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There's quite a difference between being camp and being gay. I think he's in danger of becoming a Mini-Miles as far as the camp thing goes. Still, early days yet.


  alreetlike said:
If anyone from the show is reading:

PLEASE make NewDex gay. He's so adorably camp, he would make a brilliant gay character.

I agree it would be nice for H&A to have a long term gay teen character. Dex would be a good choice. :wub:


I don't find Miles camp at all. Perhaps it's his rugged hair and drab clothing. I find Dexter to be more clean-cut so I do get that campiness from him. I could see Dexter being in a gay storyline, or possibly bullied for his difference and accused of being gay. That seems more fitting. The more I think about it though, he's nothing like Tom's Dexter who I didn't get "camp" from at all so it seems more to do with the actor than the character. Interviews on the official website show Charles to be quite similar to Dexter - if not more camp :lol: I do know the actor comes from a theatrical background so that may have a lot to do with it. Theatre actors tend to be over the top with acting in comparison to screen actors. I do like the character though. I see a lot of early Robbie in him, although that could probably be put down to the mere fact that both were far from the typical Summer Bay jocks we are used to.


No, I don't find Miles camp :blink: More a bumbling and alternative lifestyle, hippy type.

I think new Dex is funnier than old Dex, I'm always laughing at him e.g his impression of Indi fancying Romeo yesterday. HAA needs funny characters, its a shame Romeo and Xavier have stopped their comedy double act.

I really didn't find old Dex interesting at all, he was just... 'there'. A rather blank canvas :unsure:


The New Dexter is a vast improvement over the old - not the fault of the actors involved I hasten to add, but the Old Dexter had barely any personality at all. I do worry they they are in danger of over-doing some of the "humour" of the New Dexter though - it works in places, but think he needs to show another side to himself beyond relentless quirkiness.


  Nathan. said:
I see a lot of early Robbie in him

I thought that too... hopefully they dont go down the route they did with Robbie's character eg turning away from the comedy side and giving him depressing storyline on top of depressing storyline.

Agreed about the campness too - he's quite a refreshing character compared to all the unhappiness in the bay ;)


  Foxy said:
The New Dexter is a vast improvement over the old - not the fault of the actors involved I hasten to add, but the Old Dexter had barely any personality at all. I do worry they they are in danger of over-doing some of the "humour" of the New Dexter though - it works in places, but think he needs to show another side to himself beyond relentless quirkiness.


by the way, has anyone caught tom Green (old Dex) on Dance Academy? He is very very good for his age. He recently has been internally fighting over his sexuality


I have to say I don't really consider Dexter either camp or gay.I consider him geeky, which I don't really think is the same thing.It is possibly because of the difference between him and the other teens that he seems to give that impression, although thinking about it the rest of his age group, Jai and Xavier, weren't exactly butch either.I agree that it would probably be more interesting to have him accused of being gay because he's not a soccer jock than reinforcing the stereotype that anyone who isn't an alpha male must be a friend of dorothy.

The new Dexter seems like an improvement over the old one, which is perhaps mostly down to the writing, especially if Tom Green's still acting, I think if it was still him playing Dexter the character would possibly be just as good, although I think actors have to share some of the blame for playing ordinary material in an ordinary manner instead of trying to improve it.Before he was a very dull character who didn't seem to exist except to get in the way of what should have been a good storyline for Annie.(Her reaction to Belle's illness and death was mostly treated as an excuse for her to keep bumping into Dexter and having him comfort her.)There is a danger of him heading the other way and the writers trying too hard to make him interesting, most of the time he's been okay but there have been a couple of times when it's come across as forced and they've been trying to make him funny during a scene which doesn't really require it.


So, I dont know if it is too soon to talk about this considering the April/Xavier romance is still relatively young. But, I got a weird vibe when April, Dexter, April, and Indigo were talking about boxing, Dexter gave a small look to April and instantly said that he would join as well. We know from the TV Guide interviews with the new Dex, that he would get a love interest, but we dont know when. I really think that April/Dexter could have a connection. April and Bianca are suppose to be these international jet setters and the Walkers are obviously cultured/international from their first time in Summer Bay. It would be interesting, but I cannot stand for Xavier to be in another love triangle where he loses the girl, lol.


  Nathan. said:
I could see Dexter being in a gay storyline, or possibly bullied for his difference and accused of being gay. That seems more fitting.

I agree with this. It is something I would really like to see the show tackle. Dexter doesn't have to actually *be* gay for this to affect him. He isn't the typical 'surfer' type that we normally see around the Bay, which is probably why most of us can see the Robbie Hunter/Seth Cohen similarities. I like the use of his humour, but hopefully it doesn't go too over the top. There are certain characters/actor who can carry that kind of snarky humour all the time and I'm yet to decide if Dex is one of them. Having said that, I'm enjoying what he has to offer at the moment. He is definitely more vibrant than the last time, and ready to accept his dysfunctional family.

And anyone who quotes The Lion King is made of win in my book :D.

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