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The Mature-age Thread

Guest Miranda

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Well chatting as a mum whos two kids cAN take care of them selves some time I feel lost I dont want to go morbid but lost my Husband three years ago and really you seem to lose touch with people and the friends that you had when hubby was alive seem to drft away so thats why I enjoy coming on here for one too I have followed Home and away since it began.

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I well remember the days when we didn't realise George Michael was gay. My auntie had a factory & one of the things they made were heart shaped cushions with Andrew Ridgely or George Michael on, & I had one of George :blush::lol:


Yes all the girls screeming at George Michael and Andrew Ridgley we thought they were the bee kneese al so we had so much sun it seemed in the summer makes me feel old really old, he he.


Aw Janice, I am sorry to hear that about your husband. Friends do fall by the wayside as you get older don't they :( I don't have that many friends. I feel like my life has turned upside down since I had a baby, as most of my old friends don't have children and I didn't really meet any nice mummies at baby clubs. But I am a solitary person so I don't mind too much, I get into my story writing. I like to go on forums like this to be silly and forget the day to day responsibilities.

Yes, Deborah, I don't know how we didn't realise about George, it seems obvious now :lol: I would be more worried about my friend who wanted to marry Michael Jackson these days. He has really gone strange, holding babies out of windows and being in court for dodgy offences all the time!


Yes Miranda thats why I enjoy coming on here to have a little bit of fun and put the bad thoughts out of my mind and I.ve made a few friends on here I hope including your self now. I think Its nice if you know you have some one to talk to even though you may live miles apart.


I'm a teenager and I started the thread for teenagers. I didn't mean to reinforce the gap and I didn't do it because I don't want to talk to older people, I just did it so us teenagers can talk about stuff what teenagers talk about. I still like talking to the older people aswell :)


It's a long time since we had young children keeping us away at night. Our sons are 35 and 29!! The closest we get to that is when our young grandaughter ( 3 ) stays over. This doesn't happen all that often in fact not as often as we'd like. Of course we have the "escape" of being able to hand her back to her parents. :P

As for the eighties well for me its the 60's and 70's. Monash University in Melbourne with mud up to our knees, the Beetles outside the Southern Cross Hotel, the Outdoor Rock Festivals at Sunbury, Billie Thorpe and the Original Aztecs, Peter, Paul and Mary, Skyhooks etc.

I got into Home and Away when I was desperately looking for an interest for a group of 10 and 11 year olds who couldn't read and write and could barely speak a coherent sentence. I found that Home and Away got them talking ( and eventually writing ) every morning. I don't know whether any of them still watch the show but I got hooked!!


I definately like this thread :D don't get me wrong, i love the younger people on the board, they are little gems, but its nice to talk to people your own age sometimes :lol:

I don't have kids, but i hope that doesn't exclude me :unsure:


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