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I'm starting to rethink wanting these two together in the future. I think it's time that I start remembering them for being one of Martha's better relationships in the past and leave it at that. When we found out there was going to be a storyline with Roman still in love with her while she was with Jack, I hated it because I had felt nothing good could come of it for his character and it was going to ruin a perfectly good friendship. Then when rumors of Jack dying came about I began to think that maybe there would be hope for them way down the line. But I'm starting to think that pairing them up together in the future might not be the best thing for both of their characters, especially Roman.

One of the main reasons I liked Martha's relationship with Roman was because he didn't turn into a spineless idiot around her. He had strong feelings for her but he was still his own person. He also had alot of respect not only for her but for himself. And he was the kind of mature, reasonable, and understanding kind of man Martha needed in her life. All these personality traits put him above Jack in so many ways for me. But the way the are potraying him when it comes to Martha right now is just not the man who dated her last year, and who was a very good friend to her since their relationship ended. This one is a love sick puppy who doesn't want to do anything but sit around and try to fix all her problems. And someone who takes off at people who is trying their best to help her as well. This isn't showing support(maybe in his mind it is) this something else all together and I don't like it. I get the idea of wanting to be there for a friend in need but does he need to spend the night there. Does he have to be by her side at every moment? Considering his feelings for her wouldn't the smart thing be, to try and show support but also try and keep some distance? It's like he's taken it upon himself to be protector. And it's making him act very irrational. This is not the character I love. And if they are going turn him into another Jack when he used to be around Martha (before the last few months, they became alright then) then I'd rather they never have them together in the future.


Roman is too full on and I want to smack some sense into him, what does he expect Martha to do, forget Jack ever existed? Nope she needs time to heal.


I used to really like the idea of them together, but Martha needs space and Roman is smothering her so now i'm not so sure.

He had no right to interfere tonight.It was none of his business.The Roman i love would have respected her decision and have some self respect.Not be going around acting like he's the only one who cares about her and biting everyone elses head off.


Romans pathetic love sick facial expressions are even worse than Jack's hang dog expressions - and thats saying something :P Somebody please give him a kick up the back side and soon.


I don't think Roman deserves Martha's love in the future after the way he has behaved around her following Jack's death. He's been so disrespectful of her grief, and he's lost my respect completely, which is strange because I don't like Martha. However I don't think anyone who has just lost their spouse deserves to have someone clinging onto them pathetically in the hope of having a relationship in the future. What Roman and Martha had last year was nice, but it's in the past, and he's ruined his chances now, so I hope the writers just forget about this pairing for good.

Posted (edited)

  DinerLandlord said:
I don't think Roman deserves Martha's love in the future after the way he has behaved around her following Jack's death. He's been so disrespectful of her grief, and he's lost my respect completely, which is strange because I don't like Martha. However I don't think anyone who has just lost their spouse deserves to have someone clinging onto them pathetically in the hope of having a relationship in the future. What Roman and Martha had last year was nice, but it's in the past, and he's ruined his chances now, so I hope the writers just forget about this pairing for good.

I agree with that. Roman needs to stop hanging around Martha the way he is. It pathetic.

However i do think that Roman and Martha will get back together. :angry2:

Edited by Danni02

I also think that they will get back together at some point, but I think Martha will never be able to fully commit to her, and I agree with everyone else that I totally do not want Roman's character to change from being with Martha, and ideally I'd like to see her single for quite a long time, the writers do have a habit of pairing people up quite quickly and I think the whole Jack and Martha saga that we've watched literally for years deserves a lot more respect than Martha jumping straight in with Roman. Also, what is it really with Martha? I know she's really pretty and has a lovely figure etc but sometimes her personality seems really dull and I can't see what would attract all the really nice men to her, I enjoyed her storylines when she went off the rails but as soon as she got back with Jack she just went really dull again, despite the fact that she had lots of traumatic storylines I found it really hard to warm to her with Jack the second marriage time round, don't ask me why! I preferred it when she was with Roman but I'd actually like to see her on her own for a good year.

Posted (edited)

I liked Roman and Martha together but it was nothing compared to Martha and Jack. I really dont want her to get back together with Roman but its pretty guanteed to happen. I would also like to see her single for a good while. About a year i would say but i dont think that will happen. I reckon it'll be a few months, tops.

Edited by Danni02

Forget Adelle!!

Martha and Jack were the Romeo and Juliet of Summer Bay.

Even if Roman and Martha get together theyre relationship will never be as deep as Jack and Martha's was. :(

JM till the end !! :wub::(

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