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The Aftermath

Guest matticus01

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so here it is, now in the previous chapters spoiler I said that Belle rang Amanda, that was beofre I realised that I killed Amanda out of it lol, so I fixed that up, and thought I'd better clarify myself.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 41

After she had posted the letter Belle felt a little less stressed because she knew that Aden would give her some insight on what she should so, for the baby’s sake more than anything.

Noticing where she was, Belle grinned as she walked up the path to the Diner, walking inside and noticing Colleen straight away making a coffee for a customer.

“Colleen!’ Belle yelled as the elderly woman looked up, smiling from ear to ear until she saw the angry look plastered across Belle’s face.

“What! The hell! Gives you the right to go around telling, COMPLETE STRANGERS, my business!’ Belle yelled as Colleen cowered backward as her bottom lip started quivering.

“I… I’m…’ Colleen started wailing loudly before retreating back into the kitchen and through into the store room as everyone looked on in complete shock that Belle, of all people, had just had to biggest go at an elder woman.

Letting go a loud and angered sigh Belle spun around and looked around the room as everyone was now staring at her.

“WHAT?’ Belle yelled as people looked away from her as she stormed off, leaving the Diner as people started staring once she had left again.


He walked through the door and made his way toward the service desk, looking around him to make sure no one was looking at him before pressing his hand gently on the desk bell as it made a noise and a shuffle came from the back room of the small motel.

“Can I help you?’ a dirty looking man walked out and up to the service desk before picking up a pen.

“Checking in!’ Jason said coldly as the man nodded and sat a book on the desk along with the pen he had just picked up.

“Name and drivers license please,’ the man behind the desk said as Jason nodded.

After scribbling down his name and pulling his license out the man nodded in satisfaction before handing the license back.

“Ok Robert, welcome to Yabbie Creek Inn, your room key,’ the man spoke as he handed Jason a key as Jason smiled and turned and walked off.

Once he had retreated to his room he pulled out a bag which was inside a suitcase and carefully opened it up, pulling from it another, smaller bag and sat it neatly on the bed in front of him.

Walking over to the window, he pulled the curtains closed before walking back over to the bed, pulling out his wallet and throwing it on the bed as a number of fake I.D’s fell out before continuing to open the case.

Inside it were a number of photo’s of a tall, skinny, pregnant brunette at a post box, walking along the beach, in the Diner and Surf Club and with a red haired woman at a table.

Smiling he pulled the photo’s out and scattered them out over the bed, returning hid gaze back to the bag, he picked up a long, round tube and took the lid off before carefully extracting it from the tube.

Holding in his hand a syringe he gently sat that on the bed and then reached into the bag, pulling out a small tube of clear liquid. Picking up the syringe, he removed the cover of the needle and gently pushed the pointer into the tube. Pulling on the end of the needle and watching as the contents slowly filled the inside of the needle as he smiled coldly to himself.


She sat there in a gaze, staring at a blank t.v. her legs crossed over one another on the couch and her hands resting protectively on her stomach along with a pillow, Belle thought back to the night when after so long, both her and Aden slept together since she had showed him her scar.

That night was indeed the best and worst night of her life, she had finally overcome her intimacy issues and then she had received that call, the call that told her that her mother had died, along with her step father, Peter.

Lifting one hand up, she ran her index finger over her scar, feelings its light bump as she followed it down, stopping as it protruded past her maternity top. Looking up at the door just as a small, rounded, elder woman stood at the door, red puffy eyes and hand held up, looking like she was just about to knock.

“Can… can I come in?’ she asked as she sniffed, waiting for a reply from Belle, one which she didn’t give.

“What are you doing here Colleen?’ Belle asked as Colleen shuffled inside the house and past the kitchen, stopping at the base of the lounge room as Belle clambered to her feet.

“I wanted to apologize for…’

“For what, ruining my life, spilling my secrets to a complete stranger who is now obsessed with me that because of you, I may have to leave the Bay…’ Belle enraged as Colleen lowered her head, stifling another sniffle before looking up.

“I didn’t mean…’

“Oh… Oh Colleen you never mean, you never THINK! Just because you life is so boring, so pathetic and so over, does not give you the right, to be a nosey, annoying, DOWN RIGHT PATHETIC KNOW IT ALL…’ Belle was now screaming as tears were racing down Colleen’s face as she backed away from Belle, Belle inching forward each time as they were now at the kitchen door.

“But you know what’s really pathetic… the fact that you can never actually, just keep your mouth shut!’ Belle spoke that last sentence with such anger and resent that it sent a shiver down Colleen’s spine as she elder woman turned on her heel and raced away from the house, screaming with tears as Belle slammed the door and leant up against it.


She raced along the edge of the beach, arms wailing all over the place, along with the strap of her hand bag as she came to a small, secluded spot near the clearing as the cried loudly, wiping her face with the sleeve of her dress as more tears protruded from her glassy eyes.

Looking up as her bottom lip quivered, she noticed two people hugging in the water as he spun her around in circles and she clung to his body tightly as he brushed a piece of wet hair away from her face.

Squinting her red and puffy eyes to see more clearly, she watched as the held hands, walking out of the water. Her brown skin and dark brown hair and his light skin and fair hair making Colleen gasp in shock as she was staring at Lucas and Cassie, with the both looking back at her.

Chapter 42

After belle's blasting, will Colleen spill her guts about Cassie and Lucas?

Jason watches Belle sleep!

Aden does some digging about Jason, with horrifying results!

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Thanks so much guys, glad you all like!

Oh I just want to clarify, some of you are asking if I can let Aden out soon, well I was thinking about it but that would make me as bad as the writers so I would need a very good reason in the fic for Aden not to serve his full 8 months!

But enjoy this chapter guys! I know, I can be mean!

Chapter 42

She ran away from the sight as fast as her little legs could carry the woman, pushing her way through bushes and shrubs with both Lucas and Cassie quickly in tow. Once Colleen had made it into the clearing she looked both ways before taking off left, down the street, looking behind her every couple of minutes, determined to escape their shouting and yelling out after her.

Making it to the bus stop, Colleen felt her heart pounding so fast that it felt like it was going to rip through her chest and take off down the road on its own little journey. She knew she was unfit, but to only have run a couple of meters before feeling all her energy drain from her body was a definite sign that she needed to get fit again.

Plonking herself down on the bus bench, she wiped the sweat away from her face as she struggled to breathe the air into her lungs, she heard Lucas and Cassie walked toward her, both were panting from trying to catch her.

“Mrs Smart!’ Cassie spoke as Colleen looked up at the both of them as they both sat down next to her.

“You don’t have to worry, it’s none of my business, I wont say anything, not after Belle’s angry remarks towards me today,’ Colleen said as both Cassie and Lucas looked slightly a taken back by her comment.

“Thank… thank you!’ Cassie said as Colleen nodded, looking at the both of them.

“Life’s too short so, live your life to the fullest and, don’t regret ever doing anything!’ Colleen finished as she climbed to her feet, smiling one last smile to the both of them before walking off down the road and disappearing around the corner, leaving both Cassie and Lucas sitting there, thinking about what she had just said.


As the day slowly disappeared and the night, starry skies emerged. The lightly bright moon lit up the sky and the stars twinkled elegantly. It was a cold night as the wind had picked up, pushing past trees, already branches had fallen onto the ground. The ocean was crashing hard against the rocks as they took a severe beating from each wave, every wave hitting the rocks with harder and harder force each time.

Inside the beach house, Geoff, Irene and Belle had just finished eating dinner, Geoff had kept on teasing Belle about how much she was eating and that before she got pregnant she ate less than an ant would, causing Geoff to have a very sore arm where Belle punched him while Irene rolled her eyes and told them to just eat their dinner.

“Thanks for dinner Irene, it was beautiful,’ Belle spoke as she carried her now empty plate into the kitchen, swiftly followed by Geoff and Irene.

“Oh I’m glad you liked it darl,’ Irene replied with a smile as Belle began to do the washing up, squirting dish washing liquid into the sink and turning the hot tap on as Geoff rushed forward.

“I’ll do that,’ he started as Belle shook her head.

“No it’s fine I can do it,’ she replied as Geoff nodded.

“Well I’ll dry then!’ Geoff said as Belle looked at him, seeing the worried expression on his face as Belle laughed and nodded.

“There’s no need to baby sit me Geoffrey I’m fine,’ She spoke as Geoff gave an unconvinced laugh.

“It’s just drying up,’ he lied as Belle nodded and started washing the dishes.

Once that was done, Belle made a cup of tea as she couldn’t stomach the taste, let alone the smell of coffee much anymore, said goodnight to Geoff and Irene and headed to bed. She’d had a long, tiring day, slipping her night gown over her arms, head and finally her baby bump which was growing a little more every day; she opened the window a fraction and climbed into bed, holding her cup up close to her as she felt the warmth against her hands.


Aden sat in his cell on his bed, the lights from the main area were bright and lit up the cell completely as he read the letter he had not long ago received from Belle. Worry started creeping on his face just as Tom entered.

“Hey A… mate what’s wrong?’ Tom asked as Aden looked up and handed the letter to Tom who also looked horror struck when he read it.

“What?’ Aden asked as he saw the look on Tom’s face. “Tell me!’

“I know this guy, Jason, he lived in my town after traveling from miles away. We became mates and he told me he was with this girl, named Isabelle, he called her… Belle… for short and she was pregnant with his kid anyway… he was on the hard stuff you know, ice and one night was out of it and him and Isabelle had a fight and…’ Tom’s voice trailed off as Aden began to climb up from his bed.

“And what…?’ Aden asked as Tom looked at Aden.

“He killed her, pushed her, she fell and hit her head on the corner of the table, killed instantly, both her and the baby so he moved to my town, fell in love with this girl named,’ Tom couldn’t finish and Aden could see the pain that started forming on Tom’s face.

“Are you ok mate?’ Aden asked as Tom nodded slowly.

“He killed my brother and his fiancé and baby and dumped her, her pregnant body in the lake and waited for the cops to turn up!’ Tom finished as Aden’s mouth dropped open and he ran his fingers through his hair with worry.


He gently slid the window up and open before gently climbing through; trying to make as little noise as he possibly could as he knew that there were other people in the house. He had been waiting for her bed room light to switch off for a while, and had been hiding in the bushes even longer, since dusk to be exact.

Watching as her chest gently rose and fell in a rhythmic sense, he smiled before looking at the door, making sure it was closed before turning and looking back at her as she rolled over, pushing one hand underneath her pillow and the other on top of her pillow as her lips gently parted.

“Aden…’ she whispered as she could feel someone close to her as she cuddled up to her pillow more closely before a swift kick in her stomach made her smile. Removing one hand from her pillow it rested on her bump as another more fierce kick made her face crinkle before she began to open her eyes.

Opening them, she at first saw a pair of legs as she slowly sat herself upright in the bed and followed the legs carefully up. As soon as she saw the face a piercing scream erupted through out the room.

Chapter 43

You'll just have to wait and see!


Awwwwwwwwwww I know I'm evil and you all hate me because of the way I left it and the spoiler, well hate me no more :P (I hope <_<)


Chapter 43

A sudden gust of wind swept throughout Belle’s bed room as Jason stumbled backward and into her wardrobe with a hard thump. Belle looked around the room to where the scream had possibly come from, it sure as hell wasn’t her and even Jason looked frightened because he didn’t see Belle’s mouth open for her to scream.

Foot steps could be heard taking the stairs as Jason knew someone was coming, some one heard the piercing scream that had come from Belle’s room, but not Belle herself. Opening the bum bag that he had wrapped around his waist he pulled out the needle and ripped the lid off it which stopped him from getting pricked and made his way towards Belle.

Another sudden gust of wind blew past Belle, making her hair fly all over the place as she let go a solid breath as the room had suddenly gone very ghostly cold and she could see the air leaving her mouth like it was white fog.

Another piercing scream erupted through the room this time as the door flung open and Geoff and Irene were standing there. Geoff immediately charged forwards, fists raised as Geoff’s left first collided with the right side of Jason’s face, the needle being knocked out of his hand immediately as it fell to the ground, the needle point up as the contents suddenly flew from the needle point and all over Belle’s floor as Geoff threw another punch to the other side of Jason’s face as Irene raced over to Belle, pulling back the covers but also keeping an eye on his foster son before swiftly telling Belle to get out and go and hide. Irene also shoved Belle’s mobile into her hands and told her to once she was hidden to ring the police and that Irene and Geoff would be fine to handle this. Belle obeyed immediately and escaped the bed room as foot steps could be heard going up the stairs.

Irene then turned back to see Geoff and Jason on the ground, Geoff was still punching him, but this time was punching his ribs as Jason tried to protect himself from the teenage boy who was still laying into him.


“I cant believe Belle had a go at Colleen today, she must have said some pretty mean things for Colleen not to tell anybody,’ Cassie said as both her and Lucas cuddled each other whilst lying in bed that night.

Stroking Cassie’s hair Luc smiled. “Yeah but I bet by tomorrow night everyone will know,’

“No I don’t think so Luc,’ Cassie said as she ran her fingers over Lucas’s torso before looking up at him. “I think she was serious!’

“Well we’ll soon see then wont we,’ Lucas smiled as he kissed the top of Cassie’s hair. “Anyway, why are we talking about Colleen, I could think of something much better we could be doing!’ Lucas grinned as Cassie giggled, grabbing hold of Lucas’s waist and pulling him on top of her before leaning up and kissing his lips tenderly as he kissed her back.

“Lucas,’ Cassie spoke as she pulled back and gathered her breathing, looking deep into Lucas’s beautiful blue eyes. “Did you love her, Mattie, I mean?’ she asked as Lucas stroked her hair before nodding.

“And I seriously thought she loved me but, somehow I knew, that it had and always will be Ric!’ Lucas replied as Cassie smiled and nodded.

“Do you think you could ever, love me, like you did with Mattie?’ she asked again as Lucas smiled.

“I’m already getting there,’ he replied softly, stroking a piece of hair away from her face as she smiled, leaning up and once again pressing her lips more firmly against Lucas’s as he genuinely deepened the kiss.


“He can’t harm you or anyone else ever again Belle!’ Angelo spoke as Belle sat on the couch, legs curled up to her stomach as far as they could go due to the growing baby bump protruding from her stomach.

“Thanks, for everything Angelo!’ Belle replied as Irene came into the lounge room holding two cups of hot contents, passing both Belle and Angelo a cup as both thanked her gratefully for a nice hot cup.

“I just wish I could have done something before it got to this point. Anyway I’m going to head to the station and question him and he will be held without bail until his hearing so you should be safe now, if you have anymore problems then just ring me. Aden’s a good man and he is lucky to have such an amazing woman like you,’ Angelo replied as Belle smiled graciously, nodding before cupping her hands hard around the cup.

“I’m the lucky one, thanks again!’ Belle said as Angelo nodded, placing his cup on the table which was still full to the brim of the hot drink Irene had just made and got to his feet. Saying one last goodbye to Irene, Geoff and Belle, Angelo left the house.

Taking a seat next to Belle, Geoff placed one arm around her shoulders protectively and pulled her close to him as she let herself fall into him. Letting her legs fall down to her side next to Geoff as he rubbed her arm.

“You know, I heard you scream even with my ipod up loud,’ Geoff said as Belle looked up at him.

“Geoff, it wasn’t me that screamed, even Jason looked scared out of his wits… I think, I think Annie was there, protecting me,’ Belle replied as Geoff looked down at Belle, at first thinking she was playing some kind of crazy joke but seeing the truth in her eyes he didn’t know what to say.

“One minute it was relatively warm in there and the next, every breath I let out, I could see like there was a ghost or something in there. I think Annie was, is, looking over me, us!’ Belle finished as Geoff listened to her speak before looking at the tv as he felt Belle rest her head on his chest again.

Sorry this was so short guys!

Chapter 44

Times are looking up for Belle!

Aden see's a scan of the baby for the first time!

Matilda and Ric are getting closer... is a reconciliation on the cards?


so here is the next chapter :)

Hope you like, I really didn't liek the way this turned out!

Chapter 44

As dark disappeared and dawn soon came into view, a new day began for the residents of Summer Bay. The birds chirped loudly in the trees and the wind was gentle and calm. Her groggy eyes began to open as she stirred, sighing as she could feel the bags under her eyes taking its toll from the sleepless night, not only from Belle almost being attacked but also from her baby kicking her and doing back flips, keeping itself amused and leaving Belle to moan and groan about wanting sleep.

She pushed herself up slightly and looked at her now calm and peaceful stomach, giving a small smile at how her baby knew when she was awake and when she was trying to sleep.

Pushing the duvet away from her she climbed across the bed, rubbing her eyes as she exited her bedroom and walked across the hall and into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror at her messy hair when was sticking up all over the place

Turning the taps on, Belle cupped the cold water in her hands before splashing it over her face, letting the water wake her up before cupping more water in her hands and also splashing it over her face. Grabbing the towel she patted her face dry and then turned the taps off before walking out and into the kitchen where she poured herself a hot cup of black tea. Leaning against the bench, she slowly drank her tea as Geoff came down the stairs, instantly seeing Belle and smiling as she returned his smile.

“Morning,’ Belle said as Geoff saw the bags under her eyes and how pale white she looked.

“Morning,’ he replied. “Didn’t sleep to well did you?’ he asked as she shook her head before sitting the cup down on the bench beside her.

“Nope, the baby was kicking half the night,’ she giggled as Geoff smiled before walking outside and returning a couple of minutes later with the paper clutched in both hands, reading the front page.

“I knew it wouldn’t take them long,’ Geoff’s sarcastic laugh caused Belle to look up as he looked up at her before passing Belle the paper, scanning the front page Belle laughed before rolling her eyes.

“They don’t even have the full story, and how did Gavin find out I was attacked anyway, god he is giving me a head ache!’ Belle moaned in discomfort as she kept reading the paper.

Miss Taylor, whose boyfriend had been jailed for eight months and is pregnant was last night attacked in her home. While we have not spoken to Belle Taylor herself, sources can confirm that the man in question had entered the house and was planning on kidnapping the 19 year old pregnant teenager to apparently exact revenge on Miss Taylor’s boyfriend, Former bad boy and criminal for the attempted murder of brother Sean, Aden Jefferies. Further details will be posted on Miss Taylor’s latest unlucky life.

Belle stifled another laugh just as Irene walked down the stairs in her dressing gown, seeing the paper and Belle and Geoff laughing, Irene walked over to them and quickly read over the paper before rolling her eyes and starting to make herself a coffee.

“Bloody newspaper reporters, always sticking there noses where its not wanted. How the hell did he find out anyway, and its not even right!’ Irene scoffed as she pulled the milk from the fridge.


“Hey, how are you feeling today?’ Ric asked as he handed Matilda a bunch of colorful flowers.

“Hey, yeah, today’s been a good day so far,’ Matilda replied as she smiled gently, taking the flowers and smelling there beauty before sitting them beside her on the couch and making some room for Ric to sit down.

“That’s good, Belle sends her love and is sorry she hasn’t been in but say’s she’ll visit you soon!’ Ric stated as Matilda nodded before turning to face him.

“How’s Luc doing?’

Ric looked at Matilda before shrugging his shoulders. “Don’t know, I haven’t seen him around much. Him and Cassie are spending a lot of time together,’ Ric said as Mattie nodded before reaching over and taking Ric’s hand in hers, waiting or expecting him to pull away from her, but he didn’t.

Reaching his hand over, he rested his other hand on top of Matilda’s before looking up at her and smiling gently.

“Thank you!’ Mattie whispered as Ric smiled at her. Pulling his hand away from her he shuffled himself over to her before wrapping his hands around her shoulders and pulling her close to him. Matilda let herself fall into his chest and wrap her arms around his waist, listening to his heart beat rhythmically beating as she closed her eyes and let herself drift off into her own world.


She walked out of the room, a yellow envelope clutched in both hands as she grinned like a little school girl opening presents for her first birthday. On the envelope was the name ‘Taylor, Belle’ plastered across the middle and up in the top left corner was ‘Northern District Hospital’ in plain writing as she looked up, seeing a couple sitting on the hard plastic chairs, fingers entwined with each other and gazing longingly into one another’s eyes like there was no one else in the world bar them.

Belle knew that feeling, felt that feeling. Once she had left the hospital and was sitting in her car she opened the envelope and pulled out the two silver photos, displaying the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. A small outline of a baby could be seen, its visible head and body curled in a ball and its tiny fingers and toes clutched close to itself.

Looking at the other photo, Belle smiled before picking up the letter on the passenger seat that she had written to Aden before opening the flap and placing the photo inside before licking the seal and closing the flap to seal it tight. Looking up she placed the other silver photo back in the envelope and also sat that down on the passenger seat, beside the letter to Aden and stuck her keys in the ignition before starting up the car, placing her seat belt over her protruding stomach, making herself comfortable before pulling out of the car park and driving off away from the hospital.


Later that night he sat in his cell, he had just eaten his, (although rather disgusting) meal and then had made his way back to his cell, dark was already approaching as he sat on his hard bed and started precariously at her picture.

Looking up, Aden watched men starting to walk past, heading to their cells and a moment later Tom entered, holding two letters. Passing one to Aden before climbing up on to the top bunk and proceeding to open his own letter as Aden sat the photo of Belle down and began opening his letter.

Pulling the letter out of the envelope, a silver photo fell out with it as Aden looked at it, confused for a moment before his face lit up in a happy surprise. Staring back at him was his baby, his and Belle’s baby. It was curled up in a little ball and it was surprisingly sucking its thumb. Aden smiled as he kept staring at the ultrasound picture.

After minutes of staring at the picture, a smile plastered across his face he was bought back to reality when a head appeared over the side of the bunk and noticed Aden’s glowing happiness.

“Why so happy mate?’ Tom asked as Aden looked up before handing the ultrasound picture to Tom, before proceeding to open his letter.

Chapter 45

Aden has a meeting with the Jail board!

Robbie goes to visit Matilda with happy news!


well guess what guys.................. After this chapter, there will only be 5 or so chapters before its finished :o


I'm sad to be ending this, but I have another fic in mind which I have already started so this isn't the end of me just yet!

so enjoy this one guys

Chapter 45

After finishing the last of her lunch, she left the cafeteria and was heading back to her room when she him walking toward her. She hadn’t seen him in so long as she stopped in her tracks as he did the same, both staring at each other as Matilda’s heart skipped a beat before she ran toward him, throwing her arms around him as his glasses went a skew from her face firmly planted up against his.

“Robbie…’ Matilda said as she hugged her brother tightly as he wrapped his arms around his sister and hugged her back. “I’ve missed you so much!’

“I know sis, I… we’ve missed you too and I, I have some news!’ Robbie exclaimed as Matilda pulled back and raised her eye brow at her overly excited brother.

“Well…!’ Matilda said after a moment of watching Robbie as she also began grinning and smiling.

“Tash and I are having another baby…!’


Aden fixed his suit, tucking in his shirt before buttoning up his black jacket and playing with his tie one last time and brushing off his black suit pants. His clothes were a little dusty from when he wore them to his court case 7 months ago.

He didn’t know why he was so nervous, I mean yes he had a review with the jail board, but it is only to discuss his upcoming court case to review his time of being in jail and seeing whether or not he was going to be given a chance to be released.

Looking back up, his eyes rested on her photo. Her brown hair had grown since he last saw her and her stomach was like a balloon as it protruded from her stomach. Her hands were resting comfortably and protectively on her stomach and she was standing slightly to one side as to show off her stomach. Her head was tilted and she was staring directly at the camera, a smile plastered across her face and she was glowing, just a radiant glow which made her look even more beautiful then ever.

Beside that photo was another picture, unlike the one of Belle, it was a silver colored border and then it was black. If you didn’t look properly and just glanced as you were walking past, like so many had done before, you would swear it was just a black photo of nothing, but, looking closely at it you could see that black around and then a sliver of blue around that and then, there it was, his baby, there baby, one that they had made so much love to conceive that baby, one he would cherish.

“Aden Jefferies,’ his name echoed through one ear as his brain slowly registered that there was someone standing behind him. Spinning around he saw a male in a rather disgusting brown uniform looking back at him. “Time to go,’ he said.

Aden nodded and smiled a smile that anyone who knew him, would of known it was very unconvincing. But the guard smiled back before looking past Aden’s shoulders and seeing the two pictures plastered on the wall behind him.

“You excited?’ he asked, pointing to the pictures as Aden turned around, looking at the pictures again before turning back to the guard.

“Like you wont believe,’ was Aden’s happy, yet simple reply as he tried to keep all conversations to small talk, as he had done with every one except his cell mate Tom since his arrival.

Taking one last look at the pictures, the guard nodded and turned, exiting the cell and walking away. Aden craned his head one last time, taking in the depth of the pictures before looking in front of him and beginning to follow the guard.


She was sitting on the couch, a coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other, reading the front page, her eyes scanning over the words written in ink in front of her but not really registering anything in. Pulling cup up to her lips she was just about to take a mouthful when the phone started ringing.

Looking up, she sat the paper down beside her on the couch, clasping her fingers around the cup handle she got to her feet and walked over to the phone.

“Hello, Irene Roberts speaking,’ she said as she stepped back and leant up against the counter opposite her, sitting the cup behind her.

“Your kidding,’ she exclaimed, eyes widening and her free hand grasping over her mouth as she listened. “I, yes I’ll, I’ll be there as soon as I can,’ she said as she hung the phone up, looking around the house as she tried to take in the news she had just heard.

“I cant believe it,’ she whispered.

Chapter 46

What shocked Irene

Belle visits Annie's grave


so only 4 chapters to go :)

Hope you enjoy and thanks for all your lovely comments

Chapter 46

Holding a bunch of roses in her hands as she rested them against her ever growing stomach, Belle felt some how calmer as she stood over the tombstone with the engravings of “Annie Campbell, loving sister, daughter and friend 1992 ~ 2008” written in bold writing on it.

“I miss you Annie,’ Belle softly spoke as she bent down and placed the roses on her grave before standing back up as her eyes traveled over the engravings once again. “You’ve missed out on so much Annie, I’m pregnant, Mattie and Lucas lost their kids and broke up, Geoff’s been amazing but we don’t see him much except of a morning and when he has nothing better to do, Aden was sent to jail, long story,’ Belle laughed at that last comment before sighing.

“I just wish you were here,’ Belle leant down and trailed her fingers over Annie’s name on her tomb before her phone started beeping. Standing back up, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and read the message.

‘Irene wants us both home, see you there sis xx’

Frowning at Geoff’s message, Belle wondered why Irene wanted them both home, she hadn’t mentioned anything about any surprises. Shrugging it off Belle put her phone away, taking one more look at Annie’s grave before turning and walking away back toward her car.


The guard opened the door as Aden quietly thanked him and entered into the room. A large square room with a panel in the middle and one singular chair made the room look quiet empty. Bars were on all of the windows and sitting behind the panel were 5 men all wearing suits.

Aden looked behind him as the door closed and slowly began his nervous journey over to the single chair which was seated in the middle of the room and sat down as the man in the middle seat who was pudgy looking and bald spoke.

“Welcome Mr. Jefferies. Now we told you that this was a meeting to discuss your upcoming release but that was a lie,’ he spoke as Aden’s eyes widened in shock. Opening his mouth he was about to speak but the man spoke up again.

“Instead this is your release,’

“I’m… I’m sorry. Did, did you just say I’m being, released… today?’ Aden asked as he thought he was hearing things until the pudgy man in the middle nodded and smiled.

“After all your help with Tom and other inmates in this prison, helping them and also your occasional help in the kitchen we have reviewed your case and decided that it is time you be released. All your things are packed and waiting for you and your lift is waiting outside this prison. Hopefully Mr. Jefferies we wont see you in here again…’

“Oh you wont, I have a family to protect now, a baby due in a couple of months,’ Aden replied as a smile crept on his face as the man nodded.

All five men stood from there chairs and ushered Aden to do the same, in response, Aden walked forward and shook each mans hand, each congratulating him on his early release and seeing him goodbye.


She was leaning up against the car, chewing nervously on her finger nails as she waited. She mad rang Geoff from the car and asked him to message Belle to come home and that she wanted them both there. She had also told them that she would ring him when she was nearly home to make sure that both Geoff and Belle were there but she didn’t mention why even after Geoff ranted and raved about what she was hiding from them.

Pulling out her phone she checked the time like she had done since her arrival less then ten minutes a go, and once again she sighed and put the phone back in her pocket and returned to chewing her nails but she suddenly stopped when she heard the sound of clanging metal gates close by.

Looking up at the gates in front of her, the heavy barred green metal gates clanged before shuttering and opening outward as a blonde haired boy walked toward her, that cheeky ‘You know you want me’ grin which Belle fell for every time but much more ecstatic and happy as he fastened his walk into a slight run at seeing Irene.

Holding out her arms for him, she was happy that he hugged her tightly, seeing not the sad fragile little boy that had left her family and daughter seven months ago, but a grown up, wiser man now in her grasp as she pulled back and studied him up and down before breaking out in a huge massive smile herself.

“Come one, lets get you home love. Belle doesn’t know your out yet!’ Irene said as she patted Aden’s shoulders, smiling as he nodded and ushering him around to the passenger seat of her blue car before clambering inside herself.


Belle was beginning to feel anxious as Irene hadn’t arrived home yet, Belle had been home for almost an hour and a half now and still hadn’t heard from Irene. Even Geoff was beginning to worry about what would be keeping her.

She was working herself into such a state that she could feel cramps in the lower part of her stomach which she was holding tightly onto whilst pacing back and forth past the couch, Geoff watching her, making himself feel rather anxious.

As the house phone began ringing loudly, neither teenager was expecting it so both jumped. Belle’s heart racing almost three times as hard and whilst being heavily pregnant, Belle knew it wasn’t a good idea to work herself up into a state but she couldn’t help herself. Geoff who had already raced over to the phone looked overly relieved as he hung up the phone, Belle looking at him wide eyed and nervous.

“She’s pulling in the drive now, she said to wait in here though,’ Geoff explained as Belle frowned and stopped pacing, the cramping in her stomach becoming more and more painful.

Geoff walked back over to Belle and rubbed her shoulders soothingly as Belle tried to take a deep breath. Looking up she saw Irene enter the house, a grin plastered across her face as Geoff spun around and sighed.

“Irene, you had us worried half to death what…’ his voice trailed off as he saw him walk past the kitchen window and also enter the house. Grasping his hands over his mouth as he blinked what was al least two or three times to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.

Tears over glazed her eyes as she stood there, staring back at the one person she was not meant to see for another month yet. Smiling sweetly back at her. A small, fragile smile slowly stretched its way across her face as a single tear escaped her eyes and rolled ever so slowly down her cheeks as she pulled her hands up to her chest, her heart beat racing ever so fast at the very sight of him.

Everything was going in slow motion as she slowly began walking toward him as he walked toward her, both taking small steps toward each other as nothing or no one else was even in the room. Stopping mere inches away from each other, Aden unable to move forward anymore due to his girlfriends stomach in his way. Instead Aden reach down and gently took both her hands, informing her that what she was seeing was in fact as real as it could be before entwining his fingers in between hers.

“Hey you,’ he spoke softly as tears began to trickle down Belle’s face, each a little more faster than the last before she finally opened her mouth to speak.

“I’ve, we’ve missed you so much,’ she mumbled before throwing herself forward and kissing him passionately as a tingling sensation ran right throughout her whole body as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his lips, cheeks and neck as he held her tightly.

Pulling back slightly, she looked deeply into his emerald green eyes and smiled as she suddenly felt a wet patch between her legs.

“Aden…’ she whispered as he smiled and looked at her.

“Belle,’ he repeated her name as she swallowed hard and looked down and then back up.

“I think my waters just broke,’

Chapter 47

Belle goes into labor, will everything go ok?

Matilda and Ric reunite

Lucas and Cassie reveal their relationship


so here it is, the chapter that took me ages to write lol

only 3 chappy's left :(

Really hope you enjoy this!

Chapter 47

“You are in big trouble” Belle screamed through tears and panting. She was covered in sweat, hair sticking to her face. She was sitting against the head rest of the hospital bed with her legs apart. Doctors and nurses were flittering around telling Belle how she was doing. Aden was by her side, holding her hand giving her words of encouragement. Irene was on the other side trying to support her back and rubbing at pressure points, this did generally help with the pain. Geoff, Cassie, Lucas and almost half of the town were outside in the waiting room, listening to the screams which echoed throughout the hospital.

“Keep pushing Belle, you are doing so well” The doctor told her. Belle was squeezing Aden’s hand as hard as she could with each contraction and Aden’s hand was already as numb as it could go and he could feel tingling. Belle hated being in this state in front of her family, but they were trying to help. Her body shock each time she pushed.

“I WILL KILL YOU ADEN JEFFERIES” Belle screamed. She knew it would not help with giving birth but it did make her feel better. She was just glad Aden took it in his stride.

It had been over 3 hours now since Belle first went into labor and although she wasn’t due for another two months, the doctors told her that she could still have a healthy baby. Although she had put on some weight over the coming months whilst being pregnant, her body was starting to feel the bumps and aches wracking her sore limp body. And even now she was told she had only just become fully dilated.

Belle screamed with pain as another contraction erupted throughout her body as she shook violently, her blushed red cheeks and the rest of her face, neck and basically her whole body sweating from all the pushing she was being made to do.

“Ok, now I want you to push for me Belle,’ the doctor was so calm as Belle swore under her breath and all too loudly for everyone to hear the most outrageous and disgusting swear words not only to the doctor but Aden as well for getting her knocked up in the first place.

But Belle did indeed push as more shaking racked her body and she panted short, violent breaths.

“I can see a head” the doctor said “Keep pushing” One nurse had a towel on hand ready to wrap the baby up once it was born. Screaming loudly as Belle pushed with all her might and almost crushing Aden’s hand as his face screwed up in discomfort from his girlfriend cutting off all circulation from his hand completely and the fact that he felt like he was ready to faint as he heard Belle stop screaming. Her chest rising and falling so fast that she looked about ready to explode at that very minute.

“Ok Belle your doing great, now again,’ the doctor yelled as Belle swore for him to give birth and see how he liked it before she gave another screaming, antagonizing push as her body once again shook with violence and Aden’s hand once again felt the full force of it.

Tilting her bead backwards Belle felt just about ready to give up as she spoke those words “I cant, I cant do it,’ with such empathy and exhaustion.

“No Belle, you can do it, a couple more pushes and your there,’ the doctor reassured her as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Feeling a gentle squeeze from Aden she turned to look at him as he nodded before she lifted her head once more.

After what seemed like forever, and another 3 pushes Belle’s screaming was joined by the shrill crying of a baby as she this time collapsed back onto the bed as her head shrunk into the pillow and she closed her eyes before opening them once more. “A boy” The doctor called walking over and handing the bunddle to Belle. Belle cried as she looked down at her son, Aden’s free hand came round to stroke the baby’s cheek and kissing Belle’s head as he did. A nurse took the baby out of her arms to clean him up as Belle felt completely numb as Aden leaned down, cupping her cheeks and whispering to her that she had done it as another nurse wet a sponge and wiped Belle’s face and neck with it as the cooling sensation made her feel even more exhausted as a small coherent smile crept across her face before capturing Aden’s passionate embrace.

Leaning her head into Aden as the nurse bought their baby back over to them, cleaned up and covered in a blanket, she gently passed the baby into Belle’s arms as she looked down at her son, their son as the tears once again began streaming down her face, touching his face with her finger as she looked up at Aden who was beaming and also had tears in his eyes.

“We need to think of a name,’ Belle panted as her breathing became slower and gentle.

“How about, Landon, from our favourite movie,’ Aden cooed at his son who was nestling himself up into his mothers warm arms and was holding his small fingers at his chin.

“It’s perfect, and how about Xavier for his middle name,’ Belle cooed as she kissed his forehead as Aden looked down at her, beaming with smiles and tears. “Perfect,’ he agreed.

“Hello baby, welcome to the world Landon Xavier Jefferies!’


After hours of waiting, silence had over come the waiting area as Geoff, Lucas, Cassie, Colleen, Leah, Miles, Melody, Nicole, Roman and many other people waited anxiously for the news. Soon enough everyone was standing as they watched Aden slowly walking toward them with a small bundle in his arms.

“It’s a boy!’ he spoke as the room erupted in cheers of congratulations and well done’s and oh my gods as everyone gushed forward to see them small baby that he held in his hands.

“Landon Xavier Jefferies,’ Aden broadcasted his name as Cassie and Lucas were first to reach him, taking in the most magnificent sight. The start of small dark brown hair could be seen and his nicely tanned body was definitely a result of Belle. A cute button nose and shaped face was most suited to Aden of course.

Looking at Cassie, Lucas smiled before picking her up and swinging her around before placing a delicate yet passionate kiss on her lips as the room suddenly went quiet.


“Ok thanks Irene, give them our best!’ Ric hung up the phone as Matilda watched him walk back to her, a milestone of a grin present on his face.

“Well?’ she asked anxiously as he pulled her to her feet.

“Landon Xavier Jefferies was born twenty minutes ago, 7 pounds 8 ounces and healthy,’ Ric beamed as Matilda gasped and started screaming with joy before throwing her arms around Ric and jumping up and down.

“I cant believe it,’ she screamed as she pulled away from Ric and smiled, but he stayed close to her, pulling her toward him before wrapping his arms around her waist.

He looked at her lips. He loved those lips. He kissed her, with a small but forceful kiss. He licked her bottom lip, and kissed again. Then his tongue darted back out and he licked her top lip, and then he kissed her again. He kissed her for what felt like an eternity, and he could feel her defenses weakening.

“Do you love me?” she suddenly asked. What an inane question. Does he love her?

“Of course I love you, I’ve always loved you Mattie, it’s always been you,” he said with a smile. He kissed her forehead. He returned to her mouth. He sank his tongue deep in her mouth, and he felt her tongue come alive from the touch of his. They kissed each other as if they had never kissed before. He felt so hard for her. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted her before, and that was saying a lot.

Chapter 48

- Belle and baby come home

-A marriage proposel, who asks who?


To answer all your questions lol.

No not everyone knows about Colleen blabbing about Aden to Jason which Belle explains to Aden in this chapter. I am slowly bringing everything to close over the last 2 chapters

hope you enjoy

Chapter 48

Her eyes fluttered open as she yawned and studied the color of the walls and the smell of cleaning products and stale coffee. Reaching one hand up she rubbed her eyes before rolling over as her eyes gazed upon the blonde haired figure sitting by her bed holding a small bundle in his arms.

Looking up, he saw her eyes staring at him and he smiled. “Morning beautiful, sleep well?’ he asked as she smiled back at him and nodded graciously.

“Yes I did, thank you!’ she replied as Aden gently got to his feet and leant down, pressing a soft, delicate kiss on the top of her fore head.

“How is he?’ Belle asked as she sat up and moved over, letting Aden sit down beside her before handing the baby over to her and stroking her cheek and arm.

“He is perfect, the doctors came by earlier wanting to talk to you but you were sleeping, said they’d be back a little later,’ Aden replied as Belle nodded, leaning her head into the crook of his neck as he lifted one arm and wrapping it around Belle’s waist.

“Aden,’ Belle whispered as he looked down at her. “I have to tell you something ok,’

“Sure,’ he replied.

“I haven’t told anyone and I don’t know if Colleen has told Irene yet but it was Colleen who told Jason about you being in jail and I, I was going to come and see you in jail and tell you about Jason attacking. Me. A. Couple. Of nights ago!’ Belle replied as Aden eyes widened in shock and he looked down at her.

“He attacked you, wait what, how did he get into the house because Irene wouldn’t let him in unless he,’ Aden’s voice trailed off before he looked back down at Belle as the baby wriggled slightly in Belle’s arms. “He crawled through the window didn’t he?’


“If you will just sign here Miss Hunter, then you will be free to go!’ the nurse spoke as Matilda sucked in a deep breath before nodding gently and taking the pen from the woman’s grasp and signing her name across the line and setting the pen back down.

“Well Miss Hunter, you are now free to go and we hope that you enjoy you new life and that you come back and visit every once in a while,’ the nurse said as Matilda smiled and nodded.

“Thank you. I… if it wasn’t for you guys I’d probably be drunk on some beach passed out or maybe even dead and, and Ric and I wouldn’t have sorted everything out so, it means the world to me, thanks!’

“Your very, very, very welcome Matilda,’ the lady replied as Matilda picked up her bag and proceeded to walk out the doors before turning around giving one last smile and wave to the lady who smiled and waved in return.

Turning back around she saw him standing there waiting for her as the sun shone brightly behind him. She smiled and walked toward him but slowly broke into a small run before running into his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning in, pressing her lips firmly against his, embracing him into a passionate kiss.

“You ready to go?’ Ric asked as Matilda pulled back and looked at him, smiling before nodding before letting go as Ric turned around, keeping one hand on the lower of her back as he guided her toward the car, and their new life.


“Hey where did you go?’ Cassie asked as she sat on the couch and watched as Lucas came through the front door with a broad smile as he jumped on the couch next to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

“We have to go,’ he said as she frowned before smiling as he took her hands and got up form the couch, puling her to follow him.

“Where are we going?’ she asked as she followed.

“You’ll see,’ was all he replied as he continued to pull Cassie out the front door and across the yard and up the next yard to Jack and Martha’s house.

“What are we doing here, Jack and Martha are still away on holiday,’ Cassie replied as Lucas nodded but kept pulling her as he pulled a set of keys out of his pocket before stopping and unlocking the door to the house and grabbing her hand again and turning around to face her.

“Close your eyes!’ he asked her sweetly as she turned her head slightly to one side before closing her eyes as she felt Lucas let go of her hands and brush past her and stand behind her before replacing his hands to the side of her arms and guiding her gently inside the house.


“So darl are you ready to go home?’ Irene asked as Belle looked up from packing the rest of her stuff and nodded as she saw Aden walk in holding the baby in his arms.

“Ready!’ Belle stated as Irene smiled, walking over to her and taking her bag as she smiled and walked over to Aden and the baby, Irene closely behind her as they left.


“Welcome home love!’ Irene exclaimed as she put Belle’s bag on her bed as Belle studied the new stuff that was sitting in her bedroom.

“Do you like it?’ Aden asked as he then entered as she walked over to the crib in the corner of the room, above it some hanging stars and in it a tiny teddy bear and a small gift package.

Picking up the bag, Belle gently opened it and reached her hand inside before pulling out a tiny blue baby outfit with words imprinted on it ‘Daddy’s baby boy’ and a small pair of baby socks.

“Oh Aden,’ Belle gasped as she clutched the outfit close to her heart and smiled before turning around and noticing her stand near the door, filled with baby stuff, nappies, both cloth and bought, baby powder and oil, baby clothes and even a small plastic bath.

“When did you do this?’ she asked as Aden walked over and put the baby in the crib before turning and wrapping his arms gently around her waist as she leant back into him.

“This morning, thanks also to Geoff and Irene,’ he replied as she closed her eyes and smiled as she felt Aden’s lips graze over her neck, trailing kisses up her cheek.

“I love it, I love you,’ she replied as she gently turned around, wrapping her arms around his waist and digging her head in the crook of his neck, keeping her eyes closed.


“Ok now open them,’ Lucas whispered in Cassie’s ear as she smiled and gently opened her eyes, looking around the room as it was filled with candles and rose petals with a banner up over the kitchen sink.

Reading the words on the banner she gasped before she felt him take her hands as she darted her eyes back to him, only to find him on the floor, on one knee and holding out a ring as he looked up at her.

“Cassie Turner, will you marry me?’

Chapter 49

- Will Cassie say yes?- Why is Melody back?

- It's Jasons trial, everyone is there and Belle has to give evidence against him

- more than one couple decide to leave the bay!


I want to thank you all for all your lovely, amazing, encouraging comments all throughout this fic, if it wasn't for you guys I dont think this would have come as far as it has done :)

~AdelleFanEver~ I have no intentions of making a sequel to this, although i'm not saying NO to a sequel and if I do then I promise to let you guys know. I may do, but if I do it may be only a small/medium fic!

Enjoy the ride I did think about bringing Mattie and Lucas back together but then I thought well give it something diferent and yes it was hard keeping the Ric/Mattie Lucas/Cassie pairing together because of the fact that im such a huge Mattie/Lucas fan lol

Zetti Do you really doubt me that much lol :P

Anyway, enjoy and one last thing

This is dedicated to you all who have stuck with me throughout this whole fic :)

one more chapter left :(

Chapter 49

“Cassie Turner, will you marry me?’

She had heard him say the words as her mouth dropped open and tears brimmed the edge of her eyes in shock. Clasping her hands over her mouth she looked at the ring that Lucas held in his hands as a tear slipped away and trickled down her cheek.

“Yes,’ she whispered as she removed her hands away from her mouth and pulled Lucas to his feet, cupping his face and kissing him delicately. “Yes, yes, yes of course,’ she said as she planted kisses on him as he wrapped his arms around her and began to swing her around in circles as she giggled as more tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

Pulling back, Lucas slipped the ring on Cassie’s finger before entwining his fingers in hers and pulling her into him, pacing another passionate yet delicate kiss on her lips.


She sat outside holding a cup of tea in her hands, sipping at in slowly while staring down the back path towards the sandy beach. Smiling sweetly to herself as she cupped her hands around the cup she took another sip before closing her eyes and listening to the sweet salty air and the sound of the crashing waves not far away.

Opening them she saw not one, but two people walking up the path toward the house and both were holding hands and as she watched more closely her mouth dropped open when she saw who it was.

“Geoff, Melody what… ah When did you get back Melody?’ Belle asked as she quickly shut her mouth, realizing that her mouth could probably catch a dozen flies.

“Yesterday my flight got in. Congratulations on your baby boy Belle he is gorgeous,’ Melody spoke as Belle just kept looking at the both of them, holding hands.

“Thanks,’ Belle replied as Geoff smiled.

“Belle,’ he said as she quickly looked up at Geoff. “You ok?’

Nodding very slowly and sitting her cup down on the table beside her, she crossed her hands over each other. “Sure I’m fine just a little… shocked. How long have you two been… ummm,’ Belle said pointing and waving her finger around at the hands.

“About a month now,’ Geoff said as Belle raised her eyebrow, a smile slowly curving across her lips into more of a ‘You sneaky little part’ grin.

“Well, congrats you two,’ Belle said as she sprung to her feet and hugged Geoff tightly before pulling back and hugging Melody, feeling as Melody smiled and hugged Belle back.

“Thanks Belle, is Irene home?’ Melody asked as Belle nodded and went to sit back down.


“Can, can you come inside, Geoff and I have something we want to say to you both,’ Melody said as Belle looked up at Melody, to Geoff and back to Melody before nodding. “Sure,’


“Ok I just got off the phone to Colleen and she told me that Ric and Matilda were in the diner earlier on and that Belle is now home from hospital so I asked her to ring everyone and ask them over here a bit later because we have some news,’ Cassie said as she walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around Lucas’s waist, leaning up against his back as he smiled.

“Good old Colleen,’ Lucas replied as Cassie laughed and nodded.

“Are you sure you want to do this Luc, I mean, really want to do this,’ Cassie asked as Lucas dried his hands and turned around, wrapping his own arms around Cassie’s waist and kissing her lips softly.

“It’s what I want and its what you want and to tell the truth, so much has happened since moving here with dad and Jack and meeting Mattie, Lee, everything. It’s time we deserve a fresh start,’ he replied as she grinned widely and gave him a peck on the lips before resting her head up against his chest.

“Well everyone is going to star arriving soon so we can tell them then,’ Cassie said as she looked back up at Lucas who nodded and kissed her fore head.

“Perfect!’ he replied.


“So what do you want to tell us?’ Belle asked as both Belle and Irene sat on the couch as Geoff sat in the chair with Melody on his lap and his arms wrapped around her lower waist.

“Well I was thinking Irene and I, I know were only 17 but, I was hoping and I didn’t want to say anything until I knew but I’ve been accepted into Harvard…’ Geoff said as Belle and Irene looked at each other, Belle grinned wildly and Irene gasped in surprise before jumping to her feet.

“Oh love,’ she said as Geoff smiled.

“And so has Melody,’ Geoff replied as Irene clasped her hands over her mouth in shock and excitement as Belle started jumping up and down on the couch, unable to contain her excitement any longer.

“So we were wondering if you would give us permission to move in together in one of the Harvard flats on the College,’ Geoff said as Irene tilted her head and looked at Belle who grinned and nodded.

“Of course love, were so proud, of you both,’ Irene said as both Melody and Geoff rose to their feet and both hugged Irene and Belle who had also jumped off the couch.

“Ok we have to go, Cassie wants everyone over there for some announcement that her and Lucas have,’ Belle said climbing to her feet and heading toward the bedroom to get the baby and the pram.

“Maybe their getting married,’ Geoff joked.


Everyone gathered around the room once the final people had arrived at Lucas and Cassie house. Everyone saw that they seemed blissfully happy and couldn’t stop kissing and hugging each other. Colleen thought that maybe Cassie was pregnant as she watched the happy couple eating each other’s faces off. Belle, Aden, Irene, Geoff, Melody and baby Landon sat around at the table and every now and again Belle and Colleen would look at each other and Colleen would soon look away with sadness, making Belle feel cruel about her confrontation with Colleen.

Roman and Nicole were standing by the door along with Ric and Matilda and all four of them looked a little uncomfortable about being there and intruding and not knowing if they were even invited.

Colleen, Leah, Miles, Alf were gathered around the middle of the room because the couch had been pushed back out of the way and there were other guests, friends from school and other people who had also turned up.

“Ok guys thanks for coming!’ Lucas finally spoke up as Belle rocked the baby in her arms as Aden was cuddling her from the chair behind and resting his head on her shoulder.

Every one looked at Lucas and Cassie as they looked at each other and then at all their guests.

“So we have some news and would like to thank you all for coming! Cassie chirped as Lucas wrapped his arms around her waist. “We would like to announce that we are engaged to be married,’

Gasps and ‘Oh my gods’ engulfed the room before they all started clapping and shouting out ‘congratulations across the room.

Cassie held up her hands to silence the room and it was soon enough quiet again as everyone stared at them, wondering what other news they had.

“And were leaving the Bay,’ Cassie said as the room stayed quiet for a moment. Soon enough everyone was hustling forward and hugging both Cassie and Lucas.

Belle who had put the baby back in the pram hugged Cassie tightly. “I’m going to miss you,’ She emphasized that last would and stretched it out as both girls hugged. “Don’t be a stranger and call ok,’

“I will, and you better send me photo’s of the bub,’ Cassie replied as Belle nodded and pulled back, then hugging Lucas as Aden kissed Cassie on the cheek and hugged her more gently.

“Take Care,’ he said to her as she nodded and pulled away.

“You take good care of that beautiful baby of yours, aye!’ Cassie replied as Aden nodded and went to shake Lucas’s hand.

“Good luck man,’ Aden said as Lucas nodded.

“And to you mate,’ he replied.

Colleen came scrambling up to them next and threw her arms around both of them. “In all my days I never would have believed this. Good luck to both of you and you will be missed,’ she started sobbing as both Lucas and Cassie hesitated before petting Colleen on the back and hugging her back.

Soon enough everyone had said their good luck’s and goodbye’s to both of them and soon enough there was only Lucas, Cassie, Ric and Matilda left in the room, all feeling rather awkward.

Matilda looked at her feet and then up at Lucas. “Are you happy?’ she asked as Lucas looked at her and then at Cassie.

“Yeah I am, are you?’ he asked as Matilda smiled sweetly before nodding. “Yeah I am,’

“Then come here and give me a hug,’ Lucas smiled as Matilda’s grew larger and she walked forward, embracing Lucas in a loving and warm hug as Ric and Cassie both smiled and walked, hugging each other.

“I’ll miss you, both,’ Matilda said as she then hugged Cassie and Lucas and Ric shook hands.

“We’ll miss you too, both of you,’ Cassie replied as they all moved away from each other as Matilda entwined her fingers with Ric’s. “Come and see us before you go,’ Matilda said as Lucas and Cassie both nodded and waved both Ric and Mattie goodbye.


As the sun rose over Summer Bay the next morning and the birds chirped loudly and people rustled on their way to work. Belle was panicking about the court case she had to attend that day and give evidence to against Jason. Aden was trying to get her to calm down and said that he would come and ask Irene to look after the baby which Belle found somewhat reassuring.

“Your going to be fine love, and if your statement puts him behind bars for a very long time then you can finally move on with your life’ Irene said as Belle nodded.

“Your right, I have everything I want now and I’m not going to risk losing that,’ Belle replied as Aden kissed her on the fore head.


“Belle Taylor, is the man that attacked you in this room?’ The prosecutor asked Belle as she nodded.


“Can you point this man out please?’ the prosecutor asked as Belle nodded and pointed to the right straight at Jason.

“Jurors please note that Miss Taylor has pointed out the defendant,’ the prosecutor said as he looked at all the jurors who nodded that they understood.

“Miss Taylor, when did you first meet the defendant?’

“He came up to me at the beach, I saw him briefly in the Diner but took no notice because I was meeting friends,’ Belle replied as she looked at the jurors and back at the prosecutor.

“And what did he say to you?’

“He grabbed my arm, scaring me half to death as I was walking along the beach. He apologized for scaring me and then introduced himself as Angelo’s brother. He already knew my name because Colleen, a lady who works at the Diner told him about me. He asked how pregnant I was and I told him I was nearly 6 months and said my boyfriend, which he already knew was in jail in which case I got angry that she had told him about me. I told him I was sorry but I was not single, I was pregnant and that I didn’t want to know him and I wanted it to stay that way, I then left,’

“And what happened next?’


“Constable, in your professional opinion, is the defendant dangerous?’

Angelo took a deep breath. “Yes,’

“Can you please explain why?’ the prosecutor asked.

“4 years ago, my brother, the defendant was living in another town and met this girl, she looked similar to Belle Taylor and was also pregnant, she had a fiancé but Jason wouldn’t believe that she was meant to be with him, Jason wanted her all for himself… started stalking her, leaving her notes, presents, photo’s of herself that he had taken… in the end, he killed her boyfriend and drugged her before dumping her body in the lake and waiting for the police, for me to find him where he was then tried and transferred into a mental institution.’

“And you believed that the same thing was happening all over again,’

“Yes,’ Angelo replied. “When I got a phone call from the Roberts house and Belle I knew that he had tried the same thing with her and when we arrived Geoff and Irene had managed to tackle him and keep him there,’


“Do you have a verdict?’ the judge asked as the jurors all stood and a woman on the front left row nodded.

“We do your honor,’

“What say you?’ the judge asked as the woman proceeded to open the piece of paper held in her hands.

“On the charge of attempted murder, we find the defendant, guilty,’ Sighs were heard throughout the court room as Belle looked ready to collapse as Aden held onto her.

“On the charge on conspiracy to kidnap with intended bodily harm we find the defendant… guilty,’

“NO, YOU CANT DO THIS… WE BELONG TOGETHER,’ Jason screamed as the guards grabbed him and started dragging him toward the door next to the judge’s panel.

“YOU KNOW WE BELONG TOGETHER BABY,’ his screams echoed as the door slammed and everyone could hear him screaming all the way down the hall until there were no more screams left as Belle let go her breath that she had held since that jurors had come back and leant into Aden.

It was finally over…

Chapter 50...FINALE

- everyone is looking forward to the future

- Geoff, Melody, Cassie and Lucas all say goodbye to the Bay

- Irene has a surprise for Belle and Aden


And so here it is, the chapter you have all been dreading and waiting for at the same time.

I'm sorry it took me so long to finally put up but I wanted to get the ending right and this is my fifth ending I have come up with and finally gave up and left it at that.

I want to make a big thankyou to you all who have stuck by this fic since it's beginning and those of you who havent bee reading for too long because without you all, this wouldn't have been as popular.

Just one last thing before you all read this

I have been asked if I am writing a sequel, I have no intentions of doing that and after the 25th of december I wont be on BTTB very much at all anymore because I will be going back to work, hopefully I will have a lap top and will check in with you ALL from time to time but I wont be posting much after that date, but to those who want to keep in contact with me off BTTB, PM me and I will send you my email address so I can keep in contact.

So without further adue, the final chapter

Chapter 50

“So we all know why we are here, we are all saying goodbye to 4 of the most, loving, caring people we have all come to know over the years since they all moved to the Bay. Lucas first moved to the Bay with Tony and Jack, and we all remember him taking an instant liking to our young Matilda. Cassie instantly took to Ric and soon all four of them ended up being best friends,’ Irene held up her glass as everyone around the room also rose their glasses. “So it is going to be a shame that Lucas and Cassie will be leaving but we wish them both the best of luck in the future,’ Irene said as she smiled over at Lucas and Cassie who were holding hands and each smiled genuinely back at Irene.

“To Lucas and Cassie!’

“To Lucas and Cassie,’ everyone else yelled as the clanked their glasses together and each took a sip.

Belle was holding the baby, rocking him back and forth as Aden walked over with two glasses of orange juice in his hands, kissing her fore head as she put the now sleeping baby back in the pram and thanked him for the drink, giving him a light kiss on the lips.

“I want to make a toast to Geoff and Melody,’ Belle piped up as the room went quiet once again and everyone looked at Belle. “It was really hard losing Annie like we did and then with everything else that happened I didn’t think I would be able to cope, but… Geoff was there for me even when I was at my lowest from losing Aden and being pregnant so this is to Geoff and to him for finding happiness and doing something with his life, and to Melody and may they have fun with this new chapter of their life,’ Belle said as a huge smile crept across her face as she rose her glass, everyone else following.

The Diner had been closed down that day to celebrate and say goodbye to Lucas, Cassie, Geoff and Melody. Lucas and Cassie were leaving the next day and would be heading to the city to see Jack and Martha who are pregnant with their first child of 6 months before heading to the air port and catching a later flight out to L.A where they would be staying with some of Cassie’s friends.

Geoff and Melody would be leaving in three days and were heading straight to the city and heading straight to Cambridge, Massachusetts where they will move into their university flat for Harvard.

As the party moved on in the Diner and Leah and Colleen bought the rest of the food out, everyone was going around taking to everyone. Some people were dancing to the music that was playing in the back ground and others were just sitting on the chairs and couches randomly chatting.


“I want to thank everyone for coming today, on behalf of Cassie, Geoff, Melody and myself I would just like to say that we are all going to miss you all and you all better write and ring us every once in a while and Belle,’ Lucas said as Belle looked up as he grinned at her. “You better send us photo’s of that little cutie there,’ Lucas said as everyone smiled and started laughing as did Belle.

“Wouldn’t dream of it Luc,’ she replied giggling as Aden took her hand, entwining her fingers through his own.

“And well I don’t know about Melody and Geoff, but Cass and I definitely plan on coming back to visit everyone, and to make sure you all don’t forget us,’


“Ok so now we all have that out of the way, I have a surprise for Belle and Aden,’ Irene piped up as both Belle and Aden looked at Irene in shock as everyone else looked on, listening. Colleen and Leah had emerged from the kitchen at this revelation to also hear what Irene had done.

“As you all know, Belle and Aden have been together for over two years now and now also have a beautiful baby boy to show for it and I’m sure, further on down the track more children will be in the mix along with a wedding which is why I have signed over the Beach House into their name,’ Irene said as Belle’s mouth dropped open in shock and Aden’s eyes widened.

“I have decided to give that house to Belle and Aden and I know that it will be looked after because so many children, Belle being one of them have passed through that house whether they stayed for one night or longer, it means something and I know that their children, along with my own will grow up, loving that house and the people inside it,’ Irene said as she looked at Belle, seeing tears flowing freely down her cheeks as she quickly rushed forward and embraced Irene in a loving, mother/daughter hug which lasted for at least 5 minutes before they pulled away from each other, Irene cupping Belle’s cheeks and smiling as Belle whispered a sweet ‘thank you’ to her foster mother as many various people around the room started clapping.

Irene then looked at Aden and ushered him forward into a hug as he also said ‘thank you so much’ and pulled away, giving Irene a quick peck on the cheek.

“We cant thank you enough Irene. This means so much to us but, where will you live?’ Belle asked as Irene smiled and kissed her once again on the fore head.

“Leah has offered me the spare bedroom so, the house is yours,’ Irene said as Belle smiled once again before wiping her face.

“I love you Irene,’ Belle said as Irene smiled and rubbed both her arms up and down.

“I love you too girlie,’


As the day slowly came to an end and Lucas and Cassie went around saying their goodbye’s to everyone, Belle walked into the kitchen and saw Colleen there leaning up against the bench, looking down at the ground.

Belle stood there for a moment and almost felt like turning around and walking back out just as Colleen looked up and saw her standing there.

“Oh love am I in the way?’

“No it’s ok really I… I wanted to apologize actually,’ Belle said as Colleen shook her head.

“No need love, you are right about what you said…’

“No I was angry and I shouldn’t have said what I did Colleen, you mean well and I was just angry and took it out on you and I’m so sorry which is why, Aden and I have been talking and we would love it if you could be Landon’s god mother,’

Colleen looked up at Belle in shock as her mouth dropped open in surprise. A smiled instantly spreading across her face as her eyes filled with tears.

“Oh Belle love, I would be honored,’ Colleen chirped as she sprung forward and pulled Belle down into a hug as Belle smiled and hugged the older woman back.


6 months later

“OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE IT MATTIE,’ Belle screamed as did Matilda as both girls jumped erratically up and down whilst hugging each other.

“I know, I know, I know I cant believe it either Belle, I never thought it would happen so soon,’ Matilda was ecstatic as she pulled Belle over to the couch as both girls sat down, Belle stealing glances as Landon slowly crawling around, playing and chewing on his toys in his play pen in the corner of the room.

“So does he know?’ Belle asked as Matilda nodded.

“Yeah I’ve never seen him so happy, he’s already bought the crib and boy and girl clothes just in case,’ Matilda replied as she looked like she was in a daze of some sort.

“So that’s both you and Cassie pregnant now, how far apart are you two?’

“A month, Cass is 8 weeks and I’m around 4 weeks,’ Matilda replied as Belle grinned just as the French door opened and in walked Aden, a bunch of flowers in his hands as he pulled the door shut behind him.

“Hey there beautiful, hey Mattie,’ Aden said as he leant over the top of the couch and kissed Belle passionately as he heard Mattie’s ‘Hey’ back to him.

“What are you doing home so early, you don’t knock off for another hour,’ Belle said as she gracefully took the flowers as Aden walked over to the play pen and picked up Landon from and lifted him up in the air before bringing him down to Aden’s chest and kissing his cheeks gently.

“Accident at work so everyone was let off for the day,’ Aden replied as he put the baby back in his play pen and walked into the kitchen and out of sight.

“Well I’d better go, no doubt Ric will message me any mo-‘ Matilda stopped in her tracks as her phone suddenly started beeping. “Moment,’ she giggled as Belle smiled.

“Call me later, yeah,’ Belle yelled as Matilda nodded as she began to exit out the same door which Aden had just walked inside.

“Will do, love you,’ Matilda yelled back as she shut the door.

Walking back into the lounge with two drinks of coffee in his hands, he handed one to Belle as he sat down beside her on the couch and kicked off his blunt stents and relaxed back into the cushion of the sofa as Belle leant into him, wrapping one arm behind his back waist and the other around the front as he pulled her close to him as he saw camisole top she was wearing.

Looking down he trailed his index finger over the scar as she closed her eyes, feeling butter flies doing back flips at just the touch of him as she rested her head in the crook of his neck.

“You know what it will be soon don’t you?’ he asked as she nodded in his chest.

“Yes I do, it will be two years since my kidnapping and after that it will be my mums and Peter’s anniversary for the day they died, and then Annie and last of all Lilly but you know something,’ Belle said as she finally opened her eyes and looked over at the small blonde haired, blue eyed baby in the play pen opposite them in the corner.

“What’s that?’ Aden asked placing a soft kiss on her fore head.

“In the end, everything we’ve gone through, it’s all worth it in the end because you and I are sitting here, in our own house, with our beautiful baby boy and I just know that all this, what we went through, was just a way to make us closer and appreciate each other more than ever and I also know, that if it wasn’t for you saving me when I was kidnapped, that I wouldn’t be sitting here, at all and that little boy wouldn’t have happened and just looking at him. I know that my future with you and how ever many kids we have will be the best future I could never, have planned in my whole life. I love you Aden Jefferies,’

“I love you to Belle, always will and knowing that you will be in my future makes everything that has happened in the past all the better to deal with, for us, that little boy over there and that little girl that we will have because I know you want a girl so badly and one way or another you will get that girl,’

Smiling, Belle looked into Aden’s emerald green eyes before leaning up and placing a soft, delicate kiss firmly on his lips, feeling as his lips parted as he kissed her back, the feelings that they have for each other, much stronger than what they had ever been before.

And to that they knew, that whatever lie ahead for them both, they could deal with it together.


hope you all enjoyed reading this fic, my new one will be up very soon :)



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