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An Irish Summer

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Chapter 8

The Summer Bay gang stood in a queue, glad to be near to stretching their legs as they waited impatiently for the doors of the plane to open.

C'mon, c'mon, how much longer is it gonna take, Nicole moaned, jumping from leg to leg in the small space.

She'd been needing to go to the toilet for the past fifteen minutes, but to her disgust, when she went to use the onboard toilets, the crew had told her that they were too close to landing time and she had to be in her seat.

I was hardly likely to fall down the toilet, she huffed in annoyance, squeezing her legs together tightly.

If they don't let you off soon, I think they'll be wishing you did, Geoff answered nervously, taking her knapsack off her.

Here, I'll carry this for you Nic, so you can get there as quick as possible once we offload.

She offered him a quick smile, then went back to moaning quietly.

Maybe they'll think she's pregnant and get her a skip to the top of the queue, Aden called over with a grin.

Shut up Jeffries, Nicole shot back, and Geoff glanced over.

Hardly helpful, Aden, he said mildly.

Yeah, like you're doing a great job of distracting her Campbell.

Guys, guys, quit it, Belle held out her hands between them.

She was inbetween the two boys, and Hugo and Martha waiting patiently behind them.

You okay? Hugo spoke softly in Martha's ear, and she turned, looking a little surprised, but nodded at him with a soft smile.

Looking forward to getting off this plane, she admitted, and he laughed.

Fancy sitting apart from the kids on the next flight? he teased her playfully, heart almost stopping when she nodded.

Leaning back to him, Martha whispered in his ear, I feel like a chaperone on a school kids trip!

Yeuch, Hugo made his displeasure known at such an idea.

There'll be no chaperoning of that lot.

He wrinkled his nose at that idea too.

I don't want to know what they'd get up to.

She laughed, slugging him gently.

Oh sssh you.

YES, we're moving! Nicole squealed up ahead as the queue began to inch forwards slowly.


Just over an hour and a half later, they were all sitting down again, on the filght for Cork.

I can't believe we're back on a plane, Nicole moaned and Aden sighed loudly.

Geoff, how do you put up with all that whinging in your ear? he inquried rudely, and Nicole gave him the finger.

Nicoele! her boyfriend exclaimed.

What?! You should be giving out to Aden for what he said about me!

Oh yeah, Princess, 'cause you're so golden, Aden sneered.

Belle, caught in the middle, sighed loudly.

This plane was far smaller, and in her views, Martha and Hugo had escaped nicely.

Nicole was in by the window, with Geoff beside her, and Belle next to Geoff.

Then, across the aisle, sat Aden, beside Hugo and Martha next to the opposite window.

Okay babe?

Aden reached across the aisle and took her hand, running his thumb over the back of it.

She smiled at him gratefully, and squeezed back.

If you guys would stop bickering, my life would be perfect, she assured him with a grin.

Excuse me sir, I need to ask you to stop blocking the aisle, John spoke up loudly, barricaded from getting past because of Aden's arm.

A glare appeared on his face, but Belle squeezed his hand again, and then let it go, silently asking him not to retaliate.

After a pause, he did so, retracting his hand silently to allow John pass.

Surprised by the silence with which he did so, John waggled his eyebrows at Belle, as though to say "what's up with him?"

But this time his joking manner failed to work with Belle, who allowed him a cool smile and then looked away.

It did seem that he was deliberately knocking on Aden, which made no sense.

Rolling her eyes conspiratorially at Aden, she reached over to him on purpose, taking his hand this time.

Belle, he started to say, but she shushed him with a finger to her lips.

We're hardly causing anybody any harm.

Her simple logic did made perfect sense, and Aden, relieved that she wasn't snapping at him this time, smiled back, holding her hand contentedly.

Further up the plane, John pulled into the emergency seats, which the Bay gang hadn't been able to get a hold of for this flight, in order to let Sian past.

She and Peggy were the other two hostesses on the flight, along with John.

As he made to step out into the aisle again, something caught his eye and he half-turned back, catching a brief glimpse of Aden and Belle's swinging hands, joined over the aisle.

An intense sulk suddenly rose up within him that they had deliberately disobeyed his orders.

Even as he watched, he thought that Sian was forced to come to a halt because of them, although this was just because the passenger in two rows ahead asked for assistance with opening a bottle of water.

And I thought you were nice, Belle Taylor, John said aloud, having looked at her boarding pass.

Aden said something which made Belle through her head back in laughter, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene.

Just then, Sian passed by them, and said something, bringing a grin to Aden's face. But as he looked up at her, he caught sight of John staring at them, and the smile faded.

Glancing across to Belle, John saw him say something, and then Belle too, stared up at John without the hint of a smile on her face before turning her sights back on her boyfriend again.

The two laughed, and John felt a blush creep up the back of his neck.

They were laughing at him.

Turning abruptly, he didn't see the rather overweight chap in front of him and walked straight into him, causing the passenger to fall to the ground with a shout of surprise.

Back in their seats, Aden and Belle heard the muffled echo, and looked up from their laughter for a moment, but could only see John's back.

Returning to their conversation, Belle teased, you seriously thought I had eyes for John?

She giggled delightedly as he shifted in his seat.

Well you two did seem to hit it off, he pointed out uncomfortably, lowering his voice, aware that the walls had ears especially on an airoplane.

And, I dunno, it seemed like there was something there, he shrugged.

The laughter died in Belle's eyes.

Aden, she answered earnestly, craning her neck until she could look him in the eyes.

We're on the holiday of a lifetime. I came all this way to Ireland with you. I'm not about to make off with the first guy that makes eyes at me, and besides, she shrugged as well.

I thought he was just being friendly.

Aden raised his brows at this, looking at her pointedly, and she sighed.

Okay, okay, Belle threw her hands up in the air.

Maybe he was flirting, just a little, but, I love you Ade.

At that precise moment, Nicole began gagging violently, and Belle turned to her in consternation.

Nicole?... Her question dangled in mid air.

Oh God, she's gonna get sick! Aden exclaimed, cowering back in his seat, a displeased expression on his face.

Yeah, you two are making me sick! Nicole retorted, wrinkling her nose pertly.

Oh I love you. NO I love you, NO I love YOU, she mimicked them mockingly.

Save it for the bedroom, thanks guys.

You're just jealous, Aden replied with a grin, as Belle looked relieved that Nicole wasn't actually getting sick.

With no response from Geoff, Aden looked at him, and his grin widened.

Geoff was fast asleep.

Especially 'cause your boyfriend is asleep, and you've nobody to croon to, he jeered playfully.

Whilst Aden was known for his non-too-rare slight bullying of Geoff, he and Nicole had a special bond, which it seemed existed only between the two of them.

Belle sometimes felt jealous of this connection though she tried not to.

It's not like anything could ever happen between them, she tried to convince herself as she tuned out the sound of Aden and Nicole squabbling happily.

Sure that they were driving the others mad, Hugo leaned forwards.

Hey, kids! Keep it down over there. Some of us, he indicated himself and Martha, are trying to sleep!

Sorry Hugo, Aden sat back with a grin still in place on his face.

Yeah, you should be sorry, Nicole shot over loudly.

Sorry Hugo, she added rapidly in a pleasing tone.

Aden has a personality flaw on airplanes. It causes him to act like a gorilla. Nothing new there, she shrugged delicately. He does look like one.

Normally Nicole's remarks were cutting to the extreme, but as this pathetically lame gag, both Aden and Hugo raised their brows, looking at one another and then at Nicole.

Sensing their disappointment, she sighed dramatically.

We've been on planes for over a day, she pointed out, flicking hair back over her shoulder.

I can hardly be expected to be at my best.

Sniggering like two little boys over this, Hugo and Aden began a whispered conversation, which, athough Nicole strained to hear, she couldn't.

Settling back with a sulk on her face, she stared straight her head, doing her best to convince them that she didn't care, and wasn't trying to listen anyway.

Belle smiled to herself, leaning her head down on Geoff's shoulder in an attempt to sleep.

[iThey only had an hour or so on this flight anyway, she reasoned with herself.

Might as well make the most of it.

Snuggling down, she realised that the next time she woke up, it would be to finally step outdoors on Irish soil, and the thought filled her with both excitement and fear.

Not long to go now, she closed her eyes over on Geoff's shoulder, drifting off slowly.

... to be continued.

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