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An Irish Summer

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John... <_< I'm not liking him at all!!

Other than that, brill updates! I want to go in depth, but my battery is running out, so basically, FANTASTIC! I loved Aden trying to take pics of Nicole, and their banter :lol: Loved Belle reaching out for Aden's hand [made me AOL :wub: ] even after John said not too. Even loved that ending wit Belle's head on Geoff's shoulder. I dunno why, but considering where Geoff's thoughts and feeling about her are, it makes it interesting :lol:

Cannot wait for more!


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thanks everyone for the responses ... I'm pleased that you're all enjoying the banter between Nicole & Aden; I think the writers on the show do such a great job with it, it's hard to recreate it for fan fic purposes [although writers like louise, taniyak, and a couple others never seem to have issues like that ;)]

next chapter coming soon, hopefully later today x

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Thank you everyone for being so patient; I'm not sure what possessed me to try and write two fics at the same time ;)


Oh my God, Nicole whined, teeth chattering incessantly.

I thought someone said it was summer here!

It is Nic, Geoff answered distractedly, keeping a firm hand on his belongings whilst casting a wary eye about.

Ireland was reputed for being a very religious country but he was sure they had just as many thieves here as anywhere else.

Then why's it so cold! This is like an ice age summer! she continued moaning.

I dunno, probably 'cause it's night time, he offered a seemingly logical solution.

She only huffed out a mouthful of air, blowing her hair up off of her face.

Okay, Aden, acting as the man in charge, turned to Hugo.

We've prebooked our taxi to take us to, um, Jurys! I presume you're all staying in the same place? he spoke sardonically.

Um, yeah, but we didn't prebook, Hugo answered, ruffling his messy hair with a hand.

Look, there's a row of cabs over there, Martha pointed up to their right where a queue of multi-hued cars were waiting. Each had a luminous yellow "TAXI" sign on the roof.

The Summer Bay gang were standing just outside the arrival doors of Cork Airport.

Upon arrival, each had been seriously astounded at just how small it all was.

Like a dolls house, Belle'd commented, squeezing Aden's hand with barely disguised glee.

Yeah, no wonder we couldn't fly straight from Hong Kong, he answered, looking all around.

Our plane wouldn't even fit on the run way, let alone land on it!

It took them less than twenty minutes to collect their luggage and go through passport control which ahd seemed like a miracle in itself.

So what now? Martha finished fiddling with the clasp on her bag, having finally gotten it to close, and looked up at the men.

Let's the four of us, Hugo indicated himself, Martha, Nicole and Geoff, grab a car and follow theirs to the hotel. Is it far away? he addressed Aden.

Aden shrugged.

It's a small country; how far away can it be, he responded with a grin.

At that moment, a rather small man wearing a red waistcoat over a silver and black suit came up and coughed quietly at their side.

Yeah? Nicole turned a disinterested eye on him.

Excuse me ma'am, but I'm seeking out an Australian party under the name of Ms. Belle Taylor. I couldn't help but hear your accents, and I wonder, pray, might it be you?

Belle Taylor? That's me, Belle replied, slightly taken aback.

Are you our cab driver? Aden questioned, wondering why the man wasn't holding a board with their names.

He too was confused.

I did book it under my name, I'm sure of it, he thought to himself.

The little man bowed neatly before them.

Well then, if I could just see some form of identification please, he spoke rather tentatively, btu there was something gentile about his quiet manner.

Oh, of course, Belle began to dig in her hand bag, withdrawing her passport within seconds.

He took it, and examined the identification page whilst Geoff shot him a suspicious look, half expecting him to disappear in a puff of smoke and take the passport with him.

Everything's in order. If you could just follow me this way please, he bobbed again, and then turned on his heel.

Glancing at each other, Aden said, okay guys, if ye want to go grab another cab and follow us so?

But their driver heard him, and turned back around with a cheery smile.

There'll be no need for that sir, he bowed yet again.

I can take you all to your destination.

You can? Aden and Nicole spoke at the same time, whilst glancing at the cars around them.

They all looked like they would carry no more than six people at most, and they had that in their own group, discounting the driver.

He smiled mysteriously, and bowed once more.

Yes, sir, ma'am. If you could just follow me this way please.

Becoming more confused, and wary, by the second, the group tagged after him as he moved purposefully past the stream of taxis.

Moves fast for a little guy, doesn't he, Geoff half-whispered to Nicole.

The little man peered over his shoulder and shot Geoff a wink.

Ah, tis the leprechaun blood in me, he explained over his shoulder without ever stopping.

Geoff came to a halt.

I whispered that! How did he hear me? he exclaimed in a loud whisper, causing their driver to send him a cheeky grin again.

Mate, Hugo clapped a hand down on his shoulder. They can hear you back on the plane right now.

Geoff looked suitably disgruntled at this, but started moving again, narrowing his eyes as he watched the lilting gate of the little suited man in front of him.

Eventually they came to the end of the taxis, and to their amazement, the little man came to a stop beside a gleaming black stretch limousine.

Ignoring their stares and dropped jaws, he bent to open the passenger door, standing with one hand on the door handle after doing so.

Your carraige, he indicated them to climb in.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Aden stepped forwards with his hands up.

I'm afraid there's been some kind of mistake. I ordered just a regular taxi, for just two people, that's it. We can't afford something like this, he waved a hand at the limo.

No problem sir! the little man beamed at him delightedly.

I assure you there is no cost attached to this. That has already been taken care of.

What? By whom! he questioned immediately, glancing at Belle with raised eyebrows.

She shook her head immediately, and looked at Geoff the same way, who shrugged.

Ah, the little man tapped a finger to his nose.

I couldn't be telling you that now, sir, but if you would, please, and we'll sooner be on our way to your destination.

I'm happy with this arrangement! Nicole stepped fowards with a bright smile, pulling her case with her.

Whoa, whoa, Nic, wait, Geoff stretched out a hand to her, catching her by the elbow and halting her progress.

What? she looked at him in clear annoyance, and then back at the limo with a look that could only be described as sheer longing.

How do we know it's not a scam? he questioned her, and then looked almost apologetically at the small driver.

Just that, I mean, you keep saying 'destination' as though you dont know where we're headed, and, I know you knew Belle's name, but the airline could have sold you that.

Geoff! Nicole couldn't have looked more affronted at his implications.

'Tis alright ma'am, shur isn't he well to question the actions of a kindly stranger, the little man assured her shock.

Looking straight at Geoff, he answered with another clear smile, Sir, you're going to Jurys, where you have booked for three rooms, one by the name of Aden Jeffries, another under Roman Harris, and a third from Martha Holden.

Silence followed his speech.

Aden, firstly, looked shocked at the mention of Roman, who had been a father figure to him, but was now in prison, for a misdeed that occurred during his time with the SAS.

Hugo, too, had a pained expression on his face, upon hearing Martha's surname. Whilst it made sense, he had somehow assumed that she had returned to her maiden name now that Jack was gone. The Holden surname held so many implications within it.


It was the word that was on all their lips.

But their driver only shrugged, an enigmatic smile on his face.

'Fraid I can't be telling you sir, but someone wanted to make a good impression on Ireland's behalf for when yourselves arrived. Now, if you would, please, he indicated the limo again.

Stunned into silence, they acquisced, climbing in one by one, whilst the little man ran back and forth, heaving their heavy luggage into the spacious boot without a murmur or a groan.

Belle was fascinated watching him, at the sheer strength that he seemed to have in his upper body.

He looked at her as he put the last case in the boot, before slamming down the trunk, and she blushed lightly as he raised the tip of his flat cap at her.

Ducking, she was the last to climb into the spacious car, and settled down on the couch running beneath the rear window next to Aden.

Nicole and Aden were sitting opposite them, in what seemed like a very far away couch, and Nicole and Martha were opposite each other, as it had been to awkward to sit next to each other.

Mainly beacuse the others were all in couples.

Whistling to himself, the driver came around to shut Belle's door.

As he did so, someone walking past stopped and stooped to peer in.

Fancy ride, John smiled in at them, his face appearing from nowhere.

The chatter in the car stopped immediately, everyone looking first at Belle, to whom John's eyes were fixed, and then at the newcomer himself.

Aden opened his mouth, about to respond, but John beat him to it.

Enjoy it, he smacked the roof lightly.

Must be somebody nice got it for you, he winked at Belle, and then with a wave, went on his way, having closed the door over himself.

The car started then, suddenly, with a low purring sound, and began to move away, driving out of its park and onto the road leading out of the airport.

Inside the limousine, they were all still sat in stunned silence.

In the end, it was Aden who spoke first, turning to Belle with a look that mixed between disgust and horror, and said, John? with an expression on his face that suggested he had a nasty taste in his mouth.

They all knew he was reffering to the present of the car.

It couldn't have been, Belle argued back helplessly.

I mean, why woudl he - and how would he know all our names?

Our tickets, Geoff spoke up from the other end of the car, raising his voice so that they could hear him.

He looked at yours, he could probably see them all on the machine, he pointed out.

I knew it! Aden spat.

Does it really matter? Nicole spoke up.

So what if he did; it's just a pipe dream if he wants to impress Belle. And hey, we get the benefit of a stretch.

Her hand stroked the smooth leather dreamily.

That's not the point, Nic, he shouldn't have done it.

We don't know that he did.

Who else would have Nicole! Aden rounded on her suddenly.

Of course it's John, who else would it be!

Nicole fell back against her seat, silenced by the intensity of the anger in Aden's tone.

Guys, guys, Hugo intervened, sensing an imminent fight.

Let's leave it for now. Ireland isn't as small as you think. The likelyhood of us running into him again is minimal I should think. After all, he doesn't have any of our contact details, right?

He looked about the group, all of whom shook their heads silently.

Well then. Hugo was satisfied with these answers.

Let's just sit back and enjoy the ride, eh?

He smiled across at Martha, who returned the clear smile.

Yes, let's, she agreed in her throaty voice.

This is a first for all of us; let's not spoil it by squabbling.

Geoff nodded reluctantly, though he still felt uneasy about the situation.

Aden continued to smolder silently, and Belle could feel the dissatisfaction emanating from him. But her own mind was filled with slightly worried anxieties as to why John had ordered the limo for them, and what he expected in return.

In the drivers seat, their chaffeur sang to himself under his breath,

twas a day in may,

twas a fine day,

there's going to be a wedding

i hear them say....

.... to be continued!

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Oooh, I wonder who it was! I bet it really was John! <_< And if that's right, then I wonder what he does want in return...

Great chapter, as always, though! :D Loved every word of it, esp the Irish ones! :P

Cannot wait for more!

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I have an awful feeling that john is gonna be some psycho stalker or something <_< Do NOT like him one bit!

Apart from him unnerving me, i loved it as per!! :D I love how you write all their thoughts and their actions, just brill chick

Cant wait for more

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