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An Irish Summer

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thanks everyone for the comments; my sister is back in hospital which explains my lack of updates, but I am working on it in my little notebook whilst I'm up there :)

Now thats what I call dedication!

Hope all is well, looking forward to the next update


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Sorry for the wait! I'd reached a 'block' in this one, but hopefully I'm back on track now!



Nicole stretched out luxuriously in the bed, rolling over onto her back as she did so. Both feet tightened with the movement, flowing into a graceful arc with the heel firm on the mattress, and her hands swept upwards, clenching into fists which tautened and then relaxed, falling onto the bed on either side of her relaxing body.

Stifling a yawn, the blonde princess opened her eyes cautiously, wincing as light flooded her room with a blinding yellow glow.

What the...? she muttered, shielding her eyes with a forearm as the other hand grasped blindly at the locker next to her bed. Finally grasping her watch, Nicole dragged it around in front of her eyes, peering through the slits in her hand to see the time.

Eleven o'clock! she sat bolt upright in bed, in shock at the hour of day that it was. But the rapid movement sent shivers of dizziness to her head, and she swayed, woozy from the effort.

Whoa, man, I totally overslept, she moaned to herself, falling back down in the bed again. Most comfortable bed ever, she thought dreamily, mentally marking Ireland ten out of ten for their bed choice.

A sudden loud knocking on the door gave Nicole cause to jump out of her skin and she froze, sitting upright again and quickly gathering all the bedsheets protectively around her.

Wh-who is it?

Room cleaning, came back the responsive voice immediately. It was male, and with a thick Irish accent.

Glancing over at Martha's bed, Nicole noticed it was empty and felt a surge of anger course through her body.

Why didn't she wake me, or put on the 'do not disturb' sign' she wondered irritably.

Go away please, I'm not ready, she called back, furrowing her brow at the unusual choice of words that came out of her mouth, having been put on the spot.

Very well ma'am, came back the answer and she heard a trolley with at least one squeaky wheel moving away from the door.

Groaning, Nicole rubbed the sleep out of her bleary eyes with her knuckles and then swung her legs out of bed. She'd unzipped her suitcase in a hurry last night, flinging her travel clothes on top after removing her night gear, too anxious to get into bed.

Even now, she didn't bother to tidy them, but pulled out her wash stuff, ignoring the underwear and tees that peeked out through the unzipped suitcase. Tidying up wasn't the first thing on her mind as she headed to the bathroom.


Mornin' guys, how'd ya sleep? Aden greeted the others jovially down in the breakfast room. They were almost finished, just having a cup of coffee to unwind after eating far too much.

Morning, came a bunch of scattered replies, and Aden raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Don't tell me you all got outta bed on the wrong side this morning, he joked, wrapping a firm arm around Belle's waist.

Hugo, Geoff and Martha were sitting at a table for four, and Belle and Aden noticed the lack of Nicole immediately.

Where's Nicole at? Belle spoke out, slipping out from beneath Aden's arm to drag an empty chair from the table next door over.

She was still asleep when I came down, Martha answered, moving her own chair so the duo could fit in.

What, like you checked on her? Aden couldn't hide his surprise.

There was a room mix up last night, Hugo intervened with the explanation. So Martha and Nicole ended up sharing, as did myself and Geoff.

Belle's eyes grew wide.

Wow, guys, you should have told us! she exclaimed, knowing that Nicole wouldn't have been impressed at staying with Martha. They barely know each other!

Hugo grimaced. Ye were long gone by the time we found out, he voiced his observations. I gathered disturbing wasn't the best plan.

Aden gave a hoot, rocking back in his chair with a smug self-satisfied grin on his face.

Too right about that, man, he smirked at the others who looked suitably disturbed.

Aden! Belle poked his ribs hard.

See, she can't keep her hands off me, he teased, grabbing Belle around the waist and tickling her for a few seconds until her wriggling became too much and he was forced to release her.

Will it be fixed tonight? she queried, in an attempt to change the subject.

Everyone was looking so awkward after Aden's display of affection and insinuation.

Nope, we'll have to talk to the desk clerk today, Hugo looked stern. They said they were full but, he threw his hands up in the air. Surely they can sort something out.

I'm sure it will be fine, Martha added reassuringly, not wishing to start off the holiday by getting stressed.

He nodded, though he didn't look half as sure as she did.

Geoff pushed his chair back from the table suddenly. I'm gonna go check on Nicole. I'll see you guys in a bit? He stood up, ending on a question.

Yeah, well, Belle looked around the faces of her friends. What do you guys want to do today?

Aden pulled a face.

Well, I'd like to get the rooms sorted before we try anything else, Hugo stood up too.

Yeah, how bout you guys have breakfast and if you call one of our rooms when you're back upstairs, we can decide then? Martha suggested, following the others' lead and standing up also.

Aden shrugged sullenly, so it was left up to Belle to answer. Sounds like a plan, she said brightly, waving them off.

As soon as they were out the door of the breakfast room, she turned a glare on Aden.

What was that all about?

He huffed, rolling his eyes. I thought we were going to do Blarney Castle today, he pointed out sulkily.

Yeah I know, Belle softened. This wasn't easy for Aden. After all, the trip had been his idea, and now it was getting spoiled for him by all the others joining in.

Taking his hand in her own, she pulled it into her lap, and held it with her own two hands, squeezing gently.

Let's just stick with them all for today, she pleaded, trying to catch his gaze. And then we can start to split off I'm sure. But until they get the rooms

sorted, and did you see Martha? She looked like she hadn't slept a wink. Probably down to Nicole's snoring, Belle attempted light-heartedness hoping to get a smile out of her boyfriend.

He didn't rise to the test, but just shrugged bad-temperedly.

Ade, please, c'mon, I know it's not ideal, but, Martha's been through a lot, she urged, tugging at him until he looked at her. We'll still get time to do your itinerary alone, she promised and he raised an eyebrow. Okay, okay, at least some of it alone, Belle quickly amended, and he smiled at last, sighing at the same time.

Sorry, I'm being an old grump, he grumbled, standing up. What do you want to start off with? I'll bring it to you madam, to excuse my bad behaviour, he teased her and Belle laughed in relief, quickly compiling a huge list sure to make him forget.

As you wish, ma'am, he bowed, and quickly grabbed his napkin, placing it over his stiffened left arm, like the cloth of a waiter. Walking away from her, he had Belle giving into stitches of laughter as Aden adopted a ridiculous 'waddling' walk, like a duck.


Hey Nic, I brought you some breakfast, Geoff held out the offering of a bagel and two croissants to his girlfriend. She wrinkled her nose and turned away, leaving him to come through the door after her.

Nice shower? he was determined not to be put off by her standoffishness. She'd answered the door to him wearing just a fluffy white towel, and there was a smaller matching one around her wet hair.

Yeah, it was fine, she answered airily, dropping her head to dry out her hair with the towel.

Good, good, he replied. Hands swinging awkwardly, Geoff put down her breakfast on the desk and then sat gingerly at the edge of her bed.

And how did you sleep?

Geoff, you sound like my mother, she drawled cattily. He looked taken aback.

Not literally, she sighed, knowing what was going through his mind.

Sometimes, Nicole mused to herself, watching her boyfriend in the reflection of the mirror, Geoff's too naive for his own good.

Oh, okay, he recovered, dropping his eyes down to the bed spread. So, uh, Hugo and Martha are trying to sort out the rooms now, he sought desperately for a way to make amends and was totally unprepared when Nicole whirled on him.

Geoff, what are you doing?

What? he froze, and then, seeing the look on her face, answered nervously, I, I was just playing with the blanket, I'll stop now - and hastily put his hands in his lap.

Huh? it was Nicole's turn to look confused and then she heaved a heavy sigh.

NO you fool I mean - what's with all these questions, and awkwardness? she shot him a piercing stare.

Nic, I, I don't know what you mean. I mean, I know you're upset over the room stuff last night but, there wasn't much I could do, Geoff tried desperately to explain himself. Nicole was awful good at making people feel small when she wanted to.

Upset? her voice turned shrill. I wasn't upset by that Geoff. More by the fact that you barely said good night to me, her voice was scathing.

Geoff was flummoxed, furrowing his brow. He seemed to remember the events of the night before a little differently. Eventually, going for honesty, he stood up and shrugged.

I don't know why you're being like this Nic. Hard, and, he eyed her warily, catty. It doesn't suit who you are anymore, and, if you're going to keep it up for the whole holiday, it makes me wonder why you wanted to come at all!

Walking past her, he went to the door and wrenched it open, only to come face to face with Martha.

Oh! Hi Geoff, she smiled happily at him. We've sorted out the rooms. I'm moving into 212, and Hugo's gonna stay in 211 so you can move in here with Nicole.

Oh, that's great, Geoff was interrupted in his dramatic exit. How did you sort it?

She shrugged. They had a cancellation or something. To be honest, I think the poor man behind the desk was just scared of Hugo's threats, she smiled again, and even Geoff had to admit that it was nice to see happiness back on her face.

So I'll just go in and get my stuff - she indicated into the room behind Geoff and he jumped aside.

Oh yeah, um, yeah. Looking back at Nicole, he closed his eyes wearily.

Great. Now we get to be in the same room, after a fight. Fighting with Nicole was never resolved easily until he spent enough time groveling at her feet.

Yep, and then I'll be out of your hair, she smiled sunnily at Nicole, bending to pick up her suitcase. Nicole noticed with annoyance that it was perfect, unlike her own messy area.

Yeah, great, she echoed Geoff sourly.

Martha looked back and forth between them, sensing tension. Well, um, we're going to meet Belle and Aden in the lobby in an hour, she suddenly remembered the plans that had been made.

They'd bumped into the couple on their way back up in the lift.

Aden said something about going to see Blarney Castle today - there's a stone there that needs to be kissed, I think, Martha shrugged. She didn't know anything about Blarney Castle, but it was part of the Irish heritage and that was good enough for her.

Cool, Geoff filled in, with a genuine smile. It was somewhere he'd been sincerely looking forward to going to.

We'll see you guys in the lobby so around 1pm!

Sounds good, Martha left with a wave, going down two doors to her own room.

Geoff glanced at Nicole. I'll just go get my stuff then, he said with an enthusiasm he didn't quite feel.

Hurry back, Nicole drawled sarcastically, and after a moment's silence, he left, letting the door close loudly behind him.

Left alone in the room, Nicole stared at herself in the mirror, seeing the sulky lines that marred her clear skin.

She didn't even know why she was being so mean to Geoff. Jetlag, she decided, picking up the hair dryer. That explained it.


Right, are we ready to go? Aden rubbed his hands together with glee, looking around their assembled group. Everyone nodded, and chorused yes, and Belle came up to take his hand as they left the hotel together.

Stepping outside, the sun shone brightly on them, and Nicole muttered, this is more like it, as she felt its heat though it was nothing like the sweltering heat from back home.

Where to now, man? Hugo asked, as they seemed to be standing on the pavement and going nowhere.

Oh, I assumed we'd just grab a taxi, Aden suggested, and Belle looked horrified.

Aden! We can't just swan around in taxis all the time, she objected. We'll run out of money in no time.

Well, what do you suggest lil-miss-fusspot? he looked a bit off.

She shrugged. There's a bus station down there, she answered pointing down the quay to where there was a queue of red and white buses. Surely one of them must go to Blarney?

Good thinking Belle! Geoff was eager in agreement, aware that taxi fares would eat into their budget hugely. She smiled at him.

Well then, what are we waiting for, Hugo prompted, and after a pause, Aden swept his arms towards the buses.

Lead the way, m'lday, he joked, and she grabbed his hand, pulling him up to walk with her. Letting go, Aden slung his arm around her shoulder instead, tugging Belle in closer to him and she felt a fountain of happiness well up inside her as she in turn slipped her arm around his back. Here they were in a foreign country, and off to see their first tourist attraction.

Behind them, Geoff and Nicole walked in silence, as did Martha and Hugo at the rear. Aden and Belle however were blissfully unaware of this, lost in their own excitement and glee.

Reaching the bus station, Hugo took charge and went to the ticket office, enquiring about buses. They could see him inside, nodding, and then turning to look out at the window. He raised his brows, pointed and the woman at the desk nodded even more emphatically.

All of a sudden, Hugo turned and raced out, yelling, quick, bay 13, it's leaving in one minute!

He took off, holding tight onto the straps of his rucksack as he ran. The others gave chase, following his rapid footsteps as they dodged in and out around other groups, muttering apologies as they did so.

Exiting through sliding doors, Hugo paused and looked left and right, and then, seeing their bus just beginning to pull out of the bay, ran up to it shouting and waving his arms crazily.

Wait, wait! he yelled, making a fist of one hand and banging on the door. The driver looked most unimpressed and set to continue reserving until Hugo persisted determinedly. Put out, he stopped and cranked open the door, and Hugo climbed on in relief. Two, to, he paused, panting, Blarney, counting out change for the driver.

Two? the driver raised an eyebrow, having not seeng the others pelting along behind Hugo. Yeah, I, he turned, and called down the line to Martha, Maaaartha, I have your ticket okay? She looked up at the sound of her name, and grinned, giving him the thumbs up.

Yeah, he turned breathlessly back to the driver. The girl down the back, long hair, I'm paying for her.

Well ain't you the knight in shining armour, the driver muttered beneath his voice in bad mood. You'd best not be causing trouble on my bus, he warned. It was only last week that a group of young Australian hooligans had sprayed coloured hairspray on the windows and written in it in those 'sharpie' pens of theirs. A fine mess they made! he grunted to himself.

We'll be model passengers, Aden promised with a wink, paying for himself and Belle, having overheard the drivers grumpy remark.

Aye, and I suppose you'll be paying for him, will ya? he nodded at Geoff when Nicole stepped up to pay. It's what yez seem ta be doin', payin' two at a time, he chortled at his own wit, and Nicole smile coolly, unimpressed.

Yeah, whatever, here, she handed over the money and went up the steps after the others.

As Geoff passed, he nodded genially to the driver who chortled some more to himself. Ah! We have a gentleman! he called out, and the Irish passengers on the bus rolled their eyes.

C'mon loike, we're runnin' late 'nough as it is! one youth called out angrily. Shaggin' buses. They're always feckin' late!

That's enough of that you! the driver caught his eye in the mirror. Unless you'd like to get off and walk.

The trouble maker subsided immediately, kicking at the seat in front of him angrily.

Unfortunately Belle was in the seat, and had her back jerked forward repeatedly.

Noticing, Aden frowned and turned around.

Oy mate, stop that please, he made sure to speak civilly and the youth glared at him.

Oh yeah, and you're gonna stop me I s'pose, he sneered back. He was an ugly young fella with a shaved head and nicotine stained teeth. When he grinned at Aden sneeringly, the Summer Bay girls were shocked to see that his two top front teeth were missing.

Just let it go, Aden answered, not wanting to get drawn into a fight.

Ha! You'll have to stop me! the weedy youngster shot back rudely, and resumed his violent kicking of the seat.

Listening to them, Hugo found himself unable to stop himself, and was out of his seat in a flash, and, leaning in on the row behind, grabbed the abuser by the throat in a steel grip.

Hugo! Belle exclaimed.

He asked you nicely, but obviously that wasn't enough for you, Hugo spoke dangerously quietly. His fingers tightened ever so slightly as the youth struggled and wheezed, jerking his body around but Hugo was strong and held him in place.

The bus came to a shuddering halt in the middle of traffic.

OY! the driver struggled to get up; eating too many doughnuts often got the better of him. What's goin' on down d'her!

Hugo released his hold and the boy fell back onto the seat, gasping for air. Quit it, he reminded him and then turned to face the driver.

Nothing, nothing at all, he spread his hands with a smile. We were just sorting out a disagreement, weren't we? he turned back to the sullen youth who spat, I oughta press charges against you! Ya bleedin' well nearly killed me!

Hugo's eyes turned to slits, and the youth shrunk back against his chair. There was something there, in those eyes that warned of horrors that Hugo had seen - and that there mightn't be a line that he wouldn't cross.

I'm tempted to throw yez both off the bus and let yez have it out in the bush on the side of the road!

No! Martha protested, standing up. It's over, he'll behave for the rest of the journey, she tugged at Hugo's arm, and he allowed her to pull him down into the chair.

Hmph. The driver snorted and turned his beady eyes on the troublemaker. You gonna behave as well?

The youth nodded unwillingly, shooting a glance at Hugo who glared back at him, and then curled up in his seat, keeping his feet well away from Belle's chair.

And see that you do! the driver threatened before waddling back down to his seat. After a brief pause, the bus started up again with a rumble but this time there were no complaints as to the delay in the journey.

What were you thinking! Martha stared at him with frightened eyes as Hugo rubbed his knuckles ruefully.

He had it coming to him, he answered in an undertone so that the boy couldn't hear.

He's only a child! Martha argued, and it wasn't your place to...

She was silenced by Hugo turning a glare on her, much like the one he'd shown the boy except not as brutal. It's over, so leave it Martha, he hissed and she shrank back against the window, nodding in unhappy agreement.

Wow, Belle whispered to Aden across the aisle, and he nodded too, as taken aback as she was. None of them had ever seen such a vicious side to Hugo before.

The journey to Blarney seemed to take forever, and they were all glad to get off the bus when they eventually got to the castle. They'd traveled in silence after the incident, but, as they got off at their stop, one older man from the top of the bus reached out and snagged Hugo's sleeve.

A word, if you please, he voiced huskily and Hugo sighed, automatically tensing himself up for a reprimandation.

Thank you, the old man whispered, and he looked startled, not sure if he heard right. That young man has been terrorising this bus for the last three months, and you're the only one who ever stood up to him and managed to make him back down. Maybe now he'll be a little better behaved. The old guy peered up at him with watery eyes, and Hugo was taken aback.

Oh, er, no problem, he offered him a smile, surprised again when the old fellow clutched his hand with a strong grip and shook it.

We need more like you around here, he wheezed, overcome by a fit of coughing and delved into his hankerchief, waving them away.

Hopping off the bus, Hugo couldn't stop the smile that appeared on his face, and Martha frowned at him.

He did say I helped, he pointed out, and she sighed. But Hugo, it was so sudden - I've never seen you like that before, she answered and he shrugged.

There's a lot to me you haven't seen before, he answered, and then caught sight of the castle. Wow, look at that!

As the others wandered towards the castle, taking out their cameras and snapping the first few shots, Martha remained where she was, watching them go.

How true, she thought, having never realised before how little she knew Hugo. They got on so well that it was natural to her now to have him around and yet, there was so much for her to learn. And yet she'd come on holiday with him to the other side of the world. This realisation gave her a little jolt, and she remained frozen to the one spot until a loud and angry hoot behind her made her jump and run as another bus pulled into the bay, and she'd been in its' way.

Sorry, she mouthed to the driver who was far friendlier than their own and gave her a friendly wave. Turning, she ran to catch up with the others, as they paid their tickets to enter the castle.

... to be continued.

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Brill update! :D

I really liked Hugo, which is a big different to the show itself lol

I hope things aren't as awkward between Geoff and Nicole now they're sharing a room

Loved all the description once again, i could totally imagine everything that was happening

Looking forward to reading more, but dont worry about when you can next update, we cant wait! :D

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