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That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles

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Oh by the way, this story includes Aden’s nervous breakdown (Olympic Cliff-hanger) and Belle briefly being with Angelo but it doesn’t mention drugs, rehabs or Liam Murphy. After the OC, Belle and Aden settled into a normal life again – well until Aden left.

Chapter Three:

Aden sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. The talk that morning hadn’t gone well. The damage was worse than he thought, but he should have expected that. What would he have been like if Belle had left him? He already knew the answer. When he had had the break down, she had left him, but that still wasn’t the right comparison. Even when she had been with Angelo, she was still there for him, helping him through the toughest time in his life. And in return, he had ruined her life. He could still see her face, scrunched up in confusion when he had told her what the problem was.

"All you ever did was love me”.

“That doesn’t make sense Aden. If you love someone, you don’t deliberately hurt them. You don’t leave them a note and vanish, expecting them to put their life back to together by themself. If you love someone, you should improve their life, not smash it beyond recognition. You don’t love me, you never loved me.”

That was what hurt the most. Even though they had been together for 3 years before he had taken off, Belle had forgotten all the good times and was concentrating on the ending.

“Belle, you can’t do this to me. I did love you, I still love you, and I will always love you. Don’t through away the memories because of one stupid mistake.”

It had sounded logical in Aden’s head. If Belle still thought about their past with tenderness, there was hope for the future.

“One stupid mistake? You think leaving Summer Bay, leaving me behind like discarded rubbish, was a stupid mistake? You make it sound like such a little thing, but you had four years to fix it, four years to make it better, four years to pick up the phone and call me or pick up a pen and write me a letter. Four years Aden.”

She was right. Four years was such a long time. Why hadn’t he picked up the phone? The thing that sent him running wasn’t her fault. It was all on him this time.

“You can’t come waltzing back into my life when it suits you.”

The last line repeated itself over and over in Aden’s head, as he pictured Belle running away, sprinting as fast as she possibly could, desperate to leave him and this whole mess behind.


The phone rang. Aden stirred restlessly. He had only been a sleep for an hour; a quick glance at his alarm clock told him that. It had been hard getting comfortable last night. The caravan seemed too big for just him.

“Hello, this is Aden Jeffries”, he answered the phone briskly, hoping that he would be able to go back to sleep soon.

“Hi Aden, its Rachel. Irene asked me to call you.”

“Irene? But she hates me. Why on Earth would she want you to call me?”

“It’s Belle”

“Are you at work Rachel?”

“Unfortunately, I am”

Rachel worked at the hospital. If she was at work, calling on behalf of Irene, it meant that Irene would have to be at the hospital as well. If Irene was at the hospital, it meant Annie, Geoff or Belle was hurt. If Aden had been called, there must be something wrong with someone he knew. Aden had never liked Geoff and had barely spoken to Annie when he had lived in Summer Bay. It had to be Belle. And it had to be really bad if Irene had thought to notify Aden. His heart stopped beating.

comments would be appreciated. i only keep writing if the story is well liked, there is no point writing for no one. :lol:


Brilliant! Just simply brilliant and fantastic! I love everything about this fic so far. Cannot wait for the next chapter and to find out what's happened to Belle.


Aden and Belle’s relationship has the same beginning as the one on Home and Away, until just after the Olympic Cliff-hanger

Chapter Four:

Breathlessly, Aden sprinted to the hospital. He had no shoes on and was only wearing a singlet and board shorts but that didn’t stop him. Neither did the thunder and lightning that could be heard all over Summer Bay. He had never run that fast in his entire life! Belle brought all kinds of things out of him. He finally reached the hospital and went tearing around the corner, looking for Rachel or Irene, desperately hoping for someone to tell him it was all a dream, that he wasn’t needed, the call had been an accident, and this was all just a nightmare.

“Rachel. Where are you?” he screamed, anxious to find the doctor

“Aden, calm down. I’m right here”, Rachel said quietly and walked round the corner.

Immediately Aden could tell something was wrong. Rachel had mascara streaks on her cheeks, the kind you get when you’ve been crying without wearing waterproof mascara. Her body wasn’t upright; it was slumped over, as though she had given up. But her eyes were the tell tale sign. Tears were building up, her eyes were bloodshot and they showed pain and desperation.

“Aden, it isn’t good news”.

“No Rachel, it isn’t Belle. I talked to her earlier today and she was fine. She was fine Rachel. There’s nothing wrong with her. It’s all just a mix-up.”

“Aden, she was brought in two hours ago, and Irene, Geoff and Annie have all positively ID her.”

His world was coming apart, bit by bit. Why had he come back? Everyone had been fine without him. They had moved on with their lives. At the end of the day, he was no one. Anyone who had ever cared for him had other people to keep them going. The one person he still cared for was in hospital.

“What’s wrong with her Rachel?”

“She was found in a shelter on the beach, unconscious. It looks like she was out in the storm, but we don’t know why. She managed to get herself into a little cavern but the lightning hit the top of it, and it collapsed on top of her. She’s in the ICU in a critical condition. At the moment she’s in a coma and we aren’t sure if she will ever wake up again. I’m sorry Aden. I hate to be the one to tell you this. You can go and see her if you want. Irene is still in there, Annie and Geoff went home a little while ago to get some supplies, and Amanda has been called. Her room’s just around the corner”.

Aden didn’t reply. It was worse than he thought. Belle was in a coma, and it was his fault. She had been out in the storm because of him, trying to escape the mess he had made of things. That was the last thought that ran through Aden’s head as he sunk down onto the floor and he started to relive the past.

The first time he had stayed at Belle’s, and Annie and Geoff had found them in bed together the next morning. It had been funny listening to her trying to talk her way out of the situation.

“So, I guess breakie’s out of the question”

“What? No kiss? “

“No, but seriously, no kiss?”

The time he had opened up Belle’s laptop and seen all the photos of him on there.

“I think you’re the one who’s been snooping”

“What, you happened to press the shutter like 50 times and then spend hours photo shopping me?”

“You used me for my body. I feel so cheap now, but hey I’ll get over it.”

“I’d like some pics of you. I mean you have a whole computer full of me, so it only seems fair”

“If I took a photo of you, it’d be about the person”

The first kiss, in front of her mirror.

The next day, in the diner’s kitchen: “Morning sweet lips”

Swimming at the beach: “I promise I’ll play nice”

Sneaking through her window, night after night

Kissing her before Irene came home: “I knew you found me irresistible”

Watching her sleep.

Good morning kisses.

Telling her the truth.

His whole life was defined by Belle. There wasn’t one good memory that didn’t include her. Sounds were drifting past him, not properly entering his brain. All he could see was Belle.

“Get him into a room!”

“Put him onto oxygen! He isn’t breathing!”

“Aden, its Rachel. Stay with us!”

Belle had been his whole life. What was he supposed to do without her?

“Aden, don’t give up! You can’t give up. Fight Aden, fight. That’s what Belle is doing right now. Don’t you dare give up on us Aden. We’ve only just got you back into our lives”

The sounds were drifting into his head but it was like being underwater. He could hear what was happening but he couldn’t find his way back to the surface.

“Quick, he still isn’t breathing! We have to get him on oxygen!”

“Dr. Armstrong, you have to leave Aden. We can help him. Belle’s crashing and we can’t bring her back up.”

Belle was crashing. That was a code for dying, wasn’t it? Belle was dying and he wasn’t breathing. He had to breathe. He had to be there for her.

“Go quickly Dr. Armstrong. Save Belle.”

“I’m going. Save Aden.”

please comment because there is no point writing the next chapter if no one likes the story.


This chapter is written from Rachel’s point of view. She may be called Dr. Armstrong by her colleagues. Italics is still flashback by the way.

Chapter Five:

Today had been a tough day. So tough that Rachel was questioning whether it had been a good idea to become a doctor in such a small town. Basically everyone that came through the doors knew her and it was becoming harder and harder to go to work every single morning.

“Go quickly Dr. Armstrong. Save Belle.”

“I’m going. Save Aden.”

Aden and Belle crashing at the same time was something she could never have imagined. It wasn’t as if she was losing two patients at the same time, which happened sometimes, it was as if she was losing one. Aden and Belle were connected, and time and distance couldn’t stop that. They were the true definition of soul mates and they hadn’t had a chance to make up yet.

“Bring out the crash cart and charge it!”

“Dr. Armstrong, we already have. We’ve tried everything. She’s still crashing”

“Try again! I’m not going out there and telling Irene that her baby is dead! Charge again!”

“Dr. Armstrong, you have to call it. She’s been down for twenty minutes.”

“Is that what you called me for? To announce Belle Taylor’s time of death?”

“You have to do it Rachel. I know it’s hard but you have to do it.”

“Time of ...”

And Aden, fighting for life on the other side of the hospital. He wasn’t as serious as Belle, but it was still bad. There can be problems, serious problems, if you don’t get the patient onto oxygen quick enough. It was time to check on him.

“Aden, its Doctor. Armstrong here. How are you feeling?”

“I feel like I took a fall and stopped breathing because the love of my life is in a coma”

“I see you haven’t gotten rid of that winning Aden personality then”

“All kidding aside Rachel, how is Belle?”

“Are you sure you are OK Aden? You took quite a nasty fall”

“Stop stalling! I need to know how she is”

“Time of ...”

“No Rachel! You can’t give up on her. She’s a fighter!” Rachel could hear Irene screaming from the hall.

“Are you sure you guys have done everything you could do?” Rachel questioned the other doctors.

“Of course Dr. Armstrong, we treated her like family”

“Time of ...”

“Aden, we need to talk”, Rachel said quietly to the young man in the bed, knowing that she was about to ruin his life.

“RACHEL, COME QUICK”, Julie screamed down the hallways, “THERE’S AN EMERGENCY”

“I’ll be right back Aden, don’t worry about anything, it’s bad for your recovery” Rachel spoke quickly before turning and running towards Julie.

“What is it Julie?” Rachel questioned, “I was just about to tell Aden about Belle”

“That’s the problem.”

“What do you mean?”

“Belle is the emergency we called you for”

Confusion filled Rachel’s face as she walked into the room, crowded with Doctors, nurses and friends.

“Oh thank God” she sighed with relief before returning to Aden, intent on telling him the news about Belle.


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