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1988 Episode Discussion

Dan F

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  Ryan said:
It would appear I've got a dud copy then.

That copy in question evidently has been played around with, with scenes being cut and the wrong credits put on on purpose.....either that or the recording ran out and they tried to cover it up


Ah, so now we meet the missing scenes. My apologies to Seven again for accusing them of cutting them out. A strange episode, in the past week or so we seem to have move to a slightly different bay - a Bay where the McPhee's and the Barlow's are centre stage. Certainly in some cases it feels that foster family dynamic has been lost. Alf and Ailsa, Alf especially seems to have disappeared.

Definitely enjoy the freeze frame more than the after credits clip.


I find Alf's double-standards about town gossip and sticking one's nose into other people's business a bit strange.

Alf explodes into flames when ol' Vera for gossiping about this and that about other people's business, but in this episode (42), he sticks his bib in himself by commenting about the time of day in which Barlow purchases his six-pack, then saying (in his own judgmental way) life is too short to be doing business with blokes like him while taking the beer back off him.


Just complete this weeks scene counts - was about to say no one managed more than 3, but then I remembered to scroll along and Sandra appeared in 4 episodes. Very strange week though - with everyone appearing to be used sparsely.


Great to have the freeze-frame and first time we get to hear those crashing symbols! The recap bit after the credits made me cringe because they were so pointless and actually in some way resolved the cliffhangers sometimes!

Enjoying the Barlow storyline and Lance and Martin especially, I've laughed out loud a few times at Lance in the last couple of weeks! Sally has been funny too, being all bossy and seeing Lance as a kid really! There little friendship is memorable early years stuff.


The funniest thing about watching these episodes again is how distorted my perception of the early years had bacome.

I have always protested (rather vehemently) that the show was all about Tom/Pippa/Summerbay House and that it had been lost in recent years. Watching them again, it simply isnt true - its always been about the community, about all those who live there and what happens to them. And Tom & Pippa simply joined the community as opposed to starting it.

I am loving the episodes with Barlow- I'd forgotten how much violence was portrayed in these episodes and how raw and real it all seemed. Its great. :)


  angelstar1220 said:
......I am loving the episodes with Barlow- I'd forgotten how much violence was portrayed in these episodes and how raw and real it all seemed. Its great. :)

They still never showed any scenes of Barlow actually hitting Sandra or her mother. The closest we get is sounds of yelling and glass smashing, with Sandra being shown covering her ears in the other room.


I think sometimes not actually seeing what is going on when it comes to these sort of storylines, and only hearing it, seeing the after effects, makes it all the more eerie and 'raw'.


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