amz89 Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 aww that was the best chapter Laura, I loved it... BTW I love you avatar. Cant wait for more though.. Xx
tessalove Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 Aww! I loved it!! Im so glad that was the reason anf e didn't get cold feet!! update soon! Elx
LauraPhilly!! Posted September 1, 2009 Report Posted September 1, 2009 amz89 said: aww that was the best chapter Laura, I loved it... BTW I love you avatar. Cant wait for more though.. Xx Aw thanks Amz!! I love yours too! xx
LauraPhilly!! Posted September 2, 2009 Report Posted September 2, 2009 Thanks for your comments guys!! Here's the next chapter!! Chapter 31 Putting the key in the lock, Aden turned it and the door swung open. Leading his new wife in the door, he smiled widely. She looked up at his sparkling baby blue eyes and smiled back. "Good day?" she asked. He grinned again. "The best," he replied. "Apart from nearly dying, it was the best day of my life." Belle smiled. "Mine too. It beats Faith's birth, and your return by about two percent." "Only that much," teased Aden, as he pulled her in his arms. "I know," said Belle, as she laid her head against his warm chest and closed her eyes. "It was very close!" Aden chuckled. Then he groaned lightly. "What now?" asked Belle, rolling her eyes. "I forgot to lift you over the threshold!" Belle looked up at him and grinned seductively. "Well you can carry me up to bed if you wish?" Aden grinned back, swooped her up in his arms, and ran up the stairs, Belle giggling lightly. * "Thanks for letting me stay tonight Mrs O' Grady," said Faith, as they walked into the warm kitchen. "Mum and Dad kind of deserve some privacy tonight." "It's no problem dear," she said, as she put on the kettle. "And how many times have I told you to call me Tabitha?" Faith grinned. "About a hundred." Tabitha nodded, and Faith chuckled. Conor rolled his eyes at them and took Faith's hand. "We'll be in my room Gran," he said, leading Faith down the small hall. "Alright," she called. "Don't get up to anything mischevous in there!" Conor groaned and pulled Faith quickly into his room. "Seriously, Gran thinks every time we're alone togther we're doing, and I quote, 'unholy things!'", said Conor, as he closed his bedroom door. "She knows we're not Conor," reassured Faith, as he sat down on the bed beside her. "It's just her job to say stuff like that! Every parent does! My Mum gives me a lecture everytime I go out to see you, only tonight she didn't 'coz her head was a bit preoccupied!" "Yeah," agreed Conor. "I'm glad things worked out for them! They really are a lovely couple!" "Yeah, I'm so happy to see them happy, and together," said Faith. "I never thought it would happen!" "Gran says that even some people, even if they haven't seen each other in years," said Conor. "Can't help falling in love with each other again. Some people are just meant to be together. Your parents are two of those rare people, I think." Faith smiled. "That's sweet Conor!" Conor shrugged. "It's just what I feel." Faith leaned in and kissed him. It started off as a slow kiss, Conor beginning to get a bit more into it, wrapped his arms around Faith's waist, pulling her closer. Faith responded, winding her arms around his neck, holding herself to him. When the kiss grew more passionate, Faith suddenly stopped and pulled away, looking at Conor nervously. "Do you seriously wana do this?" she asked. Conor gulped and nodded sheepishly. "Do you?" Faith bit her lip nervously. "Do you have protection?" Conor blushed. Faith raised her eyebrows "You do!" "I just wanted to be prepared," admitted Conor. "Just in case!" Faith smiled lightly and nodded. Then she looked at him seriously. "So, are we really doing this?" Without saying a word, Conor leaned in and claimed her lips with a passionate kiss. With a second of doubt, Faith kissed him back, her arms wrapped around him tightly. As they lowered down onto the bed sheets, without pulling away, Conor reached out, switched off the light and they were plunged into darkness. * "Knock, knock," said Mattie, brightly. She and Nicole had arrived early to prepare Belle before she headed off for the honeymoon that afternoon. Not hearing a reply, Mattie opened the front door to find the living room empty. She and Nicole exchanged a look. Nicole sighed. "I'll do it," she said, and trudged up the stairs. She knocked on the bedroom door lightly. "Rise and shine newlyweds," she said loudly. From behind the door, she heard two unhappy groans. She smiled with vindictive satisfaction. "You've got less than five hours to prepare yourselves so we need you up and showered in fifteen mintues." Before Nicole left, Belle poked her head out the door. "Seeing as we usually shower togther could we have twenty minutes?" Nicole made a face. "Too much information! And no! Fifteen minutes is all your getting!" Belle frowned and turned back into the room. "Aden theres no time to get your boxers on," she said loudly. "We just have to go straight to the shower!" "Ok fine, twenty minutes," said Nicole. "No more though!" Belle stuck her head out the door again and smiled. "Thanks Nic, your the best!" Nicole sighed. "I know." * "Conor, Faith, breakfast is ready!" Conor awoke with a sudden at the loud voice. Rubbing the sleep away from his eyes, he began to recall the events of last night and was therefore not surprised to see Faith sleeping peacefully beside him. Smiling lightly, he stretched out his hand, and ran his fingers down her bare back. She squirmed lightly and opened her eyes. "'Morning gorgeous," said Conor, smiling at her. Faith smiled through her closed eyes. "Good morning." Then she sat up suddenly. "Your Gran? Does she know?" Conor shook his head. "I doubt it. You better run back to the spare room though! She might get a bit suspicious if we come out of my room together!" "Yeah," agreed Faith, blushing lightly. Smiling, she ran her fingers through Conor's hair. "Last night was amazing." He smiled back. "Yeah it was." "My first time," said Faith quietly. "Mine too!" Faith smiled, leaned in and kissed him. He kissed her back softly, running his fingers through her long blonde hair. As they pulled away and laid they head against each other, Faith let out a sigh. "What?" asked Conor, touching her cheek lightly. "Nothing," reassured Faith. "I just know what Mum means now when she says how amazing it all is with the right person." Conor grinned. "I know, I'm so perfect for you!" Faith chuckled and smacked his bare chest lightly. He laughed. "Your right though," she said after a while. "You are perfect for me." Conor smiled, leaned in and kissed her lovingly. "Conor, Faith!" called Tabitha again. "Am I going to have to come and wake you up myself?" "Go!" hissed Conor, as Faith jumped off the bed. After quickly throwing on his underwear, Faith grabbed the remainder off her clothes, opened the door a crack and sneaked out quietly. * "Ah now, don't you look lovely," said Nicole, as Belle came down the stairs wearing the going away dress that she and Mattie bought her. "Guys it's beautiful!" said Belle in awe, as she twirled around in the pearl white dress. "It must have cost you a fortune!" "Never mind that!" said Mattie. "We're just glad you like it!" "I love it," said Belle sincerely, and then wrapped her arms around her two best friends and hugged them tightly. "I'm going to miss you so much!" "Hey, chill, it's not like your moving," reminded Mattie. "Yeah, we'll be here when you get back!" said Nicole. "Still, I'm going to miss you!" said Belle. "America and the Carribean are just too far away!" "You didn't say that when we bought you it as a present," said Geoff, as he and Annie arrived at the door. "We wanted to come wish you 'Bon Voyage'!" he said, beaming at them. "I made you a card!" said Annie, handing Belle a small white envelope. "Aw look honey, Annie made us a card," said Belle, as Aden came into the living. "Aw thanks Annie thats so sweet of you!" said Aden, as Belle hugged her tightly. "Where's Faith?" asked Belle. "I want to see her before we go!" "I'm here," said Faith, stepping through the crowd which now hid the front door, Conor close behind her. "You didn't think you were going to get away without saying goodbye did you?" "Of course not sweety," said Belle, as she hugged her tightly. "I could never leave without telling you 'I love you' at least a dozen times!" "Oh great!" said Faith, as she pulled away. "Bye Daddy," she said as Aden put his arms around her and hugged her. "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too sweetheart," he said, kissing her hair. "More than anyone else," he whispered. Faith smiled, hugged him tighter for a second then pulled away, taking Conor's hand. Taking a minute to look at the expression on her daughter's face, and Conor, Belle then knew that something had happened. Something really great. She gasped lightly. "What is it?" Is it the baby?" asked Aden, anxiously, as everyone watched Belle's shocked face. "No the babies fine," said Belle, quickly. "Conor, Faith, can I talk to you for a minute please?" Conor and Faith looked at each other nervously but followed Belle into the living room. "I've got this honey," said Belle, as Aden attempted to follow her. Nonetheless, Aden accompanied her into the kitchen. "Babe what's going on?" he asked anxiously, when Belle finally stopped. Ignoring his question, Belle looked seriously at Faith and Conor. "You two did it last night didn't you?" Faith's eyes widened with surprise and Conor gulped nervously. "They did it! Are you serious?" asked Aden, turning on the young teens. "Well," asked Belle. Faith and Conor exhanged a quick glance and Faith sighed. "Ok, we did it," she admitted. Aden looked at her exasperately but Belle's face was just one of concern. "Did you use protection?" she asked anxiously. "Oh my God, yes of course," said Faith, quickly. "We wouldn't have done it otherwise," said Conor, backing Faith up. "Hold on," said Aden, putting his hands up. Conor and Faith fell silent at once. "You telling me that you two...did it! Your only what fourteen?" "Fifteen actually Dad," said Faith quietly. "Honey, it's ok," said Belle, quickly. "No it's not," said Aden. "Aden, there using protection, it's ok," said Belle quietly. "They know the risks ok, they're not stupid." Seeing Faith sigh out of the corner of her eye, Belle looked at her sternly. "Don't for one moment honey think that I'm ok with this," she said. "I would have preferred if you were a little older, but your father and I know how serious you two are about each, and having known what that is like we respect your decision but tell you to be extremely careful." "Yes," agreed Aden. "We will not be so leniant next time if one of you come back pregant or with an STD." "We understand Mr and Mrs Jefferies," said Conor, quickly and quietly "We promise we'll be careful. C'mon Faith." Looking at her parents, Faith mouted "Thank you" and followed Conor out the kitchen door. Aden sighed and turned to face Belle. "Can you believe it?" he asked. "Yeah I know," said Belle. "They're so young!" "Not that!" said Aden. "Although that is important. I was talking about what Conor said. He's the first person to say Mr and Mrs Jefferies! I like it!" Belle chuckled and shook her head in disbelief. "I like it too," she said, despite herself. "Oh yeah," said Aden, grinning. "How much?" Belle grinned, stepped up on her tip toes and kissed him passionately. "You guys are going to miss your plane if you don't stop making out!" called Mattie. They jumped apart quickly, grabbed their last few bags, and walked out to the hall. "How did you know we were making out?" asked Aden curiously. "Oh please," said Mattie, rolling her eyes. "You just got married! What can a person expect?" Let me know what you think! xxx
amz89 Posted September 3, 2009 Report Posted September 3, 2009 Tabitha nodded, and Faith chuckled. Conor rolled his eyes at them and took Belle's hand. "Ah now, don't you look lovely," said Nicole, as Faith came down the stairs wearing the going away dress that she and Mattie bought her. Loved it Laura, I found 2 lil mistakes but other than that too sweet, cant wait for more xx
LauraPhilly!! Posted September 3, 2009 Report Posted September 3, 2009 omg thanks amz!! i'll fix those now!! xx
Taniya_K Posted September 4, 2009 Report Posted September 4, 2009 Just caught up on the last few chapters, and wow! So much has happened! They're finally marries, and I'm so glad that the reason why Aden couldn't make it on time wasn't something small and stupid. Thank God he's ok, too. And the baby! Yay! Can't wait for the next update
LauraPhilly!! Posted September 5, 2009 Report Posted September 5, 2009 Thanks for all your comments!! Just so you know, I don't do this fan fic day by day, so if you find that I've jumped forward a bit, like in today's chapter, thats just the way I've written it! It would be an extremely long fan fic if I did it day by day, hour by hour! Anyway, hope you like this chapter!! Chapter 32 The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is to love and be loved in return. ~ From "Unforgettable with Love" by Natalie Cole "You know, there are some things I don't miss about pregnancy," said Belle, as she waddled into the kitchen. "Oh really," said Aden, his mouth half full with toast. "What's that?" "I don't miss throwing up all the time," said Belle, frowning at the thought. "That's just a nuisance. Three times I was up last night! Three!" "Honey, I heard you," said Aden, yawning loudly. "I was in the bed beside you." Belle smiled and put her hand on his cheek. "Sorry honey," she said, smiling guilty. Aden shrugged. "I'll get over it." Belle grinned and helped herself to his toast. "So have you got work this morning?" "Yeah I do babe, sorry," said Aden, as he drained his mug. "Some couple from the city want a divorce and apparently I'm the only guy available!" "What they doing coming all the way out here?" asked Belle, frowning slightly. "God only knows," said Aden, zipping his briefcase shut. "As long as it pays the bills I'm happy!" Belle chuckled. "Faith get down here, your going to be late for school!" called Aden. "I'm coming!" said a visibly frustrated Faith as she marched into the kitchen, her tie half knotted and her hair in a mess. "Honey are you ok?" asked Belle, grabbing a comb and carefully smoothing her daughters hair. "No!" said Faith. "Didn't sleep at all last night! I'm so going to fail my exams today!" "Honey, since when have you ever failed an exam?" asked Aden, his face teasing. "Hello, did you not read my report last summer?" demanded Faith. "We did and you got 6 As and a B+!" said Belle. "Exactly," said Faith. "A B+! I might as well drop out of school!" "You'll do no such thing," said Belle, as Faith squashed her lunch into her bag. "Not while your living in this house." "You've only got a few more years honey," said Aden, reassuringly. "Just hang in there." Faith sighed dramatically. "Have to, won't I?" she said. "If I wana live in this house!" Belle and Aden chuckled. "C'mon, your going to make me late for work!" said Aden, grabbing his keys. "You sure your going to be ok on your own Mum?" asked Faith, anxiously. "Of course I am," said Belle, lowering herself from the chair. "I'm well into my second trimester so theres no worry! Besides, Mattie's coming around soon; she's insisting on taking me baby shopping!" "But you've still got 5 months left!" said Faith, astonished. "I know," said Belle, laughing. "Faith!" roared Aden from the car. "Coming Dad, coming!" called Faith, throwing her bag onto her bag. "See ya later Mum!" she said, blowing her a kiss. "Take care honey!" said Belle. And as Faith closed the door, Belle sighed. "I guess it's just you and me sweetheart," she said, patting her bump. "What should we do d'you think?" She stood in silence for a few moments, thinking. "I know!" she said, clapping her hands together. "Let's get rid of some of your Dad's old shirts! That way we have an excuse to go shopping in the non - maternity section today!" * Faith jumped as the bell rang loudly above her. "Right class, your time is up!" said Miles. "Please pass your test sheets to the front. I will take them home, grade them and give you them back as soon as possible. Thank you!" "Oh my God, that was the worst," said Faith, as she gathered up her books. "Tell me about it!" said Issy, sighing heavily. "I completely forgot everything on the Pythagorus theorem!" "Oh let's not talk about it," said Faith, squirming uncomfortably. "At least it's over." "Yeah," said Issy. "No offence to Mr Copeland but I wish they brought Mr Campbell back! He was a way better Maths teacher!" Looking up at Miles first, Faith leaned in to her friend. "Just between the two of us, apparently Mr Copeland is thinking of doing just that!" "Really!" whispered Issy. "I would have thought that everything that happened between him and Lucy that Mr Copeland would never hire him again!" "Apparently it turned out that Lucy forced herself onto Uncle Geoff," whispered Faith. "It was all just a massive mistake!" "My God she was some sl*t wasn't she?" said Issy, astonished. "Yeah," agreed Faith, frowning. "Why she would take advantage of Uncle Geoff like that? He is one of the nicest people I know!" "Yeah," said Issy. "Whatever happened to Lucy anyway?" "Once the truth came out, Lucy's parents were so ashamed they took her back home," whispered Faith. "Uncle Geoff's still getting apologies from them apparently!" "What are you two girls whispering about?" asked Miles loudly, walking over them. "Nothing sir," said Faith, suddenly. "We were just.." "Talking about the test," finished Issy. "Your best yet sir!" Miles eyed them both suspiciously. "See you on Monday, sir!" said Faith, quickly, grabbing Issy's hand and rushing out of the room. As they rounded the corner, they both giggled. "So," said Issy, as they finally began to calm down. "Are you going out with Conor tonight?" Faith grinned. "Of course I am," she said. "It's his birthday tonight and I'm taking him to his favourite place!" "Oh really," said Issy, smiling at her exuberantly happy friend. "Where's that?" "A football game!" Issy gawked at her. "But Faith, you hate football," she said. "Your always going on about how boring it is!" "I know," said Faith. "But Conor's loves it, so I want to do something that makes him happy." "Awwww," said Issy, grinning. "Shut up!" said Faith. "No really, you two are the sweetest!" said Issy. "I wish I was like that with Adam!" "What, you and Adam are going gallant I though?" said Faith in surprise. "Um, not really," said Issy. "He thinks I'm crazy being your friend after all the crazy stuff that happened last year." Faith frowned as the memories came to the front of her head. She shuddered. She had hated those times. She tried so hard everyday to block them out. Conor helped immensly. "Anyway, when I stood up for you, he got kinda argumentative," said Issy, quietly. "To get to the point, the night didn't really end that way." "Oh Issy, I'm sorry," said Faith, rubbing her friend's arm, feeling terribly guilty. "What you apologising for?" asked Issy, increduously. "Adam was a jerk anyway!" "No, not just that!" said Faith. "I know I've said it before but you are really great for still being my friend after all the horrible things I said to you last year. Your a true friend Issy." Issy smiled and leaned forward and hugged Faith tightly. "You'll always be my best friend," she said, confidently. Faith smiled and hugged her tighter. "And you'll always be mine too!" "Girls, did you not hear the bell ring like twenty minutes ago?" asked Miles, her he rounded the corridor and saw them. * "But Belle, this dress looks gorgeous on you!" insisted Mattie. "Mattie, do you seriously expect me to wear a dress saying 'Watch out below' on it?" asked Belle, holding up the dress. "Well it's true," said Mattie. "To the uneducated, your baby could just pop out of you any day!" Belle rolled her eyes, walked back into the changing room and changed back into her clothes. "This is hopeless Mattie," she said, remerging a few minutes later. "I just not in the mood for shopping today!" Mattie gasped. "'Not in the mood for shopping'???" "For me anyway," said Belle, rubbing her bump tenderly. "I do have to buy some shirts for Aden though. Mattie rolled her eyes dramatically. "You are a lost case Belle." Belle chuckled and walked quickly towards the men's department. As she looked through a rack of shirts, she accidently stepped back into a lady behind her. "Oh I'm sorry," she said, turning around. She then wished she hadn't. "I doubt that highly," said Lucy. "Lucy," said Belle. She looked down at the teenagers tummy and saw her massive bump protuding underneath her tight shirt. "Should have known I'd bump into you one day," said Lucy nastily. "Tell me is Mr Campbell still with his slutty wife?" "Don't you dare speak about Nicole like that!" said Belle, glaring at the girl. "If anyone's the slut, it's you!" "You see, you'd think I'd be annoyed by that," said Lucy. "But I already know that. Why else would I be pregnant with twins at age seventeen with my Maths teacher?" Belle froze. "Twins?" "Yeah," said Lucy, as she rolled her chewing gum round and round in her mouth. "Did Mr Campbell not tell you that?" "No he didn't," said Belle quietly. "Well how could he?" said Lucy. "When I didn't tell him!" "Lucy you have to tell him!" insisted Belle. "They're his children too you know!" "I don't have to tell him farts worth!" said Lucy. "If he wants to know he can find out for himself!" "Is everything ok Belle?" asked Mattie, coming up behind her. "Mattie, remember I told you that Geoff was going to be a Dad soon?" said Belle. "Yeah," said Mattie, cautiously, afraid where the conversation was going. "Well this is the girl who's having his babies!" said Belle, looking pointedly at Lucy. Mattie looked at Lucy in surprise. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer!" It was then a complete shock however, when Lucy suddenly clutched her stomach, made an odd gasp for breath, then rolled up in a heap on the floor. Let me know what you think!! ...xXx
amz89 Posted September 5, 2009 Report Posted September 5, 2009 aww i loved it, so good. Farts worth haha thats a classic. Twins gee, cant wait for more laura =] xx
tessalove Posted September 6, 2009 Report Posted September 6, 2009 Great chapter!! Lucy really is a B***h, I hope Geoff and Nic are still Ok, when the find out, and when the babies are born. El x
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