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Isabel Lucas on Rove Live

Guest bay girl

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I felt bad for both of them.Rove was really nice to her.I understand she's a shy person but she really needed to lighten up a bit.


I thought she came across really well, she wasn't putting on a loud act like a lot of celebs seem to do. She seems nice and gave thoughtful answers yes she seemed shy and nervous but I thought it was refreshing.


It screened here last night and I thought she looked a little awkward and shy but not overly so. She did need to speak up, though.


  HAA Girl 08 said:
Isabel - speak louder! I couldn't even hear her. I had the bloody telly on full blast and still had trouble hearing!

To me the interview was REALLY awkward, but then again she's a shy and quiet person.

But she could've just gone with the jokes instead of being serious about the whales. I mean come on; you're on Rove!

With Rove's question about what would she do if a whale attacked her, I can see why she answered the way she did. She's passionate about whales, greenpeace, and all that kinda stuff, so I see why she was quick to defend them. However, when Rove proceeded and asked the question more obviously like a joke (with krill attached to her, and so forth), that's when she answered it like a joke and said something about calling the dolphins.

I can see why people thought it was a very awkward interview. I did too, at first. But then she began to lighten up a bit, which was nice. I can understand completely that she is a very shy and quiet person, and others need to understand that too. First and foremost she is an actress, so when she is on camera as a different character, that is when she can open up and be whatever she needs to. On Rove however, she was herself - she was not acting. I think when people realize that then they'll understand why she wasn't as confident and loud as other celebrities are (or apparently should be). That's not who she is...



I didn't think it was cringeworthy at all I thought it was charming. :) I love her for not being a show off like a lot of other people in interviews. And thank you for posting the link JosieTash.


I love Lily Allen but I hated the fact that she apparently kinda laughed at her. But I don't know how true that is, she could have just been laughing at Rove or something?

I thought Isabel Lucas was fine :) Asides from just being herself, I think she was nervous, which anyone would be.

I loved how she was so quiet though and then out of no where chucked on this loud American accent when she was telling the story :lol:

And Ross Noble's joke was so funny. He's hilarious!


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