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Guest Zetti

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Chapter 9

Lucas looked out of his room towards the lounge; Jack was still sitting mindlessly on the sofa taking in the fact that he had a half brother and a baby.

He hadn't asked about the child. He thought that Martha should do that as he had question he needed to ask her not Lucy.

'Are you going to talk to her?' Tony asked him

'Yes. I just don't know how or when… its not something that I can let go that easily'

'You just need to talk to her'

He nodded 'Not right now, I need some time'


Watching the sunset in the distance calmed Martha down; she didn't want to go home yet, in fear that if she did the days' event would dawn on her.

Jack hadn't spoke to her about the baby, she wanted to talk to him so they could be angry and happy together with no more animosity between them, it didn't seem like that was going to happen so she had to bide her time.

'Nice sunset isn't it?' Jack's voice wandered over to her

Martha smiled as she stared into the distance 'Yeah, awesome place to be'

'Yes, Can I sit?'

'Sure' hiding her fear and excitement at the prospect

'Have you had time to take it in?' Martha asked as she positioned herself so she was looking at him.

'I have done nothing but think about it'


'I do have questions?'

'Ok… sure go ahead'

'A boy or girl?'

'A small boy'

Jack smiled 'Blue eyes?'

'Yes of course' Martha grinned, it seemed like Jack was on board now. 'When did you give him up?'


'Yes… I knew who was going to adopt it and so they took him'

'You never saw him?'

'I saw him once but then I couldn't handle it so I told them to take him away, I didn't want to see him'

'Why?' Jack pushed her slightly

'Because I had lost you and I knew the baby would remind me of you'

Jack put his hands on hers 'I have to ask you something and I need the truth'


'Did you go to my father because you were scared of my reaction?'

Martha swallowed some saliva and said 'I went to your father because I was scared of myself and how I would keep the baby if you knew, because I was selfish and keeping the baby wouldn't be what I wanted'

'I know who adopted the baby' Jack said

'Yes, it was a woman called Lucy'

'Yep, she is at my house now. Also I need to tell you something else'

Martha looked slightly worried but hid it under a mask and said 'what?'

'Chase is my half brother, Lucy and my father had an affair'

Martha started to laugh 'Damn, I never thought that was possible'

Jack narrowed his eyes naturally confused. 'Why?'

'It doesn't matter'

'Yes. It doesn't, I don't want to get in contact with our child' Jack said honestly and Martha nodded in agreement 'its not fair, he deserves to be happy with the family he has'

Jack voiced the words Martha had been thinking as well 'It doesn't stop us wondering about him'

'I don't think anyone has the right to stop us contacting him or thinking about him, but I don't think its right to do this'

'I agree… one more thing'

'Go on' Martha urged him to say what he wanted to say

'What does this mean for us? Because I never ever stopped loving you for who you are'

'Same but its not that simple'

'No nothing ever is that simple' he said resigned to the fact that there were more obstacles to overcome.

'How about' Jack suggested 'we talk to him because lying and sneaking around got us nowhere before'

'And if that doesn't work?'

'Then we have some hard decisions to make' his face crumpled up but Martha squeezed his hand in response 'We will deal with it together.'


'You are back together' Brett said surprised 'well… I am surprised it took you this long'

Martha and Jack turned to look at each other 'Are you serious?'

'You never did do what you were told Martha and Jack loves you I know that'

'But what about Chase?' Martha asked 'I thought you wanted me & him to get together?'

'No… you moved on and despite that I want you to be happy' He smiled 'One condition though'

She groaned 'What?'

'You tell me before he spends the night so I can leave you alone in peace'

Martha smiled and for the first time she hugged her father for longer than 10 seconds. 'Careful. Jack might get jealous' her father said at an attempt to be humorous.

Jack smiled 'I better go, Dad will be wondering where I am… call me?'


Jack slipped out of the house with a massive grin on his face. He was 19 and happy. He had finally got a future.

'Hey' Lucas said as he looked up from the book he was reading 'How's the talk?'

'Really good. Cleared the air and you might as well know… Martha & I are back together'

'What?!?!' came a voice from the kitchen. Chase came out with a startled look on his face 'You are dating Martha?'

'Yes. She dumped you and I never stopped loving her'

Chase nodded 'I better go'

'Where you staying?' Jack asked

'I don't know yet'

Lucas and Jack exchanged a look 'Stay here' Jack said

'No… I would be imposing'

'You are family… and we don't turn our back on family ever so…'

'Sure… sofa?'

'Nah… we have a spare room so go for it'

Lucas had an announcement as well 'I am moving back in.' Tony who had entered the room a few moments before smiled secretly. He had his family again and they weren't that close but they would be close again and he couldn't wait for it.


Just some news: in the next chapter it will have forwarded about 16 years... thanks for reading..

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They're back together :D:wub: Yay!

Aw I love how they want to give their son a good life and not hurt him :(

16 years!? That's a long time, I presume a lot will have changed :P

Hopefully not between JnM though ^_^

Loved it. Can't wait for more!!


Yay Jack and Martha are back together and Brett approves! :D

:o 16 years! A lot will have changed by then. Hopefully not between Jack and Martha and hopefully they have a child or two. :P

More please.


As I mentioned at the end of the previous chapter; I am forwarding the story by 20 years where it allows me to have more to write about so I hope you enjoy it because I loved writing it… also my exams will be starting officially in 3 weeks so I wont be updating regularly but I will be writing teasers to keep you occupied. Without further ado here is the chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 10

‘Krista Holden, get over here right now!’ Martha screeched, as her daughter wouldn’t hurry up for school.

‘Coming’ she shouted down the stairs and two long minutes later she arrived ‘sorry was just doing my bag’

‘You should have done it last night’ Martha pointed out as she ushered her out of the door.

‘I know but Joe kept texting me and I forgot’ she blushed as she got into the car, Martha grinned despite herself… it reminded her of Jack when they were younger; so carefree and indifferent to the world

‘Come on mum!’ Krista said as she knocked Martha out of her reverie, ‘I will be late’

‘And whose fault is that?’

‘Ok… Ok... Let’s just go!’

‘Ok.. on our way’ Martha started the car and drove in the direction of the school.

‘So when’s Jude home?’ Krista asked

‘He will be home when you get back’

Krista smiled. She loved Jude, her big brother who always looked out for her.

‘Right here we go’ Martha pulled up to the curb a few blocks from school ‘Thanks mum… might be late home…’

‘Just text me’ Martha said before she drove away towards the diner. She was now a manager and she loved it. Irene had passed away a few years ago after Belle had died through a car accident.

Roman had lost his eyesight but he regained it after a painful 2 years and he has looked forward ever since which led to his reunion with Leah and they now have a beautiful 5 year old Emmeline

‘Sorry I am late. Krista was just being Krista.’

Colleen smiled ‘don’t worry darl… everything is ok here… I am going on my break… ok?’

‘Sure… take an extra 10 minutes on me’ smiling as she pulled her coat off and hurriedly placed an apron on.


Krista walked into her classroom turning plenty of heads as she walked in and sat down next to her best friend Carrie’

‘What took you so long?’ Carrie asked as the English teacher told them all to quieten down.

‘Just dramas. Don’t worry’

‘We on for the mall tonight?’

Krista frowned ‘I cant tonight…’

‘Why not?’ Carrie demanded as the English teacher started to hand out copies of the new novel that they were going to start reading and studying

‘Jude’s back’

Carrie’s mouth dropped open. She had always harboured a crush on Jude and unbeknownst to Krista, she slept with him once.

‘Carrie. Can you please read out the blurb and give me your perspective on it?’

‘Sure Miss’

Krista then looked at the blurb and got immersed in the lesson; English was the only lesson that she truly enjoyed.

‘So…’ Carrie started once the lesson had finished, as they were packing up for their next lesson ‘Can I come over tonight?’

‘Sure, just let me know what time’

‘Cool…’ they left the room for their next lesson when Joe; Krista’s boyfriend appeared.

‘Hey babe’ kissing her on the cheek

‘Hey… I need to go to the office… so check you both later?’

‘Sure’… they both replied confused as to why she was being a bit blunt with them. What had they done wrong?

Krista hurried away quickly and walked around the corner to see Mr. Wilcox smiling at her ‘Ready for the lesson?’

She smiled ‘definitely’


Jude Holden walked into his lounge where his dad was just dozing off and his mother was nowhere to be seen…

‘Dad?’ he said quietly.

No answer

‘DDDAD’ slightly louder

Still no answer

‘Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ he practically screamed the roof off as Jack jumped off the sofa and fell on the floor in complete and utter shock.

Jude stifled a laugh as Jack nursed his sore head. ‘there was no need for that’ Jack admonished his eldest

Jude grinned ‘Couldn’t help it’ he replied smiling

‘I bet’ Jack replied ‘so… how was university?’

‘Not bad… cant believe I actually got in.’

‘Soo… how’s the course?’

Jude smiled ‘Later’ he dismissed his questions with a wave of his hands ‘Where’s mum and Krista?’

‘Krista’s at school I think.. and your mothers working’ Jack closed his eyes as his head was still sore

‘Might go and have a shower’ Jude commented as his dad finally fell asleep.

‘Ok… talking to myself now’ Jude continued as he walked up to the bathroom. He took a shower but as he came out he heard a voice downstairs that he didn’t recognise, quickly getting dressed he made his way down the stairs

‘So… hows everything?’ he heard his father ask someone

‘Oh it’s all good Mr Holden.’

Jude smiled it was Carrie… someone that he knew; one of Krista’s friends

‘Good, good. Well I better go to work… Krista should be done in a second’

‘No problems’ she replied as Jack walked out of the room. Jude walked in ‘Hey…’

‘Hi’ she said simply with no evidence of being shy or scared of him.

‘Waiting for Krista?’


‘She isn’t here. She hasn’t been in’

‘Oh… don’t matter. Will come back another time’

‘See you’ he replied with indifference as he poured some cornflakes into a bowl and went over to the fridge to get some milk out.



‘So… another good day’ Martha commented as she locked up the diner. She had already cashed in the takings.

‘Yep... remember that I need an early finish tomorrow?’ Colleen commented as she picked her bag up and put it on her arm

‘Yes i know. I have got someone to work’


Martha decided to be coy ‘you will see...’

Heading home as soon as she opened the door, she could smell the whiff of lasagne wafting over from the kitchen.

‘Hey Jude’ Martha called out as she put her coat away

‘How did you know it was me?’

‘You also cook lasagne on your return home’ she commented ‘your dad around?’ she asked as she entered the kitchen

‘No idea. I think he went to work’

‘Cool… Krista?’


‘Really!?!’ Martha was in shock, Krista never revised unless forced. She managed to smile

‘Yep, surprised me as well, never expected her to but she says only 1 exam left to go so she might as well revise and revise and revise.’

‘Good! She needs to if she wants to get into year 12’



Jack's like an old man! :lol: Too funny ^_^

I don't blame Carrie for going there, a mixture of Jack and Martha's looks, who wouldn't! :P:wub:

Loved it. Love the idea of Martha working at the diner. Can't wait for more :D


I don't blame Carrie for going there, a mixture of Jack and Martha's looks, who wouldn't!

My thoughts exactly! :P Too bad, Jude doesn't seem to be interested in her.

What's up with Krista? :unsure: I have the feeling she is hiding something.

Aww Colleen is still working at the diner. She must really love the place! Roman and Leah have a daughter. How sweet! :wub:

Martha is the manager of the diner. That's cool! :) Poor Irene though! :(

More please.


Great so far Can`t wait for the next chapter to find out what happens. Is their eldest son Jude the that they gave up for apodtion or have they had another boy plus the girl they`ve got

Update Soon


Thanks for the comments, sorry there is a big gap between updates but exams and revision are getting me down! As of 15th June... updates should be more regular.. enjoy...

Chapter 11

‘So… Jack… has you got the weekend off?’ Martha asked as they sat down to dinner that night

‘Yep… finally finished the case and got the commission so yep am done for the week’

She sighed a breath of relief ‘Good because…’

Jude signed inwardly. ‘What have you done mother?’

‘hey what makes you think I have done anything?’ Martha asked ‘I resent that’

‘Because’.. Jack started ‘You always say that’

Martha glared and Jack put his arms up ‘sorry but its true’

‘Anyways I need your help at the diner’ Krista tried to creep back into the living room where she was in first place

‘Get back in here Krista’ Jude said ‘If I have to do this, then so do you’

Krista sighed and grudgingly walked back into the room. As she did, Martha’s phone rang. ‘Hello’

‘I didn’t apply for temps?’

‘Oh ok… how much would that set me back?’ she asked

‘Really?’ her eyes nearly came out of her eye socket in shock


She hung up the phone ‘you are off the hook… seems Colleen thought it would be a good idea to introduce some temps’

All 3 of them mock celebrated in the air earning a rolled eye from Martha who said she was going to turn in early as Jack went to watch some television.

Jude bagged use of the laptop so Krista was stuck with the infuriatingly slow computer.

‘Krista!’ Jude screamed up the stairs ‘Get the phone’

‘On it’ Krista was only too happy to leave the computer alone. When she picked the phone up; the one thing she noticed was that Jude was in a despondent phase and he wasn’t really focused


‘Its Carrie. I know what you have been doing?’

‘What are you harping on about?’ Krista asked

‘You and him…’

‘Who’s him? I have no idea what you are talking about’

‘Sure… sure… well I will make sure the school knows about it as soon as possible unless….’

‘I haven’t done anything so you tell the world about whatever you want. I couldn’t care less’

‘You sure?’


Carrie hung the phone up but not before delivering her a final message ‘He will hate you… you can stop kidding yourself otherwise…’

Krista was in a state of shock ‘How the hell did she find out’ she said out aloud to herself

‘How did who find out about what?’ Jack asked as he came up the stairs to go to bed.

‘Nothing, I am just worrying about nothing’

‘Are you sure, because I can help’

‘No you can’t, its just high school stuff’

‘Jude can help’

‘Its ok’ Krista sighed as Jack hugged her, she had that little heartbroken look on her face like she did when she was 5 and Martha wouldn’t let her play on her bike outside without its training wheels.


‘Krista Holden. Can I see you in the office please?’ the deputy headteacher walked into her

Krista stood up knowing doomsday was on the way but she was determined to be as strong as she was able to be.

She followed her to the office and smiled at her


Good luck with you exams and revision Zetti! :)

Carrie is Krista's best friend and she is going to tell everyone one of Krista's secrets! What kind of best friend does that? <_<

And what is Krista hiding? :unsure:

More please.


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