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Avatar restrictions

Guest sharksarecute

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Interesting debate. I can sort of see both sites. I'm a moderator for an official website (I don't want to name it just yet), but on our site we allow any avatar that is not offensive - whether it contains the "subject" of the forum or not isn't an issue for us. The only rules we have for avatars are the size restrictions (120x120 pixels) and just that it doesn't contain offensive material.

I will say this though. I haven't found allowing "other" avatars on the site I moderate a huge issue. People still discuss the main subject of the forum. The ocasional argument may occur where someone says "you aren't a true fan of <insert person> because you don't have them in your avatar!" but that only comes from the hard core fans that need reminding about free speech lol

I won't argue about how this site is run. It's up to the owners. When you joined you agreed to the sites rules. If you don't like them, then there are other sites out there that probably aren't as restrictive about avatars.

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  Melibabi said:
<insert person>

I won't argue about how this site is run. It's up to the owners. When you joined you agreed to the sites rules. If you don't like them, then there are other sites out there that probably aren't as restrictive about avatars.

Clearly I am abiding by the rules. But just because I dont agree with such a silly thing doesnt mean Im going to spit the chewie and go somewhere else. I wanted to display my shark, I wasnt allowed, I was somewhat dissapointed so I questioned why and was interested to know what others thought. Clearly Im in the minority, thats cool... I think this forum has more to offer than avatar restrictions so Im gonna stick around :wink:


I like the avatar rule as it is because my artwork of icons is mainly H&A anyways so doesnt really bother me!


  KaiyaBlake said:
No complaints from me, I'm quite happy with my avatar :wub::lol:

No complaints from me either, It does'nt bother me, & I'm happy with my avatar :wub::lol:


I can see both sides of this debate, but to be honest I am quite happy with my av :wub::D

Also quite enjoy perv..., ahem I mean admiring other peoples avs too! :lol:


I'm happy too, there's nothing to complain about :) It's quite logical that in Home and Away forum I have avatar, what connects to this show. And I'm very happy with my avatar too :) Actually, when I came here, I didn't know the rule, but it was so obvious that I use Home and Away avatar.


Doesn't really bother me; I'd quite like to be able to use Twilight Avvies :wub: but hey, there's plenty of other forums where I'm not restricted by avs - as this is primarily a H&A board, it's really nice tbh to see all H&A avvies :)


I like it - its nice because shows we all have something in common with eachother, and it'd be irrelavent to have anything else. That being said I dont really make HAA avs anymore so i'd like tonbe able to use one of the ones I do make, but thats just laziness.


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