LauraPhilly!! Posted August 9, 2009 Report Posted August 9, 2009 amz89 said: hasnt this already happened. Coz belle nearly lost it earlier. But yeah is this just a POV??? More soon please x hey amz, sorry for the confusion... yeah this chapter contains all the characters POVs! the person said to faith that as she was returning someone would have to take her place instead... someone close to her.... you might be able to figure it out now... love Laura xx
LauraPhilly!! Posted August 9, 2009 Report Posted August 9, 2009 Hopefully this chapter will make up for the confusion in the last one! Sorry for what I'm about to do...but it was necessary... Chapter 23 Belle squinted her eyes as she saw the bright light shining over her head. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and found herself in a hospital room. Aden was sitting beside her, holding her hand. "Hey beautiful," he said, lifting his hand, and placing it lightly against her cheek. "What happened?" said Belle, trying to make sense of the scene around her. When Aden said nothing, she looked over at him. Shock ran through her as she saw tears rolling down his cheeks. "Aden, tell me please." When he still said nothing, Belle sighed in frustration and laid her head back on the pillow, trying to remember how she had got here. Faith. Faith had been found and she had been in the hospital. "Is Faith ok?" asked Belle argently. Aden nodded. "She woke up just over an hour ago," he said, slowly. "Ruby says she's doing really well. Conor's with her." "Conor," murmered Belle. She remembered Conor. She remembered walking over to his family. The O' Grady's, to thank them for finding Faith, and bringing her to the hospital. Then she remembered the seering pain. Her hand suddenly flew to her stomach. "The baby?" she said, looking at Aden, begging for her theory to be deemed incorrect. But when Aden's eyes began to overflow with tears again, Belle knew what had happened. Their little baby was gone. Aden looked up anxiously at Belle's face. She wasn't crying. She was just staring up at the ceiling. "Babe, it's ok," he said, taking her hand in his. "We'll try again. We'll have another baby!" "I didn't want another one, I wanted this one!" said Belle, fiercely. "I know sweetheart, I know," said Aden, leaning into her. "I wanted this one so much!" said Belle, as the tears finally spilled from her eyes. "Shh," said Aden, standing up and sitting on the edge of her bed. As Aden wrapped his arms around her, Belle burst into tears and buried her face in his chest. "Don't leave me," cried Belle, grabbing Aden's shirt. "I won't," said Aden, kissing her hair. "I promise." * "Here you go," said Conor, coming in and closing Faith's door. "One, non - bits, orange juice." "Thanks Conor," said Faith, taking the plastic cup from him, and putting it on the table beside her. She waited until he said down beside her before she began talking. "My Mum lost the baby," she said, slowly. Conor studied her face before answer. "Yeah I know, Gran told me." "It's my fault," said Faith. "What?" exclaimed Conor. "No it's not, how is any of this your fault." "He gave me an option Conor," said Faith, determindly, looking into Conor's eyes. "I chose to come back here. To be with my family, and see you again. Someone had to take my place." "Faith stop this, this kind of talk is ridiculous," said Conor, standing up. "No, it's not, it's the truth," said Faith. "My baby brother is dead because of me!" "How do you know it's a boy?" asked Conor, frowning. "Because I saw him Conor," said Faith. "I saw him. When I was stuck between life and death, I saw what life would be like without me! I saw Mum lifting little Owen into her arms and cradling him to her chest. I saw him Conor, I saw him!" Conor couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had no idea how Faith knew that the baby had been a boy; her parents were meant to tell her that. "Conor, I know it's hard to believe," said Faith, exasperately. "But it's true. I saw him Conor!" And it was that moment, when both their eyes met, and Conor saw the honesty and sincerity in Faith's that he believed her. "I believe you," he said, sitting down beside her again. Faith smiled, and breathed out a sigh of relief. "Thank you," she said, taking his hand. Conor froze, and looked down at the hand which Faith now held. Looking back up at her nervously, he saw that she was just as shocked by her action as he was. And then, not really thinking about what he was doing, Conor leaned in and kissed her. Faith smiled against his soft lips, and kissed back. As they pulled apart, they smiled nervously at each other. "Well that was..." began Conor. "Different," finished Faith. "Yeah," said Conor, breathing out slowly. "Very different." "I liked it though," said Faith, grinning nervously. Conor grinned back. "Yeah I liked it too." "Can we just do it again?" asked Faith. "Just to make sure we liked it." "Yeah absolutely," said Conor,grinning and licking him lips hungrily. Faith grinned as he leaned in, and pressed her lips to his willingly. Behind them, Ruby cracked the door open quietly. But after seeing what she was disturbing, she closed the door, smiled and walked away. Thanks for reading..!! Let me know what you think..!! ...xXx
amz89 Posted August 10, 2009 Report Posted August 10, 2009 thanks so much, for this... I read it at uni this morning didnt comment coz i wanst signed in lol.. aww thats sad. i thought it was just a dream.. But his gone.. Hope they get through it more soon please. Xx
LauraPhilly!! Posted August 10, 2009 Report Posted August 10, 2009 Reveal hidden contents Belle's final scenes were aired across Australia today, breaking the hearts of Adelle fans everywhere. In these last scenes, Jess proved herself to be a superb actress, and she will be sorely missed by Belle and Adelle fans alike.This chapter, Jessica Tovey, is dedicated to you. Chapter 24 There are some thing's in life that can never be forgotten. There are some wounds that can never heal. There are some people we lose, and can never be replaced. There are some people who we love with all our hearts, but whom God decides to take away from us. But then there are some people who have a purpose on this world. There purpose is to make us happy. It's these people that we think about first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. These are the people who make our hearts swell, and who we know we'll spend the rest of our lives with. 2 years later... Faith grinned appreciatively as the belle rung throughout the school halls. She saw the teacher sigh, and slam his heavy book shut. "Right for homework, I want a two page essay explaining the difference between deoxyribonucleics acid and ribonucleic acid." Faith groaned, as did the rest of the class. The teacher eyed them warily. "I can make it a four page essay if you want?" They all quickly jumped up and scurried out of the room, before Mr Daly could change his mind. "I can't believe it," said Faith, as she threw her school bag over her shoulder and followed the crowd of eager students towards the school's exit. "A two page essay on the first day of school! That'll take most of the night, and I wanted to go to the farm to visit Conor." "Wow, you guys are still together," said Isabel, impressed, as they stepped out into the fresh air. "Your probably one of the only couples to survive the summer!" "Really," said Faith, staying close to her friend, eager to here more. "I didn't realise everyone else had that bad a summer! What happened?" "Well as you know, Dan moved to the UK, his parents had a nasty split, so his relationship with Hazel is over," said Isabel as they walked down the road. "Emma and Robert split on good terms; they figured their relationship wasn't going anywhere, and then Emily ended up having to go to a psych hospital, so Jackson felt obliged to end their relationship. It was rather sad really." "Where was I when all thise happened?" asked Faith, shocked by this news. "Sure you were in Ireland with Conor, weren't you?" said Isabel, grinning mischieviously at her. "You never did tell me what you two really got up to there?" "I told you everything, Issy," said Faith, sighing wearily. "You just refuse to believe that nothing else happened." "That's because I've seen you two together," said Isabel, stopping and turning to face her friend. "I find it hard to believe that 'nothing' happened." "Issy, you know what I terrible liar I am," said Faith, leaning against the wall. "I wouldn't be able to keep it from you if I wanted to." Isabel narrowed her eyes at her but decided to let it go. She turned and they continued walking down the street. "How about I come over and help you with the essay?" she suggested, still looking ahead. "That way we'll both get it done faster, and you'll be able to go up and visit Conor." Faith grinned and threw her arms around her friend. "Your the best, have I ever told you that," she said. Isabel grinned and patted Faith's arm fondly. "I know," she said, giggling. * Aden jumped slightly as Belle slipped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. "Hello love," she said, kissing his neck. "Hello," said Aden, turning back to the oven, where he was stirring the gravy. "Are you ok?" "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" said Belle, stepping back and lifting three plates from the shelf beside her. "I dunno, you just don't usually creep up on me," said Aden. "Love, you better take out four plates," he said, as he watched Belle. "Faith called, she's on her way home now. Isabel's with her, apparently they've got some essay they want to work on. I invited her to stay for dinner." "Ok," said Belle, taking down another plate. She paused, thinking of something, but decided to go for it. "Aden, is now the right time do you?" she began. "To tell Faith?" Aden didn't have to ask to know what she was talking about. "Well, yeah, if you want it to be," said Aden, putting down the wooden spoon, and turning to face Belle. "It's just I feel she's ready to know," said Belle, taking his hand. "I hate not telling her. And I hate not being able to wear this on my finger." Aden nodded, watching as Belle lifted a silver chain from inside her top, from which dangled a sparkling diamond ring. "I want to be able to show off the fact that we're together," said Belle, unclipping the chain from around her neck. "For good this time." Aden grinned as Belle pulled the ring free from the chain and slipped it on her finger. "I love you so much," he said, walking towards her and slipping his arms around her waist. "Not as much as I love you," said Belle, as they kissed lightly. "Let's agree that we love each other equally," said Aden, kissing her again. "Deal," said Belle, claiming his lips with a passionate kiss. They stood there, swaying slightly on the spot, not even realising when Faith and Isabel walked in the back door. "Maybe we should come back later," began Faith, pushing Isabel back. "No, it's alright sweetheart, we're finished," said Belle, pulling away. Aden frowned sadly. "Isabel, hi, how was your summer?" asked Belle, smiling kindly at her. "It was good thanks Ms Taylor," said Isabel, smiling back. Then she saw the ring on Belle's finger. "Oh my God, Faith, you didn't tell me your parents got engaged!" Faith frowned. "They're not eng- " Her eyes flashed quickly to Belle's hand where she saw the sparkling ring. "Mum? Dad?" Belle looked at Aden nervously. "You know I think I have to go to the bathroom," said Isabel, quickly pointing to the stairs. As she disappeared up the stairs, Faith looked at her parents uncertainly. "Faith, we have something to tell you," said Belle slowly. Beside her, Aden slipped his hand into hers supportively. She squeezed it gratefully. "We're engaged." They studied Faith's face anxiously, waiting for an angry outburst. For a few minutes, Faith said nothing. Then suddenly she jumped up, bursting with happiness. Throwing her arms around her parents, she huggged them tightly. "Oh my God guys, I'm so happy," she said, jumping back, grinning at them from ear to ear. "You really are," said Belle, holding onto her daughter's hands. "Yes, of course!" cried Faith, beaming. "So when's the big day?" "In a few months," said Aden, happy that his daughter was so happy. Faith jumped up again, squirming with happiness. "Oh this is the best news ever," she said, clapping her hands together. "I have to go tell Isabel!" Aden and Belle watched as they daughter run up the stairs excitedly. When she was gone, Belle turned and wrapped her arms around Aden's neck. "I love you," she said, looking at him lovingly. Aden smiled, and leaned down and kissed her. "I have never been happier than I am now." Thanks for reading..!! Let me know what you think!! ...xXx
amz89 Posted August 10, 2009 Report Posted August 10, 2009 yah im so happy for some good adelle stuff, considering last nite was oh so sad. Need some happy stuff. N jess was so good at acting as well. This was a cute chapter there engaged aww. More soon please..
tessalove Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 Great couple of chapters! Sad that they lost the baby! But happy now theyre engaged! Can't wait for more!!
LauraPhilly!! Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 Sorry, didn't mean to make this post!!
LauraPhilly!! Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 Thanks for your comments on the last chapter! Hope you like this one!! Chapter 25 It's only when a person's left you, that you realise how much they mean to you. It's only when a person tells you they love you, that you realise how much you love them too. It's only when someone you love promises to spend the rest of their life loving you, that you know this person is the one. It's only when someone dies loving you, that you know you won't forget them...and that you will always love them too. "Mattie! Mattie!" cried Nicole, as she saw her friend jogging down the beach. "Hey Nic, what's up?" said Mattie, stopping as she saw Nicole run down towards her. "You won't believe what I've just heard!" said Nicole, beaming at her. "What, what is it? Tell me!" said Mattie, excitedly. "Aden and Belle are getting married!" exclaimed Nicole, jumping up and down on the stop. Mattie gaped at her. "Your not serious?" she said after a few minutes. "I totally am," said Nicole, grinning widely. "Belle just rang me awhile ago and told me! She wants us to be bridesmaid with Faith!" "Oh my God, your seriously being serious!" cried Mattie, unable to believe it. "If I screamed it would you believe me," said Nicole, raising an eyebrow at her mockingly. "Oh my God, you are serious!" exclaimed Mattie. "Oh my God, we've got to get to Belle's place straight away! There's must be tonnes we need to talk about!" "Already arranged," said Nicole, folding her arms proudly. "Belle's too busy to meet up this evening, so instead we're meet in the Mansfield Hotel in Yabbee Creek tomorrow to discuss everything." "Everything?" "Everything." "Oh my God, this is so exciting," said Mattie, slipping her arm into Nicole's. "Yeah I know, it's brilliant," agreed Nicole, as they walked up towards the surf. "Between you and me," whispered Mattie, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "You and me have got to convince Belle into having her hen party in Paris." "That's number one on my list," whispered Nicole, grinning. * "And so I was thinking just a quiet wedding, nothing too over the top," said Belle, as the rest of them plowed through their dinner. "I want nothing like the wedding Max and I had; it cost us a fortune!" "Believe me honey, money or not," said Aden, pointing his fork at her. "Our wedding is going to be nothing like Max's anyway!" Belle smiled happily and continued eating. "What's your essay about for school girls?" Aden asked curiously. "It's some pathectic about deoxyriwatsit acid and something else," said Faith, rolling her eyes. "Mr Daly knows we have no interest in his subject! Him giving us essays is his one personal form of punishment!" "Honey, I thought you like science," said Belle, frowning at her. "I do," said Faith. "I like chemistry and psychics, but biology. Biology sucks! I mean, who cares about what carbohydrates are made up of?" "Well honey, just stick it out for this year," said Aden. "And then you can drop it before you HSC's." "Believe me, dropping biology and saying goodbye to Mr Daly is the one thing keeping me sane!" said Faith, groaning quietly. "If only you actually had an interest in the subject," said Belle. "I'm sure Conor would have no problem with tutoring you; he loves biology." "Yeah Faith," said Isabel, nudging her friend. "Why don't you get Conor to 'teach' you." Belle narrowed her eyes as she saw the girls exchange a hidden conversation. "Whatever it is that your taking about girls, it's not going to happen," said Belle, picking up the salad forks and spooning more leaves onto her plate. "Faith doesn't like biology, as she's clearly pointed out so hiring Conor to teach you would be pointless." "Speaking of Conor," said Faith, keeping her eyes on her plate. "Would it be ok if I went up to visit him after I finish my essay?" Belle took a sip from her wine glass, and put it back down before she answered. "I see no reason why not," she said, picking up her remaining piece of chicken. "As long as you finish your homework at a decent hour. I'll whizz you up myself if you want?" "Yeah Mum, that would be great!" said Faith, her eyes bright with happiness. Aden smiled as he saw his daughter's happy face. She had been with Conor for over a year now and that look that was in her eyes when she thought, heard or spoke of him was still there. Whatever this boy was doing, not thinking about it too deeply, Aden was happy because he was clearly making his daughter happy. "D'you mind if Faith and I finish up now, Ms Taylor?" said Isabel, putting her knife and fork together on the plate. "That way, we'll probably have the essays finished in about an hour." "Yeah that's fine," said Belle, smiling at the girls. "Did you have enough dinner?" "Yeah it was delicious," said Isabel, as Faith took her plate. "Thanks again so much for having me, Ms Taylor." "No problem, Isabel, your welcome anytime," said Belle, smiling at her kindly. "Come on Issy," said Faith, indicating towards the stairs. Isabel smiled at Aden and Belle once more then grabbed her schoolbag. "She looks so happy," said Aden, as the girls disappeared up the stairs. "Faith? Yeah she does," agreed Belle, gathering up the plates. "Conor's to thank for a lot of that." "Yeah," said Aden, as they both stood up and walked into the kitchen. "You know, in a way, they kind of remind me of me and you at the start." "Really?" said Belle, smiling at him. "They're a little less wild than we are." "Ok, they are, I'll admit that," said Aden, putting his hands lightly on Belle's hips. "But I still reckon they are serious about each other." "Aden, they're a bit too young to be serious," said Belle, as she put the plates in the dishwasher. "I didn't meet you till I was about nineteen! Faith's only fifteen. She's got awhile till she finds the right person. I was just lucky enough to find you at such a young age. Others have to wait years till they find the right person." "Ok, that's a fair point," said Aden, handing her the cutlery. "But you haven't seen the way they look at each other Belle. The love, the intensity, the connection they have is clear when they look at each other." "Aden, they're young, it's just their hormones running crazy," said Belle, closing the dishwasher and looking at him, with one eyebrow raised. "Ok babe, maybe your right," said Aden, twirling a strand of her hair with his fingers. "At least I knew when I met you that you were the one!" "You did not!" exclaimed Belle, hitting him playfully. "How many times have we broken up before?" "That doesn't matter," said Aden, ignoring her question. "All those times, I was stupid to ever let you go. I kept telling myself I'd learn every time but I didn't. I have now though. Finding out that I had a daughter made me realise so much. Having Faith has been one of the greatest gifts in my love." "What's your other greatest?" asked Belle, smiling at him fondly. Aden looked in her eyes, smiled and leaned down and kissed her. "Having you." Belle smiled and rested her head on his chest. Aden kissed her hair lightly. "I love you," he said softly. Belle sighed happily. "I love you too." Thanks for reading..!! Let me know what you think!! ...xXx
MrsL Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 I love it and I was in dire need of some Adelle fluff. Thank you and keep it going
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