasn't so hard now was it?"

"I think I need a seriously need a brain operation though"

Aden laughed, shortly later Belle laughed.

"Why do you need a brain operation?"

"There must be something wrong with me? Why on earth have I fallen for you, tell me that"

"I know why, because you think I'm gorgeous, I've seen you on the beach peeving on me through your camera... I know these things Bella"

"Belle! "She eyed him evilly.

"You can't get enough of me, I'm simply irresistible"

"Aden, son" Larry was outside his door.

"Oh quick hide" Aden jumped out of bed. He didn't want his father to know about Belle. Aden was ashamed of his drunken father and didn't want his father to push Belle away.

"Where?" Belle looked around the room panicking.

Aden turned his back looking around his room for a hiding spot then he looked under his desk and said "yes" quietly spoke to himself but as he turned around to tell Belle was gone.

"Belle?" he said quietly looking around the room, and then he noticed his window had been opened.

"Aden" Larry walked inside the room.

2 days later….


"F**king hell! Those customers are so bossy and I'm exhausted! What do I look like their god damn maid?" Belle threw a plate in the sink, showing little empathy about the crockery that had been broken.

"Oi girly!" Irene said angrily as she pointed to the broken plate.

"Sorry" Belle said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hows about you take your break" Irene wanted to get her out of there as quick as possible.

Not only did Belle break the plate earlier that day she had smashed Roman's wind screen with a cricket bat.

Belle stormed out of the kitchen. Irene faced Roman "If we don't control Belle now she's going to do something much worse than smashing your wind screen Roman and breaking a few plates"

"I know" Roman knew Irene was right and worried about Belle.

" Trust me from experience Belle is much worse than Aden, she got expelled three times when she was in high school and god knows how many times she's been suspended" Irene said in a serious tone.

"Irene, I understand Belle has been acting out later" Roman sympathized with Irene.

"The expulsion isn't the only thing that girly has been involved with but I wont go into any details to save time, we both would be here for hours." Irene informed him. "I just don't want to wait around and find out what that girls gonna do next"


Belle's mind was all over the place, she was only suppose to take a break and then go back to work but she decided to head home instead. Geoff and Annie were sitting on the lounge watching TV.

"Sup bible boy, you watching the christen channel?" she raised her voice. Geoff stood up heading for the kitchen to get a glass of water but before he could get pass Belle she pushed him.

"She's out of control, first she smashes Roman's wind screen now this" Geoff faced Annie.

"Just shut the f**k up bible boy" Belle screamed throwing a chair at Geoff, breaking two of the legs.

{Later that night]

"Aden lets have sex" Belle's vision was blurry and she was suddenly becoming very dizzy.

"What?" he was shocked that she asked him so openly. They had only been secretly dating for a couple of days.

"Come on I know you want to" She pulled him closer, kissing him on the neck seductively.

"No, Belle stop it…get your hands off me" Aden felt unconformable and tried to fight her off without hurting her.

"Oi what's going on" Irene came inside to find Aden and Belle together. She was surprised to see him standing in her living room.

"There's something wrong with Belle" Aden said in a scared voice.

"Aden I'm fine now let's go into my bed and have sex" Belle ignored that fact that Irene was standing infront of her. She couldn't comprehend that the two were indeed seeing each other in secret but acted like Aden being inside Irene's house was no big deal. The effects of ICE were making her want sex badly, despite her recent encounter with sexual acts.

"Oh my goodness what's happened to you" Irene held her with both hands trying to keep her steady.

"Nothing" Belle relied swaying from side to side. Her hands were trembling.

"I think she's on something" Aden spoke directly forgetting that he shouldn't have been there in the first place.

"Belle look at me, what did you take" Irene shook her gently trying desperately to get her to respond.

"Nothing" Belle closed her eyes and giggled at herself.

"Belle Taylor! You tell me what you took right now!" Irene shouted at her fearfully, but then Belle collapsed.

{The next day}

"Good morning" Aden walked into Belle's room. He rubbed her cheek gently hoping it wouldn't trigger verbal abuse.

"My head hurts" Belle welcomed the touch of his hand, rubbing her forehead with her hand.

"Gee I wonder why" Aden said sardonically.

"I'm really not in the mood for lectures or your sarcasm today" she sounded as if she was losing her voice.

"Well you better get yourself prepared for a lecture" Aden said firmly.

"Whatever" she turned on her side facing away from him.

"Your behaviour last night was …" his voice drifted.

"Look I know alright, I'm not a baby, just leave me alone" she spoke with her back facing him still.

"No, you are gonna listen to me, Belle why are you acting this way?" he asked confused. He had never seen this type of behaviour from her before.

'I'll tell you why Aden! It's because just recently I was assaulted by your friend"

"Former friend"

"Whatever and I just want to block out this pain"


"No don't say you understand because you don't understand, you don't know Sh*t"

"Well guess what I do understand, because…..because…when I was younger…..my grandfather…..took advantage of me…." he knew he had to tell her the truth.

"What" Belle asked him in a quiet voice.

"I….I should have told you at the hospital but I couldn't I was so ashamed….its just easier to push people away Belle….of course you would understand that now…that's what you're trying to do now isn't it…push people away……push me away….well I'm not going anywhere….because ..I care about you so much….and you're the best thing that's happened to me in who knows how long" Aden spoke with tears in his eyes, his lip was trembling.

"Aden I'm so sorry….so you're saying that your grandfather…..molested you?"

"Yeah" he whispered.

Sorry its soo long! Hope you like it :) and think it's realistic. Sorry about the swearing, I'm trying to convey how angry Belle is!

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