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Awwww Drew, he really likes her :wub:

I loved that she ditched Cassie to have dinner with Drew haha

Cant wait to see what happens with this party!

Cannot wait to


HA I loved it...

But can I sense a bit of jealousy in Cassie?

hmmmm, once again great!

“That depends,” Drew said.

“On what?” I asked, worried about what his demand may be.

“Whether my confirming that this is a date will result in me experiencing any unnecessary pain,” he said, smirking.

I surrendered my hands in the air, like I was calling a truce and Drew smiled before nodding,

“Then it’s a date.”

That bit was my favourite, made me laugh :D


That was brilliant!

Loved Belle asking wether it was a date or not

I wish Drew had of let her in....

Cant wait to see what happens at the party :D

Loved it! Cant wait to read more


this was my favorite bit

“Is this a date?” I asked suddenly.

Drew’s head shot up, the blank expression quickly removed from his face. It seemed that there was still a spark underneath. He was clearly surprised by my sudden question. Admittedly, it was rather random.

“What?” he spluttered, blinking many times and attempting to focus on my face.

I felt the blood surge from my heart up to my cheeks as he stared down at me.

“Well, I was just wondering if this is in fact a date, a real date, not just lunch between a two people of the opposite sex that might in fact seem like a date, even though it might not,” I clarified.

A familiar smirk crept over Drew’s face. The muscles around his mouth relaxing as the grey cloud began to clear.

He let out a strangled laugh,

“You are a strange girl.”

I furrowed my brow, attempting to decode what that actually meant.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

Drew just shrugged, before contemplating my original question.

“What would you constitute as a date?” he asked.

I pondered momentarily before answering,

“There are three simple rules,” I said.

“You have rules?” Drew asked sceptically.

I ignored his comment and began my list which I had composed in my head.

“Number one: It has to involve a set time. For example, lunch, dinner, or 8 o’clock.”

“Check,” Drew replied.

“Number two: The person who initiates the set time, is also in charge of allocating the activity which takes place during that time. For example, eating or the movies.”


“Number three: Both persons are aware and that the date is an official date. A date can’t be a date without the consent of both persons present.”


“So wait, are you saying this is a date?” I asked suddenly, realising that Drew had clearly check marked his approval to each of my rules.

“I guess if I say that this is a date and you agree, then it is in fact a real date,” he said, his voice light and conversational.


“That depends,” Drew said.

“On what?” I asked, worried about what his demand may be.

“Whether my confirming that this is a date will result in me experiencing any unnecessary pain,” he said, smirking.

I surrendered my hands in the air, like I was calling a truce and Drew smiled before nodding,

“Then it’s a date.”

great work jen absolutely loved it :) cassie's getting jealous :P



Loved it!

You don't go to so much effort for someone you don't even like but it's interesting to see Belle still denying that she like's Drew. I liked the bit at the end with Belle and Cassie's conversation.

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