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There And Back Again

Guest Traceve

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Thanks :) I'm not really all the fond of Roman so don't expect him to be in the fic too much. :lol:


Martha heaved over the toilet bowl throwing up the contents of last night’s dinner. She wiped her mouth, took a deep breath and lent against the wall. This morning she had her first chemo session since Jack passed away. Rachel had been able to talk her into it in the finished, which was a good thing. Martha still didn't really want to do it, but thought it was the right thing to do. It was what Jack would have wanted.

She looked up at the door, any second she was expecting Jack to walk in. For him to reassure her that everything will be ok, but Jack didn't walk in. Martha closed her eyes briefly before leaning over the toilet bowl again.

Martha tucked her feet under the blanket and snuggled up to the pillows. Rachel walked over and sat down on the other end of the couch.

"I made you some Chicken Soup," Rachel said quietly.

Martha nodded," Thanks, but I'm not really hungry."

Rachel put the bowl down on the coffee table.

"How's Tony?" Martha asked.

"He's okay," Rachel lied, truth be told Tony wasn't handling it any better than Martha. Rachel didn't want to worry Martha so she had lied.

"I thought that I might take on a few shifts at the Surf Club later on in the week when I'm feeling better," Martha told Rachel.

Rachel didn't think it was such a good idea," I don't know about that..."

"The bills are pilling up, I need to pay them. The only way I can pay them is if I work. A few shifts a week will be enough."

Rachel hesitated with her reply.

"What?" Martha prodded.

"I can lend you some money. I really don't think burying yourself in work is going to help."

"I'm not a charity case, I can work."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm only trying to help," Rachel said quietly. She got up and turned back to Martha," You can re-heat the soup later on if you still want it. I'm going to head down to the diner. Do you want me to get you anything?"

Martha shook her head.

"Ok then...I'll drop by later on tonight after my shift." Rachel headed out the door.

"Martha... it's me Jack," Jack said quietly as he lay down beside her on the bed.

Martha turned to face him," Hi." It almost seemed to good to be true.

"Did I wake you?"

Martha shook her head," No, I can't sleep."

"I have to tell you something."

"What are you doing here? Is it really you? What do you have to tell me?”

"It’s me, Jack. Look, I'm sorry I had to leave. I didn't want to go. I didn't really have a choice."

"You choose to follow Angelo that night, that was a choice," Martha pointed out.

"I didn't know I was going to get shot though. Martha, I love you very much ok? I always will. You're my soul mate."

Martha blinked back tears," It isn't fair."

Jack nodded," I know, I know. I have to go now."

"No, don't leave me again. Can't you stay?"

"No, I could only stay for a few moments. My Mum's waiting for me. She looks exactly the same as I remember."

Martha felt her heart tug," I love you Jack."

Before Martha could say another word he was gone and where he had lay on the bed looked the same, as it had beforehand, not even a wrinkle on the quilt. She hoped he would come back soon.

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