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2007 Individual and Whole Episode Caps

Guest aejdude

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March 12th 2007 - Episode 4371 Monday, Week 9

Martha, Ric, Cassie, Dan, Matilda, Sally, Brad, Pipa, Cam




:wub: Awww thanks everyone your comments are most welcomed. :)

I was in a bit of a mood yesterday, just me being disorganised and leaving things to the last minute which was I had to put my tech (finished hsc - school) work ahead of capping and watching Home and Away, probably not the last time it will happen and more likely then not it will be Monday's things like that will happen.

Good to know people care and use\like the caps taken. :)

And some extra, Martha caps that I took just for you Tasha as asked. :D







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March 16th 2007 - Episode 4375 Friday, Week 9

Kit, James, Kim, Rachel, Jack, Tony, Sam




:rolleyes: 128 caps. Some good shots of Jack and Kit. Also Jack and Martha fans be warned there are caps of Sam and Jack.

The end of yet another week, this week as we know has been a little harder then others for me to find time for caps and as the weeks go on things will probably go up and down with capping, but I shall do my best and do it whenever I can. :D

A bit slower then usual but it's a Friday. :P:lol:

Hopefully soon I will be able to organise all my images so be warned if links no longer work but I will inform you all.


Here are some HD screencaps i did seeing as 7 have big HD this week!

I will try do some more over the week if i can Enjoy!!!

If anyone wants me to do more i will! they are quite big Res!

haa02qd5.th.jpg haa04uy6.th.jpg haa05ax7.th.jpg haa06ou4.th.jpg haa07gr3.th.jpg


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