sephy Posted August 11, 2009 Report Posted August 11, 2009 Aw, Faith and Connor sound like the cutes couple. Love that Adelle are finally engaged. Can't wait to read more. Sorry I don't comment much, but I do read every chapter and will try to comment more now
amz89 Posted August 12, 2009 Report Posted August 12, 2009 aww i loved that chapter. more soon please
Taniya_K Posted August 14, 2009 Report Posted August 14, 2009 Just caught up on the last 3 chapters. I'm glad that Aden and Faith, and even Belle, are ok. But the baby! I loved how you wrote it about how someone having to take Faith's place. That was very different and very good! The chapters set a couple of years later was just too good. Love the fluff, and Faith and Connor's relationship. That's just too cute. And sooo glad that Adelle are engaged. Hopefully things start to look up for them now...!
LauraPhilly!! Posted August 14, 2009 Report Posted August 14, 2009 Aw thanks everyone for your lovely comments!! I'm glad your all still interested in the story!! Let me know at any stage if it's getting bad PLEASE!! Right's the next chappie!! Chapter 26 Conor looked up as he heard someone calling his name. Then he saw Faith standing at the gate. "Hey!" he called back, waving enthusiastically at her. Turning back to Gypsy, he took both her reins in his hand and lead her over to the gate. "Hey I wasn't expecting you tonight," he said, kissing Faith lightly. "If I'd known, I would have finished riding the horses earlier!" "Oh no that's ok," said Faith, stretching out her hand and scratching Gypsy behind her ear. "I can help you if you want?" Conor paused. "Are you sure babe?" he asked anxiously. "You know with Lady and everything." Faith smiled quickly disappeared. "Sorry I shouldn't have said anything," said Conor, suddenly feeling guilty. "No don't worry, it's ok," said Faith, putting on a brave smile. "I just miss her sometimes that's all." "Yeah," said Conor, rubbing her arm reassuringly. "Mum and Dad are considering buying me a new horse though," she said, happily. "Yeah, there's a horse sale on in about two on the ouskirts of the town." "Oh really, that's great!" said Conor, grinning. He had really hated the weeks after Faith had left hospital. She had been extremely depressed. She demanded her parents take her to the vet to see Lady. They had told her she was dead but Faith didn't believe them. Conor had gone with her. For about a month after the kidnapping, Faith had wanted him with her all the time. He had hoped when Faith had seen Lady that that might have been a turning. Faith had cried for hours, Conor by her side the whole time. For months Conor remembered, she still blamed herself over the baby's death. It hadn't helped, Conor later admitted, that Belle had gone into depression and had to be hospitalised, she had got so bad. Those times had been hard, Conor remembered as he thought back. It was like a nightmare. Many times Conor had thought it would never get better. He and Faith had argued so many times, every time Conor trying to convince her that it wasn't her fault that the baby had died. Even though their fights got bigger every time, they had still stayed together the entire time. They both needed each other. "So, you up to going for a ride together?" asked Faith, bringing Conor back to the present. "Yeah sure!" he said, enthusiastically, opening the gate. "Here you take Gypsy," he said, offering Faith the reins. "I'll go tack up Amber and get us both hats." "Here I'll come with you," said Faith, following him into the yard, leading Gypsy behind her. Minutes later, Amber was tacked up and Conor and Faith were taking the horses favourite route through the fields. "Want to speed things up a bit?" asked Conor, grinning at her. "I thought you'd never ask!" said Faith, gathering up her reins. Urging the horses on gently, they quickly slipped into a gallop. Racing through the fields, the horses neighed and through back their heads happily, as Faith and Conor laughed. As they reached the river, they slowed down allowing the horses to take a drink of water. "So, how was your first day back at school?" asked Conor, as he dismounted. "Oh don't get me started!" said Faith, who was already down and tying up Gypsy's reins. "That bad huh?" asked Conor, grinning. "Try a two page essay on something to do with genetics!" "Ooo, harsh!" said Conor. "Tell me about it," said Faith, rolling her eyes. "Luckily, I got it done before I came up here. Let's hope it's suitable to hand up to the teacher in the morning." "Yeah," said Conor, as he watched the sun slowly disappearing behind the hills. Faith followed where he was watching and then gasped as her eyes found the same thing. "Beautiful isn't it," agreed Conor. "Gorgeous," said Faith, coming to stand beside him. Without thinking about it, Conor slipped his hand into hers. Faith smiled and squeezed his gently. They stood there holding hands until the sun went down. "Gosh, it's ten o' clock," said Conor checking his watch, as they mounted the horses. "Ten! Shoot!" said Faith, as she quickly turned Gypsy back onto the trail. "Why, what's up?" said Conor, rushing to keep up with her. "I promised Mum I'd be back at your house fifteen minutes ago!" "Oh right," said Conor. "Want to gallop home?" Faith looked and him and grinned. "I'll race ya!" "On your marks set go!" yelled Conor. * "So, I've already seen the perfect bridesmaids dresses," said Belle, as she sipped her dainty little cup of tea. "I'm going to with cream, and have gold little intricate designs. What do you think?" "I think it sounds absolutely perfect!" said Nicole, as she buttered her scone. "Me too," agreed Mattie, as she scribbled everything down in her notebook. "Your going with the traditional white dress right?" "Of course!" said Belle. Beside her, Mattie was scribbling furiously. "No sleeves, low back, no plunge line, slimming until the waist, and then flowing out into the train!" "Sounds grogeous, and we haven't even seen it yet!" said Nicole, beaming at her. "Who's catering?" asked Mattie. "Leah has agreed to do everything!" said Belle. "Except the wedding cake, I'm getting that bought at Morgan's." "Morgan's! Belle that place costs a fortune!" exclaimed Mattie, looking up from her notebook. "Well, Mum, Peter and Ryan couldn't be here so they made a very generous contribution to the wedding! How else do you think I would be able to get all our dresses especially made?" "Oh Belle, it's going to be the best wedding ever!" cried Mattie. "What church are you having it at?" asked Nicole. "Because we'll need to book it in advance!" "Well Aden and I decided we want to get married on the beach, just before sunset." Mattie and Nicole exchanged a quick look and then both let out a huge "Awwwwwwwww!!" "Shh!" said Belle, looking around at the hotel guests passing in and out of the cafe. "Oh my God, Belle, that's so beautiful!" said Nicole, her hands clasped together. "And sooooo romantic!" added Mattie. "Why didn't Ric and I think of that?" "Well you and Ric obviously don't have the combined intelligence that Aden and I have." Mattie raised an eyebrow at her. "Faith suggested it didn't she?" "So what?" said Belle quickly. "She's me and Aden put together, proof of our intelligence." "Ok whatever," said Nicole quickly as Mattie goggled at her. "Either way, you still need to book the priest and set up the seating on the beach." "Hold on," said Mattie quickly, putting up her arms. "Have you two even decided when this wedding is?" "Well, that's the tricky part," said Belle, slightly uncomfortably. "We kind of want it to happen in three weeks..." "THREE WEEKS!" exclaimed Mattie. "You expect us to get all this done in three weeks. "Mattie chill," said Nicole, taking her friend's hand. "It's Aden and Belle's big day and they want it in three weeks. Whatever strings we have to pull, we'll make it happen in three weeks!" "Thanks you guys," said Belle, taking both their hands. "This means so much to me." They both smiled. "And you couldn't decide to get married another three weeks ago," said Mattie, exasperately. Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think!! ....xXx
tessalove Posted August 14, 2009 Report Posted August 14, 2009 Poor Faith! Was there suppose to be something more at the end?? Lol Update soon !! X
LauraPhilly!! Posted August 14, 2009 Report Posted August 14, 2009 tessalove said: Poor Faith! Was there suppose to be something more at the end?? Lol Update soon !! X yeah sorry!! my computer went all funny!! Hope thats better!! xx
rocknroll Posted August 14, 2009 Report Posted August 14, 2009 great update! poor faith!! please update soon xx
amz89 Posted August 14, 2009 Report Posted August 14, 2009 loved it. Connor n faith are so cute. And aden n belle 3 weeks wow. more soon please laura. Xx
tessalove Posted August 14, 2009 Report Posted August 14, 2009 Lol that was a good chapter!!! Continue soon x
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