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Having Faith

Guest LauraPhilly!!

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Thanks for your comments!!

Hope you like this chapter!! :wink:

Chapter 27

"I'll always be by your side, until the very end,

Wiping away all your tears, being your best friend!

I'll smile when you smile, and feel all the pain you do,

And if you cry a single tear, I promise I'll cry too."

- Leighann.

"Honey, I'm home!"

Aden winced as he quickly dropped the heavy shopping bags, and felt all the pain rushing through his fingers.

Looking at them, he saw they were all red, all the blood came flooding back. It was thudding uncomfortably under his skin.

"Honey you here," called Aden, shaking his hand, trying to stop the pain.

"Belle," Aden called louder again, when he heard no answer.

Walking through to the back of the house, Aden saw the standing on the patio, his arms wrapping around her chest.

"Hey, are you ok?" he asked soothingly, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Do you know what day it is?" she said, still looking out at the garden.

"July 21st," Aden said, automatically. "Oh!"

Then he remembered.

It was exactly two years today that they had lost their little boy.

That they had lost their little Owen.

"You know I see him in my sleep," said Belle, impassively. "He's smiling at me. Everytime. We say nothing to each other. We just smile."

Aden gulped uncomfortably. Faith had had these problems too. Conor had told him afterwards that Faith blamed herself for the baby's death. According to him, for weeks Faith saw Owen screaming out in pain, in her dreams.

Faith had got so bad at one stage, Aden was afraid he would have to take her to a psychologist. Aden was extremely grateful to Conor for being there for Faith at that time. He had had enough problems with Belle in hospital, and refusing to take anything from the doctors.

Aden shook his head, trying to forget that time in his mind. It had been the most painful.

It was then Belle turned around and looked at Aden.

"I want to try again."

Aden widened his eyes in surprise. "What?"

"I want us to try have another baby."

"Honey I know what you meant," said Aden, running his fingers through his hair. "But are you actually serious? Are you sure we're ready? And honey the weddings in under three weeks, you've got too much to be thinking about."

Belle shrugged. "I think we're ready. And the time feels right."

Aden shook his head. "Honey, I know it's been two years since Owen, but thats no reason to feel like we have to start again. We've got plenty of time!"

"Aden, I want to do this," said Belle. "I want to have another baby, with you."

"Babe, I know but are you sure about this?"

Belle smiled and leaned in and kissed him.

"I'm as sure about this, as I am about marrying you!"

Aden frowned, still not convinced.

"Ok," said Belle. "I can see your still uncomfortable with the idea. How about we just try it without the birth control, and see where it goes?"

Aden looked at her, trying to see behind what he thought was a mask.

Finding nothing, he sighed. "Ok, let's make a baby."

Belle smiled, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"I love you," she said, pulling him into a hugged.

Aden sighed quietly. "Love you too."


"So, I was thinking salmon for the main course, melon, soup or fruit salad for appetisers, and my special 'Magic in a bowl' for desert," said Leah, beaming at Belle.

"Yeah, it all sounds fantastic," said Belle, smiling at her. "And thank you so much again for doing this Leah, it's so good of you!"

"Belle stop thanking me," said Leah. "I'm happy to do it! It's makes me so happy to see you and Aden finally getting married. For awhile there, I thought it would never happen, what with him leaving, and you being with Max."

"Yeah, so much has changed lately, hasn't it," said Belle, grinning.

"Has something happened, love, you seem happier than usual," said Leah, noticing Belle's squirm of happiness. "Maybe it's just the normal bride-to-be exuberance!"

"Well, it's that too obviously," said Belle. "But...Aden and I have decided to try for another baby!"

"Oh Belle, I'm so happy for you!" cried Leah, flinging her arms around Belle, and hugging her warmly. "Another little baby, oh you two must be so excited!"

"I'm not pregnant yet, Leah," reminded Belle. "So hold off with the congratulations....for now!"

"I'm sorry, I'll reign myself back in again," said Leah, grinning.

"Anyway, I better get going," said Belle, looking at her watch. "I'm meeting Nic and Mattie at 'Moniique's' in Yabbie Creek in half an hour. We're seeing the designs for the dresses!"

"'Moniique's'! That's where your getting your wedding dress made," said Leah, her eyes wide with awe. "Well you do do everything properly I'll give you that Belle!"

"Anything for Aden," said Belle, grinning. "I'll catch you later Leah!"

"Bye love!"


"And so here's the design for the bridesmaids dresses," said the tailor, opening a big black folder.

Nicole and Mattie gasped at once.

"Perfect," cried Nicole.

"Stunning!" exclaimed Mattie.

Fabio smiled. "So that's three in cream, with gold, right Miss Taylor?"

"That's exactly it Fabio," said Belle, smiling at him, while Mattie and Nicole continued starring at the drawing, their mouths wide open. "Have you finshed the design for my wedding dress yet?"

"Indeed I have Miss Taylor," said Fabio, his italian accent punctuating each word leaving Nicole licking her lips at him hungrily. "If you just follow me ladies, through to the back here, I have the prototype just finished."

"The prototype?" whispered Nicole in Belle's ear.

"The design I picked was brand new," explained Belle. "Fabio has only just made his masterpiece a reality!"

As Fabio pulled back the curtain revealing the dress, all three girls gasped.

"It's..." began Mattie.

"Gorgeous!" finished Nicole.

"Miss Taylor, what do you think?" asked Fabio, looking at her face anxiously.

"It's absolutely beautiful Fabio!" said Belle, grinning widely at him.

Fabio sighed in relief. "Thank Madam."

"When will mine be ready for the final fittings?" asked Belle, as she walked around the mannequin apon which lay her dress.

"The prototype only took a few days to complete," said Fabio, quickly. "So I'd say you could come in for final fittings next Tuesday, at eleven?"

"Sounds perfect," said Belle, as Mattie and Nicole nodded in agreement. "Until Tuesday then Fabio."

"Until Tuesday," said Fabio, lifting Belle's hand and planting a small kiss on it.

She smiled, and quickly followed Mattie and Nicole out the door.

When it had swung closed beside them, Nicole sighed dramatically and collapsed against the door frame.

"I love Italians!"

Let me know what you think!



Here's a sneak peak of the next chapter!!

Adult themes in this sneak peak!!

Belle moaned as she felt his fingers creep up her back.

She felt on top of the world as he pulled her body up against his.

She could feel every muscle in his stomach.

She smiled as she felt him move his lips to her ear.

"Belle," he whispered seductively.

Pulling his face back to hers she kissed him passionately.

Aden kissed back just as intense, thoroughly enjoying his favourite pastime.

As Belle ran her fingers down the plains in his chest, Aden moaned quietly and moved his lips to her jaw, and then to her neck.

Belle gasped suddenly as Aden moved to her ear, and nibbled on it gently.

But this wasn't a gasp of pain. It was a gasp of pleasure.

Rolling over so he was lying on top of her, Aden claimed her lips again, running his fingers through her soft brown hair.

Belle held on to him tightly, not wanting him to leave her ever.

A few miuntes later, Aden sighed and rolled until he lay on the other side of the bed.

"Now that," he said, in between his gasps for air. "That was hot sex!"


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