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An Irish Summer

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Thank you rocknroll, mizzybee, tessalove, jdoddy, taniya_k, redranger1, emmajane123 and lino for reading!

I'm interested to see that everyone's quickly turning against John; don't give up on him just yet. And glad that ye're all enjoying the accent readings. I've always though it's a shame that H&A hasn't had any Irish characters - especially as they have such a huge contingency of Irish fans. I know Liam Murphy is an irish name but that's about as far as it goes....!

next chapter should be up within the next hour! :)

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I love the name Roisín - it was lovely to see it used. My new little niece is called Roisín :D

Any idea yet whether they'll make it to see me in Laois when they finally get here? :wink::lol:

LOL! I hadn't planned on including Laois seeing as I've never been there and so know nothing about it, but .. maybe i'll do some research .. we'll see. There will definitely be some familiar landmarks popping up that we Irish should know! ;-)

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I love the name Roisín - it was lovely to see it used. My new little niece is called Roisín :D

Any idea yet whether they'll make it to see me in Laois when they finally get here? :wink::lol:

LOL! I hadn't planned on including Laois seeing as I've never been there and so know nothing about it, but .. maybe i'll do some research .. we'll see. There will definitely be some familiar landmarks popping up that we Irish should know! ;-)

Have you ever been to Dublin? People from Cork going to Dublin have to pass through it.

If they do come to Laois, they can stay in my place :wink:

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i LOVE Laois.. it's such a great place!

Ireland has everything

somewhere to ride to horses, shopping, great views, friendly people and just great in general!

i have family all over the place in Ireland.. it's great for travel and having people to stay with(that have horses) x

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Chapter 7

Aden yawned, stretching out fully. Nicole really was a genius for grabbing these emergency exit seats, he thought, shooting her a glance to which she was oblivious, fast asleep and snoring lightly.

She'd be disgraced if she knew, he laughed silently.

The Princess always claimed she didn't snore, but this would be a perfect chance to prove it to her.

Excusing himself past Belle and Martha, Aden opened the overhead locked gingerly, glad when nothing fell out on him, and slipped his camera out of the side pocket.

Crouching in the aisle then, he turned it on, zooming in on Nicole's peacefully sleeping face, and grinned when a particularly loud snore entered the camera speakers.

Aha, score, Aden was crowing to himself joyfully when another voice spoke up just behind him, sounding decidedly less amused.

Not the nicest action for you to take.

It grated on his ears and woke Nicole at the same time.

She glanced around her groggily, and, seeing Aden with the camera still fixed on her and the red light flashing to signal that it was recording, released a shriek that broke through the eardrums of all those in front of her.


Lunging across Geoff, she grabbed at the camera, fingertips hitting against it with just enough force to knock it out of Aden's hands.

Falling, the camera whacked against Geoff's tray-table, and clear pieces of plastic from the lens on the the front sprinkled over the floor.

NICOLE! Aden roared in practically the same breath as her own squeal of anger.

Throwing himself forwards, he leaned one arm across feet as Hugo and Geoff both drew theirs back to allow him more room.

Fingers grasped the camera, drawing it out towards him eagerly, but to his shock and dismay, saw that the front had completeld shattered into shards. When he tried to turn it on, the lens failed to rise out, and no green light lit up.

Noooo! he snarled, getting to his feet and whirling to face John.

This is all your fault, he poked a finger into John's chest.

Not my fault, John disaggred impassively, a frown beginning to grace his forehead.

Though I'd advise you to stop your actions, sir.

I will not, Aden was growing angrier by the second. If you hadn't gone and woken her, she'd never have known!

Perhaps you shouldn't have been videoing her just to get a rise from her, John back-answered immediately, struggling to keep his temper under control.

To calm himself, he changed silently, the customer is always right. The customer is always right.

Yeah, Nicole fired verbally from her seat. You shouldn't have been videoing me in the first place Aden, it just serves you right!

What's happening? Belle's head popped up over the seat, having only just become aware to the situation when Martha nudged her.

She'd been watching "Marley and Me", with headphones on.

Spying John and Aden face to face, she couldn't help but let out a groan.

What's wrong now?

He broke my camera! Aden turned to her with narrowed eyes.

You did what?! Belle exclaimed at John, who rolled his eyes to heaven.

He, was videoing her, he jerked his head at Nicole. I suggested that it was bad form, and she woke up. Knocked the camera from his hands, and it broke.

He shrugged. Not my problem.

You knew what you were doing all along! Aden exclaimed. Don't try to play the innocent with me.

If you will sir, John became aware of a curious queue forming before him. Return to your seat. You will notice that the seat belt sign is on, and so you are not allowed to be out of your seat at this time.

Aden's jaw dropped, smouldering wordlessly at this new insult, but Hugo was standing up by this stage too, and clapped him on the shoulder.

Better do as he says, ey Aden? he suggested in a firm voice.

We can sort your camera later.

Aden cut his eyes at John, but did as Hugo said, clambering back stiffly over Martha and Belle to collapse heavily in his own seat, still clutching the remains of his camera.

Can't you guys cut us a break? Belle knew she shouldn't say anything but she couldn't resist.

Crying out loud! Aden turned his shoulder to her, staring out the window. My camera's broken Belle. I really don't give a da*n if your newfound friend is upset with me.

Rubbing his shoulder gently, Belle nodded.

It's just another bad start to the holiday, but we'll get you a new camera in Ireland, she said reassuringly, waiting for a response from Aden but he didn't bother.

Knowing he was likely to stay in this mood for a while, and part of her knowing that it was permissable seeing as his camera had just been broken, she sighed, and put her seatbelt on again.

Martha and Hugo exchanged glances, getting the gist that this holdiay might not be quite as relaxing as they had first thought.

Hugo in particular was worrying about Martha.

Originally, it had seemed like the perfect idea; he and Aden usually got on just fine, and Belle and Martha had the possibilities to get on like a house on fire.

Geoff and Nicole, had both originally seemed immature to his eyes, but from what they'd seen so far today, it looked like the tables were turning on that remark.

Nicole slumped in her seat, tired of being on board now, and eager to get off the plane.

Feeling the weight of Geoff's staring at her, she growled under her breath.

It wasn't my fault, alright? she hissed at him, sending a glare in his direction.

I didn't say it was, he shrugged at her, but she could read what he was thinking in his eyes.

You're blaming me, she accused.

Actually, I'm not.

He glanced around him before adding.

It's that John fellow. I don't trust him, he whispered to his girlfriend.

Nicole rolled her eyes.

You guys are always overreacting, she berated him.

No, it's not that, Geoff insisted.

I mean, you heard Rosie say that he had come to find us earlier on, for pizza. And don't you think it's strange how he keeps popping up everywhere, at just the wrong time?

Well, he did get Aden out of trouble at security earlier, Nicole pointed out, and he nodded reluctantly.

And he broke up the impending fight by the gates board, she reminded him, and he nodded again.

But there's still something... I can't put my finger on it.

Oh you boys. It'll be fine Geoff. We'll get off the plane, and never see him again, Nicole slipped her arm through his, and placed a kiss on his cheek.

You'll see.

He nodded a final time, still unsure, but hoping that Nicole was right.

Glancing at his watch, he saw that there was just one hour left in the journey, and was immensely thankful.

I can't wait to land, he voiced, and she squealed again, but quietly this time.

I know, me too! she agreed excitedly. Once we're off this freakin' plane anyway!

Cuddling her to him, Geoff smiled at her fondly.

It'll be good, once we get off the ground.

Geoff, we've been off the ground for nearly twenty four hours, I want to get back on it, she moaned, and he couldn't help but laugh.

You're a tonic, Nic, and she smiled happily, not entirely sure what it mean to be a 'tonic' but taking it as a good thing.

The captains voice came over the air at that moment, announcing that they had less than an hour to landing time at the Irish airport, and the Summer Bay gang grinned at each other, their excitement building.

Belle hugged Aden's unwielding arm to her. She was sure that once they landed, everyone would be in a better mood.

They were just tired now, and grumpy because of it.

I love you, she whispered to Aden, who turned slightly to smile at her, his lips beginning to curve.

And I love you babe, for putting up with an old grump like me, his arms went around her shoulders again though the smile never reached his eyes.

She knew he was still upset over the camera breaking, but they'd buy him a new one, and things would go back to normal as soon as they were finished traveling by plane.

At least, she hoped so.

... to be continued.

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