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Returning Emotions

Guest Nicom

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2 updates in 2 days. I'm getting good. lol.

Chapter 31

“So you’re worried that he’s just bottling it all up?” Tony repeated. Rachel had just been sharing her worries and explaining what evidence she had. Jack avoided serious questions about when he was away, and made jokes to compensate. He was almost too cheerful. When anyone pushed anything serious, he’d snap. According to Rachel these were common signs of troubles on the mind.

“Yes. And it’ll only get worse. I expect he’s having an awful time now, and he’ll probably be feeling like he can’t escape the memories. He doesn’t want to make a fuss, so he won’t worry anyone by telling them what’s going on. I guess he just hopes they’ll go away.” Rachel sighed. “I hate to think of what he’s going through.” Rachel leant on her elbow, drumming the surface of the table with her fingers as she stared downwards. Tony watched her for a moment or two, before darting upwards, grabbing his keys and making for the door. Rachel picked her head up.

“Where are you going?” She asked. Tony looked back to her, tears in his eyes.

“I can’t just leave him. He’s my boy, and I already let him get hurt once.” Tony said, choked. Rachel sighed sympathetically, standing up and slowly walking over to him.

“Tony, he’ll only deny it and snap.” She said. Tony shook his head.

“No, I’m his Dad.”

“Exactly. He doesn’t want to hurt or worry you.” Rachel explained, putting a hand on his shoulder. “The best thing you can do is be here to comfort him when he finally does open up. Or just lighten the mood whenever he comes over. Let me talk to him.”

Tony sighed, sitting down on the sofa with a thud. He rubbed his eyes with his hand, breathing out deeply. “How could I have missed this? He’s my own son for Christ’s sake. You’d have thought I would have learnt after last time. Did you know he was receiving threats for weeks before Henry eventually got him? He never told me. I guess he didn’t want to worry me. But he shouldn’t have even needed to tell me! I should have known! And now he’s back, and I’m taking him for granted again. I don’t even realise that he’s bloody breaking down inside!” Tony growled angrily. Rachel shook her head, sitting beside him.

“No, we don’t even know what’s going on yet. It’s just a possibility. He might be alright for all we know. And if he is suffering, he has been hiding it very well. You weren’t supposed to see it. Don’t feel bad Tony.” Rachel told him, rubbing his arm as she comforted him. Tony snivelled, drying his eyes with the backs of his hands.

“Please make sure he’s okay. Help him.” Tony pleaded with her, taking both of her hands in his own. Rachel smiled sadly, tightening their grip.

“Of course.”


Jack closed his bedroom door behind him, hooking his bag on his right shoulder as he walked down the corridor into the lounge. After he had forced himself up and out of the bathroom, he got changed into his uniform and got ready for work. It reminded him of the good old days. The days before Henry.

“Jack.” Rachel smiled warmly, entering the house. “I’m glad I caught you.” Jack looked puzzled, picking up an apple from the fruit bowl.

“Why?” He asked, biting into his apple.

“I just wanted to ask how you were.” She told him. Jack nodded, shrugging his shoulders.

“I’m fine.” He told her. Rachel sighed, sitting down on a chair.

“Are you sure?” She checked. Jack nodded slowly, confused at her curiosity. “Okay then, well, I want to talk to you.” Rachel smiled, gesturing Jack to sit down.

“What’s this about?” He asked, concerned. Rachel sighed, sitting next to him on the sofa.

“Jack, it’s occurred to me that you haven’t really talked about what went off with Henry when you were away. And I was wondering why.” Rachel said, getting straight to the point. Jack hesitated, thinking of what to say.

“Well… I guess it’s just a boring topic. No one wants to hear about it-” Jack said, standing up. However, Rachel grabbed his arm, pulling him softly back down.

“I do.” She told him. “Will you tell me?” Jack sighed, looking at his watch.

“I should really go.” He said, standing up successfully this time. “I don’t want to be late for my first day.” He told her, grabbing his bag as he made his way to the door.

“We’ll talk later, okay? I’m always here Jack.” Rachel reminded him with a warm smile. Jack stood surprised at the door, curious and intrigued as to why she was suddenly being so friendly. He watched her gaze on him, the friendly gaze. But there was much more than friendship in those eyes; there was sympathy and understanding. This is what made Jack so worried. ‘She couldn’t know – could she?’ With that thought, he flashed Rachel yet another smile, and closed the door behind him.


In Noah’s. (Martha’s not at work)

“Hey,” Martha smiled, receiving a kiss on each cheek. “How are you?” She asked politely. The woman moved away from Martha and sat opposite, scooting up the seat for her husband to sit beside.

“We’re fine thanks.” The woman nodded appreciatively. “But less of this chit-chat and let us get down to real business! The wedding.” She smiled. Martha nodded, a little excited giggle escaping her lips as she turned to Eamon beside her.

“Well, I’ve been thinking a bit about it and-” Martha began.

“Me too! Not a lot, but, just the basic ideas.” The woman interuppted, lifting a large book out from her bag and resting it on the table. Labelled on the front of the large, flowered scrap book in calligraphy was a name Martha was all too familiar with.

“Mr and Mrs Eamon Cobb.” Martha read aloud, forcing a smile. “How charming.” She sighed, staring at the book in front. She looked back up to her future mother-in-law, who gestured for Martha to open the gift. Martha nodded gleefully, a nod that friends would recognize as being fake and over the top, friends that actually cared what she was feeling. This nod was safe here, and would be assumed polite. Martha lifted the front page, unveiling a number of cut-outs and notes. “Wow, that’s help-” Martha continued to flick through the pages, one after another she gazed in disbelief at the masses of detail and care Eamon’s mother had taken in the book. “Wow, you’ve really covered it all, haven’t you?” Martha asked.

“I only wanted to help.” She blushed. “But you’re welcome.” Martha’s eyebrows raised at her assumption that Martha had actually thanked her, but she soon calmed down with Eamon’s gentle pat to her knee. Martha exhaled slowly.

Eamon’s father wrapped his arm around his wife proudly. “Clarice has been doing it for days! The wedding is all she talks about!” He laughed. Clarice swatted his arm.

“My baby’s getting married, I’m allowed to be excited, Phillip.” She smiled, leaning over the table and pinching Eamon’s cheek. Eamon forced a smile, and then looked towards Martha who was still in disbelief at the folder.

“You don’t have to take all of my tips darling, I’m sure you have your own ideas too. It’s just there for inspiration.” Clarice smiled. Martha looked up at Clarice, nodding her head as she pulled her own scraps of paper out of her bag.

“Okay, so it’s not totally organized, but here’s what I was thinking.” Martha began, spreading the sheets of paper around the table. “A nice small church, enough seating for close family and friends. Then I think a nice party somewhere a bit posh, but not over the top. And I’ve got a quote from a DJ friend…” Martha flicked her eyes up at her future in-law’s as she spoke, expecting to see them nodding along and listening. But what she thought she’d see, and what she actually saw were very different. Clarice and Phillip were staring at the paper before her in disgust and bewilderment, acting as if lying on the table was a dancing cockroach of some sort, not wedding plans. Martha looked across at Eamon, who had seen the very same thing.

“I like that idea Martha.” Eamon exclaimed. “Mum, Dad?” But they didn’t respond with nods or pleasant smiles. Clarice put her head in her hands while Philip comforted her.

“I tried so hard on that book… to have a trashy wedding!? My baby can’t have a cheap, tacky wedding!” She sobbed. Martha sat upright, red and fuming. Not even Eamon’s gentle pat on her leg could hold her back.

“Tacky!? Have you seen half this stuff in here!?” Martha laughed, pointing to the large book in front. Eamon’s parent’s raised their gaze onto Martha, with a mortified expression.

“How dare you-”

“Okay!” Eamon exclaimed, standing up to gather attention. “Let’s not argue. Let’s compromise. We’ll look at your ideas first Mum.” With that declaration, Eamon’s parents soon settled down and began smiling again, taking over the wedding plans. Eamon smiled out of relief, sitting back down and wrapping his arm around an annoyed Martha.

“You know I won’t get a say in this.” She whispered angrily in his ear. Eamon sighed, holding her tighter.

“You know it’s more her wedding than ours. It means more to her.” Eamon reminded her. “I’m sorry though if you’re disappointed.” Martha gave a sad smile, watching the couple in front.

“It’s not your fault. We did agree at the beginning of all this. I’m just being stupid.” She sighed, resting her head on Eamon’s shoulder as she sat back and watched her wedding being planned.

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Good question Amber. What is going on?

My apologies for the lack of JMness, but this fic is a very... "Jack's problem and Martha's problem" fic. Martha's problems do tend to orientate around Jack, but Jack's are very personal. So they're unfortunately not going to be together all the time. But I have written a whole, solid J&M chapter for the next chapter.

Don't say I never treat you guys. ;)

Chapter 32 - Try not to get confused.

With a heavy sigh, Jack scooped the sheets on his desk to the side, tapping them twice on the table before placing them in the folder.

“Paperwork. My favourite.” Jack groaned sarcastically, adding the folder to the large pile that had been accumulating on his desk in the previous hours. Jack had been put on desk duty this shift, probably for the next few too. He hated the paper work, he hated the boredom and the paper cuts. Most of all he hated missing out on the action.

But there was one thing that Jack had dealt with. One item in his desk draw that kept him feeling safe and not alone. Jack opened the draw slowly and quietly, peering inside at the gun, almost as if he were checking it was still there. But he knew it must be, as it had only been 10 minutes since he’d last made sure. He looked at it with a small smile and sighed a breath of comfort, before closing the draw as softly as he’d opened it.

“Constable. Can I have a word please?” Peter asked as he strolled through the station and into his office. Jack nodded, standing up and following his superior. He stood in the office in front of Peter’s desk, watching as Peter placed a file onto the desk. Jack’s file.

“That’s my statement about Henry.” Jack stated, reading the cover. Peter nodded.

“Yes, I know Constable. I’m not a complete idiot.” Peter said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “Though you obviously try to take me as one.” Peter added angrily. Jack scratched his head, taking his hands away from his uniform pose.

“Excuse me; I’m afraid I don’t understand.” Jack replied. Peter laughed, sitting on his chair.

“Okay… It’s a load of bull. Isn’t it Jack? I mean, some criminals just came and shot Henry? What would be their motive? He was the brother of a well known and loved criminal; they wouldn’t shoot him. They can’t shoot such high quality blood.” Peter explained, referring to the dialogue in Jack’s statement.

In the document in front of him, Jack had briefly explained the going-on during his time away, and then how he had escaped; including the shooting of Henry. The shooting that Peter clearly didn’t believe in.

Jack shook his head. “Obviously they can.” He smiled. Peter sighed, leaning back on his chair.

“Don’t try to be smart Constable. I know you already are, I have no doubt about it.” He sighed, sitting upright as he leaned forward onto the desk. “Which is why you know that if Henry were still alive you’d have to go into Witness Protection. Isn’t that right Jack?”

“I suppose it is.” Jack stated.

“And you wouldn’t want to do that, would you? If you miraculously managed to escape Henry and get to your family and friends, you wouldn’t want to give that all up. I wouldn’t blame you. But there’s a difference now; it’s not just you in danger.” He said, raising an eyebrow. Jack shook his head, confusion echoing from his eyes.

“Wh.. .What? Why…who else would Henry be after?” Jack asked.

“Martha.” Peter stated, as if it were obvious. He watched as Jack’s smart glow faded from his face and fell towards the floor. “Didn’t think about that, did you?” Jack didn’t respond, he just continued to stare downwards. How had he not realised? Could he really carry on lying and putting her life in jeopardy? Jack slowly picked his head up, looking up confidently at Peter, who surprisingly showed some sympathy.

“Change your statement, then we’ll get the Witness Protection forms.” Peter told him, handing Jack his folder. Jack stared at the cardboard fold, contemplating the various ideas running through his head. Right now, the best option would be to do as told, and receive the document in front. But that didn’t mean it was the easiest.

“I don’t need to change my statement.” Jack told Peter, looking him in the eye. “I’ve said all I need to in the original.”

Peter shook his head. “Constable, that’s not wise. You need to write the truth and get into the Protection act. You know Henry will come after you.” He warned. Jack backed away slowly, maintaining eye contact.

“I have already written the truth. Henry’s dead. He won’t be coming back.” Jack repeated. Peter shook his head, standing up in objection.

“Jack. The truth will come out eventually, and Henry will come to find you.” He exclaimed, frustrated and angry at Jack’s ignorance.

“No he won’t, because a crim shot him. Like I said in my report.” Jack reminded him calmly, turning around and walking out the door.

“What if he kills you this time? Or Martha?” Peter enquired, desperately trying his best to break Jack’s stubbornness.

Jack turned around slowly, presenting Peter with only half his face.

“I won’t let him. Anyway, he’s dead.” Jack told him once more, before walking out the door and out the station; leaving a very frustrated Peter.


“What about if I bring Richard back here later, and then we can have some fun. We could go to the cinemas? Your choice.” Eamon smiled, rubbing her back as he tried to cheer her up. Martha laughed softly, putting her head on his shoulder.

“That’s sweet of you, but I don’t think Richard likes me very much.” She sighed. “You two just have fun. I won’t wait up.” She smiled. Eamon laughed, shaking his head as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks for putting up with my parents. You’re amazing for this, you know that?” He grinned, kissing her once more on the forehead.

“I know.” She smiled. “Now go before Richard blames me for you being late!” She laughed, shoving him away. Eamon gave her a wave before he left, excitedly hurrying out towards the car park.

Martha sighed, her smile disappearing as her gaze fell from the door to her hand; studying the ring on her fourth finger.


Jack strolled into Noah’s, sending a fake smile to Eamon as he passed. He hated to be so two faced, but he couldn’t help but hate him. Eamon was engaged to Martha, and it didn’t sit right on his broken heart. He knew he shouldn’t blame Eamon for the fact that Martha and Jack were no longer together, but he also knew that if he didn’t he’d only have himself left to blame, and he couldn’t cope with that being on his conscience too.

As Jack neared the bar, he noticed Martha sat at the other end of the room, staring sadly at her hand as she thought deeply. She looked miserable. Jack knew that she probably wouldn’t appreciate him joining her, and also that he was still partly mad at her, but he couldn’t leave her alone. Besides, he felt guilty about the danger he was putting her life in. Swallowing his stubbornness was the least he could do.

“You look as crap as I feel.” Jack told her as he stood next to the table. Martha looked up from her ring to see who it was, giving a heavy sigh.

“Oh, it’s you.” She rolled her eyes, dragging her hand off the table. “And thanks, but I don’t need your compliments right now.” She informed him.

“Well how about a drink?” He asked.

“I’d rather shoot myself.” She groaned.

“A beer it is!” Jack smiled, clapping his hands together as he wandered over to the bar.

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Thanks Krystal for proofing!

As promised, a whole J&M chapter. But.. nothing really happens to do with the story. It's just them, basically. :) Oh, and Goldy. :)

Chapter 33

Martha looked up at Jack as he placed her beer in front of her.

“You’re welcome.” He grinned, taking a drink from his own.

“I didn’t say thank you.” She informed him.

Jack shrugged. “You didn’t need to. I can feel the appreciation glowing from you.” Jack smiled as he sat down, watching Martha’s annoyed expression. “Any minute now you’re going to lean over and give me a kiss...”

“Get over yourself.” Martha spoke sharply.

Jack laughed to himself, leaning back on his chair. “Why so glum?” He asked. “Is your perfect Eamon not so perfect?!” Jack gasped sarcastically.

Martha glared at him, shaking her head slowly. “No. I’d rather not talk about it.” She sighed.

Jack leant forward, moving his face nearer hers. “Aww, come on Mac. Tell Jacky.” He teased, picking up her hand and wiggling it about.

Martha withdrew it quickly. “I said no.” She snapped, stunning Jack. She couldn’t tell Jack the truth, she couldn’t tell anyone. She had agreed that at the beginning, and she wasn’t going to break her promise just because times were getting tough. She had to carry out the plan; even if her motives were now tangled up. The conversation went awkwardly quiet for a few minutes, before Martha spoke again. “What’s up with you then?” She asked. “Not that I care.” She added quickly.

Jack picked his head up, smiling at her stubbornness. “Why would something be up with me?” He asked.

“Because you said you were feeling like crap. Remember?”

Jack’s eyes widened as he remembered, trying to think of an escape route from the truth.

“Ooh, I just had a bad day at work that’s all.” He sighed, fumbling around with a beer mat. He hated lying to her, but he knew if he told her the truth she’d hate him for putting her in danger, and probably tell his Dad or the police. “I got put on desk duty.” He explained.

“Oh, shoot! How are you supposed to get yourself killed in the station?” Martha asked sarcastically.

Jack laughed. “Your wit amazes me some times.”

“Just like your stupidity does me.” Martha smirked.


“You didn’t have to walk me home.” Martha told him as she unlocked her door.

“I only did it for the fish.” Jack smiled.

Martha turned around, looking him in the eye. “The fish?” She repeated as if the idea were crazy.

“You know… your precious pet fish. Goldy, is it?” Jack began to laugh. “God you are drunk.”

“I’m not drunk… just… drunk.” Martha giggled to herself, opening the door wide. “I remember telling you about Goldy now... you made a remark about her name if I remember correctly.” Martha said with disgust. “You best apologize to her.” She told him as she headed for the counter, ducking to become eye-level with the fish.

Jack followed, closing the door and laughing as he walked through, watching her whisper to her favourite pet. “I’m not apologizing to a fish.” He told Martha as he stood behind her. Martha tilted her head up, still holding onto the kitchen surface.

“Her name’s Goldy. And I thought you wanted to see her?” Martha asked. Jack laughed, putting both hands on her shoulders and dragging her away from the fish bowl.

“I was being sarcastic Martha. I came to make sure you got in okay.” He laughed at her, letting go. Martha turned around, looking him in the eye as her giggle stopped.

“Really?” She asked. “Wh…Why would you do that?”

Jack shrugged. “Because you scare the neighbours when you’re drunk.”

“And here I was thinking you were being sweet…” She muttered. Jack smiled down at her, his hands still on her shoulders. She sighed heavily; tilting her head to the side as she gave a tired yawn, and then let her head fall onto his hand.

“You feeling better now?” Jack asked softly.

Martha nodded silently. “You?” She returned.

“Yes, much better.” He smiled, rubbing her tired cheek with his thumb. “You know I have no idea what you were sad about before, and I’m not saying you should tell me, but just know that I’m here next time you’re down, okay?” Jack told her.

Martha smiled, lifting one of her hands up on top of his. “Thanks.” She smiled. “You too.”

Jack nodded, giving a small smile. They continued to stare at each other, both busy with thoughts, until they realised just what was happening.

“You do know I won’t remember this tomorrow, so there’ll be no reason for me to be friendly to you. I’m probably going to hate you still.” Martha said quickly, letting go and stepping backwards.

Jack smiled, nodding gently. “Good. I hate it when you’re soppy.”

Martha brushed her hair back, trying to gather her thoughts. “I guess Eamon will be back soon…”

“Where is he?” Jack asked curiously.

“Out with Richard.” Martha told him. “A friend.” She added quickly.

Jack nodded, looking around the apartment. “I guess I should be off then.” He suggested.

“I guess so.” Martha smiled, “I’ll show you out.” She offered, starting to walk towards the door.

Jack grabbed her arm. “Nah, you just get to bed. You’ll be no fun to tease tomorrow if you’re asleep.” Jack laughed. “I’m sure I’ll find my way out.” He assured her.

Martha laughed, nodding gently. “Alright.” She agreed, wandering off to her room.

Jack smiled, watching her wobble away. “I guess a goodnight kiss is out of the question?” He asked.

“Goodnight Jack.” Martha groaned, leaving the room through another door. Jack smiled to himself, walking in the opposite direction. That was until he heard Martha re-enter the room. He turned around to her, waiting for her to speak.

Martha stood in the doorway of her room, her head on the frame as she stared at him.

“Thanks for tonight Jack. Thanks for putting up with my mood.” She said appreciatively.

Jack smiled to her. “Goodnight Martha.” He said softly, before closing the door behind him.

Next Chapter: Jack continues to avoid Rachel's questions.

-- Jack has suspicions of a new face of Summer Bay. Is Martha safe, or is it just paranoia?

-- Martha and Eamon's secret begins to unravel.

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Well, it probably needed a few more corrections, and a proof read through, but Jade's not on. :(

So, I'm posting it anyway. :) Enjoy!

Chapter 34

“Anyone would think you’ve been avoiding me, Jack.” Rachel smiled, walking into the kitchen the next morning. She poured herself a glass of Orange Juice and sat opposite him on the kitchen table. Jack looked up sheepishly from his toast.

“I don’t know what you mean.” He said innocently, shoving the remaining piece of toast in his mouth as he stood up.

“Where are you going now?” Rachel asked. “I thought we were going to talk about Henry.”

Jack shrugged. “Wherever did you get that idea?” He asked with a mouth full of toast.

“What idea?” Kim asked, walking in the kitchen.

Jack smiled, collecting his keys from the counter. “Rachel wants to buy me a crate of beer.” Jack smirked, heading out the house. “I’m just popping over to Dad’s. Haven’t seen him and Luc in ages!” He told them, opening the door. “I’ll see you later.”

“Jack!” Rachel called out, jumping up from the table. But she was ignored. She sighed in frustration as she sat down with a thud, in front of a bewildered Kim.


“Good morning!” Jack smiled, strolling into Tony and Beth’s house. That wasn’t a lie for Jack, after last night with Martha he was in a great mood. Even though it may not have ended in the best scenario possible, he was still pretty chuffed with the fact that Martha and he really seemed to be getting along again. He seemed to forget about her soon-to-be-husband.

Tony and the others picked their heads up to see Jack, each one showing a grin ear to ear – bar Tony. Tony instead was studying Jack, giving him the same concerned looks as Rachel had been giving, only Tony was less subtle.

“You okay?” He asked him, standing up and leaving his breakfast.

“Yea, I’m fine. Go eat you’re breakfast.” Jack laughed at his Dad’s stupidity. Tony shook his head, pushing in his chair and giving a nod of apology to the other’s eating breakfast.

“Nah, I’m not hungry.” He made up an excuse, “besides, we haven’t talked in a good few days. I’ve been waiting for you to come over; I didn’t want to seem like a clingy father and come and find you.” He smiled, putting his arm around Jack. “I know that you’d know when best to come over. I’m always here, to help or just to talk.” He told him. Jack looked as confused as the other’s in the room.

“Okay… Dad.” Jack laughed. “Are you alright?”

Tony sighed, forcing a smile. “Yea…”


Martha turned over in her bed, spreading out into the absent place. That’s when her eyes flickered open. “Eamon?” She mumbled, sitting upright in her bed. As soon as she’d made sense of her surroundings her head began to bang. “Urgh… how much did I drink?” She asked in pain, getting up from the bed and walking through to the living room. “Eamon!?” She called out again, but no response. Confused, Martha wandered back to her room, trying to sleep through her hangover.


Jack strolled into the Diner with a grin on his face. He gave a wave to Colleen and sat on a chair waiting for her to take his order. He picked up the menu and browsed through, until a man walking in caught his eye.

It was not his looks that stole Jack’s attention; it was what he was saying. Jack could have sworn he heard him talking about Martha on the phone, which immediately made Jack ask himself why. Why would this man be talking about Martha? Jack had never met him before, and hadn’t seen him around here either. How does he know Martha?

Jack began to worry, began to panic. What if she was in trouble? Maybe Henry had discovered Jack’s escape already? Maybe he’d sent some men after Martha to make her bait? Questions were spinning around Jack’s head faster than his heart raced. He had to do something; he couldn’t just sit and watch this man in the Diner. He had to investigate.

Luckily for Jack, the man sat on a table close to him, giving Jack the perfect opportunity to make conversation. Jack swiftly removed the salt pot from his table and hid it under his jacket.

“Hey, mate,” Jack called out, waving his hand to get the man’s attention. “Sorry to disturb you, but you wouldn’t by any chance see a spare salt around, would you?” Jack asked him. “I love my salt.” He grinned.

The man looked at him strangely, before checking around the tables near by. “No, I’m sorry I haven’t. It might be a good thing too, salt isn’t good for the body. Do you want to die?” The man asked Jack. Jack sat stunned, unsure whether to take it as a criminal’s threat, or a happy local’s weird conversation topic.

“Hmm, good point.” Jack mumbled with a smile in the corner of his mouth. “Hey, do I know you? You look familiar.” Jack lied, clicking his fingers. “Pete, Paul.. P..”

“Richard.” The man said, half laughing. “Close.”

Jack gave a friendly laugh in return, turning around more. “Okay, maybe I don’t know you. What brings you around here then?” Jack asked.

“I live near the bay. I come in to visit a friend.” Richard told him. “What about you? I haven’t seen you around here before. What’s your name?”

Jack gave a sigh of relief, confident that this man meant no harm. If he lived nearby then he probably would have bumped into Martha at one of her shifts at the bar. He was probably saying something friendly on the phone. It was safe to continue a civil conversation with the man. “Jack. I’ve been out of town for a while.” In that sentence, Richard gave a long sigh, turning away with a groan.

“Martha’s ex-boyfriend, right?” He asked, looking back to Jack.

Jack hesitated, trying to accept his new title. “Yes. Her ex.” He forced out. “You know her?” He asked.

Richard raised his eyebrows, giving a smile. “Yes. Yes I do.” He said, with a hint of regret in his voice. “She’s my friend’s fiancé. Eamon.” He explained. Jack nodded gently, remembering that Martha had mentioned Richard last night. “Speak of the devil…” Richard commented, nodding towards the door. Jack spun around, watching Martha and Eamon entering the Diner.

“Oh, I see you’ve met.” Eamon smiled, greeting Richard with a hug before they sat down. This was an extremely affectionate greeting compared to what Richard and Martha shared; a nod of the head. Martha and Eamon both pulled up a chair around Richard’s table.

“How are you then, Jack?” Eamon asked politely.

“Great thanks.” Jack answered with a smile.

Eamon nodded, elbowing Martha. “Well it obviously wasn’t him you got trashed with last night.” He laughed. “Hangover.” He mouthed to Jack and Richard, who both nodded in understanding.

“Oh, really?” Jack smirked, leaning near Martha’s ear. “We best be quiet.” He exclaimed.

Martha winced, glaring at Jack. She picked up a fork, holding it near his face. “Don’t tempt me.” She growled. Jack laughed, creasing his mouth into a smile as he watched her moan again in agony.

“If Martha is finding it hard to cope with the aftermath of a stupid consumption of alcohol, then maybe she should go home.” Richard suggested. Eamon rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath. He looked at Martha, tilting his head towards the door.

“Maybe you should go.” Eamon said quietly, giving her a wink.

Jack watched on eagerly, amazed at the cheek of Eamon. Did he not know Martha at all? No one tells her what to do. She’d rip them apart if they tried.

Martha looked between Eamon’s wink and Richard’s smug face. She gave a sigh, picking up her bag from the floor and standing up. “I’ll see you later.” She said, patting Eamon on the shoulder before exiting the Diner, leaving Jack staring in amazement.

“I best go too; I’ve got things to do.” Jack lied, placing the salt pot that was hidden underneath his jacket on the table and following Martha outside.

“You don’t think you’ve got a problem there, do you?” Richard asked Eamon once Jack had left. Eamon shook his head confidently, picking up the menu in front.

“Martha assures me she’s still 100% behind the wedding. Besides, it wouldn’t kill her to have a bit of a love life; would it?” Eamon smiled as he browsed through the menu.

Richard stared at him, amazed at what he had just said. “It would with Jack! She agreed to the wedding because he left. Now she’s got him back, what reasons are there for her to stay involved?” Richard asked.

Eamon looked up from the menu, into Richard’s concerned eyes. “I thought you didn’t like the idea of me and Martha marrying. You sound to me like you’re trying to help.”

“I just don’t want it to not work for you. As much as I hate the idea, I know you’re relying on it. That we’re relying on it.”

Eamon sighed, nodding gently. “Okay. I’ll keep an eye on her. But can I really begrudge her of the love that she’s helping us to keep?” Eamon asked.

Richard shrugged, leaning on his elbow. “You know what my answer is.”

Eamon laughed, shaking his head as he playfully swatted Richard. “You’re evil. I don’t understand why you don’t like her!” He smiled.

“Because she has my Eamon.” Richard pouted jokingly.


“Martha!” Jack called out, running up to catch her. “Are you feeling alright?”

Martha stopped and turned to face JAck, pointing to her sore, watery eyes.

“Okay, stupid question. I mean, what just happened there? You backed off straight away and did as you were told. That’s not the Martha I know.” Jack laughed.

“A lot of things have changed, Jack.” Martha snapped. “Including me.” She began to storm off, but Jack grabbed her arm.

“This has something to do with why you were upset last night, hasn’t it?” Jack asked her.

Martha hesitated, giving Jack the evidence he needed.

“What’s going on?” Jack demanded. “You guys have hardly been around each other, and you’re supposed to be getting married! And why doesn’t that Richard guy like you?” Jack asked.

Martha looked up at him, pulling her arm away.

“Just stay out of my business, Jack. Nothing is wrong with me and Eamon – you just want there to be.” Martha told him, before walking off.

So it seems Eamon and Richard are together! Didn't surprise most of you clever peeps! Lol. So now you have to figure out why Martha would agree marrying someone who has a boyfriend already. It's quite simple. lol. But, you probably won't remember, I mentioned briefly in the story that Martha went through a rough time when Jack was away. That's when she met Eamon, the man with his own problems, and she could solve them. He needed her. Then she sorted through her own problems with Eamon. As a friend. :) You'll learn more about her rought time soon, I hope. lol.

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I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. I did, I got Grey's Anatomy Series 1!! Wahay! But.. I've finished it all now. I got over excited and watched it all in 2 days. :P

Thanks for proofing Kryssie. :)

Chapter 35

Another shift. Another grilling from Peter. Another person to watch out for. Something else on his mind.

That’s just what Jack needed right now.

Moments like this, strolling down the beach after work, was just what Jack needed. The warm comfort of the sun beating on his back and the gentle summer’s wind sent the hairs on his arms up in a smooth Mexican wave. With the aid of the summer’s sweet fragrance, Jack could really get some thinking done - not that thinking changed anything. Actions were what he needed. A plan of action would be pretty ideal for his situation.

Where would he start? What actions could he possibly take to sort out his life? At any moment the dangerous murderer could find out that he didn’t actually kill Jack, and he’d come back to Jack’s obvious location of Summer Bay. Then there’s the possibility that the ex-girlfriend who Jack’s still crazily in love with, could be used as a bait of some sort in Jack’s recapture. Or Henry would simply track Jack down again and finish off the job.

On the other hand, if the news of Jack’s survival were to never reach Henry’s demon ears, then Jack would instead simply live in fear for the rest of his life. He’d have to forever dodge questions from the very suspicious Peter and Rachel, and avoid spilling out any worry about his sanity to his father. He’d be filled with paranoia whenever Martha was not around, or when a new character joined the town. And worst of all; Jack would have to watch Martha and her beloved Eamon live their happy life together. He was unsure which he’d prefer; this was where his dilemma came.

He knew he could tell Peter about Henry’s true state, and Rachel about his problems; but that wouldn’t turn out brilliantly. He’d be classed as insane and put in the Witness Protection program. Martha would hate him for putting her in danger, and he wouldn’t be around long enough to even attempt to get forgiveness or leave on friendly terms. Then finally, Jack wouldn’t see his friends and family ever again. He’d leave to a new home; start afresh all over again, except this time without his Dad and brother; and the feisty girl from the house warming party. That was scarier than what he was going through now.

Living without Martha was awful. Every day she’d be on his mind, begging Jack to come home. As Jack stood, sat or laid on the cold, hard floor of the abandoned warehouse he prayed. He prayed to God to help him get home to her; for both of their sakes. That’s what made Jack so sick with anger; Martha had called for him, so how come she’d moved on so quickly with this Eamon guy?

“Shut up you stupid fool. It was all in your head. You thought she still wanted you. Now you do sound crazy.” Jack muttered to himself, “Oh great, now I’m talking to myself!” He laughed and kicked up the sand.

“Hey, it’s not the sands fault you’re an idiot!” Shouted Martha. Jack looked up to the shore, a smile creeping onto his face. He hadn’t noticed Martha on the jetty ahead; neither had he noticed the fishing gear surrounding her. Suddenly, his worry’s drifted away. He was focusing on the woman ahead, looking up at him from the kneeling pose she took on the edge of the jetty, staring at him with a slight grin.

“You were watching me?” Jack smirked, walking down onto the wooden floor of the beach’s extension. “Whilst you were…” He looked down at the equipment, set up in an expert’s fashion. “Pretending to fish.”

“I am fishing, there’s nothing pretend about it.” Martha told him. “I’m quite good at it too.” She added smugly.

Jack began to laugh. “I’m sure you are…” He sighed sarcastically, sitting on the put-up chair.

Martha stood up, placing her hands on her hips. “Well I bet I’m better than you! Granddad’s been teaching me!” Martha exclaimed.

Jack stood up too, mocking Martha as he put his hands on his hips. “I’m a hell of a lot better than you. I spent my Sunday’s fishing for 4 years. I’m a pro. It’s a good job I don’t get chance to fish, there’d be no fish left in the damn sea for you to try to catch.” Jack gloated with a grin.

“Then you wouldn’t mind sticking around with Martha and getting me a fish for dinner.” Alf grumbled as he joined them on the jetty. Both Jack and Martha swung around to face him, desperation on their faces.

“What!?” They both cried in unison.

“Sorry love, I had an appointment at the bank that I completely forgot about. They rang and scheduled another for an hour’s time.” Alf told her apologetically.

“Can’t you just ask for them to move it to when you’re free? You’re going to the city tomorrow anyway; wouldn’t it be more convenient then?” She suggested.

Alf shook his head sympathetically. “No, I can’t love. I’m sorry; I know you wanted me to teach you for Wednesday.” Alf turned to look at Jack’s confused face. “Eamon’s parents are taking her out again to go fishing. Not that they care much about the sport, just about showing Martha up.” He said to Jack with a nod. Jack looked to Martha in curiosity, who was looking ashamedly at the floor.

“I don’t mind that much; they’re just being playful and funny. It’s fine Granddad.” She told him.

Alf shook his head. “What a load of nonsense! Last time I checked no Stewart stood up with being made fun of; especially the stubborn ones like you.” He said with a smirk.

Martha gave out a giggle. “I’m not stubborn.”

At this point, Jack burst out laughing. Martha spun around and drilled her gaze into him, staring him down with anger. “Sorry.” He smiled, trying to cover his chuckles with a fake cough.

Alf remained his gaze onto Jack. “Seeing as though you’re such an expert Jack, you wouldn’t mind taking over as teacher for Martha, would you?”

Jack looked between them and the fishing rod, biting his lip. “Um… I don’t... I think… maybe if…” Jack spluttered, coughing once or twice and clearing his throat as he fought through excuses.

Martha watched him closely; curious as to why Jack was so keen to say no. She had been hoping he’d say no as soon as her Granddad had asked, but she had guessed that he would accept the offer with it being a perfect opportunity to annoy her and gloat about his fishing skills. So now he had declined many times, it sent her wondering why, and also wanting him to stay.

“Why not Jack? It’d be great if a pro like you could show me some tips. I’d kick their asses!!” She laughed. “Unless, you’re not as good as you said…” Martha suggested with a slight smirk.

Jack looked down at her, pausing as he thought. “Yea, all right.” He sighed, confirming with a grin.

Alf smiled, patting Jack on the back. “Thanks Jack. Help Martha catch some good fish for dinner, Morag’s coming over.” He nodded, waving before he left from the jetty and leaving a grinning Martha behind.

Jack looked down at her. “You’re too happy...”

Martha giggled, still smiling up at him. “I’m just pleased I’ve got such an expert with me.” She smirked up at him. “Granddad will be really happy when we show him the fish we catch.” She continued angelically, sitting down and facing the sea as she held in her devious giggle.

Next Chapter - How does the fishing go?

Fishing. Pointless, I know. I was bored and thought "Why not make J&M fish?" I thought it'd be fun to write them fishing, seen as though I have no idea how to, and they clearly don't either. :)

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This could really do with some more run throughs and definitely a proof read.. but it's been ages since I posted so I thought it was only fair that I post now.

Chapter 36

“Jack, we haven’t caught a fish and it’s been 2 hours. Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Martha asked Jack, staring down into the water below.

Jack smiled up at the young woman near by.

“Calm down. I’ve got it all under control. Come sit with me.” He told her, patting the blanket beside him.

Martha sighed, backing away and sitting on a deck chair away from him. “They better hurry up; I can’t stand anymore of you.” Martha grumbled.

Jack stopped patting, looking up at her with a smirk. “Oh yes, now they’re going to jump up on the hook and be caught, just to please your unsociable self.” Jack laughed. “You know you’re having fun.”

“Fun? We’re fishing, how’s this fun?”

“Because it’s with me.” Jack grinned. “It’s going to be even more boring when you’re with Eamon’s parents. Are they as bad as they sound?” He asked.

Martha shrugged to the floor, beginning to shake her head. It was only when she looked up and met Jack’s eyes that she soon realised she couldn’t lie to him. “Yea…” She laughed.

“Why do you put up with them?”

“Because they’re Eamon’s parents.” She told him truthfully.

Jack sighed, smiling sadly as he nodded. “Well, that’s a nice sacrifice; you must care for him a lot.”

She nodded. “I do.” She spoke softly, cautious of Jack’s feelings.


Rachel smiled, ruffling up Ryan’s hair as she entered the Baker home. Peter and Leah, who were in the kitchen, greeted her with a smile.

“Hey Rach!” Leah exclaimed, standing up. “Can I make you a coffee?”

“Ooh, go on then.” She grinned, putting her bag on the table and taking a seat next to Peter.

“I meant to ask you yesterday, how’s Jack going?” Leah asked as she switched the kettle on.

Rachel sighed, looking down at the table in front. “He’s alright.”

Peter noticed her hesitation and was unconvinced. Years in the police force had given him a talent for lie detecting; one that came in very useful.

“Is he coping okay? Peter says he’s back at work, isn’t it a bit soon?” Leah asked, turning around to face Rachel.

“I don’t know to be honest. He’s out all the time. He’s become incredibly popular.” She laughed, trying to lighten the conversation.

Just then, cries were heard from the lounge, followed by Ryan skidding back in the room.

“Leah, I didn’t push him.” Ryan shot out in defence. Leah sighed with frustration, exiting the room with a guilty looking Ryan.

“Kids.” Rachel laughed, sitting down next to Peter. But Peter didn’t smile back; he just continued to look at Rachel, reading her face as he thought.

“Jack has come out of the Henry situation brilliantly, hasn’t he?” Peter asked.

Rachel forced a nod. “Mm, he has.” Was all she could manage to say. But it was not enough.

“Rachel, what’s up with Jack?” Peter asked, getting straight to the point.

“Nothing. He’s fine.” She declared quickly.

“Oh you see I get a different vibe from him. Not necessarily that he isn’t coping, just that he’s hiding something. And I hope it’s not the something I think it is, else there are lives on the line.” Peter told a confused Rachel.

“What?” Rachel asked, her worries worsening.

“Let’s go for a walk, and we’ll both explain our worries.” Peter suggested, standing up from the table as he gestured to the door. “Unless you still think he’s fine.” He added.

Rachel looked up at him, letting her body stand up to meet his and her hand grab her bag on the way out.


“3 hours and still no fish, Jack.” Martha sighed, looking down at Jack who was laid down on the floor. “Jack.” She repeated, watching his still body. She stood up from her put-up chair and walked over to him. “Jack?” She said, nudging him with her foot. She sighed in annoyance. “You went to sleep as I watched the flippin’ rod for an hour!” She growled, kneeling down next to him. “You better wake up or I-”

Before she managed to pronounce the final words, Jack’s eyes opened and his hands reached out to her. He jumped up and pinned her to the ground, each arm underneath one of his strong hands.

“You’ll what? Throw me in the sea?” He asked with a playful smile.

“Jack! Get off me!” She ordered. Jack shook his head, standing up with her tightly in his hands. “Jack!!”

“What?” He smiled. “Where are your manners, Miss Mackenzie?” He laughed as he grabbed her by her waist. “Ready?”

“Ready for what?” She asked angrily.

“To fly.” Jack grinned, sending his other hand down around her legs and picking her up.

“NO!” She screamed. “JACK! I’LL KILL YOU!” She yelled again, kicking and screaming in his arms.

Jack laughed as he swung her backwards and forwards, threatening her every time he brought her closer to the sea.

Martha clung onto him for dear life, wrapping her arms around his neck and keeping her eyes shut. She’d given up kicking and trying to escape now, she was too worried that she’d fall in the sea on her own accords. The safer option was to cling onto Jack, at least then if she was going in so was he.

She was that tensed up and rigid with fear that she hadn’t even realised Jack had stopped swinging. He was now fairly still apart from the gentle beat coming from his pounding heart and his shoulders moving up and down, mirroring his breathing. Everywhere else was still. It was silent; it was tranquil.

Jack felt it. The glow of the silence and sense of the lonely area. But he didn’t feel lonely; not with Martha there in his arms. He could smell her; feel her right there next to him with her arms wrapped around his neck. His eyes closed as he rested his head on hers, losing himself in the moment.

Martha’s eyelids softened. Her eyes were still closed, but more gently now. Her grip had loosened slightly and her body had relaxed. She felt Jack’s head on hers and she let out a small sigh. She could feel his heart pounding onto her own chest, and his breathing slowly softening. She rested her head on his shoulder, giving herself one last second.

“I hate you.” She said quietly.

“I know.” Jack sighed, forcing his arms to slowly lower her down to the ground.

They stood staring at one another, praying for the other to make a move or say something.

But nothing happened.

With a disappointed sigh, they both moved apart, trying to get on normally and breath steadily as they fought with their emotions.


Rachel and Peter sat in the Diner, both playing with the same thought after hearing both of their suspicions.

“So in his statement he didn’t mention any torture or pain, and he said someone came in and shot Henry?” Rachel checked.

“Yes. He made it sound like a holiday to be honest. There’s not making a fuss, and there’s lying. He’s lying.” Peter said confidently, taking another sip of his coffee. “So, in your experience, is he doing what a person who is free, safe and has no history of suffering would do?”

Rachel shook her head. “No. You’re right that he’s hiding something. I knew that he was troubled and was suffering, but I had no idea about him being afraid about Henry. But it would make sense.”

“Why would it?”

“Because he’s so frightened. He sleeps with his light on, and when I wake up early for my morning shifts I’ve heard him moaning and groaning in his sleep. He has pretty bad nightmares by the looks of it.” She told Peter. “I guess he thinks Henry will come back to get him.” She sighed, shaking her head to the table. “Poor Jack. I bet he’s counting down the days.”

Peter spluttered on his coffee. “Poor Jack!? He’s the one doing it to himself! He could easily come up to me and I’d put him in witness protection and go after Henry! I can’t help him when he won’t tell me.”

“Would you want to go in Witness Protection, Peter? Or would you rather spend your last days with family and friends, with the hope you’ll survive and stay out of harms way?” Rachel asked. “I don’t blame him. In fact, I admire his bravery. He’s putting his life on the line just to see his family and friends. So they know he’s okay.”

“Brave? More like selfish.” Peter scoffed. “He’s putting Martha’s life on the line.”

“How?” Rachel asked.

Peter gave out a sigh. “When Jack was taken away, Martha was with him. Henry knew they were an item, so he used it against Jack to capture him. When - or if - Henry comes after Jack again, his first place to look would be Summer Bay. If Jack’s here, then he could use Martha to get his attention and come to him. Martha was lucky to get out with just a shot wound. Who knows how far it’ll go this time.” Peter sighed, taking another sip of coffee.

Rachel was stunned by the news of her best friend’s danger. “Does Martha know?” She asked. Peter shook his head.

“No. I have no proof that Henry’s alive. He’s announced dead, and there’s no evidence to back up other wise. If I told her it’d just get her worried. Jack, after all, could be telling the truth.”

“But you don’t think he is, do you?” Rachel asked. Peter sighed, shaking his head slowly.

“You can’t tell Martha or anyone else any of this. Understood?” He told her firmly.

“But you have to tell her! She could be in danger!” Rachel protested.

“Rachel, you can’t tell her.” He repeated sternly. “It’s speculation. Do you want to work her up and get her scared for nothing?” He asked rhetorically. “I’ll tell her as soon as I can; but you can’t Rachel.” He told her again, finishing his coffee and exiting, leaving a worried Rachel sat alone.

You guys would be so angry if you knew what I deleted from this chapter. :P He he.. It was too long.. and.. well, I decided to not do it. Anyway, I haven't finished the fishing trip, sorry about that.

School tomorrow! Ohh crap...

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Lol Sian.

Right, I decided to post now. If you wanted a fic that made sense and was easy to read with great description and stuff... you'd go to Amber's fic or someone elses. But, let's face it, you're here because it's J&M, and this chapter has plenty of J&M.

What can I say? I do what I can to please my beautiful readers. (Oh, except Annie, <3AmyMatthews, and zzazzb. I'm going to make something bad happen in this fic just to get you back! :P Ha ha! Revenge is sweet.)

My apologies to Sian.. there is no Eamon in this chapter. :( Stay strong.

Chapter 37 - What an ass!

Jack looked up at Martha, watching as she stared absently out to sea. It was uncomfortable, it was awkward and it was weird; but he wouldn’t swap places with anyone in the world right now. Every time he looked up at her it softened his heart and kept him happy; but that didn’t mean she’d talk to him. They were still pretty confused about what had happened before to even think about joking around. If something had happened before, that is.

Martha slowly turned around to him.

“Jack-” Martha paused, staring at him curiously. “Were you looking at me?” She asked with a playful smile.

Jack snapped from his gaze and shook his head. “Get over yourself.” He laughed off. “What did you want?” he asked quickly, changing the subject.

“We haven’t caught a fish in 3 and a half hours now. We need to catch one really soon else I’ll have nothing to cook for dinner.” Martha frowned. “Do you have any tips on how to make the fish hurry up?”

Jack sat still for a moment, and then scratched his scalp. “Not really.” He sighed, standing up to the rod and staring into the deep water below. “What would Alf do now?” He asked her.

“What? Shouldn’t you know?”

Jack began to laugh awkwardly. “Of course I know…” He smiled, looking back down to the sea as he gulped.

Martha watched him, her eyebrow raised as she studied his lying face. “You better do Jack.” She warned, sighing as she leant back in her chair.

Just then, a burst of life was born in front of them, splashing and causing mayhem in the water’s silk surface. Martha jumped up in delight.

“Jack!! A fish! A fish!” She exclaimed, clinging onto his arm as she jumped.

Jack, who was just as glad, began to celebrate too, laughing and watching as Martha bounced beside him.

“So are you going to pull our fish out then?” Martha smiled up at him, stopping her gleeful jumps.

“OUR fish?” He smirked.

“Yes, we’ll have to name her.”

“HER!? He’s a boy. Just like his father.” Jack said proudly. “Look at that splash! That’s a splash-and-a-half!! He’s a big ‘un.”

Martha laughed. “Fine, he’s a boy. Just get him out so we can see the beauty!” Martha grinned, pulling him closer to the rod.

Jack stopped at the designated area, peering downwards at the chaos below and then looked up at Martha.

“Me? Why do I have to get him out?” He asked.

“Because I don’t know how to.” She told him. “And you do-” Martha watched as Jack grew a guilty smile. Her face filled with anger. “I thought you said you were an expert and that you went every Sunday!?”

“I did… but I was a teenager at the beach and there were girls there… Did you really think I’d spend my time fishing with my Dad?” Jack asked rhetorically.

Martha groaned, placing her hands on the rod. “Just get ready for the fish.” She told him, “drop it, and die.”

Jack gulped, preparing himself for what was going to come next.


Martha was in her kitchen, clapping her hands once as she admired her delicately decorated table. She looked towards her empty cooker, a frown appearing on her face.

“Damn Jack.” She grumbled angrily to herself. She turned around to open her freezer when there was a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” She called out, stopping her motions as she waited for an answer.

“Only me.” Jack smiled, pushing open the door as he strode into her apartment. Martha sighed in annoyance.

“I didn’t say you could come in.” She told him.

“I know.” He smiled, walking up to the table and slapping a package upon one of her plates. “I’ve got you a present.” He told her with a grin.

“It better not be that bag of chips that you’ve just dropped on my beautifully decorated table.” She said through gritted teeth.

Jack smiled, shaking his head. “They’re not chips.” He told her, “Come and see.”

Martha rolled her eyes, turning back to the freezer. “Jack, I don’t have time for this. I’ve got to find something else to cook seen as though SOMEONE lost us our fish. Granddad will be really disappointed, and probably angry that I used up his equipment and got him nothing!”

Jack walked around the table, removing her hands off the freezer and putting them in his own.

“Trust me, you’ll love it.” Jack told her with a smile. Martha, transfixed by his eyes, found a slight giggle escaping her lips and her feet following his. Slowly they made their way to the present.

Martha smiled down towards it. “This better be good.” She told him sternly, trying to sound annoyed. But she knew it was impossible, he was far too cute.

Jack gave another cheeky smile and let go of her hands, watching intently as she picked up the white parcel in front and began to unfold the paper. Slowly, she unveiled what lay inside.

“Urgh!” She cried, dropping it onto the plate below.

Jack began to laugh, moving around her and adjusting the fish on the plate.

“I think I just saved your ass.” Jack grinned.

Martha looked up at him over her shoulder. “It was you who put my ass on the line in the first place. You and your lies.”

“I only lied so that I could give your ass a bit of confidence when you go fishing with Eamon’s parents. And besides, how was I to know it’d be so difficult? You just stick the rod in, wait for a fish to bite on, and then swing him out. I blame your swinging.” Jack told her.

Martha rolled her eyes, spinning around to him. “One,” She began, raising her finger to count. “It was not my swinging, it was your catching. Two, don’t think I’m not mad at you. And three, please stop talking about my ass.” She snapped, spinning around again as she took another look at the fish.

Jack smiled from behind her, walking closer and resting his chin on her left shoulder.

“But it’s fun to talk about your ass-”

“Jack!” Martha scolded.

“Sorry.” He laughed to himself. “You’re not going to abandon our little fishy, are you?” He pouted. Martha looked down at the fish on the plate, lying cold on the folds of paper packaging.

“OUR fish?”

“Yes, ours. You know, like the other one was ours.”

“But the other one got away. You lost our kid.” Martha said playfully.

“And I’m sorry for that,” Jack apologized, “which is why I got us this new one. And I promise I won’t drop him.”

“You didn’t really drop our last fish if I remember correctly, you more like threw it.” Martha began to giggle, reminiscing the embarrassing actions that Jack had played as the fish had flown to his chest earlier.

Jack’s cheeks glowed, “Shut up.” He smirked, digging his chin into her shoulder. “So how about I prepare the fish and you make those beautiful chips you make so well. Ooh, I’ve missed them.” Jack smiled to himself, dreaming of the chip sandwiches Martha would have often cooked on their sofa dates.

Martha giggled, turning around to Jack. “I don’t make those chips anymore. We have frozen ready-made ones.” Martha explained. “I’ve lost the knack to make them now; I can’t do them like I used to be able to.”

Jack frowned. “Awwwww,” He moaned, “Come on… I’m sure you can try. Then I’ll taste some before I go.” Jack grinned.

Martha, who was walking towards the freezer as they spoke, stood still, looking back at Jack. “You’re not staying?” She said with a hint of disappointment.

Jack shrugged. “I thought I was just going to help you cook then I’d be off. I don’t want to intrude on you and your Granddad’s bonding time.”

Martha laughed as she shook her head. “Granddad won’t mind. You’re staying.” She told him, watching as Jack’s smile grew.

“Thanks.” He said softly, watching as she ducked down to open a cupboard.

“I’m only doing it so you have to do the dishes.” She said, throwing him a towel with a smirk. They laughed together, before getting on with the preparation of the meal.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for waiting, and thanks to Jack/Martha for proofing. :D

Chapter 38

Jack, Martha and Morag watched on as Alf continued to shovel food into his mouth.

“Alfred,” Morag scolded, elbowing him in the ribs. Jack and Martha stifled their laughter.

Alf looked up, crimson in the face as he swallowed down his food. “Sorry.” He mumbled.

Morag shook her head and looked up at Martha and Jack. “Well it’s nice to see being a pig doesn’t run in the family; you look very nice tonight Martha.” She complimented.

Jack nodded. “Yes, you do.”

Martha blushed, glancing up at him before she reached for her drink. “Thanks.”

“Great grub.” Alf finally spoke clearly, smiling to Jack and Martha. “The fish is beautiful.”

“Well, I have Jack to thank for that. He cooked it; and caught it.” Martha grinned to Jack.

Jack laughed. “Well Martha made the gorgeous chips; so it was a joint effort.”

Alf laughed, “You two make a good team.”

Jack smiled to Martha, nodding softly. “Yes, we do.”

Martha blushed, shifting her gaze down towards the plate as she tried to control her smile.


Morag and Alf had left after their meal, leaving Martha and Jack to clear up.

“Done.” Jack sighed, throwing the towel onto the table and moving closer to the sofa.

“You say it like you actually did something.” Martha commented, sitting beside him.

Jack twisted his head into an angle, staring at her in disbelief. “I did! I did more than you.”

Martha nodded, “When? Whilst you were in the loo, or impersonating my goldfish? Or what about when you just randomly wandered off?”

“I didn’t randomly wander off,” Jack mocked with his eyes closed, “I was just giving an inspection of the apartment – checking for fire risks.” Jack informed her.

Martha laughed. “In other words, you were slacking and leaving me all the dishes.”

Jack paused, giving out a laugh in defeat and falling back on the sofa. “Whatever..”

Martha shook her head towards him, also leaning back on the sofa and closing her eyes as she yawned.

Jack repositioned himself on the sofa, sliding to the other end and putting his hands behind his head as he tilted his direction towards Martha.

“Martha…” Jack sang, watching the sleepy Martha. Martha lifted her hand briefly, signalling him to leave her alone, and then continued to relax.

“Some of us have been working.” Martha said with a smirk.

Jack laughed, lifting his legs up onto her lap with a grin. Martha’s right eye flickered open and darted in Jack’s direction.

“Comfortable?” She scoffed.

Jack sighed, “I could do with a pillow if you’re offering..”

Martha giggled, shaking her head in disgust as she fished a pillow from underneath her.

“Cheeky devil.” She exclaimed, throwing the pillow at his face.

Jack placed the pillow behind his back, smiling as he watched her drifting to sleep at the end of the sofa. Even when she was half awake she was cute.

“Stop looking at me when I don’t give you permission, you freak.” Martha smiled, still with both eyes closed.

Jack chuckled, shaking his head. “I wasn’t looking at you.”

“Don’t be embarrassed about it Jack. I don’t blame you. I am pretty damn hot.” She smirked.

Jack laughed, resting his head back on the sofa as he closed his eyes too.

“And you say I’m big headed…” He mumbled, receiving a pinch on the leg off Martha.


An hour later..

The key turned and he pushed his way into the apartment. Closing it behind him with his left hand, he dropped his keys onto the table with his right. He left his bags in the corridor and continued to walk in, humming some song as he did so. But his cheerful, happy attitude was soon broken when he turned the corner into the kitchen. He gazed over into the lounge and saw the two bodies on the sofa.

He could see Jack’s face clearly from here, and his arms that were above his head. Then at the other end of the sofa he could see Martha’s dark hair, spilling on the back of the cushions. Slowly Eamon made his way to the front of the sofa, studying their positions. Jack was laid along the sofa, asleep with his hands behind his head and a smile on his face. Martha was slumped at the other end, her back against the back of the sofa and her arms on top of Jack’s legs, which were on her lap. Martha too held a smile on her face.

Eamon sighed, sitting on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

“What are we going to do, Martha?” He asked her sleeping body, digging his face in his cupped hands with a groan.


An hour after that..

Martha stirred, rubbing her eyes as she took a deep breath in.

“What time is it?” She asked herself, glancing over at the clock on the far wall. She sighed as she tried to sit up straight. “I’ve been sleeping for two hours…” she grumbled to herself.

She looked over at Jack, who was still asleep. She smiled towards him, watching as his chest rose and fell. She loved to watch him sleep; she thought he was so cute. She’d missed this.

With a roll of the eyes Martha slapped her head, attempting to stop her thoughts. “Don’t do this Martha… Don’t forget about Eamon.” She told herself; but it was no good - she couldn’t help but return her gaze to Jack and his handsome features. The features she loved. The smile, the eyes, the nose… they were Jack Holden’s. They were once hers.

She envied those days. She felt sick with jealousy whenever she thought of how lucky she’d been, back when her life was so simple. But now it wasn’t just the problem of getting back together with Jack, if that’s what he wanted to do, she was engaged to a wonderful friend. To a wonderful best friend; a best friend that had helped her out after her depression. This one tiny favour was all he asked; so why was it growing heavier with each day? Why couldn’t she help Eamon after he’d been such a great friend to her?

She told herself each time she saw Jack not to fall for him; but as soon as her eyes spotted that smile of his, her heart weakened and lost control. Every morning she promised herself that she’d try to avoid Jack, or to not let herself be manipulated by his charm; but every day she broke that promise. She’d never felt so out of control - not even when her days had been wasted and full of tears. When Jack had left she couldn’t control her mind and thoughts, and now he was back she couldn’t control her heart. At least when she was depressed it was only herself she was messing with, now she had two men involved. Make that three.

Richard. Oh, the mention of that wonderful man brought a smile to Martha’s face. A smile of annoyance, that is. This whole marriage arrangement was never Richard’s idea; he thought that himself and Eamon should leave for Paris and start fresh, away from Eamon’s disapproving parents. But Eamon could never do that to them. He was a great man, a selfless man who cared too much sometimes. Why he chose Richard - the selfish jerk - Martha didn’t know. All she did know was that love was a mystery sometimes, and opposites do attract. She’d learnt that cupid had a rather twisted head when it came to his business of love. To begin with, she’d fallen desperately in love with the constable she had despised at first, and then he was taken from her. When she was finally beginning to cope and get her life back on track, he returned and landed her in this mess, where she could do nothing more but lie.

“I need chocolate.” Martha mumbled to herself, picking up Jack’s legs carefully as she stood up. She rested them back down on the sofa and turned around to him, watching him again.

He moaned a bit as he re-positioned himself, lightly flicking his eyes open to Martha. His lips grew into a smile when he saw her. He reached out and brushed his fingertips against the back of her hand, then let his arm fall back down to his side.

“Hey… you. Just 5 more minutes, then I’ll walk you to Noah’s. Just let me rest my eyes,” He said into a small snore, snuggling back down on the sofa and into a deep sleep.

Martha looked down, smiling at the angelic man that lay on her sofa. Oh how she wished she had work tonight, just so he could walk her. She couldn’t think of anything better to do now than have him walk her down the dark, quiet roads; with her hand in his.

Martha took a deep sigh, “Eamon. Eamon, Eamon, Eamon…” She whispered to herself, walking through to the kitchen.

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Okay, not much going on here. I just had to post something for Becky, as it is her 18th and she asked me nicely on msn.

So I agreed.

Damn my kind nature. lol. :P

So yea, here's chapter 39. Probably the most Eamon in so far. And Richard. :wub:

Chapter 39

Eamon sat staring into the bottom of his bottle; drawing a long, heavy sigh from within. He could hear Richard’s blurred tone, his constant babble that was emphasised with his anger.

“Are you listening to anything I’m saying?” Richard asked in a huff.

Eamon stared blankly, giving Richard the obvious answer.

“Eamon…” Richard sighed, watching as his lover hung his head sadly. “Sometimes you have to think about number one. You have to stop Martha and Jack getting together!”

“But Martha’s been so great with supporting us. She’s helping us stay together – why can’t she have a bit of happiness on the side? I could just leave her to it. Turn a blind eye… It’s not like me and her be like a married couple. She’s got to have a love life. The plan wasn’t that she had to stay faithful to me.” Eamon told Richard.

Richard rolled his eyes. “I know all about the plan, Eamon, and so does she. But Jack doesn’t; and he can’t know!”

“She won’t tell him. She promised.”

Richard laughed. “A promise means nothing when you’re in love. Their relationship won’t go far if Jack thinks that Martha still wants to marry you, the only way that Jack would stay is if he knew and accepted the truth. So Martha will have to tell him if she wants to keep him.” He said to Eamon.

“Well that’s okay then. Jack won’t tell anyone, Martha would make sure of that.” Eamon said happily.

Richard shook his head, leaning forward to Eamon. “But what if Jack doesn’t agree with it? What if Jack doesn’t like the idea of Martha marrying off, even if it’s all a lie anyway? I wouldn’t blame him; why would he hang around to watch the person he loves marry someone else and then totally deny their own love?” Richard asked. “It’s hard,” He sighed.

Eamon smiled sadly, looking up to him across the table.

“I’m sorry about this. I hate the way it’s turned out, but you know I can’t tell my parents. They’ll be so embarrassed; and they’ll hate me. I’ll be a disgrace to them.” He said sadly, looking down to the table.

Richard sighed, putting his head in his hands. “I know, I know.”

“The only way is this way. Martha and I will get married and then move away for a ‘happily ever after’. There Martha can do what she likes, and me and you can too. We’ll be a happy family.” Eamon smiled, putting his hand on Richard’s.

“Family plus Martha, you mean. She’ll be hanging around. She has to be for Christmas’ and birthdays when you see your parents. Then I’ll have to go back to being just your best friend.” Richard moaned.

“I can’t do it any other way! You know I’d love to be with you like you want us to be; but I can’t. It’s either this or nothing. I’d prefer to have this.” Exclaimed Eamon.

Richard nodded, sitting up straight on his chair. “That’s why we can’t chance it not working out. If Martha and Jack get together before you’re married, then the plan is ruined; our chance of happiness is ruined. Martha can’t fall in love with him before the wedding, else our future is gone. But you can stop that from happening.” Richard told him.

Eamon collapsed on the table in front of him, shaking his head side to side as he battled with his head’s arguments.


Jack stirred, blinking twice as he tried to make out his surroundings. After the blurred vision subsided, he soon saw the photo of Martha and Eamon on the table close to him. With a grown he rolled onto his back, rubbing his eyes.

“Did you have a nice sleep?” Martha asked, popping her head over the back of the sofa.

Jack looked up at her. “What time is it?”

“7 o’clock. You’ve been asleep for about 3 and a half hours.” Martha told him, walking around the sofa and sitting at his feet. “I’ve been awake for about an hour and a half, watching you and your lazy ass sleep.”

Jack sat up and spun his legs around, giving a long sigh as he did so. He stared at the floor for a while, until he flicked his head up at her; his lip curled with disgust. “Pervert.”

With this word Martha burst out laughing, shaking her head. “You can’t talk; I heard what you were dreaming about.” She gave a cheeky grin.

Jack’s face turned white. “Wha-what?”

Martha shook her head innocently, “you know what I’m on about. Are you aware that you talk in your sleep?” She asked. “If I were you I’d get a sound proof room. It could be awfully embarrassing if anyone heard who you were talking about.” She teased, standing up and walking off into the kitchen.

Jack spun around on the sofa, watching as she walked away. “What did I say? I can’t even remember my dream! I don’t think I had one… Martha!” He cried out in desperation. He looked at her cheeky grin once more. “You’re making it up.” He concluded.

Martha sighed, walking to the bathroom door and turning around.

“You best hope I am.” She said, before leaving Jack to worry about what he’d said in his dream.


Jack and Martha walked into Noah’s, laughing and joking as they passed through the doorway. After Jack had fully woken up and Martha had admitted that he had not said anything incriminating in his sleep, they decided to head down to Noah’s for a friendly drink.

Martha perched on a bar stool and watched as Jack stood beside her. “I’ll have a beer please.” She told Beth. Jack nodded too, signalling that he would match Martha’s order.

Beth passed Martha and Jack a beer each and waited for their money. Jack dug into his pocket first.

“Thanks Jack.” Martha smiled, taking a sip from her beer bottle.

Jack looked down at Martha, shaking his head at her cheek. “It’s a good job I’m a gentleman.” He sighed, counting the change for the two orders. Martha and Beth giggled to each other, before Martha spun around on her stool to look around the room. Her eyes soon connected with another’s, and a greeting smile played on her lips.

“Eamon!” Martha exclaimed, leaving the bar area to join her fiancé.

Jack handed Beth his cash and spun around, watching as a happy Martha went and sat next to Eamon. Jack cursed in his mind. He had begun to forget about Eamon, but Martha clearly hadn’t. She didn’t even feel weird or guilty that Jack was with her in the bar; which suggested that she thought nothing deeper than friendship in this outing. Jack had been hoping and feeling that it were more.

Realising he was stood staring like an idiot; he snapped out of his thoughts and walked towards them, offering a friendly smile to Eamon and Richard.

Eamon and Richard looked towards one another, Richard encouraging him with his superior glare. With a sigh Eamon nodded to show he agreed and watched as Jack sat next to him. He knew that Richard was right; but that didn't mean he was going to be fine about depriving Martha of a happiness she truly deserved. He was going to hate every moment of it.

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Sorry it's been so long since I updated, I was waiting for a friend to proof the chapter. But, unfortunately I haven't speaken to her ALL week, so I haven't been able to give it her.

Now, I've got impatient and posted it. :P Sorry.

Chapter 40

Half an hour later, conversation had not quite been flowing. When Martha was speaking to Eamon there was a fine and bubbly atmosphere, but when Jack spoke to anyone it was very different. Martha laughed along; but Eamon and Richard didn’t. Occasionally Richard made a sly comment, a comment that could be passed off as nasty behind the fake smile that he portrayed. Martha had sensed a slight tension, but had shrugged it off, blaming it on Richard.

Richard knocked Eamon on the arm, reminding him of his task. Eamon glanced up at him, and then to Martha; planting a smile on his face.

He wrapped his arm around Martha’s shoulders as he spoke.

“Babe, I’ve got to stop over at work tomorrow in the city.” He began. “I’ll be leaving about midday tomorrow, and then I’ll be sleeping over for one night in the hotel to Sunday morning.” He told her.

Martha nodded gently, looking up at him. “Okay.”

Eamon cleared his throat before he continued, “Well, seen as though we haven’t spent much time together recently, I booked you in too.” He smiled.

“But I’ve got a shift.” She said.

Eamon shook his head with a grin. “All taken care of. Alf’s going to cover it while I pamper you in the Hartingwood Hotel.”

Martha looked at him with excitement. “You got in the Hartingwood Hotel?!” She exclaimed.

Eamon gave a proud nod.

“Wow, I bet they pay you loads there! How much are you going to get?” She asked.

Eamon giggled, “Enough to give you the wedding of your dreams, that’s for sure. And it’ll definitely put us some more money in the bank for the house. I bet we could move away sooner than we planned!” He said in excitement.

Martha froze, she paused her breath and dropped her smile. The wedding. The house. She’d totally forgotten.

She looked over at Jack, who was staring uncomfortably at the table.

“You…You’re moving away?” Jack asked casually, looking up at the happy couple.

Richard leant forward. “Yea, to a place on the other side of the city. Only about… 4 hours from here.” He told him on Martha and Eamon’s behalf.

Jack widened his eyes, nodding gently as he put on a fake smile. “Wow… that’s got to be quite a few miles away then, eh?” He said, looking up at Martha. “It’s a long way back to the bay for visiting.”

Richard laughed, “Why would they visit? Alf and Ric are on the other end of the phone, and they can always meet up somewhere half way. Give them a few years and they’ll have kiddies to be looking after, you can’t be taking them for a 4 hour journey every week.”

Jack swallowed, feeling himself growing hotter. “Kids. Of course!” He nodded blankly, his mind staining with thoughts and pain.

Martha watched Richard in curiosity and bewilderment. What was he doing? He knew fully well Eamon and Martha weren’t going to have kids. What was he up to?

She then looked to Jack, which answered her question. He was trying to get under Jack’s skin; and it was working.

Jack took a swig from his beer bottle, hoping to drown out the heartache. ‘You stupid git. How did you forget? Why did you not realise they were going to get married and have kids? Why the hell did you think Martha would just drop her fiancé for you? She has a life plan; and it doesn’t include you. Just precious Eamon.’ Jack ran his tongue around his mouth as he thought, cursing his own stupidity. He looked back up at Eamon, who had his arm around Martha. Was this it? Was this Martha’s ‘Happily Ever After’?

Jack blinked lightly and cleared his through as he stood up. He couldn’t watch Martha and Eamon together. He had to get away.

“Listen, I best be off. Things to do…” Jack nodded to them as he took the final mouthful of beer.

Martha frowned, “Okay. I guess I’ll see you in a couple of days then.” She said.

Jack forced a smile and spun around, as he walked away he heard someone call his name from behind. He turned back to hear the end of the sentence.

“Thanks for today. It’s been fun.” Martha smiled to him, her cheeks blushing lightly and gracefully. Jack returned the smile before leaving.


Jack walked closer to his house, whistling to keep himself company. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the mail box door flapping around in the wind. He hesitated at first, knowing that there was a beer inside waiting for him, but he eventually moved towards the mail box.

As soon as he stood near, it was obvious that the door had been forced open. Jack rolled his eyes in anger and sighed, shaking his head. He bent down to the box as he attempted to fix it. With his hands on either side of the box he inspected the hinge; only to notice something else.

Squinting, he watched the single letter in curiousity. Why would just one letter be left? He reached inside and withdrew the red piece of card, instantly recognizing the writing. With a shaking hand he read the words on the front, grazing his index finger across as he followed with his eyes.

‘Missed me?’

Jack gulped, closing his eyes and releasing a shaky breath of air. Fear flooded back into his heart; memories of when this had first begun a few months before his abduction. The days where he used to hide Henry’s threats from Martha and his family, hoping desperately that it’d sort itself out. Relying on his colleagues at work to solve the case soon. But now, his faith in them had disappeared, and he was faced with the same problems as before. This time, he knew how they’d end.

Next Chapter: Who's waiting for Jack inside?

I've advertised a new fic in the advertising thread, here. It's J&M, and it's a spoiler based short fic called Dazed. So look out for it. :)

Please, don't make fun of the header. I found it unbelievably funny, and you'll only start me off again.

It looks so.. serious. :P I always vowed I'd never make fic graphics... now look at me! Lol.

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