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I agree with everything you've said. :rolleyes:

I was thinking that Sid if he did develope feelings for Nicole the storyline would be like a "forbidden" love thing as in we as the veiwers would know it is wrong. A bit similar to the Angus/Rachel storyline in Neighbours.

Yeah, I have read that Nicole gets feelings for him but my guess is, is that now that Roman's gone she kind of looks to him in a fatherly way and shes confused those feelings for something else.

I would love for a Niff reunion, they both care for each other but I don't think that they should get together out of comfort after Belle's death. Give it another month when things have cooled down.

Hmmm, it's obvious that Leah is playing the "I like you but I'll pretend I don't out of my own Pride" act.


I agree with your comments on both Niff and Leah -

and just to explore the Niff idea further I think they won't get together 'in the moment' but because of their current relationship and the support they will give each other [assuming they will support each other] they will realise that they are perfect for each other and need to give it another chance - because life is too short and all that emotive, tear-jerking jazz

As for Leah, she is denying her feelings because of his history with women

but that will fade sooner than summer bay sunburn.

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All I really see in the Sid/Nicole thing is a fatherly concern on Sid's part for Nicole, the girl he picked up from the party when she was desperate to go to the city to see her dad. From that first interaction, he would know she is missing her father desperately and lacks a father figure in her life at the moment. I honestly do not think that he is taking any romantic interest in her at all. I think that would come from Nicole's part. She sees him as reliable, stable, strong - everything that Roman was, and everything she needs in her life at the moment given the events of recent times.

Maybe Sid's role in helping Nicole turn her life around makes him realise the important things in his own life - his family - and this becomes the catalyst for the Walkers going back to the city and reuniting with their mother. It could make him recognise the compassionate side to him, which we have already seen glimpses of - when he arranged for Rachel to get Belle out of the hospital, and also with Charlie when he realised the sensitivity of raising the caesar scar in front of Ruby.

I really hope they don't turn it into a mutual romantic storyline as we have seen it done many times on the show before.


I don't see it being romantic interest on his behalf either. Fatherly yes, romantic no.

I'm wondering if Sid is going to be Leah's new love interest. Which opens up another angle when Nicole finds out and is heartbroken. How does she handle Leah, when Leah was her Dad's partner and was there for her when he was in the accident. Now Leah has gone and taken the man she wanted for herself.


I don't see it being romantic interest on his behalf either. Fatherly yes, romantic no.

I'm wondering if Sid is going to be Leah's new love interest. Which opens up another angle when Nicole finds out and is heartbroken. How does she handle Leah, when Leah was her Dad's partner and was there for her when he was in the accident. Now Leah has gone and taken the man she wanted for herself.

Thats another way to look at a possible Slid/Lid/Leah&Sid pairing (whatever!) - maybe it could lead into a heart to heart with Geoff and.. and :wub:

[sorry, keep getting carried away with the whole Niff pairing]

I have already expressed my opinion on a Nicole/Sid mutual relationship but just wanted to add my two cents to the quoted post... because that is the way I see the storyline unfolding.. although, something inside me is saying that nothing could really come of any romantic angles involving Sid as he is currently a guest - moving back to the City when Rachel returns to her job (i guess)

although, with all this

Baby Harry Kidnap Fiasco

that could be a while longer than the usual maternity leave.

Posted (edited)

Yes, The Walkers are all only guest characters.

I don't like Sid at all. He seems rather sleazy. I just get that vibe from him, especially when he is around Nicole.

But in saying that, I like Robert Mammone. :)

Edited by john003au

I so hoped that Sid wouldn't be a guest. The way he and Lea are going at each other, its so obvious that they will get together. And i don't want leah to get someone only to loose him again. She deserves someone long term.


Ok, so it came to my attentian that there wasn't a "Sid Thread" - Well not to my knowledge so if there is one please point it out.

Anyway, this is kind of like the character discussion but since he hasn't hit the UK yet, well atleast I don't think so :unsure: I thought I'd add it to the spoiler thread.

Firstly I don't get why people think the new Doc is smoking hot :blink:

Secondly, is it me or does he have a habbit of stalking Nicole down and watching her from a distance??? =/ I :blink: I'm sensing that HAA are going to do a storyline on it were Sid gets feelings for Nicole and vise-versa and its a big secret and hooohaaaa.... (like the Rachel/Angus storyline [neighbours]...)

But is that Just mee? :unsure:

And Third, Who names their kid Dexter????

OK so those are my thoughts, anyone else feel like contributing?

i thought that

theres definitely a relationship of some sorts brewing but i do think it could end up being of the rachel angus variety

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