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An Irish Summer

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Thanks Sephy, redranger1, tessalove, rocknroll & laurzy for the comments :D

John isn't quite all that he seems [as with most characters on H&A]

next chapter on its way, i'm just finishing it up.

as always thank you all for reading and commenting - really makes me smile when i log on to see comments! :)

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Chapter 6

Back on board, Belle climbed over Martha gingerly, who woke with a jump.

Sorry, Martha, sorry, she apologised immediately whilst settling herself in her seat. I didn't mean to wake you.

You're fine, Martha assured her, looking about her distractedly. Where are we?

Hong Kong. You were sleeping like a baby, so we left you and went for a walk.

You climbed out over me and I didn't wake? Martha looked astounded as Belle nodded.

Wow, she ran her hands backwards over her hair, smoothing down the bed-hair that had begun to form in hefty clumps.

I haven't slept that deeply in ... a while.

An awkward pause fell between them with Belle knowing that Martha was thinking about Jack, and Martha supposing that Belle was thinking about that terrible day, when she lost Jet, and Martha herself lost Jack.

Luckily, Aden woke then, grumbling as he came up out of his sleep, only to sling an arm around Belle, drawing her towards him so he could kiss the top of her head gently.

Hey you, he snuggled against her, and Belle, aware of the thoughts going through Martha's head, resisted the urge to cuddle her boyfriend as she wanted.

Instead, she turned her face to him, and said, did you sleep well, oh grumpy one?

He grinned. It was a running joke between them that waking Aden from a nap was a dangerous move indeed, but waking Belle from her sleep was just plain suicidal.

Yeah, but, then I had a nightmare, he shifted slightly, raising the arm-rest between them so that it no longer blocked her from him.

I woke up and you weren't here.

Ah, but then you looked across and saw a beautiful woman by the name of Martha, and knew your times of trouble were over, Belle quipped, earning a weak smile from Martha.

Aden, latching onto her train of thought immediately, responded, of course. But just then, unfortunately, my girlfriend came back and I had to banish such thoughts of lust and se...

Aden! Belle gave him a hard dig in the ribs.

Ignore him Martha, he has no boundaries.

It's fine, Martha said for the second time, but this time around, she had a smile on her face.

Listening to their squabbles and teasing was relaxing, and humorous at the same time, and she could feel the warmth of their affection for each other beginning to seep through her bones.

Hey, how was dinner? she smiled up at Hugo as he sat in his seat opposite her.

Good. Belle's friend brought us to the staff lounge for pizza, he raised his eyebrows at her, and she looked surprised.

Pizza! In the staff lounge! Nice going Belle.

What? Pizza? Where? Aden demanded, noticing that his stomach was growling hungrily.

Ahh.. yeah, we had some. But it was gone before I could grab a few slices, Belle's own stomach tumbled, guessing that Aden wouldn't be happy to hear they'd been in the staff lounge.

But surprisingly, he didn't ask anything more about the food, and instead, changed the topic to their first day itinerary.

Belle breathed out a sigh of relief, glancing across at Geoff as the plane began to taxi down the runway once more, preparing for the second leg of the flight, straight to Shannon.

Once there, they had to then catch another flight direct to Cork, but they only had fifty minutes to do that, so she suspected it would all be a bit of a rush.

I might grab some sleep, she turned into Aden, using his shoulder as a pillow, as she curled her slender legs up beneath her on the seat.

Yeah, do babe, he curved his arm tightly around her, supporting her as well, as he flicked on his tv, searching for something to watch.

Searching through the movie section, he spotted, "Slumgdog Millionaire" and pounced on it, having heard great reviews.

Martha, copying him, chose a chick flick, and settled back in her seat to watch it.

Meanwhile, from across the aisle, Hugo watched her out of the corner of his eye, admiring her shapely figure and slender legs.

Quit it, you incompetant fool, he ordered himself but it was useless.

He had long ago fallen for Martha's quick smile, and built-in genorousity, and couldn't deny it to himself any longer.

Up until a month or so ago, it had seemed he was doomed to a life of unrequited love, but then - there was the tragic accident on the beach, and Jack was taken from them forever.

Hugo hated thinking like this, like he was going to step into Jack's boots someday but, it's a possibility now, he reminded himself, and much as he didn't want to be wishing that it would happen, he just couldn't help himself.

And, coming to Ireland was Martha's idea, he reminded himself hopefully, though neglected of course to dwell on the fact that she was hoping to track down Jack's age-old ancestors. His great-great-something or other was supposedly Irish, and Martha wanted to find his roots.

But she did ask you to come along with her, that nagging voice continued in his head, and try as he might, Hugo simply couldn't quench the little flame of hope that was lighting in his heart, bobbing up and down with each smile that Martha sent his way.

And, she was completely ignorant to the emotions racing through him towards her.

Smiling, without knowing it, Hugo started when Martha suddenly looked at him, smiling back, and he froze, eyes searching for something to say when, less than two seconds later, she looked away again and returned to her movie.

Hugo buddy, he thought with a sinking heart, you're in this one for the long run.

Lest he land himself in near hot water again, Hugo flicked aimlessly through the television channels, settling at last on an episode of "Law and Order" that he'd already seen, and instead, let his mind wander onto fantasties of having Martha at his side.

After all, they said that Ireland was the land of hopes and dreams and wishes, so maybe, just maybe, some of its magic would be bestowed on him.

Geoff and Nicole were on his left, hand in hand, as Nicole began to drop off, her head drooping lightly onto his shoulder.

Geoff, watching his girlfriend as she slept, berated himself for his traitorous thoughts.

He just knew coming on this trip had been a mistake, but when Nicole had suggested it, he hadn't had the willpower to resist.

That, and the fact that he wanted to keep an eye on Jeffries. The incidient in the airport with Joey and Charlie had proved to Geoff just how unreliable Aden really was.

True, Belle didn't see it, he admitted to himself ruefully. But the day would come when she did, and Geoff was prepared to be there for her at that time. Perhaps then...

His mind drifted off, unaware that John was sitting down the rear of the plane, on a break, and thinking of the same people as Geoff had been.

He'd only just met them, but already it seemed like it was destiny that they should have come across one another. And he was determined not to lose that connection without a fight.

... to be continued.

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Nice stuff.Thanks for clarifying the state of play between Hugo and Martha, I was trying to work out if they were a couple or not.Geoff so wants Belle...But I'm sure it's in an innocent, non-threatening manner.Not so sure about John on the other hand...

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Why does Geoff always make things hard for himself, he always wants the person he can't have.

-He wanted Nicole when she was with Elliot

-He wants Belle when she is with Aden

-He wanted Claudia when she was on/off with Lachie

and lets not get started on his record in the bedroom...

I always thought Nicole was better for him anyway - hope he realises that, if he does want Belle in a romantic way after all (feigning ignorance) :lol:

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Just caught up with this fic from the beginning, and just simply wow! :D I'm already loving it like crazy. I have to say that you're probably the only person who's written about Ireland and an Ireish character and got me speaking in the accent without [much] embaressment :lol::P

Poor Aden so far, though. Especially at the airport sercurity checks :( But I'm glad that John helped them out. I don't want to hate him, but I can't help but to be wary of him. Esp after what Rosie said in the last chapter about the other girl... <_<

Cannot wait for more! I really hope that Aden doesn't screw up and proves Geoff right...

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