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Board Observations...

Guest Pierced Musie

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  sexyluc said:
  Eli said:
Absolutely no trouble, thank you for making this topic. Sometimes it's good to have someone to kick us a little so that we wake up and start looking into problems like these :P

Sorry I dont mean to cause trouble here by saying this but please tell me if I've over stepped the mark but if Jem was breaking rules would she be treated like any other member , its just she is high up in this forum because she has been here for a while and she is close with nearly all the mods and she used be a mod didnt she!!

I just felt like I needed to say that !!

My apologies if I come across as rude or a troublemaker :)

Emmasi will get treated the same as anyone else on the forum. I love her posts and the way she expresses her opinions but I don't know her. After all this is an internet forum. "Friendship" doesn't come into it.

Thanks for raising the issue so we can clarify it.

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Emmasi is probably close to the mods but as Eli said she has dealt with staff in the past with a similar problem so I have no doubt that if Emmasi was doing something wrong, she would be treated just like any other member, just as any staff member would. If you feel she is doing something wrong, just like with any other member, report the specific post and it will be dealt with in the same way it would be if it was anyone else.


I can say with all honesty that emmasi is treated the same as any other member, I'm sure she'll confirm herself that I've spoken to her about things in the past. I don't like having to pull up people I consider friends or fellow staff members up on things but you can rest assured that we will do it if it's needed and it has in fact been done several times in the past.

I've been put on moderator preview by other staff members before when I've been in a bad mood and been taking it out on the boards, Frankie I think it was put me on mod preview after I posted some bitchy reply (I can't even remember what now) but I was an admin at the time and she still warned me. I've also put both Dan and Chris on a temporary ban, it was an april fools joke on the both of them and I'm sure I was very nearly demoted over it but if definitely can be done if it's needed. :P

Seriously if you have an issue, you have to report it and tell us so we can look into it whoever the member is and we will do our best to be impartial and fair and view it as if we were judging any member, whether we know them personally, if they're staff or even moderators.


  Skykat said:
I can say with all honesty that emmasi is treated the same as any other member, I'm sure she'll confirm herself that I've spoken to her about things in the past. I don't like having to pull up people I consider friends or fellow staff members up on things but you can rest assured that we will do it if it's needed and it has in fact been done several times in the past.

I've been put on moderator preview by other staff members before when I've been in a bad mood and been taking it out on the boards, Frankie I think it was put me on mod preview after I posted some bitchy reply (I can't even remember what now) but I was an admin at the time and she still warned me. I've also put both Dan and Chris on a temporary ban, it was an april fools joke on the both of them and I'm sure I was very nearly demoted over it but if definitely can be done if it's needed. :P

Seriously if you have an issue, you have to report it and tell us so we can look into it whoever the member is and we will do our best to be impartial and fair and view it as if we were judging any member, whether we know them personally, if they're staff or even moderators.

Thats reassuring Kat . I know that you would do what you have to do in a situation ,

Wow I never knew you were on mod preview before.

Wow so many things I didnt know.April fools joker :lol:


Wow, I'm actually stunned as to why anyone would accuse Jem of being a bully. I've been a member on this forum for nearly four years, and in all that time I have found Jem to be extremely pleasant to discuss with. I've always found her posts to be amusing and thought-provoking. Again and again, she has been able to back up her opinions with evidence, and genuine reasoning. It's a nice change from the numerous posts that we get nowadays from people who are willing to state their opinion, but not actually give reasons why they have it. I'm presuming that these people are the ones who think Jem "attacks" them and "bullies" them.

The purpose of discussion, I think, is to have people with differing opinions come together and talk about why they have the opinion that they have. What I've noticed lately is that if somebody counters somebody else's opinion with actual reasons and evidence, then it is seen as bullying them. I think people are being way to sensitive in this case, and really need to realize that if you are not prepared to give reasons, then you HAVE to be prepared to have your opinion "attacked". Otherwise, don't bother posting. There are countless people on BttB who post things like "OMG! Adelle iz lyk sooooo awsum!!! lyk i totally think they rox!" and "Jack & martha r cute! i hope they stay on h&a foreva!" but Emmasi is one of a few who actually puts thought into what she writes.

She's a breath of fresh air and if what she writes is going to be considered as "bullying", then I say, keep on "bullying" Jem!


I've noticed that posters are no longer allowed to say, as Nathan said, "OMG! Adelle is awesome, I love them" - in the discussion threads, but instead we have to back this up etc, and that's fine, however I do wonder why people are allowed to say, for example" OMG I hate Xavier, send him out to sea to drown" and just leave it at that ...

Because it's just the same as posting "OMG I love them" but in the negative sense.

Did I just make any sense? :o


Yep, you made sense. It does work both ways. I like to think that I back it up when I say that I hate a character, but I guess sometimes I feel I've done it so many times that my hatred should speak for itself. I'm sure the lovers feel the same. I think the problem arises when that's all there is to the post, and it's not just an offhand mention among other things. That's when it becomes spamming, if the reasons aren't obvious in the episode. Like if you said "Rachel and Tony are so cute!" after an episode that featured them heavily, that would be okay in my opinion, but if the episode was all about Aden and Belle, and Rachel had nothing to do with it, if I went in there and said "I hate Rachel :angry:" and nothing esle, that would be spamming. Some people think it's spamming anyway, since I've said it so many times, but she keeps doing things to tick me off, and when I post, I usually mention what the new things are. I don't mean to be aggressive towards fans when I do that, it's just my opinion of the character.

Well, I'm back. I'm starting uni this week, and I figured that worrying about what people think about me at this board is just more stress that I don't need. So, as many people have kindly suggested, I am going to try and rise above it and not let people get to me. It will be hard - it always is - but nothing is impossible. The important thing is that I, and people like me who feel that they are being bullied, keep trying to stand up for themselves and seek the appropriate help from the mods when it's needed.

Thank you all for being so patient and supportive with me :) I hope things can get back to normal now, and maybe even be better than before. I've noticed that things are already on their way to being much more understanding and co-operative among members, no matter what their opinions are. That's great. I look forward to more of it :)


  Symphony said:
I've noticed that posters are no longer allowed to say, as Nathan said, "OMG! Adelle is awesome, I love them" - in the discussion threads, but instead we have to back this up etc, and that's fine, however I do wonder why people are allowed to say, for example" OMG I hate Xavier, send him out to sea to drown" and just leave it at that ...

Because it's just the same as posting "OMG I love them" but in the negative sense.

Did I just make any sense? :o

You did make sense. In my view you get to say "OMG I love them etc." once but that's it. It doesn't need saying again ( and again) and something more specific would contribute more to the discussion.


^ ah ok, I getcha.

Cool, it was just getting to me that people can go into threads [for example Xavier, as he's been getting a lot of negative comments lately] and say "hate xavier, let him drown" and then next person posts "me too" and it's all fine and dandy - whereas, it'd be better to read, "hate xavier let him drown, i think his acting is woeful - and i mean, could he not use more expression like in the scene etc etc" like we do in the character discussion when we're appreciating.

Thanks john! :)

  • 4 months later...

I was going to make a new thread on here but i found this one so i will go ahead with this one instead... (That's if anyone is going to read this)

I'm starting to get sick of seeing everyone attacking each other over the love for Couples.. It seems to be at the Moment.. The "Adelle vs Tachel" Match and a Bit of J&M. Which to me is really stupid.. I'm not game to make a post about my favourite couple (which is Adelle), for the fear of being attacked by other members..

Yes you can all have your opinions but to see people being hurt or getting fed up with the comments its beyond ridiculous and most Adelle fans hate it.. which is why we flock to another forum and talk about Adelle there..

And yeah some Adelle fans can be over the top.. (i personally like to keep it under raps even though i love them being a couple)which is to be honest is a bit much.. especially for some members who cant seem to let go that

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Jessica Tovey has left/Belle Taylor Dying!

. which is also really really peeving me off and alot of other people to (it would be SERIOUSLY nice if someone could actually talk to the person involved) :rolleyes:

The Adelle "Haters" seem to love winding up the Adelle "lovers" and making them crack. But when it comes to Tachel or J&M they get there backs up and start attacking members who love Adelle even more...

I have PM'd Dan about my complaint which was last week but he doesn't seem to have the decency to reply to my complaint which im not really impressed with.

(ok so maybe hes busy but it would be nice for a reply even if its a small one)

When i first came to the forum i loved checking out everyone's comments towards characters/couples but now its just a joke just seeing the fights and see reading people are upset by certain comments... i only come here to talk in the Aussie discussion about a episode that just recently aired and also to read fics

You seriously all need to stop bullying everyone else.. its just the internet its nice like you are all going to see everyone in real life.. Bullying online hurts to.. so it really seriously needs to stop NOW!

I dunno if it makes sense of what i just said.. But thoughts and comments would be nice to

But please don'tt attack me.. im having a opinion and this is like my first decent post since ive come here


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